Diary of an Average Asian Girl Chapter 1

Diary of an Average Asian Girl Chapter 1

A Chapter by Rootastic

Katelyn gives an introduction


February 2013:

Every single year is the same. School ends and you're determined to make the most out of your summer and then school starts again and it's like "what happened to my summer?" Sorry, I tend to ramble. Now, I don't like long introductions, so let's get this over with. My name is Katelyn Tang. That's right. I'm Asian. Got a problem? Too bad. And let's get one thing straight: I'm not a typical stereotypical smart Asian. No. I wasn't born smart like my cousin was (he's now in computer science and graduated from the top university in China, like that's not a big deal. Psh. Psh. I could do that... Not.) I'm also an only child. Yeah yeah sometimes I do have a spoiled attitude, but give me a chance. I'm working on it. My favorite color is blue, I'm in 9th grade, I like being outdoors, I don't like homework and I have no tolerance for stupidity and all that icebreaker junk. I've been in 9th grade for a while now and let me just say that it's a huge slap in the face. I don't know, maybe it's just the stress talking but it's just been really rough lately. See, I've been balancing marching band (yes, I'm a band geek) and an after school sport. I would tell you what sport I'm doing, but I really don't see the point because I bet only about 1% of you will know what sport I'm talking about (let's just call it R for now). Anyway so yeah I'm a band geek and an athlete. How's that, college? Yeah, they don't care. You're kind of coming in the middle of things here, so let me just start from the beginning of summer. So I was finally on the varsity team for R and at first, I was really excited... But then I found out how much stress it is trying to direct people here and there and motivating them when they're all depending on you. I got yelled at... A lot. And I don't want to call myself a crier, because I'm usually not. But let me tell you something, this sport made me cry tears of almost every emotion. It's ridiculous. But this sport is almost ADDICTING. You can absolutely dislike it (I don't enjoy using the word hate) during the entire season, but in the end, you will be so happy that you did it and you end up doing it again. I guess part of that reason is because you meet new people who are pretty awesome. But don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean every single person on the team is nice. I mean, there are always those people, you know? The people who think they're better than everyone else and basically tries to turn it into a one-person sport. Please, those people are numbskulls. Their skull is numb. So yeah I was already having a bad start to my summer and plus I had to go to rookie band camp, which is a week of a real pain in the butt. But I did get to meet awesome people there. You can think whatever you want about marching band, but most people who are in it are pretty awesome and they're just so real and relateable. Most. Then there's that 10% that are either smokers, druggies, or have some kind of anger problem or are just plain annoying. Yeah, stay away from those people. Stay. Away. But I suppose that isn't very hard for me to stay away since most of those people are either percussionists/drumline or brass (sorry, but at least they are in our band). I play flute, in case you were wondering. Our section is pretty cool. But I'm the only freshman. I guess I don't really mind though. See, I'm pretty short and I was given pretty cute features on my face (hey, that's what I've been told. I'm not a narcissist) so people usually enjoy babying me. I don't really mind though. It's kind of nice being the center of attention sometimes. But I don't let other people know that, cause I mean that's just a self-centered thing to say, isn't it? You'll have to excuse my anti-social skills... It's kind of a weakness I have from not having any siblings to socialize with. I've always wanted an older sibling... I mean I kind of have a few in a way. One of my teammates, Ashley, who's a Junior is pretty much my sister. I adore her (relax, I'm not a lesbian). She just has all these traits that sometimes I wish I had. Sure, she might seem a bit intimidating to others, but I don't really think so. I mean, behind all those earrings and gages and that lip piercing, she's really a great person (no, seriously). You think I'm kidding, but I'm dead serious. Trust me, I used to be totally against people who had piercings and tattoos and dyed hair and all that stuff but after knowing her, I'm more open to that kind of stuff. She's always so calm and collective and has self-control, something I lack from time to time. And then there's also Abby, who's this senior in my flute section at marching band. She's pretty cool. She kind of took me under her wing, really. Lately, I've been going through this rough patch in my life and I've just had trouble sorting it out, but she tries to help me with that whenever I ask. Talya's my section leader and she's a great help. She's really caring and very genuine. She's like magic or something... I don't know what it is but she always knows what to say and she always seems to know what I'm thinking or when I have trouble expressing myself, she always knows what I mean and just totally understands. Sometimes I don't even need to communicate verbally to her and she'll know what I'm trying to say or what I'm feeling. It's almost scary... In the best way haha. You know what? While I'm at it, I'll just introduce you to the others in my section. There's also Grace, Carolyn, Julia, and Parker. So the seniors are Abby, Talya, and Grace and the juniors are Carolyn, Julia, and Parker. There aren't any sophomores, so basically, I'm the only hope for the flute section; another reason why I'm babied in my section. So where was I? Oh yeah... Freshman year sucks. It's so mentally exhausting and it can be so confusing because no one ever tells our class anything. Of course, the upperclassmen I know try to help me, but still. I guess I'll just have to get used to it. First semester just ended so I'm glad. I honestly can't wait to get out of here. I'm kind of stuck between wanting to leave and not wanting to grow old I guess. It just kind of sucks. I could be out travelling the world or discovering new things but instead I'm sitting in seven different classrooms in the period of eight hours. Crazy, right? But I suppose I shouldn't totally dis school. I mean, since I'm technically a kid to the nation, I don't have to worry about stuff like taxes and mortgage and paychecks and all that real-world adult stuff. Honestly, I am so scared. I have no idea what I want to do. I wanted to be a veterinarian but then vet school and possible medical problems and all that and then I thought about being a lawyer but law school and bleh. And then a wedding planner but then I'd have to live on a budget and all that. I've always wanted to be an actress, well, really a voice actress. But see, I have little background in acting besides my intro to acting class I just finished taking last semester. And also, being Asian, my parents have standards for me (yeah, that stereotype isn't going away any time soon). I mean, can you just imagine? "Mom, dad... I want to be an actress" "... WHY YOU NO DOCTOR?!" Ok, so I'm exaggerating a bit, but that's kind of how it is... Sigh... Not many people understand that. Except for people with parents with high standards... And I don't mean just Asians. You know how most Asians just find other Asians to be friends with? Yeah, I'm not like that. In fact, I can't STAND some of the other Asians at my school... Yet another problem that my parents see. They're just so snooty and stuff... And like I said before, I'm not that smart... They look down on me and it's embarrassing. Why would I want to hang out with those people? I have a pretty good rep going on... And don't laugh because I'm a band geek. I actually have a really good rep for a band geek. I know a lot of people in our school and I actually have more friends than the average band geek. So... Ha. Ugh, speaking of other Asians, my parents always have this constant need to compare me to other Asian kids and it really hurts, actually... "Well why don't you tell them how you feel?" Excuse me? Have you ever tried negotiating with Asian parents? Hellooooo? Yeah, that's what I thought. Sigh... Well I'm getting really tired so I guess that's all I have to say for today. Goodnight!

© 2014 Rootastic

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Added on February 5, 2014
Last Updated on February 5, 2014