Chapter 22

Chapter 22

A Chapter by Rockel Mansaray

Chapter Twenty-Two

The next morning, I impatiently waited for Wenn to wake up. When he did, I didn't even wait for him to sit up before I barreled him with questions. 

"Having a hangover of hell?"

He groaned. 

"God it sucks." 

"I bet it does." I answered back. "Seeming I had to get over it yesterday, while you were busy getting hammered. 

Wenn laughed then winced. 

"Ha, well at least we're even. You got drunk, I got drunk. It's a win win."

I shook my head. 

"So, is that why you wanted to go to some hipster party in the middle of the woods and get drunk out of your mind. Because you wanted to get even? Wow Wenn, I didn't think you looked up to me that much. I'm honored." 

Wenn shoved my playfully. 

"Yeah right, You're the lamest guy I know." 

"Other then yourself?" 

"Ha, yeah right." he rolled his eyes. 

"So okay," I say sitting on the floor beside him. "We've done the "your an idiot" part of this lame drunk out, now lets get on to the why's"

Wenn looked at me skeptically.

"We all know why you got drunk. You're obsessed with Fay, yatah, yatah, etc., etc. As for me, I got drunk merely to have fun."

"Sure you did." my words are laced with sarcasm. "And also, I'm not obsessed with Fay, I just happen to be... infatuated by her is all." 

"Well who wouldn't be? That chick is hot, capital H hot."

"Shut up, don't..."

"See." Wenn pointed out. "Obsessed."

I rolled me eyes.

"That's just because she is... I don't know, weird?"

"I think the word you're looking for is mysterious." 

I shake my head. "Sure. but that's not all. It's... complicated. She's complicated." 

"Well duh." Wenn got up suddenly and started towards the kitchen. "What do you have here to eat besides girly fruits and coffee?" 

"Sweet puffs, and apple sauce." I joke back. 

I roll my eyes as Wenn continued to search not only my fridge but cabinets too. 

"I'll settle for popcorn and pop tarts, you?" he asked looking back at me with both hands filled with my stuff. 

"Quit binjing and get away from my refrigerator." 

Wenn changed the subject. 

"So what did that guy say? The one lil' ole Thomas sent you to meet." 

I shake my head. 

"Not much that helped. He said he'd talk to 'ole Tom', but he also wants me to write some stupid extended letter to his boss, just to laze around." 

"Seems pointless to me." Wenn commented. "Seems like he's just using you for his own benefit."

"How is he any different from Tom? They're both using me. This is all just a bunch of bull." 

"And to think you had just started here a couple of months ago." Wenn added. 

"Ha, right. Pass me pop tart." 

Wenn complied. 

After getting settled down in the kitchen, Wenn continued. 

"So what's next on our little Bonnie and Clyde adventure." 

"Who the hell are you calling Bonnie and Clyde?" I retort. 

"God Dom, why do you have to have a tude with everything. Obviously your Bonnie and I'm Clyde. It makes perfect sense."

"Yeah, except for the part where it does." 

"Fine, batman and robin."

I shake my head.

"Elsa and Onna?" 

That one earned him a shove.

"Okay, whatever, just... what now?" he asked, giving up and going back to his original question.

"What else is there to do? We just work."

"Really?" Wenn sulked. 

"Yes really, now finish eating and move your dumb self out of my house."

"I can see that you mean that in the nicest possible way." Wenn remarked sardonically." 

"I'm glad you got the concept." 

I watch as Wenn gathered up all his "toys" and slowly approached the front door. Each step towards the door, he'd look back and give me his puppies eyes, which were really ugly so it had no affect on me.

"Leave Wenn." I tell him, annoyed. 

He pouted. 


He opened my door real slowly. 

"You sur--" 

"Yes Wenn, goodbye. See you at work tommorow." 

A smirk lightened his face all a sudden. 

"All right, I'll go but don't think I don't know how to break in here again." 

"Good luck with that, now be gone." 

Wenn rolled his eyes and stepped out.

"Whatever, later a*****e." 

With that said, the door shut behind him and I was left to myself and the quietness of my house. A tiny part of me wanted to call Wenn back in to avoid the empty eeriness of this house but, that feeling disappeared quickly. 

I walked towards my living room and sat down in a heap. Random thoughts floated around in my head. Starting with the guilt of losing it in a day bar. Then the fact that Tom is probably going to kill me on Monday. Out of all, the sound of Greg hitting Fay, haunted me the most. Different possibilities of how Fay could be coping is a difficult thing to imagine and If I could, I would have took her away from that hell hole of a engaged marriage. 

I laid my head in my hands in frustration. Fay is indeed mysterious, not only to me but herself. Yet, I can't help but want to protect her. It's a very strong urge that I can't ignore no matter what I do. I wonder when she'll ever call. 

I shake my head at myself. For now, I'll try to push her out of my mind, if not completely, then partially. My thoughts switch to Gunther and that damn letter he wants me to write. Even though  chances are is that that guy is just tricking me into doing his dirty work, something compelled me into getting up and heading into my office, where I pulled out a piece of paper and pen and just sat there looking at the blank sheet. 

I felt my hand, gripped with a pen, start to move on its own accord, but I still stared at the paper, not thinking but at the same time, overflowing with feelings that I couldn't define. I let all those feelings fall onto the paper as my hand moved in smooth curves upon the the paper and words were left behind. 

I don't know how long I had sat in that office writing but by the time I had started to fade out of my near bubble like existence, The sky was dark and cool. The room had gone down a few temperatures and it was then when I started to feel the cold. 

I looked down at what I created. The paper, which I had intend to melt all my feeling onto, had reformed into a letter towards Gunther's boss, except my feeling are laced in between the words and curved into what Gunther supposedly feels. 


I've been feeling like that ever since dad died.

© 2015 Rockel Mansaray

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Added on July 9, 2015
Last Updated on July 9, 2015


Rockel Mansaray
Rockel Mansaray

ewing, NJ

When I write a story, the moment I think of an idea, I write it down or in this case type it down. So I can't really guarantee when exactly I update my stories, but I can guarantee that I come up idea.. more..

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A Chapter by Rockel Mansaray

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A Chapter by Rockel Mansaray


A Book by Rockel Mansaray