![]() Chapter 17A Chapter by Rockel MansarayChapter Seventeen. I parked the car a block away from her house, in case Greg was paroling the yard. "Lets wait for Wenn to get here," Fay advised. "I don't want to leave you here alone." I roll my eyes. "I'd be fine you know. I'm a grown man, I'm not afraid of the dark." "Still.." Fay answered. I didn't argue more. The crystal night sky has now shadowed our face from each other as the clocked ticked close to nine. I took this moment to ask the question that has been on the back of my mind ever since last week. "Fay, what happened?" I could tell that Fay knew immedietly what I meant. "What happened that night, you hung up on me. Maybe it's none of my business but believe it or not, I care." Fay shook her head. "It was nothing, It was... he just took away my phone and found out about you, but that was it." Fay looked pleadingly into my eyes for me not to push her. I know she isn't telling the whole truth but respecting her wish, I dropped the subject. "Okay fine." We calmed back down into silence. Me, frustrated at myself for not reading into her better, and her, staring blankly out the window. It wasn't long before car lights came up and a horn sounded. I turn to Fay. "Let's go meet Wenn." I stepped out the car, Fay trailing after. Wenn parked my car behind us and exited the car, greeting us with a cocky look on his face. It made me want to slap him for thinking crude thoughts about this situation. "Shut up." I tell him immedietly as his mouth opened to let out some dirty comment. I grab my keys from his hands, and grabbed his shirt. I turned around and faced Fay. "Fay, Wenn, Wenn, Fay. Wenn, introduce yourself to Fay, and I swear I you say anything else, there goes you paycheck, you got it?" Wenn nodded, still smiling like an idiot. "Yes boss." I let go of Wenn's shirt and allow him to approach Fay. "Pleasure to meet you F-a-y--" He drags out her name. "Wenn, is most definetly at your service." Wenn then bows, and presses a pathetic kiss on the back of her palm, which furiates me. I draw Wenn away. "You're this close from getting a demotion." I snarl. Wenn shrugged dubiously. "Why? You said not to say anything, not do." "Wenn do you wanna try me?" I challenge. Wenn humorously scratches his hairless chin. "Hmmm, well, do I still get my paycheck?" I shove him away, rolling my eyes and turn back to Fay. Through the dark, I saw her laughing silently at out childish banter. Wenn shoved me back. "Come on man, she loves it, don't you Fay?" "Absoulutly." Fays gasping voice rang out. I smiled. "Whatever." "So," Wenn started. "Why are we here?" Wenn looks around the desolated street surrounded by tree's. "Droping her off." I answered. I turn to Fay. "Are you sure, I should drop you off here?" I ask, genually concerned. She nodded. "I'll be fine, really. I gotta be in before 10, is all." I scowl. "You even have a bed time? What the hell, you're a grown woman for god's sakes!" "That's not nessisarily a problem as long as she gets in before Greg gets there." Wenn stated. "How do you know Greg's not waiting on the porch for her now?" Wenn smirked. "Intuition." he answered. "Come on." he guestered to Fay. "I can walk you home since buddy boy here has been band to be seen with you." "He can't what?" Fay asked, turning to me. I shy away, staring into tree's instead. "Yeah." Wenn continued. "That douch bag husband of your's laid down th law a couple days ago. Seemed pretty serious too. Too bad, my boy doesn't listen." "He threatened you?" Fay asked. I could feel the intensity of her gaze burning into my neck. "Look It's nothing, okay? I don't let anyone tell me what to do anyway, so the threat was putty." "Nothing?! Greg is taking this too far. I told him I'm not having an affair, why can't he just beleive me!" Wenn suddenly let out a throaty laugh. "Are you serious? You two practically act like highschool sweethearts who were recently seperated by different colleges, secretly sneaking around from a crazy ex." "Ironic, isn't it?" "You have no idea, but that is not the case, we need to--" "What we need to do is, get you home." I interupt. "Wenn is right. He should walk you. It isn't safe walking in the dark alone." "But Dom--" "I'll text you, or if you can, call. Just go. We don't need the notice of a missing twenty three year old on our hands do we?" Fay frowned. "That's not funny." "It was never intended to be." We both stare at each other, challenging one to cave. The stare down never would've ended if Wenn hadn't had rudely interuppted. "What is this? A lovers querral? Lets get moving, we've got hell to drive on the way back to Oregon." "Yeah but I still need to talk to that guy. He hasn't called me back yet, and I don't want to go back knowing I'd be out of a job as soon as I cross the border." "Damn, well you better hope the guy calls or else we'll be sleeping in the car tonight. Neither of us brought enough money to rent room and also we're going to be late for the party tommorow." I scowled. "I told you, I'm not going to no damn party so be done with it." Wenn smirked. "So you say. But I know you will, just wait." "I not waiting for s**t, so can you please just walk Fay home? I'll wait here." "No." Fay stated. "You're coming to." I shake my head no. "Don't be stubborn, It's fine, I'm fine." "I don't care if you're fine or not, you'e coming. Didn't you say you wouldn't let Greg tell you what to do? Then do just that and walk me to my damn house, okay?" With hands on hips, everything about Fay rang determined. "Damn it Fay, fine." "Good, lets go." Fay starts foward. Cheekly Wenn follows and not long before me. © 2015 Rockel Mansaray |
Added on July 9, 2015 Last Updated on July 9, 2015 Author![]() Rockel Mansarayewing, NJAboutWhen I write a story, the moment I think of an idea, I write it down or in this case type it down. So I can't really guarantee when exactly I update my stories, but I can guarantee that I come up idea.. more..Writing