![]() Chapter 13A Chapter by Rockel MansarayChapter Thirteen "Boss, I'm at the Ranch Resort. It's past six, where is he?" I ask him through the phone. "Are you sure you're in the lobby, because if you miss him then you won't have a job to come back to. Find him or else!" Thomas hangs up on me and I'm left to fend for myself. I walk up to the front desk. "Is he back yet?" I ask the desk clerk. "Sorry sir, I tried getting a hold of him on the phone but..." The clerk shakes his head. I slam the desk frustratingly before stepping away and heading for the doors. If the guy is not here, why should I be? He'll show eventually. Until then, I might as well put myself to use. "Hey!" Wenn yells across the parking lot. "The rock guy not here yet?" I shake my head no. "I'm gonna stick around here for a while. I'll check the place out until the guy shows up." I tell him. "Yeah, yeah, cool, don't worry about me though. Is it okay if I borrow your car for a while?" If it was any other guy, my quick and simple answer would have been dead no. But this is Wenn we're talking about. I've already trusted him with the wheel, and all though it backfired, at least the car didn't get damaged in the process. I guess what I'm saying is that I can trust Wenn... kind of, I think. "You mind bro?" he asked again as I came to my resolve. "Yeah, but you better stay away from any bars, and there better not be a single scratch on my car or else I'll scar you beyond recognition." I warn him. "I don't doubt it boss." He replies and salutes a goodbye. I watch, almost regretfully as he skids my precious car out of the lot and out onto the road with a record breaking speed. I scowl at my new tendency of not saying no. But I ignore my doubts and head back into the lobby. "Sir?" The desk clerk beckons me over. "I've managed to finally get in touch with Mr. Davis and he informs me that he will be away for a while. Do you want to leave a number so when he does arrive, he can contact you?" "Um, yeah. I say distractedly. The clerk pulls out a very elegant looking pen and hands it over to me. I thank him and write my cell number onto the sticky note atop his desk. "Make sure he calls me." I tell the clerk, while at the same time walking away. The clerk promise's that he will, and as I turned back to face the entrance, my gaze lands on something remarkable. Just where my car had been parked, another black jeep pulls in and like a miraculous goddess, Fay Walkman struts out and instantly takes my breath away. It took her a while to spot me but once those electric blue eyes landed on me, I could see her face visibly brighten at the sight. I could practically hear her suck in a breath before a deafening squeal escaped her lips. "Dommy!" she yelled. She started jumping up and down excitedly. "Dominic List, is that you?" Only a few people roamed the sidewalk near the entrance, but those who did, stared at her like she was a mad man. "In the flesh." I yelled back lightly. Without even closing her car door, her high tops crunched the gravel as she half walked, half ran up to me. "You know, that squeal was a little too melodramatic, don't you think?" I smiled. "Not at all." She said before bombarding me with a vicious hug. I chuckle at her childish behavior. "Well then." When she finally released me, she looked up at me musingly. "I feel like it's been forever since I last saw you." "It's been three weeks." I say bluntly. "I barely recognized your face." She continues. "We've only met once." "Yeah, but we texted and called each other multiple times." "We were always interrupted." I concluded and then I frowned, thinking about the last time I was in contact with her. Before I could bring up the subject though, she changed the subject. "Dom, what are you doing here?" she asks. My frown deepened. I shrugged. "Business I guess." Fay rolled her eyes at my vagueness. "Well whatever, all that's important is that you're here now." She hugs me again quickly and pulls back again. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a yell sounded from the door entrance. I turned quickly and found myself looking at a woman with blond curly hair, deep passive brown eyes and freckles covering the bride of her nose, down to her cheeks. She had a horrified look on her face. She yelled again. "Fay!" Fay ripped her gaze from me involuntarily and slowly turned to face the woman also. The woman ran frantically over to us. "Fay." She called out again. "What?" Fay said obviously annoyed and obviously knowing this woman. The woman, once finally reaching us, pulled Fay farther away from me and stepped in front of her so now she was facing me. "I am so sorry sir," she apologized. "Fay just got in a car accident so she doesn't really remember... anything a matter of fact, so sorry she kind of jumped on you like that." I chuckled at this lady's obliviousness. "Susan." Fay interrupted impatiently. "You see," Susan continued completely ignoring Fay purposely. "She's like my best friend, so I'm like her body guard today. Her fiance told me to watch her." Fay rolled her eyes again. "If I don't know him, why the hell are you telling him my life story?" "So he won't get confused with your situation!" she snaps back at her. I flinch slightly at the harshness of her tone. I'm not convinced that they're really best friends. As for Fay though, Susan attitude didn't seem to deter her all that much. Fay held her ground and glared back. After two minutes of a very intense stare down, Susan backed down blatantly and turned back to face me, also grabbing hold of Fay now who was trying to defiantly shrug her off. "We'll be off now and- "I know Fay." I say casually. "Well duh, that's because I just told you about her." Susan retorted. I shake my head. "No, no I meant I really know this woman. Isn't that right Faylene Walkman?" Fay nodded knowingly. Susan gaped. But she recovered quickly and tried not to look like she's surprised. "She could have told you her full name before I got here." "What about Greg Kegger? She couldn't possibly have told me that surely? " I probed further. Susan folded her arms and stuck her noes out like a poodle. "She could have told you that too." Fay managed to get out of Susan's grip and walked over to my side. "Susan, stop being ridiculous." Fay turned to face me. "Dom, you've finally met Sue." Oh I knew Sue all right. She the fake, blond, nuisance Fay went on and on about a couple of weeks ago on the phone. The words she used to describe her was, self-righteous, self-centered, and demanding. That's definitely what i'm seeing right now. "Nice to finally meet you see Sue. I'm Dominic List." I put out a hand for her to shake, but she looks at me disdainfully. "How do you know this guy?" she asks Fay still sneaking sneering looks at me. "A ghost dog brought us together." She answers dismissively. She grabs onto my arm protectively. "Can we reschedule? she asks Susan. "I want to hang with Dom a bit, please?" Susan groans vexingly "Wait till Greg hears about this." She already had her phone out, typing away, but before she could press send, I grabbed the phone away from her. "It's none of Greg's business." I tell her sternly. "He is her Fiance!" She snapped back. Fay pulls me back a little, trying to ease the tension. "Well I'm Dominic." I reply simply in return. Fay garbs my arm and pulls me away from Susan. It was then when I realized I was towering over her intimidatingly. "That's enough Dom, lets go." She turned to face Susan. "Don't bother Sue, i'll call him myself. I know you care about my safety and all but i'm telling you now that I couldn't be anymore safer than with Dom." I try to hide my boastful smirk resulting to the look on Susan's face. "I'm your best friend." she reasoned. "That means you are my concern Fay. There is no way you can make decisions of your own when you barely know yourself." Fay's jaw twitched. "I am who I am now." she declared irritably. "And who are you now?" Susan pressed. Fay eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Her resolve has broken. "Who am I?" she repeated again. "I'm..." Her grip on my arm starts to loosen. "She's Fay." I continue for her. "She can't be anyone else but Fay." I'm looking at Fay's unconvinced eyes as I say this. "No matter how many time's she forgets, she is still and always will be Fay. You should know that Sue. She's your best friend isnt she?" Both Fay and Susan look up at me, enticed. After a coule of seconds, It was Susan who looked away first. As Fay's eyes were still stuck on mine, Susan watched her withering gaze. Guilt and sympathy passed through her eyes. "She is my best friend." Sue agreed. Fay turned to face her. "I have no doubt." she replied. They smiled at each other and then rushed into a hug. "I'm sorry Fay. I didn't consider your feelings and I should have." Sue declared. "Thats okay, i'm sorry too." They hug each other tighter and to make this moment even more cornier, Sue even starts crying. I roll my eyes. Girls couldn't get anymore dramatic. "All right, all right. No more heart felt moments. We're in a public place. Show some desency." Fay rolls her eyes at me but pulls back. She turns back to Sue. "Promise me you won't tell Greg." she asked pleadingly. Sue sighed exasperatedly. "Damn you Fay, okay. But don't let this guy trick you into bed. You can never trust men." Sue scowled at me. "As for you." Sue turned to address me. "If you even lay a finger on my Fay, just know that in a couple of seconds, your balls will be so far down your throat you might as well call it your tongue, got it?" I saluted her serious manner playfully. "Yes sir!" Fay gives me a shove. "Good." Susan turns and walks away, but not before saying, "Fay, try not to get yourself killed. You've had enough accidents as it is." © 2015 Rockel Mansaray |
Added on July 9, 2015 Last Updated on July 9, 2015 Author![]() Rockel Mansarayewing, NJAboutWhen I write a story, the moment I think of an idea, I write it down or in this case type it down. So I can't really guarantee when exactly I update my stories, but I can guarantee that I come up idea.. more..Writing