Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Rockel Mansaray

Chapter Three

"Dominic... Dominic, wake up!"

I stirred and saw something move in the darkness of my cell.

"What the hell?" I sat up.

In the dark there was a figure looming next to the entrance. The piercing blue eyes that glowed even in the dark told me it was Fay.

"'What the hell' to you too, now let's get out of here."

I got up groggily and slumped to her side. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"No and I don't care."

"That's reassuring," I joked lightly.

Fay grabbed me by the arm and led me slowly to the back door. She pulled out a set of keys to unlock it.

"Where did you get those keys from?" I asked still in a weak and tired state.

Hopefully she didn't steal them.

"George works here so when he wants me to visit him time to time he gives me keys to the back door. Trust me, hardly anyone uses this exit."

"I hope so," I mutter.

When the door swung open we stumble out into the moon lit sky. I scratched my head.

"How long was I out?" I ask looking around trying to find any differences.

"Like a day," Fay replies taking the lead.

"But wait...what happen?" I demanded when we stopped out by her jeep.

"My stupid fiance locked you up because he thought you kidnapped me."

"But I didn't!"

"No, and I tried to tell him that but since the accident he still thinks I'm a little loopy or in other words, stupid."

"Some fiance," I muttered.

All a sudden I stopped.

"Wait, what accident?" I asked.

"Let's get out of here first before we get caught."

"Caught! You're sneaking me out! We're going to get in trouble. Wait, no, correction, I'm going to get in trouble."

"You're now figuring that out? Fay laughed. "Don't worry about it. I'll still bail you out in the morning."

"When I'm not here?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I don't think it works like that Fay."

"Well then I guess I am loopy."

"Or stupid," I added.

She grinned.

"Very funny,"

When we got to the outside parking lot, I was not surprised that my car was missing.

"George had it towed to a junkyard around here. But I know where it is. I can take you."

"I thought his name was Greg?"

She sighed deeply.

"Greg, George, what's the difference?"

"Everything except for the G in the beginning," I answered back dubiously.

"Yeah, yeah whatever,"

I climbed into the passenger seat of her jeep.

"To argue on my part though," she says as she slips into the driver's seat. "If you take away the eo after the G and add an extra r before the second g at the end in George, you get Greg anyway so really it doesn't make a difference."

"Nice Logic," I complimented her sarcastically. "But you're forgetting the extra e." I hint.

"Yeah well whatever," she says. "My problem is not only messing up his name." She sighs "God, you don't even want to know all the names I said wrong this past month."

"Like what?"

"Like my older sister Sally. Until now, I've called her Saily."

I smiled and urged her on.

"Go on."

She looked at me for a long while before continuing. "Daniel, next-door neighbor, called him Samuel."

"Ooh," I wouldn't blame you with that one," I said.

Clearly enjoying my comments, she went on.

"Henry, weird family friend, called him Freddy,"

"Really?" I exclaimed.

She nods.

"I called Jaida Kenmark, Kayla Denmore."

I chuckled.

"Trent to Kent," she continued.

I nod understanding the mistake between those two.

"Chloe, Zoe,"

"Lot of rhyme-y words," I noticed.

"You don't know the half of it."

"OK," I said. "Give me one more. Give me the most off-put name of them all."

"Okay, let's see. She looked thoughtful as we pulled out onto the road. "Oh, oh I know, I called my grandpa Freggly, when his actual name is Quinn."

I laugh.

"Yeah that's totally off put, completely blown off proportion."

Fay laughed.

"I know! I've been calling him Freggly this whole time and it was only last week when my mom told me his name was Quinn. It was no wonder he never answered me."

I chuckled.

"Now who is that child calling Freggly? I ain't no Freggly!" I said trying to mock her grandfather's voice."

She doubled over still clutching the steering wheel so that we wouldn't veer off the road.

"That's almost exactly how he sounds!" she exclaims.

"I'm glad to know I have your grandfather's voice."

"Me too old man,"

I smile back too.

"Please, I'm years away from old."

Fay flips her hair around as she turns to look at me.

"Grandpa's voice inside your mouth would like to beg to differ."

I chuckled and when everything started to die down, I changed the subject.

"So this accident of yours made you forget all the names of your friends and family?" I asked for confirmation.

"Don't forget about my so call fiance," she smiled at herself. "You know I don't even know how I put up with him before. It's all weird between us now. All he does is barks orders in my ear and he's very possessive. It's kind of creepy if you know what I mean."

"Well then why are you still with him?" I asked generally worried.

We pulled up at the junkyard Fay said my car was located at. She pulled to a stop and leaned her head onto her steering wheel.

"I don't know. The doctors say that I should continue doing the things I've done before so I'd start remembering again, like being with George-

"Greg," I interrupted impulsively.

"Same thing," she said waving a lazy hand towards me. "Anyway so now I'm trying to do that but it doesn't feel the same or familiar and the only thing I remember from the past is crashing through a window."

"God, I really want to know what happened to you. You're intriguing me."

"I wish I can tell you, but I don't remember anything."

"Were you by yourself?"

"Mom said George-

I narrowed my eyes.

"Greg," she corrected herself. "He was the one who found me."

"He told them I was in a car accident but that doesn't make any sense because I distinctly remember falling out of a second story window."

She lifted her head off the wheel slowly and turned to face me.

"Well enough about me. Let's get your car."

I nodded and stepped out behind her. My poor car was surrounded by monster trucks five times bigger than it.

"Those things are going to crush my precious car!" I exclaimed running towards it.

"It's not that precious." Fay calls from behind.

"Of course you wouldn't know," I called back. "This is the most expensive object I own."

"What, did you use all your birthday money to buy it?"

"Birthday, Christmas, and Easter." I replied stroking the black lid of my car gingerly.

"You get money on Easter?" she asks walking up beside me."

"It's the next big thing then to eggs," I replied opening the door to check if anything was missing.

"Okay I'm going to bail your car out of junkyard jail, you coming?"

I slid my hand over the smooth surface of my car before shutting the door and trailing after her. She led us to an old looking shed about as big as a garage, a small one.

A bald guy in khakis and a polo shirt stepped out and grunted.

"What the hell do you want?" he growled.

I was going to explain but Fay cut me off.

"I can tell you don't want to make any friend's today so I suggest we stay strangers and help us get a car out of here."

"Which one?" he grunted.

"Black one." She answered. "It's by the pole next to those monster trucks.

"Follow me," he said walking back to his tiny office.

We followed him in and he took out a clipboard and trailed his hand down the sheet of paper.

"That black car was dropped off here last night." He said.

"We're aware of that, now how do we get it back." Fay urged.

"It's gonna cost some since it was brought here by the authority."

"Just give us the price-

She looked down at his name tag.

"Doug," she finished.

He looked over at the both us.

"I think I should call-

She reached over and grabbed the hand that extended over to the phone line.

"Fay doesn't like unauthorized phone calls." I told him liking 'Oh s**t' look on his face.

"The damn price please." She said with a strained smile.

Looking over at her, my heart did a double take as her electric blue eyes pierced into Doug accusingly. Her hand still clutched his wrist hard and the way he was wincing told me it hurt especially with her nails digging into his flesh.

"A hundred and twenty seven dollars ma'am," he said hesitantly.

"I don't think that's it." Fay said squeezing harder.

"Uh okay, then um how about eighty-eight thirty-five?"

"You could do better." I said enjoying this moment of power.

Fay turned to look at me and smiled.

"You heard what the man said."

The guy's eyes were twitching now.

"Forty eighty-three!" he yelled. "That's the lowest price!"

Fay looked at me.

I nodded.

She released.

Doug let out a deep breath.

"Thanks Doug." Fay said slamming fifty bucks onto his desk.

"Hey next time we come here maybe we can be acquaintances instead of strangers."

"Uh huh," Doug whimpered.

"Chow now and oh, keep the change."

We walked out of his little cubicle and once he was out of our sight we both burst out laughing.

"Oh my god did you see his face, it was ridiculous!" I gasped.

"He looked so scared!" Fay exclaimed.

"I thought he was going to piss himself and the grip you had on him looked way deadly!"

"Warning to all men out there, don't mess with Fay Walkman."

"Message received." I said raising my hands up in mock surrender.

"Now all I have to do is wait 'till Greg gets the message."

"That should take a while."

We stopped by my car and fell silent.

"So," I said not wanting to finish the sentence.

"I guess this is it." She said sadly.

I sighed.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"So where are you going?" Fay asked to stall the moment for which I'm grateful for.

"Uh Oregon, the next state over," I answered. "I bought a house their so I can be closer to my job."

She nodded. Then softly she asked, "Am I going to see you again?"

I smiled at the fact that she too didn't want to leave.

"Of course you are. I'm only a state away, and besides, it would be awesome knowing I have a friend around here."

"Yeah," she agreed. "A psychotic friend that is."

I smiled and she smiled back then dug her hands into her pocket and pulled out a candy wrapper and a mini pen. She shooed me aside and leaned over my car to write her phone number on the candy wrapper. Passing the paper over to me, our fingers touched making me shiver all over.

"I thought your fiance took your phone?"

"He did and I took it back. You were right, it was robbery, fiance or not."

"Good to know you're standing up for yourself." I tell her.

The bald guy was staring out on us wondering why we hadn't left yet.

"We should-

"Go," I finished for her.

Slowly she walked over to her car and waved before she got in and backed away from sight.

I sighed in obvious disappointment but then I cheered myself up when I held her candy wrapper up to my face. Getting into my car, I smiled as I backed away and started off towards Oregon again.

© 2015 Rockel Mansaray

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Added on July 9, 2015
Last Updated on July 9, 2015


Rockel Mansaray
Rockel Mansaray

ewing, NJ

When I write a story, the moment I think of an idea, I write it down or in this case type it down. So I can't really guarantee when exactly I update my stories, but I can guarantee that I come up idea.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Rockel Mansaray

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Rockel Mansaray


A Book by Rockel Mansaray