I am a Homosexual, pervert and deviant to the norms of the society.
I continue to exist in this bias world maligned and persecuted.
People called me pest, queer, f****t but I don’t care!!!
My own family condemned me without even trying to understand where I’m coming from.
Or they don’t care… I am considered a disgrace and worthy to be disowned.
People disrespect my right to exist, to live and to love. My happiness is immoral to everyone’s eyes.
They despise my kind.
I am indeed considered as abnormality to the law of mankind.
I am a Homosexual, an out of the ordinary human being whom like everyone else has the right to fight for what he believes in.
An individual who has a heart and emotion that is capable of getting crushed and be damaged.
Just like anybody else, I battle for my freedom to be accepted in the world of slander and hypercritical.
But still, no matter how cruelty pushed me away and stoop me down to the grave ‘til oblivion,
I stand, Higher for the world to see that I exist and not into extinction.
I pushed back, stronger than the raging bull equipped with the unique knowledge of my roots that serve as my shield to compete and to fight.
I am an epitome of a great entity of a warlord who fights back my will and freedom to live, to be heard and to claim.
I was damned! Wounded! And smashed into pieces… But I don’t really care! I don’t give a damn!
I am a Homosexual! And I came to this world to make a point!
And that is to make the best out of who I am.