A son : A dad
son knows: the feeling of the
greatest joy.
A dad knows: the feeling of the
greatest fear
A son knows: to look at life,
joyfully and playfully.
A dad knows: to look at life, as
work and chores.
A son knows: that his dad will
always be there for him his entire life.
A dad knows: that it is better
for the elders to die, before the offspring.
A son knows: all his dreams will
happen with enough hard work.
A dad knows: all the absurdity of
pursuing futile pipe dreams.
A son knows: he is special; over
all others.
A dad knows: he is insignificant just like all others.
A son knows: everything is the
A dad knows: everything is an
A son knows: mainly sweetness,
idealism & endless possibilities.
A dad knows: mainly bitterness cynicism and dead-End roads!!
A son knows: the world is an epic
mind blowing beautiful sparkling place.
A dad knows: the world is a
vicious merciless violent ugly S****Y place!!!
A son knows: of innocence &
purity in life.
A dad knows: of scorning &
scaring in (B***H-a*s) life!!!!
A son knows: that the grown-ups
have life figured out
A dad knows: that nobody knows
WHAT THE F**K is going ON!!!!!
But it is ok...
...a son loves his dad with all his heart...
...a dad loves his son with all his heart!
!- This, they know, will not change in life -!
By Ronin Kieran