The waves crashed hard
against the shore
the wind blew torridly
thunder crashed and lightning flashed
farther out to sea
a lovely maiden faced the wind
from a turbulent sea
and ducked her head
to hide her tears
lest anyone might see
concerned, I gathered my best Cape
around her lovely form
and gently guided her away
from this terrible storm
I took her to my cabin where
she set aside my Cape
and toweled her lovely neck and hair
relieved that she had escaped
she took the warming cup of Tea
that I had made for her
and sipping told me soulfully
about what had occurred
She said I loved a handsome sailor
many years ago
but our affair could not be shared
no one could ever know
My family's high position
would have suffered shame
and I knew the trouble it would cause
to my family's name
My handsome sailor left to sea
never to return
I since have grieved terribly
I never seem to learn
But when I grieve I seek the storm
to hide that which I fear
my family must never ever learn
why I shed these tears!