Found Wanting

Found Wanting

A Poem by Rory CJ Frankson

Uncalled for arrogance that the some may lend, I respond angrily


























Ah, the hollow crave...

Force the line, to save the pain as it wonders

meanders... through. That slippery slide.

Engrained, is its indifference rendered.

That mocks and talks, two sides. Toss the coin!

Choose to lose the gains, heft your banners

splatter, and say. It mattered?

Dare the difference, and drain the dread...

come on! Scream at the Seams.

Splendid Karma, drama drips opulently tepid

Dharma, as all is held. To be integral.

Laughter to be heard, as the parade pass

crassly ignorant, sophistication’s.

Bitter patter best get at'er, shakes the rattler

before it strikes. It's whoa begone friend.

Pretence the shock, is only stock and trade.

Made, in the shade. Just for you...

This promise, bends the corners to peek through

shadows, with the eyes of the multitudes.

Blessings at the alter, falter...

That's the plan, Stan. I'm the man! Toss the coin?

Your fame, predeceases you... I'm waiting.


























To take a moment and explain this just little, I was surfing through profiles and had come across a woman that had suffered extreme abuse. It was heart rending, in that her literary skills where very minimal, though it was obvious that she was seeking compassion and a way out of a horrible place.

She had but one review I read after this plea for understanding, this man stated he was a psychologist and I won't even repeat what this person had stated in that review. Other than to say it infuriated me it was so negative and arrogant. I was mortified that this person had such lack of compassion, I went to his page to post how ignorant I thought that review was, and discovered that thankfully. This persons page was closed and he was no longer posting here. As well his closing statement about WC was just as ignorant and cutting.


I wrote this poem to maybe help me to feel better. Just happy he is no longer here to put such hurtful things in review, convinced this pseudo person was no councillor and hope his world finds a lot of crashing down upon his head! Whatever you put out there, it will come back to you...

That's Karma.

© 2011 Rory CJ Frankson

Author's Note

Rory CJ Frankson
We are all here to explore the world of writing and at whatever level that we bring to offer it up to the reading and review. We all deserve dignity and respect, and to be hurtful just for the sake of ego... is shameful. No matter how simple the writing may appear, there is a person with feelings, attatched to it.

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Well I dont much care what the rhyme or reason was for you writing this, I truely love it, outstanding poetry, Some people are so far up themselves and still think they smell roses. but the worst thing is when they bring down with words spoken to a gentle heart that shatters with each word, there used like projectiles aimed quite carefully to do the most damage. (PRICKS) Thanks Rory for this poetry

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I absolutely love the whole write, esp. the last line. Genius1 I'm not a fan of the arrogant either. They hide so many insecurities, yet the fear they harbor invariably oozes out through the cracks in the facade.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Well I dont much care what the rhyme or reason was for you writing this, I truely love it, outstanding poetry, Some people are so far up themselves and still think they smell roses. but the worst thing is when they bring down with words spoken to a gentle heart that shatters with each word, there used like projectiles aimed quite carefully to do the most damage. (PRICKS) Thanks Rory for this poetry

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The doctor has been ..... and measured and found .....

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Your passion is well versed Rory..there are weak willed minds that prey on the weaker still to find some meaning to their pitiful lives..bravo..i say..

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Whether here or in our first worlds there will always be arrogant so-and-so's who think they can say and do what they want. The Cafe is no exception, it has its weirdos, bullies and head in the clouders who only see themselves.

The person you mention isn't worth thinking about, so I won't BUT will think of you and your compassion for that poor woman who deserved kindness and understanding. I only wish I knew who she is so i could send a hello and a hug.

Thank you so much for caring.

May I add - and should have done before now, that your writing is more than powerful and wonderfully empathic - its beauty of intention shines. Thank you

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Very different than what I am used to reading. This is writing meant to be gone back over, to rehear the melodies and decipher the message. This is the type of writing I dare not try as I am lazy, and you, sir, are not.

Posted 14 Years Ago

It makes me laugh that most psychologists that I have come across (and I've come across many since I work with them) have not endured what they preach. I hope this lady finds a angel to uplift her. Beautiful poem my friend.

Posted 14 Years Ago

bam , you took stage , waved your wand , pointed your fingers and sealed the deal , most excellent writing ..

Posted 14 Years Ago

The poem.. it is very well written and love it .. you got the point across... love, love your last line in this ..
The reason you wrote it... disgusting ~ How can someone like you've well described call themselves 'human'?
Had you not put in the person's account is close i was ready to go!
We all deserve respect. I am no writer yet no one has said anything quite so bad.. had a few snide remarks though but it doesn't bother me like it would someone who seems to be reaching out through words, poetry. MOST here are as compassionate as you, thankfully!
I feel poetry and ego do not mix well. Thanks for writing this and standing up for this lady.


Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

So long as compassion and warmth are coin of the realm you shall always be in fashion.A kinder man I do not know .Yours was a noble effort that transcends life and time.I very nice effort your music sings into your words.I appreciate the authors note it helped me immensely set the stage here.For who among us could rightly say he has for himself just walked on by .To leave the woman alone and afraid in hearts lonesome soul to cry.
Bravo Rory You are a shining example of humanity.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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12 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 10, 2011
Last Updated on January 23, 2011
Tags: ego, arrogance, compasionless, Dharma, ignorance, Karma


Rory CJ Frankson
Rory CJ Frankson

Vernon, British Colombia, Canada

It's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..


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