Christmas Eve 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

A Story by Rory CJ Frankson

My Birthday Message

























A Precursor to Peace...

Tis the Season, it comes by once again in a time of life where the years seem to go by so much faster. For all of us, the Christmas season holds special meaning. This time of counting down, the twelve days of Christmas, then five days to the changing of the New Year according to western standards kept track of on the Gregorian calendar. The manner of which we track history and all that entails, depending on our Ancestral origins and traditional religious beliefs and practices. Imagine the implications of history, as to understand the totality of what the history of the world contains. Is a relative improbably. Yet all of it needs some relative marker to make the passing of time meaningful. Tomorrow is my birthday, it being on December 24th and I was born in 1956 makes 54 years I’ve been introduced to the miniscule portion of my existence in the record of history. At a cycle of life, where my time here grows shorter.

Within this natural progression of incline and decline, naturally I remember my childhood and the family Christmases, good and bad. To wake this morning from dreaming and feel the need to write the integral thoughts had that have now mostly escaped to following hours of the day. I suppose most everyone Christian or not, knows what the meaning of Christmas is representing. This time of year when we remind one another of The Christ’s Promise of Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all Humankind (to use a politically correct phrase). In a period of history, that is fraught with seemingly overwhelming obstacles to this very idea. I woke with a chain of memories and likely from the night before, watching on PBS the movie `End Game` about the political negotiations that brought the end of Apartheid in South Africa. Possibly, the best type of movie to watch in this Christmas season.

These examples of how conquest, follows this natural progression of incline and decline as well. As I absorb all these details as they become relative to me. Compare the history of my memory, strive to have and hold some meaning to my existence. Remembering, all those periods of Light and Dark. Where I came to be effected by the growth of Spirit and the times of confusion and choices, that added onto nothing but pain and suffering The Void. Then to understand, “you can’t expect sunshine, without rain!” We only ever arrive in the day we are in and experience, the now reality of the world of our creation. Where we contend and struggle to carry on with the trials the world around us, demands that we be engaged with. Will it conquer us, overwhelm our sensibilities?

Will all of our efforts become Null and Void?

I'm sure many feel this way, when we watch the news and receive the sensory input of the mass of problems that are currently challenging our Humankind, that occupy this particular time-line. Do we require a meaningful message? How many ways does it need to be phrased, how many people does it require to be reached by this message of Peace before the premise becomes a reality. I was adopted by Native Elder Jacob Anderson, and he gave me a number I'll share with you. He said we require 11% of the population of the World believing in Unity or the Third Great Shaking will come. If your aware at all, you know of the prophetic realities of the day we are in. The movies like 2012 push this existent reality that gives a date... to The End. Jacob also add, “the world is only a reflection of the Individual Spirit!” My deductions from all of that is “if enough people in the world believe it will end... it will!”

Self fulfilling Prophecy. Here we are, counting down to 2011 and then if all that becomes real, then we have according to that prophecy... one year from today. As that prophecy says that the world will end, December 23, 2012? No, I'm not being paranoid. I don't believe this to be true, but I do believe that the world requires serious attention. It requires us to have a year of very serious searching our own hearts to hold meaningful meditations on what the future childrens childrens children requires of us. I had a meditation once and it was about the Apocalypse and Armageddon. No, it is not a Religious lesson and only an individuals thoughts.

Apocalypse, means exposed. We are in a time-line where all manner of injustice is being exposed, the ordinary person is getting a view of reality, and it can be free of propaganda. The truths are there, if we know what we are looking at. The past laws of Conquest are being thrown down, the power hungry of the world no longer operate with impunity. The more aware we become, the less they are able to manipulate the mass. We are the mass, like Gandhi showed. If we stand with each other they get tired of killing us. Is that what it will take before the Rape of our Earth Mother is stopped and we decided the world is a living thing, that we are intrinsically are part of?

There is a deep ugliness that must be faced in all of us. Are we ready to die on mass for what we believe in? That's what will happen, that's what the third great shaking means. Rejuvenation will kick in and recognize that we are a parasite that needs to be dealt with, and The Earth Mother will puke us off. Nature will solve the problem, because we are no longer a part of it! This is Apocalyptic in Nature, it's showing us the reality of the state it is truly in. As my elder relate, “the world is only as messed up as the people in it. We have forgotten how much we are relative, to the Creation!”

Nature is rebelling, reaction to what we have done to our Earth Mother with the product of our blind greed. No one is exempt in this, we are consuming our birthright. Thirty years I've walked this path and know the difference, we are all in it together. Are we ready for the coming Muslim wars, the war for oil rights, then it will be fresh water resources. We are at war with ourselves Magog and Agog is not a place on earth... Armageddon is in the battlefield of our own mind! Light and Dark... We have spent our way to the end of the Seventh Generation. The burden of our debt... is to our future children.

Warriors of the Rainbow.

The Rainbow is a symbol of Promise. We can be an Army of Light, if enough people wake up and BE ENGAGED... the world will not suffer as much destruction. 11% doesn't sound like a lot, yet it is in the total of some six billion. These six billion cannot have the commercial reality being presented to us. The world cannot sustain the debt we carry right now with the ideal of the present monetary system. A system that requires WAR in order to be real. It requires fuel and corporate reality must ever expand its profit margins. It is this Roberts Rules of Order that is in decline, fighting for its survival.

Imagine... the depths of deception... as it's fuel, is the blood of our children dying for its cause.

Imagine... the depths of degradation it took, to march all those Jewish people into Human Furnaces. My Dad didn't know that was taking place, as he landed after his training into Italy. He fought for a cause. Fought against Fascism and the evils the Hitler was spreading through Europe. The Allies fought side by side with the Russians and then Stalin went to town on the Bolshevik's and killed three times the amount of people that died in Germany. I don't think I need to go through all that ugly history that most countries in the world have experienced, through Roberts Rules of Order and Imperialism. The need to expand through conquest has a very long history. How many Native Peoples of the world suffer under this Ideal that gives them nothing but poverty and sufferance, in return of their birthright. No longer having rights as they are a conquered people. These rules once held to be the norm are no longer being held up by The International Courts in the Hague. The beginnings of Justice, are being realized.

Yet Governance in the accepted order of the day, continues to seduce and destroy. Poverty maintained, as slavery is necessary to this system that only a very small percentage profit by and hold the majority of the worlds wealth to that circle we've named commerce. Some say they don't have a religion... religion means belief. We practice a belief and believe, the world can't live without it! In that sense 'The Bank is God.' The banking system is the Worlds religion, it dictates what is real and who does or does not eat! Are we ready for a world that decides that the poor must go... it will make what took place in Germany, minor in comparison. This upper circle will decide that their isn't enough for everyone and they are the only deserving. Do we wait around for that, as they poison us with corporate agriculture?

It can't happen if the percentage rise to what is Justice for All. Be ready to stand at the precipice and ready to supply reason, supply the answers to what can take the place of a failing system. That soon will have no reason. Imagine all that could take place, and if no one one stands in the mean, it will be more monstrous than we could have ever imagined. Because the thought of equality, of Peace. Was not there in The Void. This place of no belief, but the right of commerce. Consumption.

So here we are in the Season of Goodwill, Christmas is a consumer reality in North America. We pay lip service to meaning and run to the bank, whip out our credit cards and purchase plastic fantasy made out of oil products. Give our children whatever widgets are new and desirable as children dig through garbage dumps to find chicken bones for hunger. Sorry, bleak stuff but this is my birthday. What Christmas means to me, the blind that say Merry Christmas and have no idea what their capital is being spent on. I live in the most decadent part of the world, most of the worlds children are dying of starvation, being brutalized by war or child slavery, prostitution. Usury, is out of control...

It begins with the individual, we have a capacity to arrive at what it means to be a Human Being. A path that is the same for each and every one of us. It is the way to Peace. That existent reality must be arrived at through the medium of our own will. A willingness to do what it takes to arrive there. This is the time of year for us in this part of the world to contemplate it, to get to that engagement. That will bring sanity to the future of our planet John Lennon said “Imagine all the People living life in Peace!”

Many in the world are already on this path, there are good things happening along side the confusion. It is not a cult, or a certain order. Only people that are Aware... exercising their Awareness and a natural incline takes place. As out of Awareness rises Realization that leads to Understanding and the end of the Wheel is Acceptance. Coming to the Centre of self, there is an Alignment of the Spirit of Soul, that will Balance our nature Light and Dark and bring about, Harmony... a one song, in all of us. If we have this within our individual circle, the circles of our world will be allowed to overlap. They cannot if we are at war with ourselves, be drawn into the dark forces of insanity. Blinded by greed.

The paradigm shift is coming. The world is working on a four square economic system, this is how Roberts Rules of Order works. It's the eye in the sky above the pyramid on the American one dollar bill, this ancient order of control. The bottom square is the consumer (us) that needs a ruler to dictate the rate of our consumption. As the world has ever been a collective agrarian society, our wealth survives on commodities trading. This is the foundation of basic function. Production sits aligned on top of this square and the proceeds of this distribution is payed by the contribution of the consumer upward to the echelon that rules the implementation of trade. These economic realities work their way up to those that rule or have a share of ownership of the land being used. I won't bother with the banking system as that's not what I'm arriving at. Other than to say Banks now own most everything.

In this system wealth is held at the top and the overseer, watches after all that is underneath. The shift in reality that will rearrange the wealth of the world, is 180 degrees. The four square premise will become two index squares... eight points, with consumption and production in Balance. How is this conditional to the Individual? The five pointed star is the symbol of maturity, a completion. I gave this a symbol a phrase, “with Purpose gives us Reason to Achieve and Attain our Objectives.”

An engagement in Knowledge Volition and Action, with the Logic of Primary Reasoning... we will arrive at a state of Human Maturity. Begin the awareness of what it means to BE Spiritual as it IS a path to a higher order consciousness, inherent in Human potential. I say this a lot, “BE and it IS... Beautiful”, we require a perception of the wonder in the gift we are born into. The bounties available to us from the Creation that sustains all things unconditionally. The Creation is out of Balance, because we are! Again my Elder said in his sharing with me, “such as it is for the individual, as it is for the whole world!” The pattern of the Physical Universe is just that, Universal. All that is contained in the Universe is represented in us. I was given a gift, given in my dream the night my Elder Jacob Anderson passed away. I have no more time to be shy, I woke this morning to a decision to share a portion of my 19 year walk that ended in the turning of the Millennium the year 2000.

For the most part I've been on this path for thirty years of Road Work, striving to understand what I've been told is my Birthright. To have been an anniversary gift to my parents as they were married on Christmas Eve. On the night I was born the sky above Vernon was covered with the Aurora Borialis that was the longest duration in my hometowns history. The Native Elders that adopted me, said I was the Child of the Northern Tribes, as they helped me to understand the vision I was given in 1981. This I won't go into here, yet I sought what I knew to be The Gathering of Eagles, struggled trying to find out what it meant. To be told that time was short and the need for us to grow, was paramount. I've tried the soft approach and write it into Fiction to gain a greater connection beyond our engaged circle. This now morning is December 24th 2010 and I woke yesterday, knowing regardless of the outcome I need to share what comes of this. I posted 'A Creation Story' this is part of this knowledge. An ancient reality that needs be accepted, a truth that we must individually find within ourselves.

I spent the day making The Morning Star, I've given out thousands of these. For me, it is a medicine wheel and our Native Healing Lodge is based on this pattern. In the dream I was asked if I wanted to see the Philosophers Stone, I said no. I thought it was altogether to heavy a responsibility. The wonder of the spirit I was with was so compassionate and understanding of my refusal, that I reconsidered and he open his hands. There was a crystal spinning light and the most amazing harmonic pitch into that chamber now dancing with prismatic light of all different hues and colour. I was instantly mesmerized by its beauty spinning above The Masters Hands, for him to bid me watch as he slow it down. It was spherical and it contain a eight pointed star and revolving circles, these pulses of travelling light were going in all ways at once. I can't even explain the elation I was experiencing.

Then his hands of wonder, came together like a thunder clap... to command with a numbing force.


I was rocketed right out of bed and instantly wondering around the house searching for pen and paper. My brother heard me kicking around the kitchen at dawn and came out to see what was up. I was almost incoherent and he was trying to hear me out as I was trying to scribble out the impossible. “That looks like a geometric star Ror, I'll get my kit!”


So all that morning and right into evening we could only come up with a uni-dimensional rendition of what I'd experienced. We placed around it, what was a portion of what had been given to me through the night. I received a phone call from Grandma Mary to tell me the Jacob had passed away the night before. I already knew this as it was Jacob... that had taken me into this unbelievable Sojourn of the Spirit.


Here is my Christmas gift to all that may read this with an understanding Heart. The Morning Star, a sacred symbol for the Native People. The last and brightest visible star in the night sky, I sometimes think it was the Star above Bethlehem that the Three Wise Men followed to find Jesus. Maybe an appropriate sentiment considering the day we are in.































This Star holds many Logo Symetric representations from many different cultures, the cross at the centre is one of the most ancient symbols on Earth. For the Native People it represents The Four Corner teachings. The four main directions are represented as this, is also the navigational star. Like a term pregnancy there are nine cirles within a circle that represents you and the nine months of pregnancy in the water of your Mothers Womb, or the cycles of maturation we experience through life. Like the Universe, it is a self replicating pattern. All around the points are interlocking five pointed stars, as the yellow colored one exemplifies. In this case it represents the upper order of consciousness or the ninth chakra... the third eye. The circles may represent the overlapping of cultures, that intergration of common ground, or aspects of self and the phyci. There are a multitude of aspects that may be meditated upon to find meaning. 


I'm in the process of writing a book 'The Logic of Primary Reason', which covers many more aspects of the potential that we hold. How this model if engaged can assist in the process of arriving at a higher function of Spirituality. My brother is a Holistic Practitioner in Costa Rica and has developed a total intuitive healing program that people are now studying as Dan is researching all cultures for healing models. His systemology is accepted by UN Peace University in San Jose, being looked at by The World Health Orginization. Well, the future holds whatever is being arrived at, as we engage the practice of Being Well. 


Well, thank you for getting to here. What I'm striving to do is ask you to consider the meaning in your world, consider Spirituality in what ever culture or path you choose. As like I have, I believe that you will find that all these essential truths are the same. They require the same disiplines, ask of you to be a good person and considerate of your children, family and friends. Contribute to your community where your able, the message is the same. Find your Peace, seek out faith in some greater power. Our planet needs us to be engaged. To add your light onto light, as it is a reality. Confirmation, comes to those that seek this path, it takes courage to face that reflection at the bottom of your well being. You are the Questor, the answers are to your personal Questions in the Quest, to know yourself. This is where the confirmation comes from, as only you know what it is your asking, or praying for. Give credit to the greater source when the realizations arrive. Try to live on limited credit from the world... on that note. I wish you a Sacred Christmas and that many more blessings, follow you into a New World Realized. All my Relations.






© 2011 Rory CJ Frankson

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Everything is a creation, everything is alive, and everything is in its deepest meaning - a paradox. I respect all those who try to live their spirituality and share with others. thanks for telling us so much from your life. The Morning Star - concept is interesting, isn't everything about love? thank you for sharing with us. :) wishing you lots of success on your way to ignite others with enthusiastic belief on spirituality and simple life.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Everything is a creation, everything is alive, and everything is in its deepest meaning - a paradox. I respect all those who try to live their spirituality and share with others. thanks for telling us so much from your life. The Morning Star - concept is interesting, isn't everything about love? thank you for sharing with us. :) wishing you lots of success on your way to ignite others with enthusiastic belief on spirituality and simple life.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Very good presentation!
I am inclined to think pretty much the same as you.
Although I articulate it in different ways.

I believe wholeheartedly in the 'self fulfilling prophecy', in fact I would rather the KJV would put John 3:16 in the right way. There is one word in the famous verse that is in error.
The "word".
For some reason, the 'inspired ones' put that instead of the correct translation:

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on December 24, 2010
Last Updated on March 7, 2011
Tags: christmas, hope, light, dark, pardigms, geometry


Rory CJ Frankson
Rory CJ Frankson

Vernon, British Colombia, Canada

It's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..
