Endeavour of Poetic Souls
A Book by Rory CJ Frankson
Free Form Prose Flow by: those Seeking the Source 
© 2010 Rory CJ Frankson
Author's Note
The following chase is a collaboration between posts and poets, to weave the spaces between Poetry, prose associations, of free formed Poetic Prose Flow... and discriptive short story. Enjoy, this a limited edition and post Ro if you would like to know more about unwinding this thread?
A trail maybe, a path that leads to the river and sit beneath the tree. And wait, the Ferryman: Siddhartha by: Herman Hesse.
Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, Canada
It's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On!
Peace... Romon in Review
Out Post & Creative Standard Productions.
Romonx Associated Artists
Rory CJ Frankson
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