![]() Theres no StoppingA Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson![]() the power that consumes and the drive, that can't be contained.![]() When Beth finally let herself in, now having her own key. Roly, was hard at work stretching the large canvas over its production backing frame and so involved, he hadn't seen her. She's sat herself on the new divan, quietly watching him intently work with methodical precision. He was sweating hard and had reached a point, where he could have a break an replenish his liquids and heard from behind him, “Roly”! She stood to face him, as he turn in blessed surprise to her beauty aglow in natural light. “When did you have a shower last, or eat, or sleep for that matter”, she demand hands on hips, to sigh, “buddy, if I left you alone for too long. I think you'd let your self waste away”, then laugh. “Hey my brother, if you go shower and I mean. Right now. I'll give you a huge love hug... like you won't forget”! He smiled at the personal joke, they now shared since the day of their reunion, he called to her. “You got a deal”, and was on his way to make that happen.
Move on, always move on. Fool. Or die, heartless! Oh deaf, f*****g... wonder. “Oh by the way”, Beth commented, as he was leaving the studio. “Love the divan, Roly! Wake me when your done, ok”, and still watching her over his shoulder, as she sat herself back into the divans length 'feel her blue eyes', watching him move away from her. And... not an easy thing to do. Ignoring, inner babble. Rattlings, just under decibel range and sometimes. Really annoying! “Ya, its cool hey and... yes. I will wake you,” he called back and was out the door. Bethany, out of line of site. In his usual hurry when this happened, as he wanted to be back into her presence as fast as was humanly possible. Though this time, he spent a while longer enjoying the feel of the pounding hot water tingle against his skin. The thought, arrived in his head... to move on.
Caution. Dipstick!
Something in the now, had clicked. Changed... He could feel it! He'd quit washing and only stood thinking, in the midst of that hot stream an let it pour over him. There was a different quality this time... in Beth's being away from him, and the way he so desperately missed her in his space. It was not complete... without, her. In it! He got out of the shower, with old fears nagging him. His love for her, had subliminally changed on him. He towel off and beginning to get dressed, with the ache to run out to see her alive in his breast, so bad... he almost couldn't breath. After, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. He force himself, to not run to her and deliberately slow his pace, hoping. These disturbingly real thoughts would just go away. He seen her in his minds eye so glowingly beautiful, endlessly patient with him and mature beyond her years. He was forgetting, or had already forgotten... her true age. Thinking about their conversations and how astutely mature, she was. Just how enamoured he was at the very thought of her presence, being involved in his world. Before, he'd even... realized it. Roly was back in the studio and half the way across the floor to her and startled in hearing, Beth calling to him from the far end of the room. “Oh Roly!”, like for real, breathlessly panicked. This'd brought him up suddenly out of his confused thoughts and Beth was crossing the intervening space and not slowly, as his walk had been. She was flying her way to him, her eyes all shinning deep sea green, with tears and was on him. Her strong slender arms wrapped around his neck on tip toes, her lush lips desperately seeking his. To kissing him with a passion, that made his head spin. Roly in shock, just pick her off the floor and kiss her back with equal desperate force and passion. There was no thinking, involved there. Only their electric emotion and pent up love expressed. Denied from self... for lost reasons for as long as were humanly possible. Dark reasons! When that kiss finally finish and he ease her back to earth. It was mutual and had broken at the same moment. Bethany fell to his chest sobbing “It-it was t-the divan, Roly. The d-divan”! Not really understanding, what she was putting to him. He easily swept her off her feet and carry her to that divan to sit holding her tenderly on his lap, stroke her hair. Struggling to comprehend, this turn of fate. Realizing, that he cry right along with her and had gotten out some kind of real question fairly smoothly. With out choking through his tears, looking to her confusion, “what about the divan, kitten?” She look up to him and the look there, was startling in its intensity, “I-I went to s-sleep I think, w-well you had your shower. And i-in my dream Roly, y-you were making love to me”! “Oh god”, a sob escape him, he pull her back into himself. “This must stop Bethy, I can't stand this pain. You have no idea, how much I love you. How much, I've denied this”! Kiss her hair, an left... it there. To whisper,“oh god, what have I done. God forgive me. What have I done”! She pulled away to come up and kiss him again, warmer. Slower. Her hands ran through his hair so gentle, lovingly and it went on and on. Roly knew now, he was lost. His heart pounding... in his ears. His tears mingle with hers and fell, like warm rain. To feel their wet mesh with wanting lips, colliding in pure ecstasy. This was pure emotion never before experienced that way, in raw revelatory intensity... Roly Syrus Peterson loved Bethany Angela Edwards. With every fibre of his being. Maybe, always had! 'This could never be wrong'. The revelation set, integrated. Into their reality. Well... the future. Would hold the details, of that fated unions. Contribution. The divans purchase, Roly felt was magical. To have found it right away, and on the very day of Bethany's return. Their relationship, took a turn from that point on. They became star struck lovers, on a mad campaign to arrive at the visions dream. Although for some time it remain, rather endearing and they didn't... make love, on that divan! Like in Bethany's dream, to open some dark door... not yet. The vision grew, around that divan. An essential element, like a key! In the presentation of imaginations view and on, into... Worlds within Worlds. A logo symmetry, with far reaching ramifications... leading to realms of an unbelievable line of consequence. Invading, the normal concepts of reality and involve them, in a classical battle... as old. As time! Beth worked hard with Roly like she did everything else, she maintained her schooling and grades, sports commitments and quality time spent with her parents and so did Roly. He was becoming like one of the family, which freaked him out to no end. As some nights on a weekends, they'd leave from a visit with them and go back to Roly's studio, to make out for hours. As hot and heavy, as he would allow himself and for Beth's sake. Holding back on it, becoming finally consummated. Their love remained, a sacred thing to them. Without the reality of a total sexual engagement. That tension, seemed to fuel the progress on the painting, at its essence. Arriving at innocence, the virginal promise the painting would represent. No paramount... that it did. Maintaining, its pure Angelic integration. The premise, was now a solid thing. A real practising aspect, of their everyday. Roly, had begun to mix paint for the background textures and it would take quite a lot. It was not a small canvass and was a set, elongated rectangle. Longer tall than wide, to measure 4'6''x6'. It would as well, be done to exacting scale. When Roly broke out the callipers and had Beth, begin to model the exact same pose, in the exact same location upon that divan. This when she began to realize, what a master work might entail. As Roly calibrate every possible part of her body and record every one, so as to maintain the scale according to the presented back drop. This included extensive measurements of the exotic divan, as well. Then Roly working out all the dimensional math, that would place it all together. Beth had about seen it all, when Roly began a anatomical correct skeletal map drawing. Of that exact pose, on the divan. On a piece of paper, the same size as the painting would be. Several of these, were made in mock up for mapping the result of various things. The layout perspective in that rooms placement, furniture (divan) and how he had that in mind. For colour range, light direction, shade and shadow that would pull up and to the right in its darkening... heaven? Then suddenly, all was made ready. Roly, began the background. These parts, even before the live modelling began. Beth were allowed to watch, if Roly didn't have other work for her. He could see, she never tire of watching him work. Recognized the frenzy state he work himself into. How he attack the canvass, with his methodical plan, and always... moving on. At first it was all black, layers of different types of black. All of which he explain to Bethany as it progress, her not knowing that black was not only just black. As it took place, she Oo an Ah at the effects created in just where it drew your eye to. Then to the left, the palisade began to take shape growing gradual out of the dark, to come into predominant detail. The style of which, Roly had gotten through research of his Greco-Roman architectural study. Then reproduce that to mock scale first, before it now stood exact in his painting. With his own mapped light direction, making it all the more fascinating, to Bethany. Then winter came and was almost done, Roly telling Beth he were half the way there and now. She wouldn't be able to see the progress, till it was completed. Bethany's live modelling now came into play. In this period, their mad love grew in astounding proportion. There seemed an exchange being made, for the painting. Roly, would only paint her in natural light that flood in those huge windows and only at a certain time of day that last at the most... two hours. But Roly, could paint a lot in two hours. The pose that Beth maintain, was not a piece of cake either and after two hours her very bones ache. She had to be partially standing in certain measured every-time way. Like in the motion of rising, or descending onto the divan. An almost coarse length of cream silk, draped a certain way from her elbows, showing both bared shoulders and leaving one almost totally exposed breast and most of the other. A cunning piece of engineering that, as the nudity... was more suggestive than actual. Roly in being thoroughly sneaky, in this portrayal. Beth telling him she thought that in its self a reflection of his natural genius, with all the subliminal elements. He was integrating, into this ethereal representation! Valentines day came along and they had ahead of time, decided to spend the day together and not work. Spend that one classically relevant day, together as lovers, as was always the case when not working, on the portrait. In the meanwhile, it remain covered in its production location. Roly knew that Beth was aching to see herself in progress and Roly, as always. Adamant, that this could not happen. It was like it could jinx his work... is the way he'd put it to her. Well non the less, he'd catch her leaving her modelling post and oh so casual, stroll by and try to peek past it's corners. Roly never ever got mad at her, for her sneaky attempts. Would only laugh at her, an shoo her away to admire her ever present tenacity. Well his gift for her that day, Roly was going to break his code and show her herself. In a light she'd never before seen herself in. The had both decided that all the live body work was in deed necessary, but the face an hair were to be copied from... the photo. Now broken down into blow up, of just the head shot. The lighting and glow therein, Roly knew had to be used. That picture had totally captured his imagination, the inspiration for this work. The expression of her innocence there, were the rendition of the immaculate in its conception... capturing Bethany Angela Edwards, as a living angel. He'd finished that face in the painting, and had decided this would be the day of it's unveiling. For, his Bethany. Well he bought the usual roses, box of chocolate an gushy card, for Valentines day tradition. Had even broke down and bought a bottle of really expensive wine, he'd let Beth drink together with him. Not like it was a big deal, as Beth didn't normally drink anyway. Not wanting it to get in the way of her passion... volleyball. When she'd showed up, she held no presents as such with her. She gave Roly a kiss and a card, that she said he'd have to wait and could only open it... when she let him. Well that was intriguing, left it at that and they went to their laid out lunch prepared for her, as it was mid-day they had set. For this, thier special valentines date. Beth's hair was really done up and because of Roly, she never wore makeup. The close fitting dress worn, revealed as Roly took her coat at the door. Enticingly molding to her curves, was short and a simple kind of black and yellow spring flower print. The colours suiting her golden auburn hair and her creamy complexion, to a tee. Breathing in some rare scent she was wearing and noticing right away, that she wore real silk nylons, with back seams and black pumps that were really quite sensible. The overall effect being. Bethany on that Valentines Day, stroll through Roly's home looking every inch... A woman. © 2010 Rory CJ Frankson |
1 Review Added on October 21, 2010 Last Updated on October 22, 2010 Author![]() Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, CanadaAboutIt's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..Writing