![]() Visions ReignA Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson![]() The flipside becons and Roly is drawn into the abyss, where hell rules.![]()
This calling, rang out and through him like some clarion call, trumpeting... Roly's end of times! He held out a hand to gain a moment, seeing her vision swimming before him, “not now, Beth”, Roly choked out, “not now... your too beautiful. To behold!” and he stood and turned, from her presence. “What's wrong Roly?” Beth ran to him and hug herself tightly to his back, “please, baby don't cry... please. Please!” Could feel her Angel plea, seep through his back and pierce other hard truths... held close, to the bone. An endlessly weak soul, beguiled by pressing dark and understanding not what his spirit... was experiencing, in its contention. His past screaming deserved retribution in his ears, that which he well knew. 'Your not worthy, of such as this... fool pretender' and. Demons... Ran, through his countenance. He tried hard to separate himself from this burning pain, that scorched him with every second of this prolonged embrace and... could not. And they laughed, at the fools. Vain struggle. Panic, began to sear through him. Believing, that he could honestly burn her to bare bone right there in his loft, and leave her... a smoking ruin! To then realize that this angel was praying... for his very soul? Knowing then, nothing of her parents love, in their joined religious upbringing of their most loved Bethany. The demons began to scatter to foul abodes bellow and their temporary chain...
Broken. For a times times, a time... of grace! Roly to again once more, came back to himself. In the then reality, still sobbing... As he was, in that... really uncomfortable armchair. Now, so close... To utter damnation. But, in the somewheres of then... Was held in spirit to be granted, release. Collapsing to sag, like some ragged puppet sinking to the floor... onto his knees. Still, Beth would not release her spirit hold on him. His weight, carried her down with him and not stop praying for him. Even for a second, as the light in Roly. Increase. How long he stay in that determined position, Roly held no recollection of and as some of his burden, released. He felt weirdly... like a golden glow, in a rising helium balloon. That could float off into the skies of her whorling eyes... and on, into the mystic clouds. That would engulf him. His seeing this soaring... as a creator painted urgings, must! That evolve it's resolve, in solid mystic significance before his minds eye and bound. To the eternal. And, below... the utter oblivion of darkness and leaping flame, ever reaching upward. To try in vain, to stop him in this near escape. Integrated in the upper shades of Hades, tortured faces stretched in horrid... ugliness. Screaming silent, in their demented jealousy, of his leaving them there. To eternal sufferance, and him. Being granted leaven, from their warped grasping uttered blasphemies... the pull of his demise and, carried beyond. On those wings of grace! Roly, felt a dawning clarity that he hadn't felt since he was a young man. Himself, enamoured with the struggle of existence and all its phenomenon, a challenge to be conquered. The wonder of life, expressed in all living things on canvass and his earliest works reflecting that. As a result of these immersions, lightning fast recognitions pass before his minds eye at a mind boggling pace. Roly knowing it would all be there and not meant to be recall for the present, but the coming futures... endless struggles. His artistic endeavour a destiny, to strive for pure intent. Living art! Like the face, now before him. God, would assuredly remember for eternity. The love of his Angel. As even moments such as these, no matter how glorious. Can be muddied, even again. To be forgotten. And, horrible atrocities... still may be commanded, from the tortured soul. Who's branch once by the flame had straightened and away from it. Bow again, to its former shape and... Do murder. But, this beauteous face. Whose vibrant hands, one on either cheek held his sanity in her gentle embrace. No words, being shaped... by those peach pert lips that still spoke volumes, in what she'd just done for Roly. To remember his beginnings, his drives, his forgotten prayers for perfection. Just when, she had changed her angle in the attack on the blackness. That had threatened, to take him. Rip his soul... from his body. He didn't even try, to recognize... this. When. Such as this was, from a time... That was, in its self. As, this matter... is.
As Angel Bethany's, wondrous face he stroke with endless love. One more sob, escape him... the spirit of the thing lingering, a golden glow about her. “God, do you see. Beth.” Pointing, Roly sent useless words into her stunning mystical shines, surround. “Behold... Bethany The Angel”! Loves grip grows “Oh god... Roly. Your really scaring me, do you know how weird that was”? She was crying again, hands warming to hot against his face. Roly, feeling he couldn't handle these revelatory cycles much longer. Put his much larger hands, to her delicate beautiful face. An rub away, Beth's sliding tears. Like crystal refractions of tiny precious... liquid prisms. Melt, their iridescence... into the heart. “Shh now, no more crying for either of us, all right Beth,” he pleaded. With a nod her head and with a final sniff. It really did end there... the true intensity of the event, slip away. Roly, feeling it pass. The both of them rose, together, without any cue to do so and held each other in a heart felt embrace, awhile longer. Finally, Roly chose to break away from her heady closeness, “Mmm Kitten, I really need something, to eat!” Although no longer entwined physically, was feeling some of the raw spirituality of it, and still. Lost, within mystic blue cobalt eyes. That contained... such mystery. He spoke to her then, of somehow only ordinary things. To try and bring things down, into a rationality he could deal with. “I'm going into the kitchen, and make some sandwiches... ok,” came out rather raw. “I really, don't remember the last time, I ate. Beth!” This again, looking as though it greatly worry her and she stroke a loving hand, over his cheek. He turn from that intensity and move on, always. Move on... Him needing space, from this... what ever it was and doing something, to keep his hands occupied. His boggled mind, diverted from what had taken place. Bethany, said nothing and followed along with him, to his next objective. Training died hard. That, she'd come along to the kitchen bothering him not at all knowing his angel, needing to be close. Even, as he prepared his food, similar in his preparations to paint. Methodical. The feeling of a new kind of spring time for him, hung in the air so powerful, he could smell its perfumed breezes. Bethany, only watching content to once again to be in this her loved artists company. It was transparent and could feel that as well, to smile at her often feeling her thoughts changing. With no idea of just what they might be, only admiring them anyway. Getting things from the fridge, as he was mostly vegetarian... and again, to remind himself. Some training, never goes away. Made a side salad, to go along with the sandwiches he was creating. He hoped Beth, join him in his sort of honour feast. Almost like breaking a fast was somehow, important to him. As if on cue, his stomach belly ache an growl at them and Bethany laugh beside him sweetly soft and then...Wonder away? He'd almost not seen her leave. Still... he move on and through always, always. Always, keep moving... mostly done and the table was set. He pour two glasses of cranberry juice and was in the deal type process of getting the large salad bowl off the counter and heading back to the table, to hear... “Roly?” This query, coming from the living-room area, made him shiver and wondered. At its vaguely premonitory feel. “Ya”, spoken forced volume back into the slight hollow echo, of large open spaces. Again, but closer. “Roly... what's, this?” Came Bethany's sweet questioning voice, now so very near. Heared her foot steps approaching, just as he was about to put the bowl down. She rounded the corner. “I found this, under your chair,” her wonder eyes, sparking a different type of question. As she turn a sheet of paper, to show him... his sketch and herself. Bethany Angela Edwards... Tastefully posed and classically nude. He drop the bowl the rest of the way to the table, with a big metal mixing bowl clang and bits of small pieces of lettuce and fixings, jump onto the table. There wasn't a hole big enough in the world, for him to crawl into... and just die! Some entity, stitch his eyes and mouth closed and the blackness came to crowd again, in a very different way. Called, extreme embarrassment and he almost felt to pass out. Bethany's following response, changed all that. “It's beautiful, Roly,” slowly turning it about, to study it more intently and intone, “god, it's so... me,” her face changing yet again, “paint me like this Roly,” to look up at him and seeing that she were serious. Her stance, not at all confrontational “What”, he almost yell unbelieving. To gruffly snatch the sketch from her. Caught himself, meaning intentionally to soften his voice and not containing it and came out, “not a god damn chance, Bethany,” he flip the sketch over and slap it face down on the table, to hide the offending article. “Why not?” Beth pout, her feelings bruised. Eyes going sea green again, and threatening storm. “Cause I'd go to f****n jails' why not”! Roly hoping this wasn't going for another round of emotional spiritual stuff. No such luck, and he was really thinking to sit and have a nice lunch...really enjoy Beth's company. And now this? A day of collisions, facing the reality of a driven obsession. Something that could land him in more trouble than he could imagine, and destroy what ever reputation he had. Now... Bethany uncovering, what he'd coveted. Kept, to himself... swore he'd never reveal, to a living soul. This under age Angel, suggesting the very thing... he only wished, he could do. Paint her nude. “Your, just too young Beth”, he sigh. The facts, only resigning him to the reality of such a thing. “I'm seventeen Roly”! This beauty replied with pride and with a rebellious stance, stated, “it's my body and I can do what I want with it... and I want you. To paint me, Roly,” and state challengingly, “ Like your beautiful sketch!” Pointed to where he'd flip it face down, on the table. A very direct, dare... “Doesn't matter Beth. In this state, you are a minor and... if I were to be caught doing what you ask, without parental consent. I'd be charged and very likely, go to jail,” he tried explaining, then calmly ask. “I really don't think your parents, would allow me to paint you nude... do you?” He could feel the heat rising into his face and shoulders and not because, he was getting angry... The flush came. Because of the realization, as an artist he desired to paint her regardless of bloody consequence, to indulge in the study of her nude nebule form. The artist in him, screaming surrender to the opportunity to capture her classically innocent youthful essence, on canvass. Frozen ageless, in time. Through brush strokes and oil mixed coloured, marvel. He stopped himself thinking... 'No way, this is really too fucked up. To even contemplate'. Beth, broke into his thoughts, “Roly, you made that sketch,” pointing an accusing finger again. “You know god damn well, with out mine or my parents damn consent, for that matter. Did, you not?” Her dainty hands. Firmly planted on curved hip, in demand. “Ya well... Yes I did, and couldn't help myself! Beth... no one was supposed to ever look at those sketches!” He felt his colour deepen, toward crimson. “I'm sorry, Beth. It was a horrible thing to do”! “No, it wasn't Roly its Art, it's who you are! What, do you think when I found that,” with a nod at the evidence, her small hands now balled into fists on her hips. Spoke to him, like a reprimanding a small child, “that I was looking at some perverted pornography!” Bethany, looking truly disgusted with him went on. “No Roly. I saw something, truly beautiful. Me. A classical Art Form... Created by God. Really, Roly... like your so fond of talking about all the friggin time,” now looking mystically pissed. Him, thinking silly thoughts. 'This girl, should really become a lawyer. She's pretty convincing'! “Ok, you wait right here Roly Syrus Peterson. I want to show you something!” And, of she went. He wanted to follow her and see what she were about, but heard. “I said to wait right there didn't I, and I meant it Roly. I'll only be a minute,” hearing her moving around not far off just out of view and could only wonder, maybe she'd found the other damning sketches? The sounds of her returning footsteps, reached him, but the sound of them slapping against the floor was different in a way he couldn't right away place. It was made immediately apparent, as Bethany rounded the corner. As naked as the day is long and Roly tried uselessly to stop her, 'Beth... don't, stop', was said in panic. Holding up an adult commanding hand that failed to have any responsible effect, what-so-ever. Beth, continued right on into a perfect identical pose from memory and the sketch right there in front him stupefied. “You see Roly,” this wonder state still holding that pose, “Am I not beautiful... a subject of Art, here in the nude!” 'God help me', he thought, 'but you are'! “Am I not a worthy subject, for you to represent on your canvass. To make real, from your pallet of choice. To create my perfect beauty, as a living thing and for the sake of Classical Art. That I trust, you'd make me immortal through your eyes Roly Peterson!” Her words spun away from such ambient form, it pushed Roly beyond normal reason. They were all ringingly true... They dove right into his rational Art sense and the wrongness of all his past fears... fell away. “Stay there,” his hand, still stupidly held up frozen. In that stop sign. Now meaning something else entirely... “don't move, stay just like that,” and Roly, ran for the Nikkon and one of his bathrobes. And Beth had stayed right there, like a very living statue in that perfect pose. A seventeen year old girl, naked. In his kitchen! The laid out lunch for now entirely forgotten, he tossed the robe over a chair and went to work a short while. Right there, with the wildly snapping whir and flash of camera. Round and round his subject, with all differing angles and artistic measures. Till the roll he had loaded. Ran out. “Ok”, he said simply, “you can break, the pose.” Which Beth, did immediately and Roly put the robe around her shoulders. Beth, swimming in it donned and did up its belt. “The lighting in here Beth sucks and, I ran out of film. If you want, we can go into the studio and shoot some more... interested?” Beth just laugh. “Now, this is the Roly I remember as an artist. All business. Ya sure, lets go”! And, so off they went... Roly stopped a moment and took out the folder of the rest of the nudes, from where he'd hidden them and Beth. Only eye the folder speculatively, as they continue on into the studio. She'd obviously had thought, they would just get right back to shooting and was about to again disrobe. Roly, stopped her. “No Beth, not yet. I want to share it all with you,” he tap the folder, “lets just sit at the table awhile. Ok?” She looked intrigued and doing the belt back up, joined him. To walk into in the room, that she was by then. Eminently more familiar with, the workings of Roly's Art Studio. So enjoyed in her first portraits modelling, of her real passion. Free form, expressionism... Roly started his explanations, “you've seen the one sketch, Bethany,” and spread the others around the table top, as he took them out of thier folder. “As you can see, Beth. I've been at this awhile, and it has been rather my personal obsession. Since the first time, I painted your lovely personage!” Beth, gave a lovely blush at his expressed compliment. Returned, with. “Jeez Roly, I'll say,” said quirky cute. With a crooked dimpled smile, began to one by one. Go through them, “there's so many and every one. So different it's hard to comprehend and all of them so far... are so gorgeous Roly .” “Thanks, it's hard to admit. But I have painted almost no art, since you Beth.” That raise her eyebrows some, and he continue, “I'm consumed by you, I can't think, of anything else. Its like this project is calling for me to paint you, in just a certain light!” Roly paused for a moment gathering his thoughts on how to present all of this to her. Then found it in himself to continue,“well all your sketches, your going through are me. Trying and capture the perfect pose, the perfect angles to my interpretations. What I feel inside, are right... and haven't, exactly found the right ones.” Again, Roly pause thinking, before going on finding his expression. “It's like, each on of those sketches, hold a fractured part of the real whole. I knew that what was missing, was the living model... you Beth! I believed, that was until today and you coming here. An impossible dream, to realize.” He left it at that, a moment and just study Bethany's beauty go through sketches. Till it appear she was satisfied and been through at least most of those wonder sketches. It was remarkable to watch her much loved blessed countenance, and feeling dangerous... was, this ground. His Beth had gone through so many different expressions, Roly felt at that moment. His heart must burst and her, so unaware the effect she was having on a precarious equilibrium, of a man. Perched on a chasms... edge! She look up, “well now its not impossible Roly and I want to be a part of your dream realized... maybe even desperately. You know, from our talks before. The books, you'd shown me to explain art and the great Masters. I think that its, in you, Roly. The passion it takes, to make real and if I could be a part of that. Well... I would feel profoundly honoured, my love. These sketches, make the vision of it real, and hey. I'd like to experience, the process of making it actual. Roly!” Her final expression, one of shinning commitment. Leaving Roly, slightly dumbfounded and looked into her well considered marvel to come clean. “Before we go anywhere, with this... you need to see where... it began Beth,” this said tentatively, as the next revealing Roly knowing it would be the hardest. Yet Bethany deserved to know the truth of it and just where, his inspiration was coming from and beckoned. “Come, follow me an we'll go see shall we?” She interestedly got up from the table with him and they went off to the photo gallery viewing room, attached to the developing lab. Beth already familiar with, from their last photo and developing sessions. Times, they'd enjoyed so well. Together. Creative Emergence Although, not as the gallery was currently arranged, and. 'Artistically Emulated'... “Holy”! Beth expressed, her astonished initial reaction. On entering her worshipped shrine and view its array. “God, they're all me, Roly”, she stood in front of the display, a stunned hand to her mouth. He saw her attention, immediately drawn to the blow up. At its very centre. “This is it, isn't Roly... your. Inspiration”, and turned to him, for unneeded affirmation. Roly only nodding, and she turn back to its study. “Wow, now is that provocative, or what? I mean the shot is totally unbelievable and I mean. Incredible. I can't believe, that's really me”! This reaction to this portrayal, not anything like he'd expected. Didn't know, what he might have truly expected. Yet this reaction certainly not one of them, total repulsion more like it. To address, what Beth had said deadly serious. “Well Bethany it is you and, when I developed it. I almost threw it out”! He responded, to cringe at the very thought. Knowing, that would never be possible... not now! “What... why? Why, would you destroy it. Roly”? Beth's immediate response, total puzzlement. “Why? Jesus Beth” and moved closer, to point at it's flaw, “it shows, your friggin panties”! “So! Girls do wear them, you know”, and she moved into a closer viewing. “Ya, well... now I can see what you mean. It is pretty revealing, right there hey,” Roly could almost feel her colour some. “But still, the motion and overall impression of this photo. Is fantastic”! She smile. “Just look, at my face.” Roly knew now, she seen the real worthy quality of this photo. “You don't think the exposure there. Is inappropriate”? Surprised, at her viewing. Thus far. “No... well, maybe just a little”! Bethany, turned to him. “But, no Roly, it's a great picture. I wish, you would have shown it to me before”, a hand, swept over the rest of the board. “I've seen most of the rest of these, helped you develop most of them. I don't know why you thought, you couldn't?” “Well... because of that flaw, Bethany. I couldn't show that, to anyone... It's too damn. Erotic”! She smiled hugely, at that expression. “Well, if you say so,” an giggle. “It is almost, tricks the eye into focusing, well there. Hey?” She'd grasped the observation, right away. The kid was sharp. “If you think, it's too revealing Roly. Because of the lighting and shade considerations,” she turned back to the photo and with three fingers, cover the spot. “The layered textures, are such you could just air brush it out Roly,” to giggle shyly an Beth state logically, “your erotic deal, disappears!” And mature, man alive. Indicated the obvious solution, it was so simplistically complex? Like, this woman-child! The Lolita, attraction was virtually killing Roly and knew it, in his bones! But By god, this totally beautiful heart ache, had something there? If only the other feelings, would go away. Roly, held a finger to his lip meditatively. “you know, I never even thought of that, damn you know that'd work. The picture, would still remain. Using your words, slightly provocative. But it'd take, the overtly erotic quality right out of it, hey. That was the perfect suggestion, there Bethany. I'll do that, if I ever exhibit it.” Still thinking, he probably never would. This picture, was unreasonably... his own. He then with that thought complete. Continue onward, “what and why... I wanted to show you this Beth. Its the light direction, the shades and shadow upon your face and hair.” Again Bethany, turn back to the picture... to study prettily, what he was saying, “I want to use this angle and this exact face, this innocent and angelic face, if I paint... this portrait?” Smiled at her, devilling with her sensibilities... In many ways, Roly really was a tease. “If?” She frown, heavily at him. Her peachy pout, exceedingly playful & matching impish grin.“Ok then... when, I paint you. Which will be partially nude by the way”! Seen, in his minds eye.Bethany, back to viewing the picture. Commented, her brow slightly wrinkle. “It is kind of Angelic, isn't it Roly and sort of the reason. I almost couldn't believe, it was really me”! Bethany, looked back to him wide eyed, “is this how you see me Roly and why. Back there earlier... during the weird stuff. You told me, so passionately spooky. I Bethany Angela Edwards, was an Angel and that I should really, believe it. Roly”? “Yes, it is”,said simply and Roly. Turn an left the gallery, with a totally different view of that picture left behind. Bethany, following along excited with what might come next. In this crazy day of wonderful surprises. Could see these things, plainly written on her ever changing expressions. As always, she showed interest as he set up lighting for their next shoot and reloaded the Nikkon. These frames, he was going to shoot were in black and white. To better show shades and shadows, in the curvature of her nude form. They shot frame after frame and Bethany. Would, study a sketch... Then, match it... To perfection. Her expressionism, in rare form. Not a trace of self gratification, only oh so rare. Beauty... and Roly only immersed, in his subject matter. Studying the angle and textures... he hoped would come out in developing. Now the beginning of the portrait was to come to fruition, his mind. Was a constant moving, through creative stimulation. Beth's young form effecting, him not at all. Its bared and nebule significance, was not a sexual stimulation. Bethany posing there was all, light and shadow. It was... Art, that consume him. A focus with but one end... find, the perfect pose. The perfect angle of attack. For her firm youthful anatomical form, to suit the vision that was rapidly forming in his mind. Her body, was so perfect for the rendition. That was forming in his phyci, the impression. He wished to convey and represent. For the, viewing of the body... The face... Of the Angel, Bethany. © 2010 Rory CJ FranksonAuthor's Note
Featured Review
2 Reviews Added on October 21, 2010 Last Updated on October 21, 2010 Author![]() Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, CanadaAboutIt's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..Writing