Angels Call

Angels Call

A Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson

and Roly suffers to find his self lost to a vision, needing paint.



So fine...


       Roly didn't see, Beth. For quite some time, and for almost six months. That he was happy, not to have her maddeningly, ingratiating pearly presence. In his Art World. As a very real and deathly feared, distraction. But of the stack of ongoing sketches, of Bethany nude.

       Were not a distraction, at all.

       There were now, tons of them!

        That erotic picture, warping his mind. Almost never going out, forgetting to eat, shave or even... bath. Roly. Was a creative wreck! Well really, he'd never been so... mindlessly happy. Trapped, in his acquired obsession... of Bethany's tauntingly nebule innocent glow. That Angelic vision! A place, he had to go daily and study Bethany's blessed image... that eat into his spirit and fill. His soul.

       Then, one fateful day.

       Sitting in the midst of a happy pile of sketches, spread out on the floor around him viewing. His cell went off and some friends called him regular to know enough, that when his creative like genius, struck. Leave Roly Peterson to himself and some, like DeAnne Sythmore in particular. To have said, she was beginning to be concerned for him? He really did enjoy his phone conversations with her, looked forward to them even. He really liked this waitress, but had somehow got the vibe that it wasn't reciprocated. Felt his heart picked up the beat a little, with the thought... that it might be DeAnne and answered.

         Feeling that it wouldn't be such a bad intrusion.

         Not at all.

         An intrusion, that was Bethany Edwards? His worst, dreaded fear.


         The live, and in person kind!

And him, sitting on the floor in just his underwear. Immersed, in that pile of all of her... very nude staring up at him all red faced. It was a short conversation. She, was at the door and asking to be let in? He'd said, somehow automatically. “Ok, I'll buzz you on up!”

           Holy Crap...

          'S**t', what was he thinking. Bam, went into gear... and hiding the damnable evidence and go burning into the bedroom, for jeans and a tee shirt. Didn't even put on socks and in record time was at the stairway. Buzzing this ongoing fantasy... through the downstairs, outer door. He waited there till she topped the stairs and didn't even have a chance, to say anything. Was going to give her a hug and she'd slapped a small hand with real authority... against, his chest.

          “Don't you dare, Roly,” making a face, and him thinking.

          'Come over, to again be angry'?

          “God... Roly! Your a mess and peeyew boy, do you stink!” She grin, “brother. I will visit you... But only, if you have a shower and, I mean. Right now!”, to laugh, like the sun.  


         Took her warm hand off his chest, and held out a... shake a paw, kinda claw?

         He took the offering. Glad, she'd taken her hand of his chest and not feel. How hard it was beating just to see her. Her other images, so fresh... in his mind! “Deal,” his turn to laugh. “Been working and neglecting, the finer things in life,” said as he was turning. To go solidify their deal, to say. “Come on in and make your self comfortable,” and took off, like a house on fire. He heard her moving around, as he fired up the shower for a very quick one. Stripped and climbed in, to immediately be ashamed of himself. Roly, held an unrealized... erection? Turned the shower, all the way to cold, and soaped up. It still... did not, go away. 'Jesus Christ Roly, man get a grip. She is gorgeous, yes...

            But, Beth's still... just a kid'?

           It seemed to work, at least halfway and by the time he was out and dressed. Problem solved and had regained some sort of valid composure. With enough time in his hurry, to slap on some deodorant, brush his, teeth and put on his slippers. For some reason. Were already in the bathroom, but no socks... And. Move on, to the next. Objective...

         To find how Bethany had faired, for the past 'six months'?

         She really appeared, to be happy. Roly, clearly... hoped so! Prayed more like, that she'd gotten over her infatuation with him and the following conversations. Pretty much assayed his fears... and in some weird, inner emotional turn. Maybe wished... she hadn't. It could be, a harmless thing and stopped himself.


'Just who are you bullshitting. The demon, temptation, is right at the door. Just waiting to drag you down, into the pits of hell. And... you know it'!


         After what had happened to him, in the shower... Roly Syrus Peterson, was not to be trusted. Maybe, he'd have to get rid of her again, and this thought rode through, behind him, in the first half hour of their visit together. And... finally fade.

         When he'd come out. Beth was sitting on the sofa with her feet tucked up under her and as was usually her way. Had her beautiful thick auburn locks, done up in that kind of French braid with unruly strands, that hung out around... the most delicate ears. Like an unfolding flower, and again. Golden curls twirl, the nap of her swan neck. He couldn't help breathing her into himself, and wondered. If he'd ever not seen her, in a school uniform. But that was stupid, of course he had. The picture... was again invading his brain. She was dressed casually in jeans, and like him. A tee shirt but with the logo of Led Zeppelin, on it...

          Cool. Roly, love that band with an unreasonable passion!

          Looking up from a magazine, puzzled. At him, just standing there to say. “Hey really Roly, say something, like maybe. Hello. Or, just take a picture”!

          Again laugh, to set his heart to mad thumping. He shook his head. To rid himself of thoughts in the reflection, of an angel in paint. Guessing he was in deed. Dumbly gawking, at that pleasure. “What day, is it. Beth?”, weirdly, came falling out.

         “Saturday?” Again, another kind of puzzlement appear, in her litany of cute expressions.

         “Ah,” he stutter, stupidly through, “w-w-what, time of day?”

         She held up a small gold womans watch, an observe. With a funny perky, squint... say. “10:45!”

         “Am or Pm?” Roly suddenly, needing to know.

         Bethany, cracked up.

         “Jeez Roly. What planet are you coming from, my brother? Like... Am!”

         “Well... when I'm working, I lose track. Is all!”, he stalled, with a laugh. “At least... I didn't ask you what month, hey,” and she smiled maddeningly again. Like the sun. He really didn't know what day it was. Or time either... there was only Bethany. Tastefully modelled... and naked. He was still stalling, trying not to see through her cloths. Wondering, if she could feel these things rampaging through him.

          “Oh by the way... love the hair, an beard thing!” An it look as though she really did. All he could think of was the flecks of grey, now breaking through jet black hair. “So, are you going hippie on us Roly?” This got him to smile, remembering his days of school, in Paris... Roly the hippie artist. Was then, very real and him. Relatively young and hopelessly, naive. “Really, my brother. Cool, it suits you!”

           Thinking, 'what was with the brother deal', and. Ask her.

           “Why... so I don't jump your old bones”, she answer, and Roly. Almost escorted her to the door, for more than the obvious reason and offended.

            'Old, in deed', sat into his old chair with mad thump!

            She point an accusing finger, 's**t, now what', he thought. As she started, into, “well, you know Roly. Being, a b*****d doesn't suit you!” His mouth fell open and Beth, really get to laughing heartily. 'At my some what surprised awkwardness, and probably. Stupid expression'. His thinking and Bethany's happy laugh. To change, to adult seriousness.

            A stating With hopeless eyes to break, ones heart.

           “I was just a little girl, Roly and so childish! I really couldn't take the truth, when it up and slapped me in the face,” she sigh. “You know, that you broke my heart and not... for a short while! I'd never really in my life, been so seriously depressed. But god, Roly. I cried, for a whole month thinking I'd lost you forever and again... being. Childish!”

           Beth had come to a full stop, at her last statement. Looking really unhappy...

           Roly, noted. That she still held that magazine, in a white knuckled death grip. Looking down at it, with out seeing its article and, quite a super charged space growing between them. He sat forward, a thoughtful motion. Clasp his hands, placing elbows on knees. Roly aching, to hear just where... this was going. Seeing, this was... for Bethany a very mature interfacing. Her being a very lovely and caring person. The miraculous metamorphosis... had begun. Beth was blooming, now more stunningly woman. Than beautiful cute young girl, with a school crush. The full enticing flower, being presented in its full splendour.

         Only needing, to be acknowledged, received in acceptance. It's created, wonder...

         Displayed, so naturally.

         Again... Roly agonize, that classical sadness. At this terminal lose, of innocence. No longer really so evident in lovely features. Took in the bittersweet thoughts, reflected, in those soulful deep cobalt blue eyes. And was shocked, as he witness Bethany's beautiful eyes. Change colour, and go...


Sea green!

A fat, crystalline tear. Form there... in wonder. To roll, ever so slowly.

Down a now, heavenly natural rouged cheek. Never even bothering.

To have a graceful, hand... wipe it away!

As it, to him.

In the Art, of the moment... in slow motion. Suspension.

It fell, away from her. With a seeming heavy, plop. Onto the page, of that magazine... Taking... a real, dramatic. Teenage beating.

An innocent chin. Quiver, with halting. Emotion.

“It's r-really h-hard, to grow up. Hey”! Bethany, choke out... haltingly.

An Angel Emerge

         Said, to another tear. On its way, down... onto that sometimes ruination of younger dreams and of contemplating. An adult world, unknown. With, surging unruly passions at rage. With such hard yearning... boiling, through the blood. To fuel... heated insanity, at the very thought of being. Caressed, gently soft...

         Sincerely, loved without condition. By, God.

        This, were a different kind of thing unfolding before his eyes and Roly. Was numb, with its revelation. Surging through an unknown place, to reply to this marvel. “Yes, it is a hard thing Bethany”! Roly, felt this with his heart..    

          “Need a hug”, he ask. Seriously spontaneous.

          Adamant, she state immediately. “No”, passionately and this time. Did... aggressively wipe away truly human tears. “Please... let me finish, Roly”! Her deeper, sea green eyes plead. “I really need to get this out”.

        More forced rational maturity, follow.

        She gather strength, a moment then go on.

       “Taken me a lot, to get the courage up to come here and tell you this!” She almost sob, and stopped herself. To visibly, refrain from the inevitable so as to continue, and succeeded. “After that month, I was already in collage and that stuff! Began to effect, my very academic performance. A professor actually took me aside, and talk to me. He's very cool, a hip grandpa kind of aura... who's really wise. Wham, I just lay it on him. Then he help me to grow and realize, how much different. My life would now be from prep school and found... in the greater deal. He... was absolutely, right!” She slap a knee, in added emphasis of fact. Again, that serious sort of pause and Roly, lean even further into Bethany's presence. To truly hear what this Angel, was in fact. Struggling to communicate. To a perceived, friend and thinking... 'God, this could go so many different ways'!

         Beth, carry on...

         “The transition to collage, has been very difficult. Everyone there, seems so much older than me and I have, f****n guys... hitting on me 24-7!” Her eyes were back to blue, and Roly seen that this really bothered her. Made her desperately angry.

         “If I want to f**k anybody, Roly... it'd be you”!

          Holy dingle, alarm bells went off all over again. And now, Bethany was reading his facial features like a book and grinning at him... in a manner. That truly, made him friggin uncomfortable. Roly thought. 'Girls. Headed for the door, again'!

        “Relax my brother,” laughing? Her humour again showing itself in a suddenly brilliant radiance. He couldn't belief, how much he loved the sound of her different kinds of laughter. But then, her general ambiance grew seriously mature, to say. “I'm here, explaining to you. About putting childish things aside. How these changes, through hard thought and meditation. Helped me to realize how foolish, I was!” Beth, smile new wisdom. Bethany Angel, now throwing, these endless curve balls and poor Roly. Only feeling fair... flustered, at these rapid stormy revelatory challenging changes... coming, in emotionally crashing waves.

          “Yes, Roly don't run away I do love you!” Her heart felt revelations, carried on. “But, realized that you were only telling me. Truth. It was a crush! But, I really miss you... as my friend. I miss our talking, laughing and... farting around. When your the artist goofball, being all childish and playful!” Beth, suddenly all sheepishly... shy and to Roly. Hopelessly adoring to behold... cry out to, a man. Loved wholly, easily... Beth sigh and breath, a sad quest. 


“Now, can I come over there... and give you, a big hug”?

Came this purities... final, pleaded redunder. Giving, her total trust...

God sang, resplendent.


Angels merge

            Roly, only aquiesced. “Certainly,” and meant it, in his deciding not, to throw Beth out on her fanny! She dropped, a now destroyed magazine onto the large low slung coffee table and in the process of leaping, right over it. Roly, sat back in shock as she bound right into his lap in his big arm chair. To wrap her delicate arms, around his neck and sob... uncontrollably. Into the crook of his neck. Totally soaking, his fresh tee shirt in the process, and Roly. Hug Beth back hard, as if his life depended on it... And, knowing.. it did. His artistic measure a lifeline, that knew no denial. Create... or perish!

            Roly, could not really comprehend. The warmth, that then flow through him.

            An almost new spirituality. A brilliant engulfing light!

            It was a pure love and had nothing to do, with sexuality. It being compassion, for this hopelessly warm entity. Coming to terms, with the impossibility of the movement of transcendence and the coming to a realization, of time. Moving us inexplicably, into the unknown. God. The feeling, of Beth's needing pressed warmth, so trustingly firm.

            Molded, into his form. Like a breath of pure unpolluted air...

            Realizing, that Bethany wasn't as small, or petite of structure. As he'd imagined her to be either, but comfort. A substantial, placation of soft and glowingly youth... yes. Certainly! Yet determinately, delicate. More. Being ethereal... celestially, supernal.

             To his now, space and time. A time of loneliness. Space, being a gapping void, he didn't know was had, or even. Existent. An acceptance of God...

             Yet her firmness, was athleticism and something of their short time together, with her he knew nothing of. Though knowing it was true and, would eventually find out as such. As a part of her collage education, was funded by an athletic scholarship. For of all things, womans volleyball. Beth, had been slated to represent her collage, a USA Olympic team, hopeful. Could the wonder of this girl. Ever end.


          Well for a time it did and almost killed, his spirit forever. In eternal darkness.

          For even Art, fade to nothingness. Thinking, his angel... were dead.


          Her tears, had eventually subsided and this Bethany. Was startlingly alive, within his arms. She snuffled a little, to raise her head slowly... away from his shoulder, to gently kiss him. Ever so tenderly, under his bearded neck. Only to lay it back into its damp resting place, and sigh. “You know... I do love you. And oh god, Roly... I'm so lonely!”

         She sigh deeply again, and Roly. Felt his chest, contract with the weight... of it. As, she went on. With real feeling. “You know, I love my parents. But they lead busy lives, and hold. Such high expectation on me, Roly! I can't talk to them, about the things that really matter to me. An I don't know, why... Roly. Or why, the love I feel for you. Is so different and confusing... to me. I feel like an alien in this world. I feel like your my equal. Your the soul individual, on this planet. That can understand, what I am. Even, if I don't. I don't know, how to be what I am. God, what am I!” She fussed, there in his lap and she sob, with its unveiled frustration, Into his needy, compassion. “Tell me, Roly. Do you know”, she sigh.

         “Bethany, don't you know,” he stole heavenly fragrance, coaxed. From such full and lush hair. He felt her pull away some and shift position, on his lap to ask innocently.

         “Know what”?

         “That your an angel, beautiful”, and Roly, meant it.

          With every fibre, of his current being. At that, she totally shifted. To push away her upper body, with oh so warm hands. Planted on his chest. Look him straight in the eyes, with that spooky sea green thing, shinning from them... again. Raise her arm and strike him. With a small fist, without real force... on that, heaving meaningful chest.

         “Damn, it Roly... be serious”!

         Tears, came down again. To stream, into his stream of revealing consciousness. Roly. Not really knowing, what to say. Confident, it just came out with true conviction...

         “I am, Beth”!

        Her facial features just grew more puzzled, in anguish.

        Then sang, with a weird smile.“Really”!

        “Absolutely”, said without calculation... instantaneously. Recognizing its truth.

        Her eyes, slid threw to cobalt blue. So like the sky and an inner sparking, that resided from some where planted deep, in her spirit. With a growing wonder smile, she c**k her head to one side an squeal with delight. Lightning fast, she planted a fat kiss on his cheek, and... sprung from his lap. To dance in circles. Her hands stretched to the heavens... singing in such a harmony. It just stole, Roly's breath away...


I'm an angel. Oh my god, my delight. Hear me lord...

 Can you hear my calling.

I'm your Angel”!


         And sang it, three times through with elated measure and at that it was Roly's turn. To bawl his eyes out like a baby, at this glowing sceptical of wonder, of a something...

          Beyond comprehension.

        That'd stopped her, hung suspended in mid motion.

        To call out in panicked question...


© 2010 Rory CJ Frankson

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The chapter was very intense. To face a desire and try to control is a impossible task. When we want something so bad. Then it is near. It would create madness in a saint. I like the situation and conversation. A excellent chapter. You held my attention to the last word.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Amazing to think I add this 4 years ago in October 2010 no less, and now October 2014. Well... on goes the saga and me thinking that I may have to do more dang editing. Such as it is... The third book is complete and again needing editing. Anyway, working my way through the first and now here. As I'm considering mixing them all together so they don't only follow one group of characters... it's a thought. The other is Engage 'the focus' on-line magazine hoping to start this year and bring out the first issue 2015, with excerpts from 'Destinies Children' and present that kind of mix there. We'll see.

Posted 10 Years Ago

A very intensity and depth in this chapter that kept me constantly on my toes. Your writing style is so well elaborated that I felt with the characters. Fate here is bound to happen, however strong the inner fighting...

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The chapter was very intense. To face a desire and try to control is a impossible task. When we want something so bad. Then it is near. It would create madness in a saint. I like the situation and conversation. A excellent chapter. You held my attention to the last word.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on October 21, 2010
Last Updated on October 21, 2010


Rory CJ Frankson
Rory CJ Frankson

Vernon, British Colombia, Canada

It's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..
