Morielle & Toma

Morielle & Toma

A Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson

The risidules hang on till she meets, Troy...


     Yet there was a persistent wet something that kept trying to take her away from glory and the golden glow of her dream, began to to fade. This wet something cut across her face an it too, was wet and cut... almost like, sand. Her eyes flashed open, almost irritated to be taken away from such a wondrous vision. “Meow”, it inquire and nudge her again on her shoulder, with a wet nose...

       “Toma”, she almost yell with recognition and he, shocked. Try to spring away from her. She grab him in her arms, and nuzzle his soft fur. This wasn't a dream and the cub, had stayed with her. The joy in her heart for this gift, spread through her. Morrielle was at the same time, trying to hang onto the fading dream. As she roll around their area of the nights sleep... playing. Toma, purring hugely and reveling in the attentions, being given him. She could feel parts of it slipping away, knowing that other parts. Would never leave her. Polomatoni and his daughter Mortallomic, were her Ancestors. Polomatoni's story of The People would not leave her. Nor would the feeling, of the love of an Angel. The Angel Ariel. Morrielle willing let the rest go, to its place.

        Within her?

        Her place was the jungle, her companion Toma. Her Brother, her friend. A great gift that she might not be alone, in the coming trials... Running the Jungle. Learning the boundaries, of her truth and expanding her love of the Earth Mother and the appreciation of her great abundance. That surround her, everywhere. They're morning romp done. They took to the spring to drink their fill and off into the jungle, they ran. To greet the day and do something about her, being. Naked.

        That not being a problem, long in the solving. Toma, at first it was hard on him all the running, on account of his injury. Yet Morrielle never slow down or wait for him and knew to push him. Would only help him, to heal faster. Faster... well the Jaguar Toma. He was fast and soon was playfully running circles around her and, growing larger. By the day! Taking pride in proving to his partner. That he, was a proficient hunter as well. To at times go off on his own and when he return. Lay an offering to Morrielle at her feet and wait, for her affections. As his only reward. The jungle provided for them and most all of their needs. The some parts of civilization, it couldn't provide. She just did without. The ever constant running was shaping Morrielle, her strength and endurance was a joy to her. She began to widen her circle. Explore her jungle, further up the mountain.

       On one of these runs, Morrielle heard a great rushing of water in the distance. She turn an ran in its direction. She came through to a clearing and there she found a beautiful waterfall and it fell bellow. Into a large deep pool, before it made its way down the mountain. As a small river. She just kept going and dove right in. When she came up out of her dive, looked up the falls. To see where Toma had gotten to. He was right beside her swimming and sporting a huge grin... like to say well that was fun. So they climb up to the falls and dove again, again Toma. Follow, right with her.

         “Ha”, she smile to him and pat his now large head, “and they say Cats don't like water. Well this one does, hey Toma”! The clearing above the falls became a training ground and visited almost daily. For Toma, it was more like a playground. As it was, he was still only more or less a cub. There were times when Morrielle had hidden off the mens workout area and study the Jaguar fighting arts, that Jaquine taught. With her iron wood spear, Morrielle now worked through these routines in her clearing and made up not a few of her own. She as well, had made a bow and now had a full compliment of arrows. Made a quiver, out of animal hides that they had hunted. Here she set up her range and practiced hard. Till she could drop birds, right out of the sky... on the fly.

         Well there were some surprises, as she was shooting for the target and Toma. Leapt through the air and scooped that arrow. right out of mid-flight. Try as she may, she could not stop him from this his dangerous most favoured game. That and surprise attacks, for wrestling. Toma was getting quite large and weigh, a lot. Morrielle gain not a few scraps and bruises, from that pass time. Never did he seriously hurt her, knew when to back off and not get carried away.

        There came a day, during one these surprise attacks. That Morrielle fell heavily and had gotten the wind knocked out of her. Toma instantly draw back, his golden eyes questioning. Morrielle was trying to get up, at least when her her wind would come back.

        There came a thought to her mind, 'you hurting'?

        Morrielle shook her head and thought she were hearing things. It came again, along with jagged kitty grin. 'Stop play'? It was Toma, he was speaking to her mind, 'no', she thought back to him... and attacked him. With a vengeance. When they stop and Morrielle breathing hard and all sweaty, looking at Toma in wonder. 'I hear your thoughts always', came to her. Toma came to her to rub against her and get his purr motor going... to send, 'your thoughts match the sounds, you make. Sounds are just sounds, thoughts I know! Morrielle was going to have to think hard on this one, as astounded as she was. She knew, this was going to radically effect their relationship.

        She was going to try something and she looked down and Toma. Was curled around her feet having a cat nap. Like wow, what was with that. She stoke his ears thinking, 'well I'll just have to accept it'! Morrielle started to think about her dream had, her first night out and the night she adopted Toma. Mortallomic had a great cat, remembered thinking with the cat. The connection they had, this was the same and she was beginning to think a thing. That was passed down through her. Her Ancestor, she thought of her now as a Sister. In the dream she was too young to think of as a Grandmother figure, Morrielle understood that although she did have children. Morta, never did get the opportunity to grow to old age. She began to wonder if she would.

          It started that day, and Morrielle. Began to make an alter for them and pray to them in gratitude. More of Chandelle's teachings became clear to her. This spot, with its beautiful waterfall became her holy place. A training place in more and more ways. She found meditation, and a still quiet place within her. A place of answers. Her talks with her Creator, took on greater meaning. Her sojourns into the realm of spirit, took shape. Her runs into the Earth Mother, a spiritual event. And Toma, Toma was a wonder all on his own. The next element of surprise, she found that at times when he was off where ever and he found some interesting thing. He had freaked her right out, to show her what he was seeing... through his eyes. She had ran right off the path she was on, because she couldn't see it. Well, they had to work on that one. That and hearing like that, the same way.

           It was getting to the point that they were so close, it was at times. Like they were some new creation. She found out one day, that Toma had discovered a female, and he disappeared. Morrielle had thought she had lost him to the wild. Two weeks she hadn't seen him, and hadn't gone and looked for him either. Thought, if he had a mate and gone to the wild. That was his choice. But god did she miss him and was so lonely for him, she could have died. Running to the falls through a morning mist... and 'pow'. Surprise attack! Toma, was back. On hers... an she went down, with joy.

          There came an understanding and there were times. That he just go off into the jungle, but he always came back. He loved her. The attraction to his mate, was a thing he could not ignore. His drive to mate, was nature and they shared a relationship. That was not part of that world. Even in his world, he had to work hard to win his mate. Toma had the scent of Human on him, a part of him that they could not understand.

          In their thought language, Toma was called Twined. It took awhile for Morrielle to understand. What the meaning of that might be, but she did get it. Two cats in one! Something like that, and Toma as well. Thought it was close, to something like that. There were many things that Toma would never get Morrielle to understand about his world and, each way the same. He knew that he could never be whole, without her. He was her protector. Would die fighting, before anyone could hurt her. She had taught him, a different world. His memories before her, were like vague shadows. Toma, knew no different... until the scent of his mate came and the drive in him took over and Toma found yet another world in him. Twined. His mate had no name, no thoughts like Morrie.

         She was... delicious!

         For awhile, then just nasty and mean. Toma, got the idea. Knew he'd come back and once again, find Delicious. He really looked forward, to that... but found. He didn't think much about her. Not until that scent cross his trail and knew, that Delicious. Had left it there for him and she wanted him to find her, in a big way. It was thoughs times, that he let his nature rule. Lose his otherness and in the Cat Kingdom, lose his mind... to Delicious. She filled that place, and ruled him.

        He had strange thoughts for a Jaguar, like wondering why. Delicious, didn't love him. He loved Morrie, but didn't desire her. Not like Delicious... at times it was really confusing to be Toma and he didn't want to be as the Jaguar either. He was left out. It mattered not, Toma had Morrie. She was his world and, more fun really. Toma was, Twined...

       Morrielle was studying Toma and could see, he was thinking. Watched the way his golden eyes reflect different things. She felt now she had a better understanding of what Toma meant, by Twined. They were, two parts of a whole. Her and a Jaguar, and that was just too beautiful to her. His ear twitch and she knew, he knew... she was thinking about him. Confirmed when his purr motor got all revved up and his eyes. Melting, into her. She again, thank the Creator for the gift of Toma. She could not live with out him, he came over and lick her face with his great raspy tongue and curl his warmth, against her for a nap. Morrielle stroke him and felt a tear roll down her cheek.

        Wonder, about after her run with the jungle. What would she do about Toma. Knew that he couldn't live in her world. This thought only brought more tears, well maybe. She would just stay here in the jungle with him. Really she did love him that much, but knew that she also had a future that must be accomplished. It required her to go back to her people, go back with a message and that she must get them to migrate. To a place, she had yet to find. She pick another feather from her pile and set to work again on her cloak of wisdom and courage, now half finished.

       Certainly many of the things that Polomatoni had told her had come to pass. Morrielle could feel the differences in her. She thought back to her being sent to run the jungle, how long had it been. She recalled the changes of the Jungle, the passing of the rainy season. To her estimate, it had now been a year and a half. To wonder, if she had done all the things required of her?

        She was having dreams, most of which made no sense at all. As dreams mostly were like that anyway. As far as, visions? The idea came to her to have a fasting... go seeking, a vision. Now there, was an idea. She look around the cave and her eyes seeking out a likely spot to do something of this nature and nothing really caught her attentions. It came to her, that it must be done at her alter. In the clearing. It was like then Chandelle said in her ear, 'tomorrow, walk the medicine trail'! Neat, it was like the very idea of this seeking. Was exactly what it was, she was needing to do.

         She yawn, realizing that she was right wore out. That days run through the jungle had been long and she had gone further up the mountain, then she ever had. Toma looked pretty comfortable in the nest she had made for them. Morrielle curl up with her partner, and dreams... came her way.

         It was a murmur she follow like an itch, that ripple its way through the unfamiliar jungle trail. She found herself on. Toma ran along ahead of her, in his steadily increasing rolling lope. Feeling his senses all a tingle and feeling, as she did. Alert and on guard, wary. Anticipation, of an unknown. Clung to her like an anxious cloak. Hearing her heart beating its steady tattoo in her ears. As the unnatural silence of the jungle, wore on her nerves and the tingling sensation build. All around her nothing moved, the normal vibrant colour in the thick vegetation's surround, muted and how Morrielle knew.

         She traveled through... dream.

         Just what I was dreaming, I had no idea. The closest thing I could relate it with was a trip I'd made to Hawaii, the foliage so thick and lush. A place that was more lush though, and hard to place the time line. There was a young woman and she ran down a path, in a garb of hides. That looked like from some movie. Over her shoulder was a bow and a quiver full of arrows and what ran at her side really was blowing my mind. That and I was flying above her just above the canopy. The weird part was I could feel the air moving through my hair, the heat of the night air and beside this young woman. Running at a lope a Great Cat, why I was dreaming a thing so vivid also a mystery.

        Too strange.

        I could feel her feeling the presence of something untold. Her eyes searching the area around her knowing, something was out there. Or, up there and as I thought that. She skid to a stop and look right up at me. I was now hovering above her with a wild thought, that I was invisible... nope. She yell up to me in some language I didn't understand. I could see from the look in her eyes she wasn't really startled. 'It's a man', he heard in his head. That, had came from the cat?

        'I know, I'm not blind'. a very pretty savage thought, in return.

         I figured to give it a try and thought to her, 'hey there, weird dream hey'?

        Her eyes went real wide, and it look as though to be thinking this over. 'why are you in my dream, man-thing'? She c**k her head to one side and again look puzzled, 'and why do you follow me, from up there'? Seems, that she had as many questions as I did.

        'Well ok, why are you in my dream girl and... from down there. Wherever, there is'? I was rather enjoying, this dream. 'So there Kitty, you can think talk too”?

         'Toma, is what I'm called. Yes, I can mind think. Come down, an I'll show you what my teeth an claws. Can do for you demon'! I could swear this animal flashed me. A wicked toothed grin, his thoughts reflecting. This is what the cat thought, I was?

         'I'm no demon Toma, and if you don't eat me. I will come down and you can smell that for yourself. Well if such things are possible in a dream'! I was thinking, that I might just do that.

          'It is not a dream'. The cat was serious, 'it is a thing, between'!

          It was the girls turn to think question the cat, 'not a dream, Toma'?

          'No, not a dream'! Toma was pretty admit, about that. I began to descend and as I noted that. Was standing beside the girl, studying her strange apparel. Toma was taking me up on the offer and sniffing me out. 'He is not a Demon, Mori. Only, a man'! I reach out and touch her and the both of us jumped. We, had felt that. Maybe, this wasn't a dream. 'Did I not present this to you, man-thing'!

         'Listen', if that was the right way to put it. 'I'm no man-thing. I'm no demon and my name, is Troy. Ok, lets get down to this, and what year are you from. Girl-thing... Mori'?

She laughed outright at that, 'it's 2010... May, I think'. Her eyes, were now sparking interest at this development. 'So you are called, man-thing Troy', again, she laughed. 'You don't speak Spanish, do you'? I shook my head, 'no matter, this is working out very well at any rate. Still, this is very strange. Only one of a string of mysterious things, of late. Were you sent by the spirit'?

          'Nope, I wasn't sent by anyone. I thought I was having a dream'. I was rather struck by what she'd just revealed, '2010 huh. Well we are from the same year and time of the year and obviously. You speak Spanish', she nod her head. Ok, so where are we”?

'In the jungle', she c**k her head to one side. Looking as though, I might be stupid.

          I sighed, 'again obviously, but where are we in the world'?


          I felt a shock travel through me, 'do you know of a woman, called Yevette Richade'?   

Man, her eyes went round as saucers... at that one. 'I take it then, that you know of her'? My initial shock was turning to excitement. I had no idea how this was happening, only that it was. I was needing to find out about Belize and now. Here I was, 'how about, Chandelle le Fontaine'?

        'She is my Mother', came the immediate, even more startling response. 'How do you know this, and just where is it that you are from, Troy'?

© 2014 Rory CJ Frankson

Author's Note

Rory CJ Frankson
END OF BOOK ONE. In the series: Destinies Children.

Book Two; Angel of Death & Mercy.

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Featured Review

I like this chapter with the thought communication. Well done.

Very special book. I think one couldn't find a similar one on any shelf of any library. You end this first book with a very open end and quite a cliffhanger. So as it is I'll have to go to 'Angel of Death & Mercy' to find out what will happen to Yevette, Troy, Morielle and Chandelle.
Some chapters I liked more than others, but all in all an enjoyable read. Contains a lot of potential and well thought-out ideas. Thumb up!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


More of Merrielle and Toma... is coming in book four of the 'Destinies Children' series. As Yevette's destiny unfolds... the leading into battle with a demon from the Void and just why, the demon seeks the world for her. Those that are gravitated to her... the Heroes & Champions. The Abode of true Children of the Above & Beyond...

Such as the characters coming here in Book Two. Angels of Death & Mercy. Maybe read on, to experience their story. Like Morrielle, and where she finds the place to migrate her People to and why. In that finding of the Nine Portals. You will learn what the between, truly is. Spiritually. Ha ha ha, again will come the analogies. Those places were truth, is stranger than fiction... or not a truth at all... as there is not one Monster on the Earth, save Bophmat. A demon, hiding in Adam Strand... the richest man {?} on Earth. With the gift that will save a planet. He strives to destroy....

These stories are shared, and at no cost. A some total of six years in the writing, and editing. I'm not real good at yet. Someday I hope to gain the right editor. Yet I still have two more to write... I hope it won't take another five years. To strive to not tell a dumb regular Vampire tale... but in the back ground. The metaphor for the evil, that is in our world. The ending is classical... the end loop, is a cross roads with a Myth... that never was. In an alternate reality of probabilities... gone. Horribly wrong.

Destiny's Children, must win this time. Or the Crystalline Tablets... will grind to powder... and be no more. It is not a story of flashy Vampire life... it is more about the Heroes & Champions. Why they must win, and keep 'The Void'. In it's place....

Read, and shiver... Children of the Dawning. ;)

Posted 10 Years Ago

I like this chapter with the thought communication. Well done.

Very special book. I think one couldn't find a similar one on any shelf of any library. You end this first book with a very open end and quite a cliffhanger. So as it is I'll have to go to 'Angel of Death & Mercy' to find out what will happen to Yevette, Troy, Morielle and Chandelle.
Some chapters I liked more than others, but all in all an enjoyable read. Contains a lot of potential and well thought-out ideas. Thumb up!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Very good book I enjoy it.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on October 21, 2010
Last Updated on October 26, 2014


Rory CJ Frankson
Rory CJ Frankson

Vernon, British Colombia, Canada

It's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..
