Creation Story: Part Two

Creation Story: Part Two

A Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson

The Great Flood & Tha Raven Telling Stories.


       Morrielle's mind spun, with this integration so profound and her inner vision could see these truths being spun into the fabric of The Creators intentions. Watched the foundations of the DNA Strands being woven. To suit its human host and so much different. Then the make up of the prior three kingdoms. The Sun King still spun the words of the story, but she could see the evolution of such. Taking place in her mind. Seen the one land that was being told of and in so many ways like her jungle, so lush and just everywhere. Only she did note there was no colour, no flowers as such. All was only green, and this she found puzzling. At this point in The Sun Kings story. She ask...

        “Ah,” said Polomatoni, “that is another story... yet it take place at the same point in the Creation. Grandfather Sky and the Mother Earth. Had their first and only child. Of course the Earth Mother had a multitude of created creature’s to care for, but they had asked The Creator for this boon and of course. He granted them this and they made Ariel. Ariel, was a bit of a trickster and he was endlessly curious. He had the whole of creation as his playground, and well of course. He was extremely creative. One day in the midst of things he thought up a word... the word. Was, colour.

        That was it, Ariel felt that what was lacking in the world of his imagination. You see Ariel, was the first strand and held the then sum total of all of the Creators gifts. He was a marvel and the first Angel of Mystery. So this he told his Mother of what he felt was a thing missing in creation. It wasn't as though, there were not some colour. There of course was green, and the sky a deep blue and different colours of the seas and oceans. Yet Ariel had meditate long and hard on this, and felt that different colours could be mixed, and had even tried some to show her. In turn she took this to the Creator and he was greatly pleased with Ariel. Honored him with this duty and gave him a gift as a helper, for his work.

          The Bird of Paradise, held all the hue and colour that Ariel had dreamt of.

          Ariel sped his joy through the earth and verily it did bloom, and more so. Was the Creator pleased and granted the blooms a sweet fragrance, and seed. For their propagation and named this garden. Paradise. As Ariel asked, that it be named from his beautiful bird. That its sweet melodies would ever be sung into the heart of those that might hear it, and know... the wonders, there of...

          The mysteries, of the seven levels of Paradise!

          Ariel was given this gate, the care of that testimony held to the end of a time that has no end and there arrive... the Above and Beyond. A beginning that had no beginning and mysteries beyond reckoning, are kept. The Creative properties of The Soul. For all time would Ariel be the pattern for its integrity, a perfect rendering of the manifestation those spiritual properties. The Creator, wished for Human Kind. To emulate. The first order were based as such and for some while the first world was perfect... yet that in its self. Was contained and held... in the Garden he name Eden. In this garden grew the Tree of Life, and all the souls there of. Were given the care of this most precious gift. As the Creator was still at work on the strand that he wish to become Human Kind and the tree had yet to blossom and the seed of Mankind. Be ready. When that time came, the then hundred and forty-four thousand, that were the helpers in the Garden. Patterned after Ariel and the second Angel Lilith, were to ascend into their prepared place and reside.

           In the Above and beyond.

           There came a problem, as Lilith cry the Creator... let her stay and care for this seed. Yet Morrielle there is the story of your asking, in the colouring of Creation. It has given you an inkling into the Above and Beyond and The Creators First order of Angels, and the story of Lilith. Locked to you, as the Creator did grant her this wish and it led. To the destruction of the first world. As much as the first world was a marvel, it stray fundamentally away from the Creators wish. Not to say that it was Lilith's short coming, more her passionate love for it.

           In this pathos, enough has been shared.

           The Creator was dissatisfied and plead The Serpent at the Belly of the World to cast out its fire and only one tenth part, of that world survive. To migrate, into the second world. This world also develop great wonders with the gifts of the Creator. It was a long lived reality, and it was said. That magic was a property there of and great powers, were found in the form of crystals. Of this race there was a migration to the stars, and beyond. Some part of that migration returned and another mystery formed. A sickness came back with them and the Creation, began to wither. The Void formed and none in the Between. Could understand its forming and of this... The Creator would not reveal the nature of this coming...

          Only did he smite that world, with a purifying fire.

          None survived and The creator started over, with a new creation of humankind. All that were of that world were sealed unto the Void and guarded, by the Serpent at the Belly of the World. At this The earth Mother, was saddened. Yet the creator held back the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life. Work began from its pattern and a very different world, was created. The Abode of True Children, held some of the knowing Magic from the second world. Some would say the third world was a mystic world. Deities came up, from the roots of the Tree of Life. A gift to the Earth Mother for her sorrows of loss... many races of Human Kind evolved. Some say there were Sprite's, Fairies and Elvin Kind, Dragons and Giants. That could move through stone."

         Again Morrielle could see this wonder and some of these things were familiar to her from things in Fantasy read of. She marvel that they were real and could see this wonder and the world created, was beautiful beyond measure. Though in its own way alien, and not a little frightening to her. The beings Dragons not looking like anything she would have thought of them to be, more like huge worms. That could swim through the air. Pop out of reality, change colour as they reappear. All for no apparent reason, that she could see. Soon enough. The story of the third world, came to a conclusion and Morrielle... was greatly saddened. To see such marvel's of a great civilization, go their way. The majority of those marvelous cities, lost to the waves... in a colossal upheaval that made her weep.

          To witness.

          As the creator, had again been displeased in certain ways. That Human Kind, had failed his expectations. Had not arrived, at an Acceptance of his Law. The Sun King explained, as Morrielle thought that God were cruel and maybe. Expect too much, of his Human Creation. What Law, had they fail to accept... her question. “In many ways, Humankind's free will. Moved contrary to the will and purpose, of their Creator. Each of the worlds, he created. Held differences that were a challenge and seeking to progressively, come to some ideal. That possibly, only the Creator may know or understand. Those of the First world, were as close to perfection as any being Created, yet for all intensive purpose... they. Were not Human. They were constructs, an ideal. The best of them the hundred and forty-four thousand, were chosen to oversee the growth and development of the following worlds. Of these were seven, each of these Angels. Given a specific task in the overall in the seven levels of Paradise, of course equally with Ariel. Lead Merrielle, to the eighth gate.


        As in the second world, none were spared... the things committed by this race. Will not be mentioned here Morrielle and, not a lot about this race. Is known of at any rate. The Imagination of the human race is a powerful tool, suffice it to say. That this race, had created their own god like entity, and chose to worship. This force of energy. Their space and time continuum, had moved beyond the perimeters. Developed in this wheel, by the Creator. A dimensionality in transference did in itself disrupt the Harmony of the Creators transference. It was this deviation. that bent the Laws of Nature. Some other knowledge, was introduced to this circle. The result is the war, that we know face... in the between. The third world, became infected by this void. Began to move in the direction that the second had. All manner of what we could call evil, was taking hold of a different set of conditions that the Creator had intended for mankind. Pride, Greed, Envy, Lust, Anger, Sloth, Gluttony. These are well known are they not Merrielle, the Cardinal sins, or. The Capital Vices”...

         Well Morrielle had to admit to having heard them, yes. What followed, chilled her to the very marrow. As it was dealing, with a whole premise of Logic. That she found, that she herself held to elements of. Even, if she didn't entirely understand them. They were there and shaped her personality. In some manner, she was beginning to understand. The progressive relationship of what in the foundation and the order of things. That were being reveled to her. Though again, as yet not really understanding. The why of it. Only now knowing... well, she had to know more. As much as the Sun King, was willing to reveal to her. Morrielle would take in, and seek to comprehend.

         “Another law was beginning to form and it was contrary and convincing. In the Creators worlds, there was a balance in all things. This was brought about to a question of good and evil and The creator held no conceptual interpretation of evil. You might say that Jaguar bringing down a small baby furry animal that in your mind, is beautiful. The Jaguar then ends its life and begins tearing to bloody shreds... it might be ugly, to witness. But it is not evil. The baby animal is compensated and goes into shock and feels no pain. Its heart stops. It willingly, gives up its life to the nutrient in transference. If a man, takes a woman against her will. Then murders her, to cover his crime. She feels all the terror and pain of this event, and the reverberation of this. Transfers energy and that energy, is evil. In its intent. The womans spirit, is irrevocably altered by this evil experience. The community, is altered by her loss and contribution. To the Wheel... life.

        Effecting the all, in everything.

        Murder is contrary to Gods Law. Does Mankind, do murder?

        There are four pillars in foundation of their mansions on high, and they are... Prudence Temperance Courage and Justice. The seven virtues are aspects of the energy and attributes of these Angels, Morrielle. humility, kindness, abstinence, chastity, patience, liberality, diligence. They stand for moral purpose, fortitude and perseverance. This other force, contends. That if there is to be balance, there must exist an opposite measure to these. The opportunity, to have these measures of power. Powers, that destroyed the second world utterly. It is the manipulation of truth, and indeed. I in my time, suffered many of these self same things. Pride and my title, pushed me to do evil. I rationalized it to myself, and held all manner of reason. Why I need take such and such course of action. Even in this The Creator is fair in his treatment and gives us. A measure of dream to seek and find recompense, for such acts. For example my being able to come to you in this dream and share with you that what the Golden Man shared with me. A measure of transference”...

       That statement made Morrielle wonder. The Golden Man? As Polomatoni had said this. A shiver had run down the length of Morrielle's spine. Yet had not more time to ask or contemplate this. As Polomatoni, carried into what he said was the closing length of the story. He was to share with her, and that their turn... with dream, was almost sadly. At its end.

         “And so, the story will end somewhat... as it began. With the foundations of the world. The wheel Morrielle. Is gods law and its function is dependent, on all things. Great and Small. You will learn of them, my child and with your run in the jungle. Have ample time to contemplate your warriors trial.The pyramids of thier meanings, will become plain to you.

          There at the end of the thier world, came a huge Raven. Telling stories, spreading rumors. There were many prophecies at that time and Sooth Sayers that had predicted. The end was coming. That the land would become the sea and the sea become the land. One, to even say to his people. That it would rain forty days and forty nights. They laughed at him... what is this thing you call rain, that falls from the sky. There is only the moving mist. This was all they knew to be truth, the man was mad! Most in that world by then, were so lost to their own consumption. That they heard it not and cared not a wit, for these deceptions.

          Did they not have the most of everything and power...

          Beyond imagining.

          The Creator was already dissatisfied with the third word and deciding what to do about it. He held council with all his helpers and let them know of his consideration and they gave what advice they could. Only in the end, to say: 'You are the Creator and whatever it is you decide we will aid you in its bidding'. Twice he had destroyed the world by fire, he decided that he would this time. Use the mighty force, of water. The Creator not one to do a thing, and not inform. All of his creation first. Had he not given the Human Kingdom visions and fore-tense, to his intentions. The Creator started out, with the smallest and lesser helpers of the creation first. As was his way, in compassion and it was then. That he heard this rumor, only then not knowing. Where it be derived from. The lesser helpers were sure that they heard it to be true and that The Serpent at the Belly of the World... in his keeping. Had decided, that it didn't need the creator. Wasn't it the most vital and powerful entity in the Creation... well the Serpent. Had started its own Kingdom, in the underworld.

This bother the Creator greatly, as he knew what it was that the Serpent had been charged to guard... The void and all the manner of horror. That it contained. It was true, that the serpent was very powerful and that the Creation. Couldn't function, with out its aspect. At each level he ask and receive the same story. Still in each level he pass, asked his helpers if they would assist him in the washing clean this third world and separate Humankind. To the four corners. Were they his helpers great and small, considering joining the Serpent in this Kingdom? All were shock by this and of course they wouldn't. They were his creation and he their Creator, so of course in whatever manner, that they might assist him. They would be honoured and do as their aspect, were commanded.

         Finally The creator had covered all of the helpers of creation but two. The Great Thunderbird and The Serpent at the Belly of the World. The Thunderbird, had heard this rumor as well. Not only, but knew of it source as it was The Raven that had told the Thunderbird this story of the Serpent. Having created its own kingdom. Knew not if it were true or not, but of the task the Creator had for the Thunderbird. There was no question. Of course you are my Creator and if this you ask of me. To carry the water an my back up into Grandfather sky, to create this flood for washing clean this your third world. This I will do, but first. You must find out about this story of the Serpent, as it will be its command to carry the water up from the depths of the sea on its back to deliver it up to me. If The Serpent, has decided to have its own kingdom. It might not agree to do the will of the Grandfather alignment and shift the land. That he worked so hard to anchor.

         It was true and ever wise was the Thunderbird, in his discourse with the Creator. Off the Creator went to find the Raven and the source of this rumor, it certainly doesn't take the Creator long to locate anything in his creation. He found an above average size Raven out busily spreading this story and when the Creator stop the Raven. The raven act all haughty in the presence of its own creator, to say the Creator was displeased well... shortly.

       The Raven, was telling all.

        As quickly as it could, as all its feathers began to fall out. The Creator asked, if this were true and the Raven answered evasively... that as far as it knew. Yes, it were true. A few more feathers fell to the ground, and Raven. Knew soon it would not be able too fly and would have to hop wherever it wanted to arrive at. Shortly it came that the Raven had heard that the Creators days were in fact numbered and had heard this directly... from The Void. Now, that they in fact. Held the Serpent in its sway, it would take no time at all. Before the Creation, was in their possession. The Kingdom of the underworld would spread like fire and consume all... that believed. In The Creator. His land, be covered by sea and thier land...

          Rise up, from the ocean floor.

          To smit and darken, the light! And lay waste to The Law.

          It came that the Raven couldn't exactly confirm its story, and was only passing on. What it had heard. Which was essentially gossip and passed on, as truth. The Creator chastised the Raven, for creating unnecessary travail in the world. As their was enough fear as there was. Without the Ravens telling these unproven stories. For a time times a time, the Raven were a sorry breed and all shared in the fault of their brother. Bald ravens hopping around everywhere and begging for their scraps. They did learn their lesson and grew back their feathers. But it is said: beware of Ravens telling stories... they had lost trust for their troubles. And, not a few feathers”...

         Morrielle laughed at that and could see its like, in her minds eye. Polomatoni, only joining her in this small amusement and an adaptation usually told to children. A some small lesson on the pitfalls of gossip and backbiting.

        Soon enough, he carried on back into the Creation Story.

        “The Creator even still was somewhat hesitant, if the story were somehow true and The Serpent. Was convinced, to join his aspect to The Void. His dream, for The Forth World. Would not even then be possible. Yet when he arrive at the Belly of the World, he found The serpent hard at work doing his prescribed tasks with its normal diligence and, over joyed. To be in the presence of its Creator again. When the Creator told The Serpent of the Ravens rumor. As the Serpent, wasn't without humour. Its great coils rumbled with laughter and a third part of the Land, did shake. The inhabitance there of, now in a great panic and its great and powerful rulers. Called their Sooth Sayers, to inquire into what it might mean. They of course were soothed, the shaking stopped and they went on about their business. While some others, hurriedly went on about their preparations as they had seen in their dreams, and knew. That the unbelieved prophecies of the Migration...

           Were shortly, at hand.

          The Serpent still in a state of great mirth at the very idea, assured the Creator that there would be nothing, that could dissuade The Serpent. From the duties that it had been created for and what need had it, to have its own Kingdom and had heard nothing from the Void of which it guard. To which The Creator was greatly relieved and for good reason, once again explain to The Serpent the importance that the Void. Must remain contained. To then go on to ask the Serpent, if it be willing to carry forth his intentions. To create a phenomena, to destroy the Third World with the element Water. To which the Serpent state that of course he would serve his Creator in any manner asked of him, and grin. Interested to hear what this work might entail in its service to its Master.

         The Creator explain that the Serpent would dive deep and carry the third part of the sea upon its back and rise to throw it up, to Grandfathers sky's keeping. The Thunderbird would then take it and spread it around the Creation for Forty days and for forty nights. It would rain down on the Creation and their would come a great flood. Grandfather Alignment would then unlock the anchor that The Serpent had created and all within the creation would move. Two thirds of the One Land. Would sink into the oceans keeping, one third of the ocean floor would be released to surface and the Forth World. Would become a new Land. For The Human kingdom and this Land. Would the Serpent again, have to anchor. When this task was competed in this forty days, The Creator will have separated The people of the One Land Terra Firma and in this migration. He was to send them to the four corners of this new world, to be named after the Mother and in its birth.  

        Be named...



      Morrielle's eyes grew huge, as she watch these things come to pass. To see the panic in the people of the One Land. Who had never before seen water... fall from the sky. And, not stop. To witness the great upheavals, within the creation. As the land became the sea and the sea became the land. The mighty storms that the Thunderbird caused in this the Creators Plan, was awestruck at the power it represent and the destruction set forth... on his command. Cried, to see the passing of those that did not heed their dreams and visions. As fear struck their hearts and they. Perished...

       Polomatoni, broke through her tears to reach and pat her with affection on her shoulder. To know the things she had witnessed, were obviously hard on her heart. “It is good, that you feel such strong compassion for the lost People. Morrielle,” he said to comfort her. “Also that you understand that it is good to have a healthy respect, for the awesome power of The Creator. That it is his own Creation and that he does to it. As his so wills. These Ancient People, passed... as they lost the Acceptance of The Dream Morrielle. This was their failing, had shut off that part of themselves that the Creator wishes to possess,” again he reach across to her and lightly tap a finger against her chest to smile warmly.“Your heart, Morrielle. This the only place that can contain him, it is The Key to the Center of all things!” At this he sat back, to see how she would receive this.

        His words did help and Morrielle, did think over what he had said and her heart was thumping madly. There were many things, floating around in her head. Many of which, were very confusing. Still, she wonder about why she was being shown these things. “Are we, going to pass away Polomatoni. Is this why, I have been shown these things?” She had asked but in her heart, she dread to receive an answer to it. “I have heard Chandelle speak of a migration, a migration to the Fifth World. These dreams and vision of hers, are they like this,” she added, with trepidation.

        “I don't know Morrielle, it is not for me. To know these things. As I am but an echo and my time has passed. They might, and if you ponder what you have been taught. Your dreams and visions could possibly answer. These things.” Polomatoni look as though he ponder this and some time, before he spoke again. “After the flood, our people came to a place we named The Center and it was an abundant land. We descended from The My Culture and became The Mayans, it was said that they were the original People. From the migration, from The One Land. All civilizations move on Morrielle, this possibly the meaning to your dream. This dream, to have you understand your origins. Your responsibilities, to the Creators dream. The actions, that you must take for the sake of your people”. Again Polomatoni pause, and look thoughtful. “This I must tell you, in your running the jungle. You must collect the Feathers for your cloak, the cloak is for your wisdom and courage. Each feather givin, is for your passing into higher states. Like Mortallomic and Chandelle, they have acquired the attributes that gave them the right to be The Woman of the People. When this has been accomplished, you will. Through your dreams and visions. Find a place and there waits for you a gift from us and for the People, and then. You must migrate there... this much, I know!”

      Morrielle was going to ask more, but Polomatoni froze there. Like his daughter Mortallomic beside her and all the people in the Hall of Sun King. A blur went past her on the right, that caught her attention. Then was before her, in a shifting golden glow. Right then in her heart, she knew it was...

      The Golden Man.

      He wore no clothing and wasn't naked, he had features, but none that came to focus and be recognized. Spoke into her mind with no mouth, that she could see. To be in this overwhelming presence. Was more than humbling, there were no words that could describe to feel the power of this beings presence... but one.


      It's aura was like the sun and its heat burn through her and wasn't painful... but glorious. As it spread its many coloured wings, from behind. It was The Angel Ariel! That was introduced into her spirit. His wings encompassed her totality and surround her, with golden light. Ariel placed his hands on either side of her head and kissed her forehead with grace. It was like an explosion, and felt as if she would not be able to contain. The rate of information that flood into her consciousness. There she could see the Wheel, take shape in all of its wonder. Morrielle understood when the time came and she learn the trails of the jungle. Suffer the trials, of her run to her truth. Ariel told her she would earn her wings, and fly.

       The Between...

       Be introduced to another realm. Metamorphosis, to another being... shed her cocoon, and be... What she was Created, to Become...

       She had no wish, to be anywhere else. But there.

       Enfolded... in the wonder.


      That was, Ariel!

© 2014 Rory CJ Frankson

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Some of this Creation story... was told to me by an Elder on Vancouver Island. Like much of the North Island, she was of The Serpent Clan. Told to me in her language and translated to me by her grand daughter. The story of the Ravens telling stories. At times, not to be trusted, and their feathers falling out. Was a part of that children's story, and yes... shared about the evils of back biting and telling partial truths. Honesty before your Creator, is a requirement not to be taken lightly. For this The Ravens suffered for their Brothers gossip.

The rainbow serpent at the belly of the world, is an ancient story and shared by many Indigenous cultures in varying forms. Part of the Hopi migrations North, are told by The Carrier Nation. If they go south from the Interior of BC, to Hopi land. They speak a relative language and can understand each other... they were sent North, to appease the Serpent at the belly of the world and the Grandfather alignment... of the seven circles on the back of turtle Island. I was given a gift, a story of those migrations. There are as many Creation stories, as there are Native Nations... and all were stories passed on Orally to their children.

I weave the Bible stories in as well, who's to say those stories are not to some part real and reflect all those ancient cultures, one that I might add... repeats its self in many cultures... telling the same stories. Joseph Campbell, proves all that out in Myths & Legends. The adoption of the Christ story with different names to the same story. Those of the Sun Kings. Translated to Son of God. Instead of the one sun... the giver of life on Earth. The Sun Kings I learn about in Mexico in 1970. A dream I had on the pacific side beach... I took much of that dream and tell it here; as Polomatoni. Real life happenstance in a twelve year olds, given dream. This dream of the beginnings of things... and the path. To to the fifth world.

Some of it later in life, reading Pears Anthony's Tatham Mound. Already a well respected Sci fi writer... his daughter was in Anthropology, when that dig took place in Florida. He financed a portion of that anthropologies dig, to get his daughter in on it... with the promise he could use all that research, for that book. It gave me a deeper understanding of that dream and The Sun Kings. One of the last Mayan temples to the Sun God, was in Guadalajara and that Wheel still exist in its ancient streets. The Spaniards tore it down and changed the story to a Catholic one the Natives would relate to. It was where the fountain of The Minerva now stands... and all the main trunk roads, lead to it. There were as well as a part of Pears Anthony's research from that digs, Sun Temples in North America, as well... these burial mounds, of the hundreds of thousands that died of Small Pox. That took out the greater part of The Indigenous population. For the coming Europeans to see to them a vacant land, to move into. Most of that My Culture perished already... yet the Creation stories, carried on. A very good book to read... on the truth, told in Fiction.

Our migration... into the fifth world. All real prophecies. Sometimes fiction, is the best way to tell the true stories. It's sad for me that more People do not read these given words that have pour out of the inner most parts of my soul / spirit experience. Well... time will tell the rest.

Posted 10 Years Ago

A very enlightening chapter. Perfect visualisation.I could practically feel the warmth and light of Ariel.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on October 20, 2010
Last Updated on October 26, 2014


Rory CJ Frankson
Rory CJ Frankson

Vernon, British Colombia, Canada

It's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..
