![]() Creation Story: Part OneA Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson![]() Four Worlds of the Creators Dream.![]() Before this the forth world there had been of course three others, and of course. They were very different realities than the way that the fourth world had developed. The Elders that carried these oral traditions and passed them down to the next line of keepers. Had told that the Creator had destroyed the world three times, as he was working his creation and there was always in his goal to create human kind. In his image and likeness. In his building, he had first created the Mineral world and all the world was volcanic and the flows, rose up out of the water as there was only water here. The Creator called to the mineral and command: go forth and multiply and cover the earth! With your long life. So of course, the mineral Kingdom complied with the wish of their Creator. The fire at the center of the world was a First Helper of the Creator, a Created entity named The Serpent at the Belly of The World. It was its magic that helped to create The Land, as this was its realm and domain The Belly of the World. Its Fire's breath melt the inner star mass and form, the magma at the Creators bidding and The Serpent carried it up out of the water on its back. The Helper Air assisted on cooling the magma that became, The Land. As in the first three worlds there was only the One Land. That was created, in the Creators dream. That the Serpent anchored to the ocean floor. As he explain to his helpers. This was a long plan and a place of trials, for many things that would become Alignment over what he named Continuity & Time. To be One, with The Land. The Creator then married Grandfather Sky to Mother Earth... to create. Balance. There came a time, when this job was finished and the Creator was well pleased. With the long life of his Land and The caregiver, Mother earth. It was constant and slow steadfast and sang with a low long vibration. The Creator had many talks with his Child and, taught it many things. He began to realize that the Earth Mother need company and was growing lonely, he realized that she needed something to nurture. To have children of her own. The Mineral Kingdom had much that it could give of its self, and over its long life. Had acquired much wisdom. It was this that it ask of the Creator. To gift their Kingdom, with a thing that could be relative. To its attributes. Cohesion. As The Mother Earth held Love, for the Creators Creation. She need pass on, this Love... Of course The Creator wanted to give to its child what was needed, The Creator felt it was a wonderful thing, for the Mineral World. To realize this about its Kingdom and its Love for The Mother. So as he had nurtured it, it felt the need to nurture something of its own. It took time for the Creator to dream about this, and the Vision. Came to The Creator of the perfect creation for the Mineral Kingdom to nourish. So he set about creating The Vegetable Kingdom, to which he command through Mother Earth: go forth and multiply and cover the earth! With Cohesion and Growth, seed your cycles of life abundantly. So of course The Vegetable Kingdom complied with the wish of their Creator. The Mineral world was well pleased with their gifting and, gave of its self abundantly. A new time was created and much faster than that of the Mineral Kingdom... This concerned the Earth Mother, greatly This new child created other work for the Earth Mother and Creator as well. The air part from Grandfather Sky and carrying the seed, was mostly easy. Then as it was discovered, the plants could not digest the salt water of the ocean, He again turn to the Serpent at the Belly of the world and through his breath. Turn the ocean water to mist, and the Thunderbird carried the mist around the Land Gently on its back for the Creator. With the assistance of Grandfather Sky. The Thunderbird was the next most powerful helper of the creator, next to the Serpent. Some believed the Thunderbird was brutal, and some times beat its wings too hard and broke down aspects of the creation. Or its energy at times, get carried away and bolts of fire shoot from the sky and create fires. The Thunderbird was only doing jobs the Creator assigned to it! As it were the same for the Serpent, when it blew through the Mineral world... an spew magma flows. Such were the workings of Alignment. Times for rejuvenation and renewal. Natures cycles. So it was that the Vegetable Kingdom was very fruitful, and in no time at all had completely covered The Land. In a way, it was a greedy Child and it drew as much nutrient from The Mineral Kingdom, as it crave for its rapid growing. Not that the Creator was unhappy, it was a marvel how fast it had taken place. As was his wish, for this kingdom. Many was the talks he had with this child and realized, its strengths and weaknesses. When that Kingdom came to call and say to the Creator, that they themselves, had realized. That they needed discipline and The Earth mother... willing to give it to them. This filled the Creator with joy, also they had said much the same thing the Mineral Kingdom had. Though they loved the Mineral Kingdom for its giving, it was very slow to speak. The low tones were very comforting, yet something was missing and, they crave. To give nutrient to others as the Mineral Kingdom had granted to them, this honour. They were grateful, for their relatives assistance. Loved them, as The Earth Mother had taught them as such. Held respect, for their long slow song and discovering that their song. Added a beautiful Harmony, to their Creators new garden. Yet this was what they felt was missing, some pitch. That would make the perfect song. Again the Creator went back to the Center of his Dream and gave this. His utmost attentions. Through his vision, the Creator realized this would be his greatest challenge yet, it required a long period of meditation. It was quite a lot that the Vegetable Kingdom had asked for. Harmony, was very important indeed. The concept of song, filled his heart with joy. Took the time to go to his creation and listen, to what had been created so far. It was in deed beautiful and most especially, the Earth Mothers developing Song. It being a song of great and wonderful Love. It came to him, to wish to please her. It being in her Nature, to praise The Creator for his love for his Creation and to diligently sing to it of all the attributes. That the Creator, had supplied. To create life abundantly. The Earth, The Air, The Fire and Water... all this came from Center, she taught them. From the Alignment with The Creators dream. Her union with her Husband, Grandfather Sky. Had created the Balance of elements, that made them thrive and this now. Creating Harmony, between all things and that binding between, was Love. The Creator now understood that the Earth Mother was a great teacher. Each part of the Creation, added onto... Her heart & soul... Yes, it was this aspect of The Earth Mother. That he wanted to please, the most. He would give his new creation a heart, as it was her heart... that held this love for Him. To The Earth Mother The Creator, had lent to her his soul. So that she would have greater feeling for the reasoning of his needing to bring forward. This reality from his dreams vision. The fulfillment, it was giving him. To do so... to add onto his self. How this wheels representation and its birth, was of great importance to him. This creation must be able to carry this lending as well, as it did with The Earth Mother. As the Vegetable Kingdom required a means to carry air and nutrients for life, so must this creation. So it would be the blood, that be the carrier of this soul lent at its inception that gave it feeling for Life. As with the Heart Beat of Creation, it would move through the heart. This rhythm... the first part. Harmony. At times the Creator noted that the Earth Mother suffered, when life in her care expire. Before its time. When disaster happen, and her most cherished creation perish. These feelings were also arriving, to her Nature. The Creator gave her another evolved name and called her, from that point on also... Mother Nature. An aspect, of the wonder of her being. Yes God discovered that he loved this creation greatly, as he had gave birth to this Creation. His decision was to have this creation, also have this Balance. The duality of male and female, through this would creation come forth and the birthing carried by the female. The female to have the Nature of the Earth Mother to nurture and care, for the newness of Creation. Realized that Mother Nature felt pain, as would this new creation know sufferance. So as to know there was pain and love... feeling. The Creator, would give them... Sound. To voice, these feelings. The second part, of Harmony. Like the sound of the wind through the grass, waves washing up upon the sand. So many were the sounds. That presented themselves, in the Creators listening. These the sounds of the Earth Mothers sounds... her voice. At this juncture, the creator knew that this new creation would be named, The Animal Kingdom and he set to work on dreams for all different kinds. The first order would be that the Animals would discipline, The Vegetable Kingdom. As the realization arrived that it must be soon, in his long dream about Animals. The Vegetable Kingdom Mother Nature complain, that it were choking its self out and depleting too much life from the Mineral Kingdom and she were quite concerned, with this evolution. It lack Balance, her evolved comment and of course. She was right. And, of course The Creator knew this... yet The Creator. Was nurturing Her! With the Awareness of The Nature of this circle... his wheel. One small wheel, within a wheel, within greater wheels without end. Yet this one wheel, the vision of the Creators dream. His will, to create a wheel in his own image, unique within this union. In only one smallest of measure. His wish. Found that he envy the Earth Mother, in her union with Grandfather Sky. As God, had not a partner and never in all eternity. Would the Creator ever find, an equal. A mate for the two halves that make a whole. As the Creator was sufficient, unto himself. He created undeniable attraction, as all things were attracted to his nebula's center and through this union. Find his love burning as a flame, within them. The Creators wish, that all beings within this wheel. Might search, and find... such a union. Twin Flames, a third aspect of Harmony. Creation & Birth, that they may know the love. That he'd felt in this union, that he created. A song that has no sound, yet sings resplendent through the heart. As the Earth Mother held her love for her Mate, and all the creation in their care. And so, when the Creator told her of this new creation. That these four legged's, the winged ones, all the creatures of the sea... the land, the air, all creatures great and small... all. Would be her children, and in their union of that Balance. Their twin flame, that would never diminish and this garden would flourish. Within that Love. She sang, wonder at the marvel of her Lord. And the creation was filled, with yet another Love. A mystic veil, that some few... may arrive at. Granted to realize, the mystery. That is God! The first he gave to her as a gift, were the Leviathan. Swimmers and divers of the deep and within them the song of creation was given. Also, they were to communicate with the Serpent at the Belly of the World and pass messages. To the greater helpers. To assist and maintain the Balance of Creation. As the Leviathan's could communicate, to all the Kingdoms. Of the then Creation. When the Earth Mother, first heard their songs of the deep. She did weep and moan, at its beauty and still The Creator added on and to each new creation, he gave to that mated pair. With the command: go forth and multiply and cover the earth. With Cohesion, Growth, senses and movement and each birth. Did add new pitch, to the song of Creation. There came the forth. The escalating scale, of the song of Creation. Vocalized notes. Sound. God the Creator from Center was well pleased with the Animal Kingdom. Balance was becoming, it did take some fine tuning... as the song. Harmony. Was still missing, some elusive aspect of Alignment. It need a crowning point. A creation, that were truly fashioned. In his own image. Grandfather sky and The earth Mother, needed as the creator had. Helpers. The Creator, combined all the attributes of the lower Kingdoms, the cohesion of the Mineral world and in its union shaped them. Granted to it them the Vegetable Kingdoms power of growth. Gifted them with the Animal worlds sense perceptions and the wonder of... movement. To this creation he gave his greatest gift. Consciousness and the ability to Reason. To be self aware and this creation, would not be bound. As the other Kingdoms of creation were. To strict Natural Law alone. God would grant them a greater gift... to dream, his dream. Grow to the knowing of Creation. He called them Humankind, and created. The Human Kingdom. In his own image, gave them the ability to Create a kingdom. In their own likeness. The first order that The Creator brought into their Creation, he gave unto them Free Will as a foundation. The first three Kingdoms lacked this aspect, as they were subject to a fixed and irrevocable patten. That runs concurrent throughout the Wheel Creation, at its very source. The Creator gave the human kingdom four gifts, so that they might be self aware. If this was to be so, they needed Awareness as a function of their consciousness. As there were four aspects of consciousness, the external condition of the contingency time. It required Realization of the state and properties of its functioning, in order that reasoning be made manifest and the realities of these conditions. Were to be rationalized internally. A world within a world, were the Human condition granted the realm of Thought & Dream. Operative unity, or opportunity. To delve into the stream of consciousness. Where they may acquire Understanding. Cohesion. The Creator. Inspired this need, within the human condition. As a subconscious reality to integrate this world within a world, or wheel within wheels. Growth. To be outwardly made manifest in the external condition of the eternal... Now. Migration and Movement. Much like the instinct of The Animal Kingdom, or an adaptation there of. As there was an acceptance of a realm of limitation, in their movement and spread of species. The human Kingdom were gifted with Imagination, to imagine. What may be beyond, their realm of limitation. A gateway to the supra-consciousness, where all knowledge is shared equally. As his wish that humankind, discover the spiritual dimension. Sense perception of the spirit in all things. That they might arrive at the knowing of the substance of creation. Find the Acceptance that for this Kingdom, there was no limitation in the movement within Creation...within their union and knowledge of their Creator. 'The All in everything', be open to them. © 2014 Rory CJ FranksonFeatured Review
2 Reviews Added on October 20, 2010 Last Updated on October 26, 2014 Author![]() Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, CanadaAboutIt's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..Writing