![]() Warriors Dream Part IA Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson![]() The Myan Sun King becones, from a Golden Age...![]() The shimmering reflection in the beaten copper, was beautiful. Her long back hair shone, like a midnight sky. Tied into its long strands, were a multitude of many coloured beads and a wondrous assortment, of the jungle bird feathers. Her lean stance was dignified, regal. Her woven coverings elegant, she held out her hands and marvel at her jewelry. The rings glimmer with their precious stones, polished copper bracelets wrap her wrists and up her forearms. Beads and copper necklaces at her throat hung, even more jungle feathers. The feathered cloak on its stand, await her. There was not a weight of vanity in her personage, her beauty was as nothingness. Only the discipline, of the daughter. Of the Jaguar King. Polomatoni, her father awaited her in audience. The great cat lay, in its corner studying her. Its tail twitch, with impatience to be off. Knowing, that they would be shortly, and his partner. Would have him with her. Watched her swing into her cloak and wait... for her beckoning. Could feel the building pressure, of its arrival. Again she looked into her mirror. To be sure all was in place to present herself to her King. Stroke her hands lovingly over her power, the strength of her courage... this ancient cloak. She called to the great cat, “Toma come!" Morrielle, walked out onto the palisade with Toma at her side and gaze down into Xlonlotx. The great avenue, spread out before her into the blessings of the Sun God. Already, the people stop in their busy day, to see the princess was coming out into the city. Wait where they stood, to be graced by her passing. Morrielle began down the long stone stairs, to travel their three tiers to arrive at the Avenue of the Sun. Chanting her absolution's, counting each tread that would bring her closer to her Father. The people bow down to the ground as she passed, offering their prayers to the Gods for the gift of their warrior priestess. Who received them in all humility. For the love of those that so loved her, she acknowledged their worship... and Toma. Kept the multitude, at the required distance. As Morrielle stroll that avenue, with its familiar sight and sounds. The many smells of the great city came to her, above this all. She watched it taking place in this kind of duality, feeling herself being this princess. Hear her thoughts, feel what she felt and all the while. Marveling at the unfolding scene. Wondering at the clarity of its vision, that this Princess was named Morrielle? Yet, it was a dream and, it was possible that it wasn't her name. Which seemed, likely. She watched as the two of them, Morrielle and Toma. Made their way up the palace stairs, again she counted treads and said a series of prayers in adulation for her Father, the King. She was again in the princess, as she nod at the ornate muscular guards. Their obsidian eyes reflecting honour, respect and lacked. That kind of worship, the people of the avenue displayed. She was a warrior, as they were... an equal, in skill and strength. In all else, their Commander... their courage. The Woman of The People. Polomatoni, sat at the end of the audience hall in relaxed splendor. His entourage surround him, in turn. Giving him reports on the state of his Kingdom. He smiled to see his daughter arrive and rise from his cushions, to receive her. The love there in his eyes for her, made Morrielle's heart pound in her chest. His embracing her... electrifying. Polomatoni, pat Toma on top of the head and, the great cat... let him. For the sake of the feeling held by his partner, he had felt her hold her breath and looked to her. And grin... teeth! Morrielle laugh inside and hoped, her Toma would be like this... when he grew up. Though she only felt relief, from her other... there was no sense of humour there. Only concern that the Jaguar behave himself, in front of their God. For this was how 'The People' seen Polomatoni. The very real incarnation of The Sun God, made manifest. Who sat himself, back amongst his cushions. “And so Morrielle”, he began, his eyes smiling. “I am honored, that my daughter. Has brought you here. To have audience, with The Sun King”! His eyes piercing looked right to her and Morrielle, was confused. She look beside her and there, stood the princess. Looking down to her self... and colour flood her face in embarrassed heat. She, was stark naked. Morrielle look back to the King and his eyes, then were filled with mirth. He chuckle, “please, it's a dream Morrielle. As well, its not like I haven't seen... plenty of naked girls”! He wave a hand, as if to say. 'Its nothing.' Suddenly, she was dressed as everyone else, in this long hall. “There, is that more to your liking?” “Ah, yes sir... um, I mean. Thank you!” God she felt stupid, how does one speak to a King. “Like you would speak, to anyone Morrielle,” he smile again, at her shock. To his speaking to her thoughts. “You see, you are speaking with an echo. That was,” he waved an arm around the hall, “oh, all of this is very real to us and exactly, as we had lived it. We are your Ancestors, we live now. In a kind of dream, that was. I can speak to your dream Morrielle, because you are related to my daughter. I can think of you, as my Granddaughter. Care for you that way!” His blossoming smile, said to her. That it was real. Polomatoni, loved her. That, was electrifying... “I'm related, to you... a King?” Morrielle, was trying hard to get a handle on all this. “Yes,” he said simply, with a nod. “How is it, that you speak my language,” to ask innocently interested. That made him laugh, “how is it, that you are speaking mine?” Wow, that threw her. Come to think of it, she had understood all the people out in the avenue and the thoughts that the princess was having. “Fair enough, is this related somehow to my having to run the jungle?” She was pretty sure, that it was. “It has everything to do with it. It is why we have brought you, into our dream. Bring you to the knowledge, of your birthright. There are so few of 'The People' left in the world, Morrielle. Your Mother and Father, are of pure Mayan blood and related to me. So you Morrielle, are of a Royal blood line, and have all the responsibility. That goes with it!” Polomatoni, looked to her as if hoping, that she would understand this. She didn't. Her life on the mountain didn't seem to her to be that Royal. Not that it wasn't a good life... it just wasn't anything like. What surround her, here. “Yes, most all of what you see is past. The glories of our age, has gone down. Like the sunset. Yet the knowledge of its honour... is carried. By your Mother. Morrielle, Chandelle is The Woman of The People. She is as we are, carries her responsibility with grace. Does she not?” “Well yes... but,” he didn't let her finish. “As a Mother, has tried to pass this on to you. Jaquine, has been a example of courage and strength. In his being a warrior, for the people!” It was now as if he was pleading for her, to understand. For her to... to. 'Oh god', he was telling her. That Chandelle and Jaquine... were her Mother and Father. “It is true, they follow a very old law. As they are not tied by the vine, you were raised by others. It was honorable, however it was unnecessary. Even though, they thought it was!” Stunned, would not even begin to cover. What she was feeling. Understanding now Chandelle's anguished response to Morrielle's testing and banishment, to run the jungle. The more than extra attentions she received in her teachings, and sometimes harsher demands. Than the rest of the girls of her circle, to excel and at times. Making her bitter and angry, because of it. In the main, why she'd been drawn into the Demons lies. Still not understand just how, they had shifted her beliefs so radically. This revelation, came like a stabbing pain that stung her heart. Her sense of shame at what she had allowed to take place, was total. To understand The Jaguar... Jaquine Antonino Palomonte. Her childhood Hero, was actually... her Father? The ultimate respect, Morrielle held for him. Only making her pain, the greater. Polomatoni was watching Morrielle with compassion, patiently waiting for this beautiful young woman to absorb these revealings. He as well, in wonder. That these events were taking place. Long had he been in the reflection of his dream. Through his turn, only seeming as if he had awoken this day. To feel the strength of the sun against his back, not just a recollection of its feel... but as if he were again involved, in the importance of the physical condition. To have The Golden man come to him, feed him the truths of conditions in the future, of his off spring. Grant him the opportunity, to effect the spirit of this girl. A girl, so much like his Mortallomic. There beside Morrielle, frozen in his memory and her part in the experience, complete. His Morta, his right hand and the gift to his people. This continuance of his immortality... stood before him. Studying him and his thoughts, with great care and an intensity. Exactly, like his Morta... he seen her thoughts clearly and again came back to his duties, to say to her sternly. “And so, you have done wrong actions. Chosen to shame The People and been sent, to run Jungle!” He lean forward and his posture grew to his true Kingly stature, “and this, as it should be. Your trials in rectifying these choosings, Morrielle. Will try you, to the very edge of your endurance. To have to win again the hearts of The People... your people!" She could not hold his eyes, and stare at her feet. With the shame glowing in her heart, covering her courage. “Do not look away, from me,” the King command, with booming authority. Morrielle's eyes, snapped back to him with fear plainly written in them, and he continue, “your shame, does not excuse you. The People need your strength, your courage... they are at war. At war with an evil, that even I can not understand the nature of. Your running the jungle, is not an exercise... of a young brat. Done wrong with the weakness, of her ignorance!” Polomatoni, look away from her a moment staging the effect of his fained disgust. He knew this was hard for her, but necessary. Her future was certainly gifted, yet as a warrior is gifted, and life. Hangs in the balance. By a thread, that can alter the outcome of the greater reality... if right action is perceived and acted upon, with honorable intent. If this young woman was to be, what she could become... the soul eater would not prevail and Morrielle. Not die needlessly. “War!” Polomatoni, bellow at her. “Your people dying, on account of you. Each of their lives. Are weighed, against you!" At that he again recline into his cushions, soften his features. “Do you think that we all do not make mistakes Morrielle, Morta my daughter there. She had once run the jungle, as you are. Has taken lives needlessly, these the mistakes of a great warrior and Morta. Suffered, for those choices... learned humility. Corrected herself, and always... remembered her obligations to the people. That love her. Rely upon, her honour and courage!” “And I, the Sun King. The People looked to me, as a God.” This order of detail he knew... would be hard. For him. “I was only a man, born to a King. An arrogant spoiled child. That was denied, nothing. My Father had built his history, a great and powerful ruler. To train and hand it down to me. A weak King. Who was nothing like my father. Respected certainly, worshiped as a deity and, was the ruination of this Kingdom. You see before you, a King. Who sacrificed Morta's Mother to the Gods, as I believed. That they would then, bless me... with more children. Sent Mortallomic, my warrior priestess, my daughter. Into a war, with the Aztec's. We could not win. I watched my Fathers Kingdom, crumble to dust. My enemies slay me, in this very hall of The Sun King. As they dragged Morta off, to their sacrificial pits. For this, would you pity me... Morrielle?” So many feelings were charging through her. Morrielle, didn't know what to think. She was now a little frightened, by this dream. That seem so real and not change, as normal dreams should. Or wake up, for that matter. Her thoughts crystal clear, somehow. This was not a dream. The frozen people around her, immobile. Only Polomatoni, The Sun King. Was engaged with her in this... this what? With what had been put to her. It had changed her impression of this engagement. The King, a seeming grand figure. Had just admitted to her, his failings. How her people had gone into decline and had to migrate to other regions, blend with other peoples. That Morrielle was of pure blood was actually amazing to her. So did his story, make her feel pity for this King. No, Morrielle responded. “As you say, Sun King... you were a man. Made your mistakes in the ruling of the People. It cannot be an easy thing. To have that kind of responsibility and have no choice, in the matter.” She thought for a moment, on what more she could add. “Well, even with what you have told me. I do not have any less respect for you. These choices you have shared, sound as though only the worst of your life. I imagine that there is a whole life time, of other choices made. That benefited your people.” Morrielle shifted on her feet, feeling uncomfortable with the thoughts being had. Yet added one more thing, that came to mind, “your daughter loved you, I was in her and felt the truth of it. She was a dignified personage, I felt that she lived her truth. With all of her heart. She must have learned this from you, Polomatoni. I feel sad that my people's time, came to an end. So no, great King. I don't pity you, in your perceived short comings. I honour your efforts, I am proud to be from a great lineage of Mayan decent. My Ancestors, have made me. What I am!” A child of great wisdom, Polomatoni thought and her words had touched him deeply. Parts of his dream was as he'd put to her, each of these perceptions adding weight. Some of the reality of The Golden Man's request, coming more clear to him. This child, was granting him absolution. As this duty was done, Polomatoni could let go of his burden... move on to a dream? A different dream and possibly. The opportunity, to arrive at another level of consciousness. “You have my sincere gratitude Morrielle, your words have lightened the burden of my heart,” he told her and meant it. “there is truth in what you have given me, of your perceptions. Long have I been stranded here in these portentous sequences of preponderance, striving to understand the error... of my choices!” Morrielle was struck somewhat, by her understanding of the meanings of what was being presented to her. The sophistication's of which, were far beyond her education. She supposed Kings needed to have a lot of education, in order to rule hundreds and thousands of people. Still, she was mystified by the over all meaning of this dream... she asked, “Have I then been brought here to somehow help you out of this situation, Oh Great Sun King. Is this the meaning of this dream?” He looked thoughtful, then suddenly respond. “Yes, possibly in a manner. It has been what has transpired,” again looked even more thoughtful and was some time before he carried on. When he did, it was began slowly and it seemed. With some caution, “but no Morrielle. This dream is for you and the actions, that are coming to your future. The enemies, that you will face,” and in this statement, the King. Looked quite worried for her. Felt her discomfort and bid her to seat herself on the cushions across from him. She thankfully took his bidding and sat there across from this man who in deed, carried himself like some deity with his subtle glow. He stare at her for some time and as at some point arrived at what looked to be, an important decision. To announce, “First, one of the reasons that you were summoned to the hall of the Sun King. So as your Ancestor, I might pass on to you a legend of our times... now long forgotten. Though some versions of the same are still told by some cultures in like form and differing ways.” Polomatoni, did not start into his story right away and again took some time to gather her in. To then clap his hands together twice and rub his palms together. Morrielle felt her vision sharpen and a tingling ran right through her. The Sun King Polomatoni, only smiled to her knowingly. And, began... © 2014 Rory CJ FranksonFeatured Review
1 Review Added on October 19, 2010 Last Updated on October 26, 2014 Author![]() Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, CanadaAboutIt's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..Writing