![]() Cave of the JaguarA Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson![]() running the jungle, Morrielle finds a companion.![]() It had been a long and tiring day and Morrielle, had a good sized fire going happily roasting a small lizard, she had caught with her own hands, to fill her grumbling tummy. Her first stop, after her run from the circle of the People, had been to a known place on the mountain. Where there were fire stones. It had been a difficult and painful crossing at the slide of jagged stone. To have made it across, with only a few small cuts on her unprotected feet and locate the right ones. To make the fire spark, and found several that she thought would last her a good long while. Only to have to abandon some few. Being naked and having nothing yet, to carry anything in. After the crossing back. Found a pretty spot for her prayers, and had felt the real need. To commune with her Ancestors and ask, where she need to go. Where would be a good place to have a jungle retreat, for the purification time. Away from her people. The answer she received, was the Cave of the Jaguar and that, immediately just felt right. It was a place she hadn't been since she was a small child. A place, that was in a part of the jungle that she was totally unfamiliar with. Well... that made sense, as this was a punishing trial. It need be a place, that would fully challenge her. It was also, a long way up the mountain. In a part of the jungle, very few people ventured into and there were stories of it being a place of sacredness. Again, another reason to be chosen. All this long day she had run the jungle, and to be naked was at first. An uncomfortable exposed feeling. Then, it became a very liberated type of feeling, and she could really run. As this what she must do as much as possible, every where she ventured. Run. Leave her indiscretions as far behind, and as fast. As possible. To have her body accelerate and burn out the poisons... the Demons had put into it. Prove her stamina to herself, prove that she were worthy of The People of the Jaguar. Be as fast and graceful as the Great Cat, and a hunter of prey. To survive her trail. Now she was in this place the Cave of the Jaguar, and there were a lot more places one could be in this cave, then she had at first realized. This location scouted out had a natural chimney and, it could be a escape route. If need it be. Judging by some of the bones she found there, she just might. Still, she only fought back her fears and settle in. It was a good place and Morrielle, felt... Sacredness. Luck too, was with her. She had no Ax, no tools... no weapons. On the way along the trail up to this place, she had found an Iron Tree. Good for making weapons, like a spear. Yet her heart fell, knowing that she had no way to chop off a good straight limb. She was walking around its base anyway and could see that lightning had struck it at some point. Almost at the same moment, to her left, she saw... a really straight length. That had fell from somewhere up in the canopy and was stuck right into the ground. A perfect length, for a spear shaft and eventually had found it held a good weight and balance... for running. If a little lopsided at first, but Morrielle soon correct that. It had really taken a good deal of digging and pulling, to get it out of that ground and now. She was burning its end in her fire and, had also found a nice rough flat stone. To help her sharpen this... her primitive primary weapon. Morrielle's next goal, was to track down a larger animal... to make some kind of covering, for her nakedness. She pinch the roasting lizard, it was done and tenderly, pull it out of the coals and froze. As she'd heard sure movement, somewhere out in the dim dark jumping shadows from her fire. She grip her spear, to stand and stock still... listening. Her heart hammering in her chest, like some mad thing. Whatever it was, it moved quietly. But could still hear its movement and, it was getting closer. Morrielle, considered going for the vines and climbing the chimney, and... instantly. She decided against that course of action. Determination, fortifying her resolve. What ever test, the ancestors had for her. She would meet it here, and with courage. She planted her feet, and wait. Whatever it was, it was at the very corner of her end of the cave now and she moan. It held the shape of a Jaguar. Still no matter, she would fight to the death... and then. It mew? Morrielle, sharpen her sight and study its unsteady silhouetted approach. It was too small, to be a Great Cat... A cub? It mew helplessly again and came cautiously. Into the light of the fire. Morrielle relax her stance some, still listening. Where there was a cub, there would shortly be the Mother... and real trouble. The cat, came further into the light and was heavily panting. Then, just flopped over and stare at her and weakly mewling, pathetically. Merrielle seen that it were hurt, lay down her spear and went to the hurting animal. There was a dart sticking out of its side she seen, as she knelt beside the cub. 'Oh poor little one”, she breath an stroke its soft spotted fur. 'Poachers work'! Her thinking, and if so. Knew that its Mother, was likely dead. Its hide, already being stretched. This little man, was very tired and... had made it home. Now her home. There was a small spring around the corner and still lite by the fire, and one of the reasons. Morrielle, had chosen this location. It was a sweet spring and the water, very chilled. In scooping him up realized, how heavy the cat actually was. Even if he look rather small, compared to a fully grown Jaguar. He'd lifted a weary lid to peer up at her and mew, up to her. A sad sound. Like telling her, that. 'My Mother, is dead and I'm all alone!' Her telling the cat as she got to the spring, “I'm alone too, little one!” Lay him down and scoop some cool water, in cupped hands. The cat roll over upright and unwrap a rough tongue into her palms and lap up, some of the rapidly escaping water. Then take control himself and belly crawl to the spring, and drank up his fill. For quite some while. Morrielle thinking, this had probably been his destination, watching him. Choosing her time. While he was occupied with his drink, Morrielle reach over and quickly pull out the dart. This had startled the cat and it had spun with a hiss to strike, and she had no time to move out of the way. The paw struck her with some force, but the kitten. Had pulled back and had not brought out his claws. He sat with almost a thump and was looking at her, as though he was sorry he'd attacked her. Knew that she had only tried to help him and was now, trying to lick the spot where the dart had hit him and couldn't quite find the energy to reach it. She rub at a small sore spot on her arm, an shrug. Morrielle went to the spring and bath the spot, with hand fulls of cool water. Then stroke his beautiful fur and there came a deep throb... he was purring, and lift his head and allow her to scratch him under the chin. She was getting hungry and thought again, about her cooling lizard. The cub might be hungry too and she thought to go get it, an share it with him. As she walked to the fire, she turned to see if he was still by the spring. He was right there, limping along with her. Morrielle's heart swell and felt honored to have gained this trust, as it too was sacred and on they went. To share a meal together... and, only the first of many to come. In their future adventures, as a pair of Jaguar warriors for the People. They had adopted, one an other. For life. The Ancestors, had certainly smiled upon her... in her disgrace, purified! Morrielle, named her Jaguar Brother. Toma!
Chandelle felt a strange happiness come to her and, for its short time. Had interrupted her thoughts about the event in her world, that was Yevette. She open her eyes to share this joy with Jaquine, but he had gone and that was a surprise. She hadn't heard him go? Only to turn and look an his Landcruiser was still there, so then he was too. She stir the fire and it had almost burnt down, to only a few coals. No surprise there, and add some more small bits of fuel. Knowing that tonight she was not yet finished, with her sacred flames dance. Stood looking into the night sky, and the blanketing plenitude of stars were out. In their watching over the People. Their home star blazing its true path. She nod her respect to her Ancestors journey, and Chandelle. Carry on with hers. When she walk quietly into the house, had seen Jaquine as she knew she would. There asleep on her bed. Knowing he would be there, and wanting to check on him. Weren't the same thing and went to stand at the bedside awhile and study his much loved relaxed features. They were getting on in the way of things as well, and his age. Beginning to show. She wonder how much longer he could continue smoking the Cahasiwah and fighting, these demons. She lean over and kissed him gently and he didn't wake, the drug was very effective. Though hard on the body, she could see that it had aged her man. This hard dreamless sleep, a regular rejuvenation from its use. Helping to forget, what had to be done. Under its influence. Chandelle sigh and stroke his smooth cheek, with an affectionate finger Maybe only a matter of time, before he was not fast enough and one of these fights... he would not come back from. Not the kind of thoughts, she enjoyed to have. His offering himself up, to the jungle. Her living on in a world... without him, in it. Chandelle left him to his dead sleep and went back to tend her fire and for some time. Pray to the star beings, for their continued aid. Then again to search through her memories of Yevette Richade and try to find that something in it. That she was seeking. The thing that pull her back time and again. To look for a something she had missed. Wondering, at the connection she still had with this person and, still active in her dreams. Had sent her prayers like messages and wonder if she had received them. Some she knew were quite cryptic, but had sent them anyway. As they were nothing but the truth. There were times when she could feel that Yevette, was in trouble spiritually and would send her what protection she could. Send, what they had in common... Birds. As was sent to her and the Sparrow Hawk, still live with her when not hunting. Yes birds, in a fluttering of memory held for her. Like the wings of the souls flight, and the love of the creation. Her spirit keeper, the Sister of light. That had come to her as a child to share with her, a name. For her calling forth... Abladonna. This she used in her prayers, for Yevette hoping that one day. She might know, this star being. A being, that was not of her People that she knew of. When she had come to her, she'd asked the then Woman of the People and keeper of the stories. That she now carried and hoped to pass, one day to Morrielle. About this Abladonna, and was told that, no... there was no such goddess in their legends, prophecies or stories. It had remained a mystery, to her. This, remembered prophesy given to her. Till Yevette... set that wheel, in motion. To have come to her so long ago, in a preparation for that one day. That day that she would cross paths with a person, of great importance to the world. From a circle, that could send her visions. From some country, far away to the north. She had not too long ago, went by bus to Punta Gorda on the coast and there, was a library. To look up some of these things there, to learn this country she'd talked of Canada. Was a very big country. That these woman, that had sent these messages and dreams. Lived many miles apart. There were pictures in those library books of First Nations People. People, similar to them in many ways. For sure, they were the woman of the circle that had sent the Hawk. From a place where Yevette, was from. Quebec. She used her gift, and a map, to find this other woman. Who lived in a place called, Jasper Alberta in Canada. This was a very powerful woman, a daughter of Abladonna, like her. She felt sure. One of these turns, she would meet this woman. And, when and if. She did. It might be her turn, to walk among the stars. Chandelle, stare into the fire and wished she had known these things before she had gotten Yevette, out of the country. She could have told her of these people. That had not been possible, the demons had almost swarm into the country, looking for her. Yevette, was not yet ready to leave and still sick. With the demons kind of possession, buried in her so deep... that Chandelle. Could not reach it. Given time she might have, but time. They did not have. She had pray to Abladonna, to cloak her. Where they had hidden her, and sought out a cousin. That had long ago left the people to work for the government, in animal conservation. There were times, that he still came home to the people. For certain seasonal ceremonies, and believed still with his heart. In the spirit of the jungle. For years he was trying to get the government to understand and get the jungles protected as wild life reserves. Not having much success, as the reclaimed land. Was worth a lot of money, and money the greed that fueled so many ugly things, in our world. No matter how many prayers said, it only seem to get worse. She thought that maybe the creator, should burn the whole thing away. The thing that stopped, these kind of thoughts. Were the feelings that she held, for Yevette. This girl had some kind of power to change this failing. Her destiny, to reach into that evil... and. End it! So she had gone to her cousin Raole and he agree to do the paper work, through people in the government he knew and, had her deported. Under a different name. Jaquine took her to the capital with Raole and turn her over to the authorities. With this paper work in hand. There were no questions and Yevette was sent to her place of leaving her country, Calgary. With another set of paperwork in her name, Raole was really a very smart man and he felt that done this way. It would be very difficult, for the demons. To track her leaving, their county. The Demons had known she left the country and the People, knew this. Because the hectic looking for her stopped. Then only waves of three at a time. Had come to stalk them. Like a hate vendetta, for killing so many of their kind... all at one time. They made war, on the People. Now the People, were taking that war to them and rub out. As many as they could... that were sent after them. Even if it end the People. It was time, and this... was their day. To be warriors. For the greater good of maybe, all the world. Chandelle, put more medicine into the flames and breath deep, the dream smoke. Dedicate her prayer and called out to the daughter, of her All Mother... “Abladonna, hear me. Me, your sister of light. Gift me, the dream... of your dream”... © 2014 Rory CJ FranksonFeatured Review
1 Review Added on October 16, 2010 Last Updated on October 26, 2014 Author![]() Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, CanadaAboutIt's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..Writing