Chapter Three... Sub Plots & Characters

Chapter Three... Sub Plots & Characters

A Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson

Belize, beyond The Sun King. The Myans diminsh, and the jungles perish.


If you the reader... have come this far. I'm honored. It is here, that I interject what and how I'm writing 'Chilrdren of Destiny' it is a complete plot line. The premise of the Above and Beyond introduced in the chapter Abladonna's Dream, sets the standard in terms of time line... there are three. Past present and of course the prophetic future. In the realm of spirit where these entities are operative. There is no set time, they are to fix an anomoly in time itself. It is this past event with the intoduction of Bophemat the Demon from the Void, that brings Vampires. Into what is a probable future.

               I have the running time line, and then within sub plots. It creates the space for sub characters and past short stories, if you will. I wrote the main Characters into, four  books. None of them are written in stone, as really. They were all written as: Character Introductions. The plotted story covers many engaged characters in the scope of this war, if you will. There is a series called 'Darkover' by Marion Zimmer Bradley... that I really thought was cool. You didn't have to start in any order. There were key stories that explain that worlds origins, but you could start anywhere and just dig her deal!

           She had many people sending her ideas as the novels progressed, many were un-known writers. She thought it was cool and started to Publish & Edit The Friends of Darkover short story novels. This is where I came upon this idea. These writers used her world dynamic as reasearch and carried on with their own Darkover time line, history and characters. This my story.... is not unique, in its genera.

               There are many War in Heaven novels in dealing with the premise of Angels vs Demons. There is now tons of Vampire novels. Likewise their are many Fantasy books based on prophecy with Heroes and Champians... mostly set, in a time before time. To bring engaged magic, into the plot dynamic. I bring these dynamics, into a present reality. My goal is to like the series DragonLance... have a writers circle, join this story. Make their time lines, create characters and join The War in The Between.

                Really, its all about the ternminology, if the writers have this world mapped. Know the basic language. Even assist in adding the legend to these Characters, like how does our Vampire society function. The Heroes and Champions whether they are Nordic, Druid, Japanese... you get the idea.

               This war is talking place... all over the world.

               In this intro, you have met the Heroine Yevette, the Paladin Troy. The next books intro the other centeral Heroes & Champions, I'm still mostly just writing these characters life and times, within the this vague time period. I'm totally open, if there is an interest to join in, make suggestions, add character outlines. It's a big part of why I joined here, I have other novels. Yet 'Children of Destiny', is in my mind us, we who chose to write and create this... I hope sophisticated, diverse tapestry of event in a stylized Action Adventure, this attempt simulates many different venues, genera and I think, a lot of fun to create, research & assemble.

              As I Romon, is fond of saying: Write On / Right On!

              Please Read On.

              If this idea appeals to you, post me. If I get enough interest, I will create a Writers Circle for 'Children of Destiny' and here at WC, they call it a group. I love writing and have worked in collaberative ventures before. A series such as this could create a wave, it can generate profits and get new writers known. There are many ways now to publish... both standard and e-publishing, is growing. Mostly, I wish it to be a learning experience, and fun. Okay... maybe, think it over.

                Or just enjoy, the developing stories.


RcjFrankson writing...


Chapter three 


From somewhere deep within, there came a power of fear so strong. That it was forcing her, to come to the surface. The stink of it, came from every pour of her body and she now realized, was staked naked to the ground. In a cleared circle of the jungle...

Morrielle, knew where she was, and the fear of this knowing...

Only increase in her breast.

Her only thought, as she struggle against her bonds. Was escape, and as she vainly struggle against her bounds... gave up. Knew that this was now, impossible. They would come and they would kill her. She relaxed, and felt hot tears roll down her cheeks. There was no fighting this. The first of those, she had known all her short life. Had begun to come out of the jungle path and form a circle around her. Not one word was said to her, from behind their masks. The feelings sent to her, were not of sympathy. But hard, judgment...

They despised her.

Then came true fear, the Bird Mask of her teacher in her feathered cloak, emerge from the now silent jungle and with her Jaquine. The Jaguar... her executioner! Her insides squirm, knowing just what... was in the basket she carried. Her test. For her body to work hard, against the bonds that held her. She moaned, knowing they knew... she had betrayed her own people. For what, bobbles. For a chance to leave this mountain... and find a life. Beyond this primitive, nothingness? This, is what they'd promised her. Now they were all dead, these lying fiends that had done such ugly things to her. Made her perform, the most base kind of things with her body. As she gave away her peoples, most sacred secrets. For this, she would now die!

All were there now, Morrielle felt a calm come over her as Chandelle, stood at her feet and sob? 'Why would she cry for me,' she thought, and this rather strange. After, what she had done.

And so, my little one,” Chandelle's stern voice, broke the silence, “the very girl, that I choose. To follow in my footsteps. To treat as my own daughter!” The Bird Mask, shook from side to side and again. Morrielle, heard her sob.

She, had not known this. Many young girls had sat at Chandelle's feet, and study from her their teachings. Yes, she had the feeling that more time was spent with her, than the other acolytes. But that she would be chosen, to be the next woman of her people? This cause her to moan, and inside. She wished for death now. Her purity gone. She was now faceless and the jungle, would not accept her! The Woman of the people, open the lid on the basket and Morrielle gasp. As it seemed thousands of hairy spiders, were thrown on her squirming at the feel, of their crawling over her.

A murmur spread through the people, and they. One and all, took a step backward.

Morrielle held her breath, waiting for their deadly stinging bites... that, never came. The murmur through the crowd grew, she felt them crawling off of her body. Turned her head to watch them scatter back into the jungle. There were some small bites, but nothing like she was expecting.

Jaquine step forward with his machete, and Morrielle brace herself. Waiting for it to fall across her neck... severe, her head. Felt him cut her hand lose, first one then the other. Then move to her feet. What was this? Why did the spiders not inject her, with their paralyzing venom. She again heard Chandelle sob, but from beside her and she turn. To see that she was on her knees, her firm hand on her naked belly, felt warm. Comforting.

So you see Morrielle, you are not to blame!” Chandelle sigh, she loved this girl with all her heart and was immensely relieved, that she'd passed this test. She had been defiled by the demons, but had not been infected. If that'd been the case... Jaquine, would have instantly... took her head. She help this confused young one, rise to her feet. Who now, rubbed her wrists from the indents of her oh so tight bindings. Her eyes turned, to look puzzled into hers. “It is not over, Morrielle. You have still done your people, a great dis-service. Many died, to have gotten you out of there!”

There were tears freely running down her face, Chandelle put a knuckle under her chin, an forced her to look up. “Now, you must run the jungle. If you survive and the jungle, accept you. You may come back, and the spirits may even allow you... to still. Lead the people!” This statement really shocked her, “Well what Morrielle, don't you think. I have made my fair share, of mistakes?” Chandelle smiled inside and smack her bare bottom hard.

“Now run!”...

The people, stood back and started to sing for her. Morrielle's feelings soared.

If she survived the jungle, The people, would take her back. She wasn't faceless. They had given of themselves, some had died... to save her. One of their own! Merrielle ran with her heart... into the jungle. She would survive, she would lead their people.

Or die, trying.


Chandelle, knew that the people were finally fading. More and more, did not believe in the old ways and would not carry their practices. Most they lost to the ever growing cities and modern life. In her time. Chandelle had tried to incorporate the two, and there was some small success... in all of that. There was but a handful of their original migrated Mayan bloodline, that had survived and remained faithful. To the spirits of the jungle. She could not force the young people to stay, or to learn... for that matter. Her hopes, had been pinned on Morrielle. Her lifelong secret heartache.

That the demons had got a hold of her and defiled her, almost broke her heart.

What the outside world, brought to The People were mostly. Twisted lies. She thought, 'they have lost the sacredness, between a man and a woman. Made it into a sickness'. Now that they had their most guarded ceremonial secret. They would not use it, for sacred union. As did The People. They would use it for their own evil purposes, as they had on Morrielle and the white woman. Yevette Richade. Who Chandelle thought of, more than often. Pondering her spirit... her deep set spirit glow and now dark set terror planted in her soul. She fan the small sacred fire in front of her and said more prayers for her. From what Chandelle had seen, in the spirit world. Yevette Richade, would need them!

She prayed also for the brave warriors, they had lost in this last battle with the demons and their most successful, so far. As they'd fought so fiercely, for one of their own.

By the Jaguar, she sigh. Sometimes Morrielle could be so thick headed and didn't see. Just how much The People, loved her. They had not wanted her to fail the test either. They hoped that the jungle would give her back to them, purified. Yes, she had been wrong and wayward, but also. She, had been deceived. Weak. Brutalized!

Chandelle, prayed hard for Morrielle's survival. The People and the sacredness of their rapidly disappearing jungle. Too soon it would be gone, then as the eldest of ancestors had prophesied. The torment of the Mother, would begin. The flames that claimed their jungle, would then. Claim the Earth. They would eat The Father soul, and The People... she sigh. To finish this teaching etched, into her heart... All the People, would be no more!

She heard Jaquine's Landcruiser coming down the dirt track, that led to her small clap board house, Chandelle le Fontaine called home. He'd gone out with three other warriors, to comb the jungle for those demons that had fled into it. Her heart swell in anticipation of his arrival. Although they were not tied by vine, and... he could see other woman. If he so chose. He didn't and through all these years, had remained by her side... as First Warrior of the People.

There was not a stronger or faster fighter on the mountain, than Jaquine. Nor one, that talk less. Than this one. His words were only for direct communication... of the purely meaningful kind, that rested on the Spirit. He was a Holy-man in his own right, and his knowledge was without boundary. One only need find the right question to ask! To be granted with an insight, that was potent in its power of understanding. Life.

His balance, was the swift Death. Practiced this duality, the two certainties of The Peoples existence. From the beginning, that has no beginning. As certain as there is an end. That may have, no ending. The wisdom... is in this mystery and is spoken of in the stars. This... where Jaquine live, listening. Listening, to the stars. That peak through the jungle canopy and whisper, glimmering secrets. To... the faithful. Warrior Priest, guardian of the gate to the underworld.

Chandelle smile, as the Landcruiser skid to a dusty stop. In the same moment as the engine stop, Jaquine is in the motion of easily hopping out onto soil and... on to his rolling stroll. To her fire. It wasn't his way to be flamboyant, it just naturally came out that way. The care he took in every day ceremonial preparation, his minuet facial expressions. That one needed to study. If you were to know, his thoughts... on anything. To her, there wasn't a better looking man on the face of The Mother. He squat at her fire, to smoke wash in the gift of her jungle mixture. His eyes swung to hers, an edge of smile there.

They, are dead then,” she state simply, his eyes. Telling her so.

Jaquine, used silent jungle sign. Right hand palm in a sharp sweep out from his mid-section and his face hard... 'rubbed out.' The other, his left a fist. The right came over to cap off... 'for The People' and sank to a cross-legged rest, and stare into the flames.

Chandelle, knew this would be hard for him. “And, your Brothers?”

Could see, the restraint in his neck muscles flex. To hold his emotions and report to the Woman of The People. He held up two finders of his left hand, “they have gone with honor, to walk the jungle path. No more of the demons could I find, other than the six. That we released, from demon possession!” He did show some emotion then, “even the animals, of the jungle. Will not touch them. Chandelle.” His report was done and he was now, only her man. She reach over with a small gesture and squeeze his knee.

Then, how do we deal with that?” She asked.

We gave them to the sucking sand and let them be pulled. Into the under world,” he look away from the sacred fire, and again. With hard emotion into her eyes, “where they belong. I don't know if this is right or not, but that is what was done!”

I believe, this was a right action Jaquine. They have no soul. The underworld that lay beneath that pit, is a horrible place to go,” they both understood that. “Let the greedy hole, have them and this is what in the future. We will do, with these demons.” Chandelle sigh, the last, and there were many. They had burned and even their smoke was not a purification, but a putrefying and birds, actually fell from the jungle, dead. Caught in its path.

Jaquine only nod and look out into the jungle, lost to his own thoughts. Chandelle, thinking about how small a circle that they had. Now, two more Brothers were gone from it. She knew that soon. Jaquine could talk of it and she would learn who they were. Know their names, and go visit their families. Now, it was too close for him. To lose those, who were probably no more than boys. Young men he had trained since cubs, to grow and become... Jaguar Fighters for The People. Long, had The People fought this menace and so many had sacrificed their spirit to the jungle, their home. So that its people, and families. Have the safety, to live out their lives in sacredness and peace.

Never were they a People, of war. They had no boundaries to protect, no grand cities to feed, or the greed. That comes with the teachings, of these so called civilized people. In their stories passed on. The elders said, 'if you are attacked. Strike back, until the attack stops. Then try to deal with your enemy, with understanding and compassion. If they attack again. Rub them out, for the sake of the People. The jungle had plenty of food for everyone, lots of canopy.... to live under!'

The People, were taught to be gracious in their sharing. Abundant life, with spirit.

Now she knew, they were too few and the jungle. Not so large. In her Mothers... Mothers, time. The Demons came... came to hunt, 'The People'. Now, the people in the surrounding Villages. Did not believe in the Demons and ignorant, of the danger they were in. Chandelle understood, that they are a part of the Mother. They were Human Beings, like them. Only not taught in the manner of the Jungle, and it was their responsibility. As the The People of The Jaguar, to protect them In their ignorance. Tempted away from the jungle by a different life, a modern life. In Chandelle's way of thinking a poor life and them, blaming the jungle. When they're people, disappear into it.

For Chandelle to shake her head, with that thought. To have even blame The People and there had been times. That Police from the interior had come to look into these claims. To leave and assure the village people. That they were not responsible for these disappearances and over the years, the stories of the cursed jungle grew, and the paid Police. Did nothing about disappearances.

Yes, the jungle could be a dangerous place, if you were careless and not respect its hazards. They did not know, what she did. The very people that supplied work in the destruction of this wonder. Were tied to the demons, who had come to rape their home of its secrets. In times past there were open skirmishes. When the people knew they were hunting, and the hunters, became the hunted. For the people over time, fought back. Like now and the Demon war, escalating.

The difference, had started with the white woman. The beginning of her dreams of yet another older wise woman. From a place, far from her jungle. Then, the arrival of the strange bird the like of which, she had never seen before. To wake her from dreams, as it had landed to perch in her porch and would not go away. Scaring her at first, not understanding its presence there... talking in her mind with womans voices. To follow its flight, into the jungle.

For three days had ignored it, hoping this strange bird. Would go away. As every evening it would, fly off in the same direction and in the morning. Be back perched in the rafters of her porch. With Chandelle having dreams non-stop of some glowing woman Out there, sorely distressed. Finally Chandelle, could see how tired this poor bird really was and, so far from the home. It knew, she could see its images, in her mind. It was this white womans home on a mountain and covered in a forest, very different from her jungle. That third morning in seeing this, it was like she'd left her body and traveled, to that place. To a power circle, there she seen a circle of brown woman praying. A very old and wise elder looked right into her, pleading and it was they. That had sent this bird, to her. To help the woman she had been dreaming of, being held prisoner in the jungle.

When she came out of this trance, she knew. It was a Sparrow Hawk. Amazed, at how far it had flown at the behest of this powerful Elder, and her circle of support. All of these women, were desperate and the other older wise woman, in a different place in the world. Praying that Chandelle, follow this bird. She had packed a few things to carry and knew a bird could fly a long way in one evening, and knew not. How long she would be gone from her small clapboard house in the jungle.

She walk out onto the porch and say to the bird in her language, “alright little warrior. Show me!” The small majestic bird took flight and off, into the jungle. They went. The Hawk always stay in view and flew low, circles if Chandelle got behind or on clear paths. Lite on a branch ahead and wait for her. All day, it went like this till dark and she made a small camp. The Sparrow Hawk, to find a perch and watch over her as she slept. When she awoke, it was still there and looking anxious to get on the way. Communicating to her, somehow... that this place. Was now, not far off.

It was in this manner, that Chandelle. discovered the location of the People's enemy's... compound. This discovery had made her very excited and, after she see what was going on here. Would be off, as fast as possible to tell Jaquine of this find. Some time off before they had actually arrived, Chandelle had felt their presence. Making her skin crawl with the overpowering evil, of their spirit wrongness. The Hawk, land on a branch in front of her an seemed to point the way to a small hut, that had no windows in it that she could see. In her prowl, to get a better look see. Found that there was one wall with slats to allow air flow. Into a place, that must be dreadfully uncomfortable in the heat of the day. Chandelle could feel the woman, that she had been dreaming of... was here, and could hear her humming some strange tune to herself. She lay down in the rich red soil and belly crawl through a short clearing to the slates, in that one wall.

Could hear a pacing of the floor and feel her, all encompassing irrational fear. Chandelle made some small scratching noises, and that attempt to attract attentions had gotten no response. She didn't want to make any noises different than what were already there, and thought. What could be used, local animal noise would just be ignored, as well. Then the idea arrived. The humming she had heard had stopped, at hearing scratching. So Chandelle started to mimic, as best she could. The same tune . The response was immediate, the woman was now right by the slates and she could almost see her, in the dimness of the huts interior and feel. Unsure excitement, coming in waves

She was trying to say something in what Chandelle recognized, as English. A language, that she didn't speak. Knew as well, the woman wouldn't speak the language of her people. Well that hadn't been considered, and for a moment. Ponder that. The priests, that had come to teach them of Christ and build, their now abandoned Catholic Church. Had taught their language, to the people. It was the only other language she knew, and try that in a whisper to ask this woman, in rusty French. “Are you in trouble and sending me, crazy dreams?” There was a sob, from beyond the wall and for a hanging hanging moment, there frustratingly came no reply. Chandelle thought, 'now what?'

Then came a whole stream of rapid French, for some while and was not understood. In this a language, she hadn't spoken. For some while. When the stream, finally stop. Chandelle repeat the same question, this time to add. “Speak quietly, slowly that I may understand you.” The woman in there was delusional. Chandelle felt she was drugged. Yet, had gotten it across that indeed she was in trouble, being held prisoner and in two days time. That something horrible, would be done to her. Well she had thought to go and get Jaquine and their fighters. But if this something to be done to her, was what Chandelle imagined. She would not be back in time, before they stole her soul...

She creep her way to the corner of the hut. Across the compound, could see a series of buildings. Felt that there were people there, but no demons. It was still very early morning and she felt the fog of their sleep. Around the corner on the huts one door, there was no lock... only a wooden bar, across its middle. She shrug and thinking, there was no time like right now. So stood up straight and, walk calmly to the door. Took the bar off of it blocking cradle, and open it. To whisper rather impatient fearing discovery into the dim interior, “well child, let's go!”

The woman just stood there shortly, like really not believing this was real. Chandelle could understand, if drugged by what she was thought to be drugged by. This might, seem to be some dream. So she walk right in an grab her elbow, and tell her. “We have to go and it must be... right now!” That had worked, they left the hut into the light of day and slowly walk, to the end of the clearing. Then to flee, into the jungle. The way home was difficult, this woman she discovered was named Yevette, but her reality. Was so twisted. Half the time, she didn't understand what was going on. It was work for Chandelle, to just keep her moving. The hawk came right along with them and she could feel its concern, for this girl. This being how Chandelle seen her, a young woman. In her state was almost mentally, like a little girl. Her eyes, though. These Chandelle seen, were... old.

Very old!

What they had done to this French girl, was a horror. She was twisted inside and her mind, altered somehow. Chandelle had known that when they got back to her home, she would pack some things and they would go into hiding. These demons would be looking for her, if Jaquine were successful. She would have the time, to maybe help this savaged girl regain some part of her sanity. Half the way back to her house... this girl began to glow, and Chandelle. Jumped back from her. Thinking that this may have been some trick, but the girl. Now a woman, sat down on the path they were on and broke down and cried, heartrendingly... thanking her repeatedly. For getting her away from that place. She was lucid and for a time, talk to her about the horror of that place. They were murdering people there... she'd told Chandelle. Sickeningly, right, in front of her!

She told Chandelle, that there was a group they had brought into the compound the day before and, like the rest. They seem to be almost like zombies. Whatever that was, Chandelle knew of the geese that Demons held the power to use, over they're prey. This ritual, that was planned for Yevette, was to be taken place after midnight the next day... and all these souls. Would die so horribly, as the others had. Chandelle had told her, that The People of The Jaguar would try to be there in time... to help these souls. That now they must get up and keep moving, because by now. It will have been discovered. That Yevette was gone, from her cell.

Chandelle had taken a different route back and, knew of a cave that the people used as a camp, when away hunting. It was already after after dark when they got there and Yevette wouldn't enter its dark opening, for some untold reasoning. Chandelle had to leave her reluctantly by the entrance and got get a fire going deep in its interior, where it wouldn't be seen from the outside. Made a small torch and went and, retrieved Yevette. Who know could see that it was only a cave and came along willingly. To fold onto the caves floor and instantly, fall into a troubled sleep.

The Hawk had flown in there along with them and found a perch close to this Yevette girls side, and would not budge. As Chandelle pray for their cloak of protection, had time to study this woman sleeping there, in such fancy dress. Other that the craziness she felt from drugs... she was well looked after. The Demons, had something else in mind. For this one...

For a White Woman, Chandelle had thought she was rather pretty. As she lay there, it was as though Chandelle could feel the presence of all these woman, that had sent her aid. What kind of power would it take, to draw a Bird such as this. To fly half the way across the world, to guide her. Chandelle... The Woman of her People. To the camp of their enemy. She knew as well in her heart, this was their main compound. If they could surprise them there. Not only could they save some of their people... but, possibly rid them of this menace.

For some time, to come...

Jaquine looked up from his thoughts, and felt ready in himself. To tell Chandelle, which warriors he'd lost. To see that she was lost within her worlds, and left it alone for now and wouldn't disturb her. His eyes, being drawn back to the fire and his thoughts. The ceremony with Morrielle, had been probably the hardest moment of his life. For the both of them, he thought. He would have done his duty. If Morrielle's trial had proved that she were infected. But the spiders wouldn't even bite her. Let alone, bite her and fall off instantly dead. As their poison, had no effect on a Demon. He then, would've killed it... a Demon with no soul.

He did not have to and he sigh, to thank the spirits of his ancestors. That he didn't have to take the head, of his and Chandelle's daughter. For the hundredth time he wonder why Chandelle, would not go into the jungle with him, and tie the vine. If so, they could tell Morrielle... of her connection to them. She had her reasons, he gathered. He look out into the jungle and knew his daughter, were out there somewhere naked. With no weapons. Jaquine shivered, it took a brave soul to be out there alone, in its deep dark. With no protection. Though, he knew where she would be... Cave of the Jaguars, and he hoped that tonight. There were no Great Cats... in there, with her.

Part of him, wanting to go help his daughter in the gathering dark.

The other part, knowing. That it would only shame her. He understood, this was a thing she must do on her own. At least he knew there would be no Demons, out prowling the night or hoped... that was so. The drugs he had smoked to go on this hunt for those that had gotten away, was wearing off, and he was feeling extremely tired now. Without this help, from the spirit world. They would not be able to fight these demons. Even with it, Rontu and Simone had not been quite fast enough, but their distraction. Allow Jaquine to finish off the strongest, and last... of three demons. He had hoped that their first attack on finding their compound, had done them in. It had not been the case, and they had only kept sending more demons, and this war. Was only going to go on. Until all the People, were dead.

This was the dread in his heart. More, there was a rumor in his tracking. That some important slave of the demons, was still hiding with one of the Papaya farmers and, he was going back out in the morning to try and locate him. He knew that many of these places, being burned out of the jungle... were being funded, by the demons. Most of these simple farmers knew not, their connection to these creatures. No longer human. There were some, that Jaquine had found that were aware and paid for their co-operation, with such evil... with their lives.

In this last raid. They had discovered in what limited knowledge Jaquine had of these things, was like a hospital and equipment. One would find in such a place. After the fight were finished. They'd destroyed that place and what ever it was being done there, he felt was tainted and not natural to the world. The rumor that he tracked was this were where the slave had hidden, and then. Run from that location, to a farm of one of those that participated with evil. There were others still out there. Trying to discover its location, and just who these farmers might be. Jaquine would not rest, until this one was found... then.

They would all die, to pay for their crimes.

© 2014 Rory CJ Frankson

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---- From the begin, that has no beginning, as certain as there is an end, that may have no ending. ---

Filled with rich imagery and Nature bound wisdom, faith and beliefs. Thrillingly written.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 16, 2010
Last Updated on October 26, 2014


Rory CJ Frankson
Rory CJ Frankson

Vernon, British Colombia, Canada

It's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..
