Terror recalled Re-visited

Terror recalled Re-visited

A Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson

as more of the past two years came to view. The puzzles remained.


Well I was feeling the weight of this revealed story and Ben, was slowly working his way there too and pretty deep in thought himself. We finally got ourselves secreted into a place where I might try and work some of this stuff out. My mind swirling with all kinds of crazy notions and I wondered, if I tried them out on Ben. Would he even understand, what I was asking of him?

Ben had been busy, and handed me a tumbler of scotch. I pretty much drained it and went to the counter there for a refill and filled it, a full two fingers higher in the tumbler. Than the one he’d originally gave me. Ben actually laughed at me, and ask. “Is it really that bad, Troy?”

Yep Ben… it’s really, that bad,” and sat myself in the other wing back chair and after the story telling around the kitchen tables hard chairs. It was really very comfortable. The Scotch tasted pretty good too, not that I drank much, I didn’t. Like last night with Yevette even three bottles of wine in a row, was a lot for me. I then told Ben pretty much what had gone on, with Yevette last night at the cabin. Not that I really intended too, it just all seemed to fall out. Ben listened really patiently to all of it. When I was finished and more or less, had told him exactly what happened. I felt drained, “I don’t know Ben,” I said, “Yevette, had something really bad happen to her. I never have seen anyone, suffer through such terror… as that!”

Then Ben, surprised me. “You know, Kate went through a really bad patch there about a year and a half ago? I really couldn’t get her to talk much about it. She was having just horrible nightmares and would wake up screaming, and sometimes. Calling out Yevette’s name, in her sleep? Would get right out of bed and kneel there and pray away the rest of the night!” He took a large swallow of his drink and kind of tense brought out, “I really had thoughts there for awhile, that she was going a little bonkers, Troy!”

So she never told you, what it was about ,“ I asked seriously.

He took another large swallow of scotch and simply said. “Nope,” but went on, “I do know this, Troy my boy. In all the years, that I’ve been married to Kate… today. Is the topper. This deal with Yevette showing up again in our lives, is really a big event for my wife.” The rest of his drink went down and he got up, for a large refill. “You bringing her here, like this Troy,” he crossed the room again and sat across from me, “frankly son. That’s really a surprise to me. Never seen that one coming. Kate and I knew you were bringing someone, had phoned and told us so. I thought that was fine and we could finish our business together. Who could have predicted that something so close to my wife’s heart… was on the way, and. That you’d bring her.” Ben took another large swallow, “you know, I don’t drink much Troy. But I’m thinking, I might just sit here and get right hammered. I don’t even really talk that much, an listen to me. Haven’t said so much of this personal kind of thing, for a very long time. Not to anybody Troy, but I like talking to you son. Not everybody gets my ear, like you do!”

As soon as Ben said that, I knew it to be true and I thought through some of what had been said. Yevette had been to Belize, she’d said as much briefly. The time line with what Ben had just related, about Kate’s dreams. Correlated with about when she would have been there. What Kate had said, about the gift? I believed her. Knew the first time I had met Kate. Had felt a connection to her, that was stronger than only some business dealings and over coffees. Had told me quite a few things, that were right on target with just where my life is… right now!

Listening to the story about Yevette’s world, in Quebec. Brought back a thing said to me the first day, out on that point. The place, she hadn’t been to in Nine years. To watch Yevette’s eyes, while these things were re-revealed to her, I saw the recognition there. The pain like a deer startled in your headlights, kind of look. Heart rending, to watch her sob through the realizations and I knew somehow. That what ever had happened to her in Belize. Had plain, just shut Yevette down and made her forget her world… somehow.

I was more convinced than ever, I was going to hunt these fuckers down. Some of the stuff being revealed over the last few days, felt like years. Not just three nights ago talking to my Sensei and, the weirdness he laid on me. About… being a warrior? Yevette’s tripping out in the cabin, and now… this? I felt my hands flexing, and my face going red.

You ok, Troy,” Ben asked worriedly.

Nope,” I said simply, “I think… I’m going to get hammered too, Ben!”

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Yevette sat at the table emotionally strung out. Lost in the wonder that she actually was having a real heart to heart, with the woman she now knew... was her precious Aunt Kate. From an event in a time and place of so long ago, her forgotten childhood.

They'd hit some minor lull in their sharing, and Yevette. Stare down at her fingers on the table shredding a napkin, not really seeing them. The small shards of tissue, like her world... her fractured memories. Her tears for those misplaced memories, done and the reality of the present of just where she was and how she'd arrived here... being a total marvel, to comprehend.

What were the chances, of her to have arrived here in this time and place and with these very people... to be granted the opportunity, to be sheltered, given the ways and means to see herself. Again finding her world and its reality, that had been so violently torn from her. Making choices on the run from the horrid nightmare, that was altering her very humanity. For some reasoning, Yevette... still held no understanding of, or any real memory of. For that matter! Only a dark compulsion she knew still existed, buried deep in her sub-conscious.

These were the disjointed visions, that flooded through her. These bits and pieces that were to her a stranger, and in fact... sparks of recognition. The self, that had been stolen from her. She had really listened full on open, to the revelations being presented for her to consider. It was actually starting to make some sense out of the madness, that she’d been living through. It seemed so strange and otherworldly, that Kate. Knew some of what she had lived through in Belize. That through that event of her childhood vision, of The Christ. She had been connected to Kate's spirit through all those years. To have been able to lend assistance at the very moment, that it were need the most. Yevette truly losing humanity, to become something so horrible. She couldn't think of it!

Knowing she'd been trapped out in the jungle somewhere, in a prison like room. With a thing, so entirely evil. It couldn't be comprehended. Kate’d told her about the nightmares, that she’d had so like her own, and how she had prayed so hard. For someone, where she was to help... and lend her such needed assistance. The hardest part to understand, was a thing about the medicine woman... Kate had dreamed through, to in Belize... and Kate? Then to have described to her Chandelle, almost to a tee. To only wink and say, a little birdie told her so, and how she dreamed. That a Sparrow Hawk, had flown all the way there. To deliver a message, to this woman Chandelle, in Belize? Yevette told Kate some of how this very woman, Chandelle le Fontaine. Had, with the help of her strange cult. Rescue her from that un-holy place and, away from the unthinkable. That had awaited her, in that ungodly trap. Only seeming, a heart beat away from utter ruin. And had thank god, gotten her out of that country.... To be here now, sitting at this kitchen table.

Trying to comprehend it all. Fit the pieces together, and have it make some kind of sense.

Told Kate as well, the help she’d received in Costa Rica by a woman with the sight Maria Dorado, and her revelations of Claude’s infidelity and his illegal involvements with drugs. Maria's organization of the means for her to escape. In what was perceived to be, a dangerous situation for her in the house and the people she was staying with there, on Tamarando Beach. How George, the Costa Rican Federal narcotics officer, had whisked her off clandestinely away from the Hotel. To the airport, with instructions for her to fly through LAX and to LA and leaving her with a 'go with god little one', in Spanish. But Yevette realized, that her mistake was in her decision to go to Belize, and now knew without a shadow of a doubt. Claude had something to do with her capture and the insanity, that followed. Some of the other things related to her, now fit so well. How in the beginning, she was in a relationship with a man. Which was good and innocent, but over time had become bitter and had changed. To be so very unhealthy. How he clouded her judgment and Yevette should have maybe left him, a lot longer and earlier than she had...

But then she thought not, because then... would she have met, Troy?

She’d asked Kate and she’d replied, that Yevette might have at some point. Like when she’d lived in British Colombia maybe? She thought that was entirely quite possible, as she had considered leaving Claude and moving to Vancouver, and where Troy had been living on his ship the Bowie at that time. But all of that, was maybes and could have been. Her thoughts, moved on.

Yevette knew that being here, was where she was meant to be and that she had to deal, with the here and now. Reunited with the O’Grady’s and her destiny.... Troy. Aunt Kate, was in total agreement with her. Though she informed her, she was not yet finished with her story and felt, that Yevette. Needed to hear the rest, As it was primarily about a talk she’d had with Jeanne, her Momma. That Yevette needed to re-connect with the spirit, which she knew her Mother held and the history of family. That belonged, to her. This evil thing had stolen it away from Yevette, with lies and deception, and… some very powerful drug. That much, Kate knew for sure. As well she'd said, her brush with whatever this evil entity was. Was not yet... over? Man, that freaked her out!

Kate had told Yevette, that she thought the end of this story. Might help her to resist this thing. In whatever shape it took on and, that it was attracted to her birthright qualities? Kate did admit, that she didn’t know exactly where they came from. But that it did have something to do with her Mother’s linage, and quite possibly. Her Father’s, as well. Kate stressed... that at some point, in all of this. Yevette really needed to go home. Visit her mountain and listen to her birds, and there, more than anything…go to Fairies Rock. Kate felt that something of her power was being stored there, her power of womanhood. The gifts the native women felt in her and, why. They had included her in their ceremonies, to aid and assist her spirit and build her protections.

Both agreed, that everyone needed to wind down and Yevette especially, told Kate she was riding on the ragged edge of nervous exhaustion, and that all of this. Was a lot to have to take in, for one day. Kate mentioned that she might lay down a while and she was going to prepare them some supper, and could come wake her when it was ready. Well that seemed to be a very good suggestion and she received a long comforting hug and a kiss on the cheek, from Aunt Kate. Still not believing, all of this was really taking place and with a somewhat reluctant feeling. To leave the safe comfort of her presence, left Kate. To her dinner preparations in the kitchen.

Yevette didn’t even go looking for Troy and just headed upstairs, in search of a comfortable bed to lie in for a while. To try and get rid of some of the anxiety, she was feeling. A feeling, like somehow... she was running out of time. Her heart, thumping like mad and myriads of disconcerted thoughts. Crashing around in her mind. Yevette, almost felt as though she was going to lose it and the hallway to her room. Seemed to stretch on before her, weirdly elongated. Forever! Yevette was no stranger to anxiety. How be it, this was different than the stark terrors, she’d known for the last year and a half. Teal Haven, Yevette did feel was a safe place and if she did breakdown, this would be the place to do it in. With these people now a part of her world, to help her through it!

Finally she got to her room and with a sigh, collapsed in a bone deep emotional exhaustion on the bed to try and relax. The fluffy feather pillow felt heavenly, and the thick down comforter almost immediately warmed beneath her. Yvette blissfully felt the days tensions begin to ebb away through the weary fog and within a heartbeat, her eyes drooped closed and was dropping off to sleep.

A dream, immediately started to form and fill her unconscious reality. It was a seeming pleasant dream of home and her beautiful mountain. With her brothers, chasing her through their hay field. She was a little girl again and laughing at the game of running tag, being played. It was a wonderful spring day and the field a bloom in beautiful tiny alpine flowers, and overhead. Her Sparrow Hawk, circled the field... watching out for her. Other native children appeared and were now, running through the field with her and all of them laughing and dodging, trying to catch her.

One of the children, a little boy. Was running by the edge of the field, close to the meadow and let out a horrible scream as he was impossibly yanked through the air. Into deeper sinister shadows of the meadow. Yevette yelled shocked for Martin to help them, but her brothers were gone and she couldn’t see them... anywhere. A second child screamed with fear and disappeared, into the gapping shadows. Her beautiful spring day was rapidly changing, to absolute horror. The sky darkened and heavy black and purple ill looking clouds, rolled in close to the tops of the trees. Creating an eerie feel, of deep dread... simultaneous, with this unknown, unseen threat.

Yet another child screamed, in a high little girl pitch and Yevette... ran panicked. In that direction to try and help her friends, disappearing into the wood. Then came some relief in her terror, as two painted adult warriors in buckskins? Whooping war cries and wielding tomahawks, dashed bravely into the shadows dark. To where the last child had cried out so pathetically. The shadows inside her meadow, now looked evil and there were none of the usual bird song. Coming from it. Only a sickly enveloping mist, that clung close to the ground like thick roping tendrils. She wondered, if it were this spectral... that was taking the children. There were weakening cries further in and Yevette heedless, charged in anyway. She could see several vague shadows dodging through the mist, were they the warriors after this other unknown thing, or... more things?

Tree branches, were clawing at her hair and scratching at her face. She thought ‘how could this place of horror, be my meadow. My precious sanctuary’, startled, as another child screamed close by to her left and she changed course... and run hard, in that direction. Suddenly, there was blood flying everywhere and hot gobs of it, splashed her in the face. Her hands flew up... trying to wipe the slickly sick horror of it, away.

A warrior raced by her and, drove into the brush to roll up and face the shadow of a man. Who moved like a blur into the warrior and throw him impossibly through the air, like a rag doll. Yevette was slipping and sliding through blood and unknown things on the ground. Not wanting to look down, knowing. There were parts of her native friends, lying at her feet. The blur went by her close and she could smell the evil on it, like rotting carrion...

It was some inhuman, growling beast… in mans clothing?

The other warrior leapt off its back and Yevette heard the whistle of the thrown tomahawks arc past her, before it slammed into the creature’s chest. To no avail, the thing did not go down... or even seem to be affected. Yevette could now see some through the mist, and it was a man. But his clothing was from some older time in history. There were frills at his cuffs and at his neck. Soaked red, with fresh blood. She felt her foot go down on a twig, heard it snap impossibly loud and the man beast. Spun, in her direction... its evil golden glowing eyes. Locked, onto her.

It threw the warrior from its back, like some irritating insect and in a heartbeat. Was on her and with claw like hands, plucked her effortlessly. Off the ground. With a face white as a corpse, right before her and contorted, into a most horrendous expression. The beast hissed its victory, as though it were delighted, and Yevette. Its prize. Its ugly maw opened, to rows of jagged fangs.

To end her!

War whoops, came from either side of her and the beasts eyes. Suddenly startled in surprise. As a wooden stake, exploded out of its chest. Hot blood. Gushed like a geyser to spray and soak, the front of her dress... to run, sickeningly hot. Down her legs. Yevette opened her mouth to scream, and couldn’t. Nothing came out! The warrior to the other side with an inhuman yell. Swung his tomahawk and the creature’s head, flew from its body, severed... Yevette. Finally found her voice as she fell to the ground, trapped. Under its headless bodies weight!

Ben and I, were getting a bit of a glow going and laughing about something sort of meaningless. When I heard, the most blood-curdling scream... coming from upstairs. I sprang from my chair and ran from the room, heading pall mall for the stairs. The scream was I knew, from Yevette and coming from our room. Halfway up the stairs and impossibly, the scream of horror was still... at full wail. When I flew through the door, Yevette was on the bed in a sitting position and the scream abruptly stopped. To turn to a huge intake of breath and her hands, flew to her face an she sobbed, “the children... Oh God, the children!

I launched myself onto the bed and folded her into my arms to stroke her hair and pretty much surmised, that it must have been a dream. To sooth, “it’s ok baby, it was just a dream, just a dream.” Yevette's limbs were just shaking, as she clung to me filled with dread.

Oh god Troy... it was horrible. Just horrible,” she sobbed, her quivering voice filled with panic. By then both Ben and Kate were in the room, as well. Looking thoroughly concerned. I indicated that it was all right and told them, Yevette’d had had a bad dream. They nodded and headed out and back down stairs. I asked Yevette if she wanted to tell me about it.

It was a beast Troy,” she pulled back and looked me in the eyes, as I wiped her tears away. “There were Native children, playing with me. I was little again and we were playing tag, in our hay field,” she looked confused, for a moment. Then went on, “at least it looked like our field Troy? Then my brothers, weren’t there to help and, something horrible. Attacked the children. Taking them into the meadow and killing them horribly,” she lay her head on my shoulder, and said nothing for a while.

I patted her back and tried to think of something to say and finally, came out with, “that sounds like it was pretty scary huh babe,” as soon, as I said it... it sounded pretty lame to me.

But Yevette didn’t seem to think so, to reply with feeling, “it, was Troy. I think it took three of the native children. Then two warriors came to help,” pulled away from my shoulder and looked again into my face, “they wore buckskins Troy, the children only wearing loincloths, like olden times. When I went to try and help, I saw the beast and it was a man. In olden time clothes as well, and all covered in blood. From the children, it had killed. It was terribly strong Troy, and it had got a hold of me and was going to kill me and then... the warriors killed it. They drove a stake through its heart, and one of the warriors. Chopped it’s head clean off, well it still had a hold of me,” she hide her face against my shoulder and sob, “there was blood, all over me... Troy, and I started to scream, and thought. I might never stop!”    

At that, I could feel her weeping again. Well its over now Yevette and it was only a dream. Well, only a dream... but sounds like, it was a pretty nasty dream. Huh?” I said, not really expecting any reply.

I felt her nod her head in agreement, and Yevette, pulled me down into the fluffy down comforter with her. We just lay together in the now hushed quiet of the room, holding each other. After a short while, some questions occur to me and I was going to ask her about some aspects of her dream. To note that she was again, fast asleep. God, she felt good there curled against me and listened for a bit, to her gentle even breathing. She looked so peaceful, I left it at that and thought, 'I can always ask later,' that was.

If I remembered, what they were.

Before I knew it, I was drifting off and dreaming about children... Nothing sinister. I was dreaming about having children. A beautiful daughter. Which was kind of scary, just not the screaming... kind of scary. Then Kate, was waking me up and the dream fading. Asking, if we wanted to come down for supper. Yevette, must have heard Kate as well... cause, after a huge stretch and yawn. Had sprung off the bed, an announce..

“Ah, Mon Dou, I’m friggin starved!

© 2014 Rory CJ Frankson

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A good thing that Troy and Ben so easily converged. Feels like father and son, as for Yevette and Kate it feels somewhat like mother and daughter maybe spiritually even closer.
Oh what a bad nightmare it has been...urgh... spawned no nice pictures... really dreadful.
It's a good thing that the young couple isn't alone anymore in this ordeal, but now have Ben and Kate as their safe haven...

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


A good thing that Troy and Ben so easily converged. Feels like father and son, as for Yevette and Kate it feels somewhat like mother and daughter maybe spiritually even closer.
Oh what a bad nightmare it has been...urgh... spawned no nice pictures... really dreadful.
It's a good thing that the young couple isn't alone anymore in this ordeal, but now have Ben and Kate as their safe haven...

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on October 15, 2010
Last Updated on October 26, 2014


Rory CJ Frankson
Rory CJ Frankson

Vernon, British Colombia, Canada

It's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..
