The Ice Princess

The Ice Princess

A Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson

from a royal line age, real or imagined. She was gifted and much loved.


The roads taken that her and Ben, were given directions for to arrive at the Richade home at 5:00am sharp. Were meticulously drawn out on a paper table place mat and very precisely, detailed. The beautiful little girl Yevette, made sure of that. Her Mother, had given her instructions to sit and do so, as she had pies baking in the kitchen that required her attentions. Kate could see the extra effort, that was taken because of this instruction and what she was wondering. As they followed the map in the twilight gray of early winter morning. Why was it that the two of them, Mother and Daughter glowed a golden shimmer and well, mostly always present. Yet there were times, when they had just outright glowed, the child Yevette... even, more so?

Damn, this road is tricky,” Ben interrupted her train of thought. Kate looked up and out the windshield of their rent'a-car and Ben, was negotiating a series of sharp down hill turns and they were approaching, a switch back. The road had been recently plowed but it had snowed quite heavily, in the later part of the night and covered the twisty country mountain road about a foot deep. Yet Kate, had full confidence in Ben's driving abilities, and shortly realized. With the bit of extra fishtailing, he was actually enjoying his exploratory drive. Now according to the map, they were less than three miles from the Richade family home and right on cue, Ben asked. “Where the hell are we Kate, are we close yet?”

Kate replied, looking to the map and squinting through the dim light, “yes dear, I would say, look for your next mail box on the right and, according to the map. The only one out here, on this road. So maybe 2 ½ miles, from where we are right now.”

She knew that would be all she’d hear from Ben for a while, and her man. A man, of very few wasted words. No matter, when Ben did talk it was concise and to the point with his intelligence. She loved him for that, and there was very little fooling around with that man, and why certainly he was so successful in life. It was reflected in his business dealings and their long-term marriage, as well. They were a perfect kind of match, and as corner after corner was carefully negotiated. She left him his challenge and the roadway blurred.

Kate fell back to her thoughts and was fighting, in herself... a feeling being had. About this glowing little girl Yevette. As this little girl, was obviously from a very good family. Yet from the moment she had seen her wearing that crown. Her gift had kicked her right in the behind and she’d had flashes of insight, in the whorling of colors that surrounded her. There was almost a whispering of voices, that muttered things in Kate’s ear. That turned to feeling, thoughts and pictures.

Kate’d have rather not, had brought to the surface.

She and Ben, had gone through every possible medical hell. Only to find that for whatever reason. They could not conceive children. The day before, sitting and listening to the pretty Yevette tell her story of becoming Ice Princess for a day. Well, if she would have been able to have children. This would be exactly the child she would wish for, to have in her life. It made Kate’s heart ache, to watch her. This beautiful girl so animated and obviously intelligent, and the voices in her ear. Vaguely telling her... a very important child? It only making Kate, study the child all the more in her wonderful royal story.

Other than that, they couldn’t be so very different in cultural background. Hers being purely Scottish and this family... entirely French, and Kate. Had been so thoroughly impressed, that Yevette spoke almost perfect English, then at times with her Mother. speak very formal continental Parisian French and, when any other time were involved. The local rapid Le Quebeques French Canadian kind of dialect.

There was no other way to describe both Mother and daughter Richade, and the word was. Regal. Kate had no doubt Mrs. Jeanne Richade, was from France, and judging by her accent… Paris France. Kate was quite cosmopolitan in her travels, and had been there. Hers being a fairly wealthy Scottish family, had allowed her to take art courses in Paris, for two years. Long enough, to learn. That there were several levels of Parisian language and cultural types, in the city of Paris itself. Yevette’s Mother... was from upper level breeding, very cultured. Could see by her actions and the way she carried herself. She held to, very sophisticated manners. Though in her way, Kate had noticed, she almost tried to hide it? Granted, it was a very short exposure to the woman. But the gift was right there, and seemed to fill in quite a lot of background input. Almost immediately.

Her family in France, held a history, and some of it. Very unpleasant, and violent.

Kate could almost sense war and danger, heroism and great feats of extended courage. From this woman and an unbelievable determination, of what was right and just. As she stood at the table talking to them, it was almost as if there were rapid short frames of royal courts and decisions of great import being decided, and there being one... in particular.

But not one, that Kate would ever likely forget. A petite figure, standing in front of this court, with nothing short of mystical power. Wearing a sword on a hip of leathered pants and chain mail covering her head and upper body, and this woman. Like Yevette and her Mother... glowed. That simmering, Gold. Looking, almost identical…to the child Yevette? Kate would have done a double take, but… the vision faded from her minds eye.

Now, it seemed her Mother. Was doing an excellent job, of passing this seen and real strength of character. To her daughter, Yevette. Kate had no trouble picturing why, they’d chosen her out of a crowd to be that years Ice Princess. This eleven-year-old girl carried herself, like a princess. Well, with a touch of tomboy thrown in, for good measure.

Kate could see that the little Yevette could be tough as nails. If she chose to be.

It was a wonder to have spent the whole morning, with her the day before. Telling Kate, about her life on this mountain with such eloquent enthusiasm. As though the mountain and its natures surround, were an actual part of her and her. A part of it. Like there were no separation and loved it, as only an eleven year old child could. Without condition, wholly and as if it were holy. Mother natures alter and this place, her Mountain. The very foundation of the world. Her world.

God, her Aura was so clear, pure and powerful. It shone in her belief, in this world. In her family, and most especially. On her Mother. The sun rose and set, because of her being that center she relied most upon. Her universe was a constant, on that natural reasoning. This unfathomable love, passed and held... between Mother and Daughter. As natural, as breathing and she saw clearly... that which she had been missing. In her life and the pain in this meeting, it brought about.

Kate, envied this woman. Who had so proudly stated her whole family name in their so formal of introductions. Her head held high with honor, and no trace of tainted haughtiness, or false pride and announced herself. To be... Mrs. Jeanne Yevette Cartier Richade and, to see Yevette. Her child, shine that golden glow. Beamed as though to fill the world, and the world to know. Yevette was so utterly and thoroughly, honored. To have been named after this her wondrous Mother, and where her adoring eyes were predominately fixed. Through the whole affair. Then she actually turned to Kate and in her gown and crown. Performed, the most perfect courtly curtsy before the O’Gradys... performed for them, to understand. They where being granted a privilege, to be introduced to this personage. The most important to her small world. The royal Queen of this mountain Kingdom, and in a way. Kate felt, this to be true. To meet them had been a privilege, to be on the way to their kingdom. An honor, her dream of the night before saying so!

Ben shifted in his seat and announced with a pointed hand through the windshield, “there it is!” Which of course Kate knew, would be the Richade’s mailbox. Sure enough the car slowed and turned in a drive past the mailbox as she looked up, a sign which read: St Le Vallier Royal Maple Syrup. ‘Ah’ thought Kate to herself ‘so there is Royalty involved, in the imagination of Yevette’s Kingdom.’ Well, she could still somewhat remember what it was like to have an eleven-year-old imagination and it appeared... this little girl, was living hers to the nth degree. Somehow, it was spilling over and manifesting itself in the real world. Like being found Ice Princess. Kate could see that kind of real power, innate within her. That something, to carry her into uncertain futures.

The drive was quite long and late snowfall or not, the long drive was freshly plowed. When they rounded what was a top corner, on a rise like a hill that was actually a bench on the side of the mountain. Ben, sat up straighter. On its crown, was a fairly large rustic looking log home. To the left, the drive continued and they could see a raft of cars already parked in a lot. Next to a large shed. This would be the syrup cooking shed, they determined by the smoke drifting out of a very tall chimney in its roof. Ben, pointing out an observation. “See how tall the chimney is Kate and that it’s wired down, on three sides. Well that would be to get a proper draft for their cooking fires and the smoke, be pulled into the updraft and not get trapped. In this small ravine,” to say more of less to himself, “someone here, knows what their doing!”

They slowly drove down a small incline into the parking lot, carved out of the snow and Yevette was waiting for them in bulky warm winter clothing outside the shed. She stood at the side of the parking lot on a large snow bank, to be better seen. Jumping excitedly up and down, and waving excitedly. They couldn’t hear her yet, but could see the puffs of frosty air billow about her. Within the rhythm of her every word. As they got out of the car now could actually hear Yevette as she jumped exuberantly, down off the snow bank. “You came, you did come. You really came!”

She was literally squealing excitement, as she ran to Kate and wrapped her small arms around her in a resounding tight hug. Kate was in a way, caught off guard by this burst of youthful enthusiasm, as it wasn’t quite what was expected. But in a heartbeat, hugged her small strong form cheerfully back and felt herself glow. With inner happiness. Obviously, there had been some immediate bonding, which had formed between them. Kate had quickly caught herself somewhat and thought to maybe, wait on that one. As this wonderful small girl, might treat everyone this way. That didn’t turn out to be the case and, by the end of the day. This would be proven to her.

She suddenly separated herself from Kate and with rosy cheeks and puffs of cloud announced heartily. “Well come on now, and I’ll take you guys inside, and introduce you to everyone,” she took each of them by the hand and walked them to double doors. That sided the shed. Ben seen right away, their operation and opened one side. “There’s two of them,” Yevette was to explain with knowing. “So when the trucks come, they can load and unload better the cases of syrup, or the sap we collect in the Maple forest!”

As they walked into the dimmer interior, they could smell the sweetness of the Maple sap, filling the air. Yevette stopped and looked seriously, to the both of them. “The people you meet and well, very few of them speak English and so. I’ll be your interpreter. And please, don’t offended by anything they might say. Some of them, don’t like strangers in general and… some of them, are well. Maybe slightly, English prejudiced,” was stated with a small knowing smile.

Plainly, Kate was truly blown away by this small-articulated speech. She knew it was right off the cuff, from a gifted mind and not in anyway rehearsed. “Thank you Yevette, we will try to keep that in mind. Lets go meet your friends, shall we.” All in all, there were about fifteen people that she introduced Kate and Ben to and really. Only two, that gave them sort of dirty looks and ignored them. The rest of time, they spent with the Richade’s learning how Maple syrup was made. After the short introductions were made, it wasn’t much more time. Before their small group, set off for the short walk up the mountain to the Maple grove. With more than half the people, staying in the syrup shed to work their jobs in the process there, and it seemed. That Ben, would have preferred to stay there and watch. Yevette told him, that he’d get that chance in a couple of hours.

When their small group of mostly woman, left the syrup shed. The sun was really up and beginning to peek over the side of the mountain and illuminate the surrounding landscape, in its growing soft golden glow. Kate hadn’t noticed at first, as everyone was so bundled up in bulky winter wear of bulky coats, wool hats and scarves, that Jeanne was walking along among them. Until she’d said a hearty good morning and that she was happy to see, that they’d the good sense to be warmly dressed and turn to lead her group up the mountain.

At first, Kate had been almost instantly annoyed. Of course they would be properly dressed, the O’Gradys lived in the mountains themselves. Then to realize that Mrs. Richade could not know that, and as well. That this family worked at the ski lodge with tourists, and more or less the same way that she had. Her heart immediately softened, thinking about just how stupid tourists and people on vacation, could be. She saw that Ben, was really enjoying himself and as was his want, to always be thoroughly immersed, in nature. He was studying the forest and the natural lay of the mountain. Kate knowing that he would recognize each and every knoll, and odd tree on their walk. As a mountaineer and guide, it was for him to know the lay of land and get his people through what ever the locale threw at them. To return safe and soundly enjoy, their outdoor experience.

Yevette never left Kate’s side, and was a non-stop exuberance, pointing out places she had done things and played while growing up here. She tugged on Kate’s coat, “around the next bend, I want to show you... a secret place. Alright?” Of course Kate agreed and shortly, they let the rest of the group pull ahead. Ben was about to follow, but Yevette told him forthrightly. That only woman could see this place and could he please, follow the rest of the group. Ben only smiled, to turn with an exaggerated polite bow, and stated ‘of course mademoiselle’ and hurry after the folks leaving him behind.

Yevette led her to a what looked like a deer trail through some small scrub, that in the summer months would be leafy bushes. They had to go single file, as it was a fairly narrow trail and they came to two large boulders on either side of the trail, probably as tall as Kate.. Kate took out her ever-present 35mm camera from its shoulder bag and snapped a quick picture, before she went through herself. Yevette was cutting trail through what was pretty deep snow to get them to where they were going and it was just on the other side of these boulders apparently, as Yevette stopped and turned to her. Put her a mittened hand to Kate’s arm, with a very serious look and whisper almost reverently. “There’s fairies that live here you know and I visit with them at times,” she looked back over a shoulder, for a second as if to make sure they weren't overheard. Then turn back to say with un-fained conviction, “if you really truly believe, Mrs. O’Grady. They may even really show themselves to you and, if they do. You can ask them… for a granted, wish,” to nod her head with this confirmation of fact. Kate couldn't help but smile down, into this granted exposure.

At that Yevette turned and walked carefully through the boulders and when Kate made her way through that entrance way. Saw that it was almost a perfect bowl shape and surrounded by boulders, and solid rock. With many fissures and small caves, running through them. As Yevette turned and held both hands to the sky and announce, “and here we are, little people. This is Fairy Rock!” Kate… snapped her picture, to capture the occasion for the annals of her history. 



She broke from her story and looked around the table at everyone raptly listening to its telling, as in many places. Yevette was wiping tears from her eyes and Kate, paused a moment then stood. “Come Yevette,” she held out her hand and Yevette wide eyed, stood and took it. “Well, everyone come, I suppose,” said Kate and they left the kitchen behind. There were picture walls everywhere in their home of their travels and of the people they had met, friends and relatives, visitors and… children. Kate, led them to one of these walls and pointed Yevette... to one of those pictures. They all moved closer, for a good look.

Yevette just squealed and her hands flew to her mouth. “My God Kate... it’s me, it’s really me. It’s us, at Fairy Rock... that day,” she turned and her arms flew around Kate, and sobbed, “Oh Kate, oh Kate... god bless you,” her golden glow almost blinding.

Kate patted her back lovingly, “Yevette, that day you had said that the Fairies might come,” she paused, to pull her away some and wipe tears from those amazing green eyes, sparkling like gemstones, “I want you to look at that picture again my girl, and… look closely!”

Yevette sniffled some and again tried to wipe away tears, that leaked from her eyes and moved in close to the picture. A sharp intake of startled breath followed and she pointed excitedly to a spot, on what was a blow up from the original. “Would you look at that”, breathed with wonder, “there are three floating globes and, they are three… different colors?” She turned to Kate and plainly asked. “Could these… really be fairies, Kate? I mean, for real,” she asked her eyes huge, with mystical question.

While everyone else was taking a closer inspection of the picture, Kate answered what was a mythical question, old as time “Who can say, Yevette? You know, when I developed that picture. I thought maybe, it was a mistake in the developing process. It wasn’t, I went through the developing three times and with inspecting the negatives. I’d discovered that they were there on the negative. At the time... I really shivered and thought, I may never get my wish.”

Yevette turned to Kate and asked, “You made a wish, Kate? I know you can never tell it, as it may then never come true, but I hope that it will Kate. I truly hope, that it will!”

Kate folded Yevette into her arms and stroked her hair lovingly and whisper in her ear. “It has my beautiful child, it has. And… here you are. You’re, my wish. Yevette.” She pulled back and held her face in her hands and looked into her eyes, “my wish was, that I might have the true blessing of seeing you again, come into my life!” They fell into each other’s arms and both stayed there for a time, weeping through their joy of this fated reunion.

Troy was scanning the wall and one, which he had already studied with out knowing that Yevette as a child, was among them. Not far from that picture that was centered, in a special sort of spot on its own, he’d found others, “hey, there’s more,” he blurted out. Unable to help himself. Not that he wanted to interrupt the closeness, which was talking place between Yevette and Kate. But his announced discovery, did just that. Yevette came away from Kate’s embrace, and came to have a look. Troy at least, had gotten a short hug from her, before she bent her gaze to the wall.

Oh he’s right,” she pointed, “there’s a picture of me and my Momma, in front of the house later that day,” scanning further along found more. “Here’s one, of the whole family in our living room after supper.” She pulled at Troy’s sleeve, “look Troy, there’s Papa and my brothers... god, and we are all so young there!”

Ben was holding Kate shivering in his arms and knew, that this was a thing she had dreamed of through the years and, he’d never really understood it… till now. Kate was crying quietly against his shoulder and the both of them, felt the long drawn out pain through their lives of not having children. He stroked her shoulder and whispered soothing sounds in her ear. The feeling came again, that this odd reunion was a pinnacle in their lives somehow. Ben knew, that his Katie was gifted with… well. With gifts, not like he thought too hard on it through the years and Kate never ever talked to him about it. Knowing, that his rational mind could not accept, such things.

The deal here with fairies aside. Ben knew now, that there are stranger things between them and heaven... and this, were one of them. The connection, that bonded these two women together was in itself obvious, and just why. Quite another thing, entirely. Ben knew that he may never get it, but it didn’t matter. Because, he knew that a thing was taking place here. That his wife severally needed and somehow... the spirit world, was granting that for her. That was enough for Ben and life would unfold all the reasoning’s there of… rational or not, and times passing. Would answer these things. With the reality, it presented to them on its mysterious path to completion.

Kate pulled away from him and offered him her soft lips and they shared a short wonderful gift. As his now elderly wife, hadn’t kissed him with such strong feeling in a long while. In some ways, Ben knew that it was lacking in himself. These romantic type attentions and never paid it that much of a mind, in the last few years. When their wondrous connection finished, Ben understood. That now, he did know and would never ignore his wife that way… ever again.

Kate separated from him, to announce she was going into the kitchen to put on more coffee and Ben, joined with Troy and Yevette on the O’Grady’s wall of memories. To answer what questions he could from them and there were quite a lot he was to discover, and enjoy thoroughly. The sharing of it, with them children... now an intimate part, of his world.

Kate felt emotionally drained, the coffee and whatnot she was doing in the kitchen did themselves and it was like being on autopilot. The wind and rain were crashing into the lodge and the storm was again, in top gear. The fury of it, was almost as though a some negative spirit were trying to smash its way, into this their circle. The spirit in the lodge was throbbing and the pressure of it, almost painful. Kate shortly massaged her temples to try and assuage the tension there and for some minutes, just stood in the middle of the kitchen with flashes of some kind of recognition going through her, and in the end. Raised her hands and… intone, her prayer of protection. Whatever it was, withdrew as if it held no sway here and that Kate’s protections. Were the stronger of the two forces? The storm even quieted and became only bad weather again, and Kate breath a sigh of relief. As their treasured guests, were coming back to the table with Ben and retaining their seats. Well now, the story would likely go on… and did.


© 2014 Rory CJ Frankson

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What a beautiful chapter this is. Yes I believe there's more between heaven and earth than most of us humans are able to perceive...
I thoroughly enjoyed this part.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 15, 2010
Last Updated on October 26, 2014


Rory CJ Frankson
Rory CJ Frankson

Vernon, British Colombia, Canada

It's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..
