![]() Teal Haven LodgeA Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson![]() more storytelling and the wonder, of Maple Syrup.![]() Convergence Yevette could see, that there were two people coming down the dock to greet them, and figured correctly. That it was The O’Grady’s. By the time they got to the boathouse where she saw, the twin to this boat. They were already there inside, waving. Troy waved and hollered a greeting in return, as he’d cut the engine. What would have to be Ben, was handling the slowly gliding boat to a stop and began to tie her up. Other than short greetings, they didn’t get much in the way of talk, as there was the boat to be unloaded and sorted out. It wasn’t till Yevette climbed out onto the dock, that she recognized how miserable she felt. All cold and clammy, under the rubberized poncho, and horribly stiff. From sitting in one position too long in the O’Grady’s beautiful boat, in goddamn miserable weather. Kate O’Grady approached her, and put her hands to Yevette’s shoulders to say, “good god child your right blue, the both of you”, her friendly silver gray eyes shinning real concern, and the older woman. Continued empathetical, “I take it your ride up the lake here today, was something less than wonderful?” To which Yevette had to hardily agree, and appreciate. Her measure of sympathy for them. It warmed her heart, at least. Troy was starting to pickup their gear and Ben said, to just leave it and one of the boy’s would come and bring it up to the lodge. Kate chipped in, that they had to get them somewhere warm and, right away. So off they went up the dock in the rain, to the lodge. After finally getting out of the rain gear Kate had thought to give them separate rooms, but now. Judging by the looks between them, had taken them to a larger room knowing. That they would prefer to be, together. Yevette just loved the room right away and knew. That if the weather were not sopped in, it would have had a spectacular view of the lake. They both eyed the one lone large four-poster bed and raised their eyebrows in unison, and laugh. Yet Yevette felt a tightening in her chest. What if a repeat of the night before, took place? Troy had noted this right away and folded her in his arms, an whisper in her ear, “don’t worry love, it’ll be ok. Wait an see, I know it. Whatever that was, it can’t enter this Haven, and I know… this is a special place Yevette. You’ll see,” he then kissed her slowly cupping her neck behind her hair and gently stroked her lower back in slow circles. Yevette moaned in pleasure and pulled them, damp and all. Down into that huge bed and, there they stayed lightly involved. Till there was a soft knock on the door, and their luggage... had arrived. They shortly showered and well, separately. Yevette in heaven, took the second and somewhat longer turn. When she came out Troy was already changed and he excused himself, to go back in the bathroom to brush his teeth he’d said. Yevette clad, in only a towel. Knew he was giving her privacy to change. Again, she got all warm and fuzzy thinking of his gentlemanly qualities. She hurried through the rest of it, wanting to get back to the O’Grady’s company. Feeling that there was a growing energy, and a real feel of excitement. She really couldn’t put her finger on. Like fine timing, Troy came out all spit an polish and Yevette whipped past him. To run a brush, through her still damp hair. Well, they were both now ready as they could be and it had been just a little over an hour, since their arrival. Troy took Yevette’s hand and together, he led them down beautifully sculpted log stairs into the warm and cozy old fashioned kind of huge kitchen. Kate and Ben were already there, and Kate. Had set to work making them hot chocolate and sit them comfortably, at the hand made gleaming natural log kitchen table. Set into a large bay window. Again the weather had stolen the views, that would have been there in that large bay window. So Yevette just sat for a time admiring all the woodwork that surround them. This place was beautiful and the craftsmanship, was truly inspired. Ben and Troy, got to talking right away. About their trip up the lake and the encountered storm. Ben said, looking really quite concerned about their welfare and obviously relieved, they were now there at Teal Haven. “Well lad we were about ready to come looking for you! We radio phoned the Marina yesterday, and they said you’d gone out early morning, but didn’t come back.” Yevette could see. That they had really must have been very worried and not, for his beautiful boat. Ben went on with, “by night fall we knew that you must have went ashore. As by then, the storm was really in full swing!” Right then Kate had come back and was setting delicious smelling steaming mugs in front of every one, breaking Ben's almost anxious statement. She boldly looked right at Yevette. A look on her face, that was more that just inquisitive and ask forthrightly. “Do I know you, have we met?” Yevette explained where she worked and that she had seen them in the restaurant and, knew who they were. Had even served their table once. “Yes that ‘s right, you have. You know, I even told Ben that time that you served us. I remember it clearly. I told Ben then, that somehow. You had looked so familiar.” Ben piped in and confirmed that in deed. That had taken place and not more than a month ago, to throw in ‘and now, here you are!’ Kate sort of shrugged her shoulders and sat her self down in front of her mug. “Well Ben,” she stated, matter a factly. “I think there’s a story to be had here and let’s hear all about their adventures, shall we,” to which Ben, heartily agreed . And so, between the two of them. Troy and Yevette shared with the O’Gradys. The excitements they’d endured, in their memorable trip up the lake. They started with seeing the proud stag, taking his early morning drink from the lake. How wonderful it had all started out and, when they got to the part about the beach. Troy had mentioned, that he’d seen it on the trip before and planned to stop there not knowing that it was the O’Gradys campsite. Ben laughed and turned to Kate, to say ‘I told you so’ and asked them if they stayed at the cabin. Well of course, it came out how the storm had broke and them thinking they were stranded on the beach. They had a really good laugh, when Troy told them how he rigged the picnic table. Then the problems endured in changing cloths, under it. That turned into a lot of eye wiping laughter all round. As Troy was really quite an animated storyteller and had a very healthy sense of humour to go with his talent. Yevette was getting to see just how lovable a character Troy her man, really was. She saw, how both the O’Gradys listened so attentively to him, and that they both greatly admired him. Was obvious. Her heart swelled, with the thought, that she was really here with him, but her thoughts were interrupted. By Troy, getting her to tell the O’Gradys how she found their cabin. It was a short version and then Yevette. Went right into how lovely the cabin was, and a list of things. That they used and… would have to replace. To which, the O' Grady's adamantly refused... as nonsense. Well like she’d almost forgot, and then quite suddenly remembered... The Maple Syrup. “You know, the oddest thing happened”, she said, now really excited. “The next morning we were having breakfast, and I’d seen a bottle of syrup earlier in my snooping in one of the cupboards”, a subject she’d already covered, and freely admitted. To being a horrible snoop. “So I went to get it out for the pancakes and god, you’ll never guess this one”. Both the O’Gradys were very patient and waited for the revelation, or punch line. About a bottle of syrup? Yevette could feel tears coming to her eyes, and hurried on. “That Maple syrup, is made by my family in St Le Vallier, in Quebec and. I might have even bottled it!” The reaction she got, was something that Yevette couldn’t have been predicted... Not in a million years. Kate reached across the table and firmly grabbed both of her hands, to look right into her puzzled eyes, and boom out. “My God... your Yevette Richade!” Of course she was… they’d been introduced? Kate, could plainly see her confusion, “no-no child don’t you see. I knew that I recognized you. That, you were familiar. You are a woman now, but. Ben and I met you when you were but a pretty little thing, and all of eleven years old!” There were shocked expressions all round the table and Ben, had put in ‘well I’ll be damned’ and slap his hand down on the table ‘it is Kate, it is her’ and just shook his head in amazement. Yevette, was dumbstruck... how could that be? Kate, hurried into her story very excited and both Troy and Yevette. Were looking at each other, like ‘wow, what next?’ “We take quite a lot of vacations from here, in the winter months,” Kate stated, “and that year. We had decided to go to Quebec. To a beautiful spot in the Laurentian’s, that a friend had told us of. So we went to St Le Vallier and stayed at the ski lodge there. One morning, you came out of the kitchen to serve us breakfast, and Yevette. You were wearing a very pretty crown right atop your head. Ben and I thought. It was just so cute and you, just shinning. To be wearing it”! Yevette felt her heart flutter, as she was beginning to remember this very thing and both their younger faces, came to her. Clear as a bell. She jumped into this story, “that’s right. You asked me, about my crown,” Yevette said directly to Kate, who beamed her a smile and nod. “When I started in on my story, of being crowned Ice Princess. At the Quebec Winter Carnival, you’d asked that I sit and tell you all about it, as you had your breakfast. Being that you were the only couple there I thought it’d be alright and I wouldn’t get into trouble, and so sat and told you, of that wonderful event. In my life!” “That’s it,” said Kate and her turn to carry on, “and what a wonderful story it was, Yevette. God, but you were a gorgeous wee bit of a thing. You know, when I mentioned how good the syrup was. Well you beamed back with such pride. That your family made it and, both Ben and I. Were really quite surprised, and asked again. That you made it right here and you'd said that you’d gone out that very morning and collected the running sap from your families, Maple Forest.” She took a quick breather, and a sip from her coco before going on, “Well, I said something in the way of... we’d really like to see that, and you jumped right up from the table and ran and got your Mother. Right out of the kitchen. We could see right away, why you were such a pretty child Yevette. Your Mother was an absolutely stunning woman.” Yevette thanked her and her heart hurt some. Knowing, her Mother was already ill and would pass away. Two years later. She felt she should tell this to Kate, and when she did. Kate was still holding both her hands to squeeze them compassionately, with tears in her eyes said to her, “I’m so sorry to hear that Yevette,” and with real sympathy, added with tact, “she was a wonderful person and, in the short time. That I got to be with your family… I admired her, greatly!” Yevette now had to wonder, if it had been such a good idea to bring up her Mother and, it seemed to have dampened the enthusiasm for this original story telling. Which really it didn’t, and in the end, it added a human richness. To the whole eventual tapestry. To discover the intertwining threads that revealed themselves. In such a serendipitous manner… as this occasion. Could only be described as, fated. To be woven into the fabric, of their lives for some greater purpose. Kate, carried on through that bit of awkward silence in a very gracious and conscientious manner, to get up and say. “I’ll make us a refill of this fine coco and then we can keep on with this wonderful reunion story alright”. She looked to Troy, and asked of him “I’m sure, you’d like to know. How it all comes around. Wouldn’t you,” and of course Troy answered ‘that he wouldn’t miss it for the world’ to smile supportively, at Yevette. Both Ben and Kate, smiled knowingly. These two, were obviously. Deeply in love. God knows, it was a well-needed pause, as this kind of rare convergence didn’t happen everyday, and the combination of all involved. Were quietly having their private thoughts, on and about it. It was quite evident that one and all, were thinking of this occasion, in a very deep type of meditative manner. Little to none, idle conversation was taking place. In that seeming quiet still kitchen, as it rained harder outside to no ones notice, and Kate... busied herself, making them more of her delicious hot chocolate. For Troy, it was another in a string of events in the last three days, which were for him... already unbelievable, and again. It was like an emotional roller coaster and human type untypical manifestations of life event. Which were somehow... mystically driven. To even consider the amount of possible ways, things that could happen and possibilities... that might never come about. Now to compare this, and see the amount of events that happened. In order for all this probability, to take place. Was purely mind boggling, to comprehend? Yet here they were at this juncture, and Troy. Was learning even more about the marvel, that was Yevette. From yet another totally unsuspected and improbable kind of angle, from the O’Grady’s. That a week ago, were people being business clients... and now, were firm friends and Family. That was the way this was feeling to Troy. Like a reunion of long lost family. People being drawn and bound together, by a common denominator. A human catalyst, precipitating... some unknown event. For Yevette she needed the time to connect again with her Mother. So much of her life, she’d fought to not think of her, to bring back again. The pain of that loss. Yet in some way being here, reunited with the O’Gradys. Was somehow, honoring her memory. To remember her beauty, seen through Kate’s eyes. Her social grace, and superb manners when dealing with people. How creative she could be, with so little. It was like she were right there, showing these things to her. Reminding, her... Teaching her, how the special things in life were in their returned gifts. For the last year and a half. It was as though being lost to terror, had robbed her of these things and she’d been granted, a reprieve again. Another safe place, to hide from it. Yevette felt a tremor go through her, with a thought ‘Could Mother, be responsible in bring all this about’? The way things were going... Yevette figured, well just about anything might be possible. For Kate, as she took her time in the kitchen to create space knowingly, that this break. Was surely needed, and it was the energy of miracle, of being again a part of the granted vision. A long dreaming, and found herself shiver… with spirit presence. Right there in the kitchen and along with the overwhelming sense of déjà vu. Kate sneaked another look at Yevette for herself and marveled, at her golden glow. The same as she’d seen when Yevette was little. The same deep spirit glow, as her Mother. All the same strengths of natural character, were sitting manifest as the sun. Across the room from her, at her kitchen table… as a grown and lovely woman. As well, she knew that Troy. Was fated to play a part in this reparation of the dark hurt... she’d experienced, buried deep in Yevette’s spirit and... when Kate, had met Troy. Realized, that he was indeed a special person and illogically. Totally unaware of it. With deep seated confusions, all on his own. Maybe, not so much so now that he came here to bring Yevette to them. It was just too much of a coincidence to be reckoned with, ‘so surely then. It wasn’t one’, she thought to herself. There would be a fulfillment now in his world, which he’d struggled his whole life to arrive at. The missing piece, he needed so badly to find. And as well, for her and Ben. These were the spirit children, sent to them for a time to fill a place in their world. To maybe heal them too... in some, fundamental way. When she was younger, Kate had wanted children so badly and meeting Yevette. Was like finding the daughter, she could not have and unreasonably, had almost loved her on sight. Over the years, had thought of her often, to try and imagine what she was doing. What kind of person, she was turning out to be and now. By the grace of god... here she was, here in Teal Haven Lodge! Her gift, the return for her prayers. Granted... The coco now finished, the time was at hand. To start this spirit work presently and Kate was more than ready. The dreaming had made sure of that, and it would all unfold. As it should! For Ben, it was all a tidy little marvel, and a bit of nostalgic memories of younger days and having wonderful adventures. With the love of his life. Kate! He knew, that the young girl Yevette had had a large impact on his wife. Knew how often in as many years this story, had come up. Since meeting Troy, the thought had occurred to him, just as unreasonably. That this was a man, he would have been proud. To call his son. He too, had the pain of not knowing what that was like. Never having had the experience of having children. Kate, not the only one to suffer this, and only Ben. Dealing with it in his own way. To be industrious, build wonder and maybe material solace. Into their world together. It was a consolation, that at times worked and others. Where it could not fill that place, where children... would have shaped their lives very differently. Fulfilled this entire place, they had named Teal Haven. The O’Gradys, comfortable escape. Somehow Ben knew, that Troy never knew his Father. Which was like some part of him, being hollow and like himself. Could never be filled. ‘Troy, is so much like me’ he’d thought, and as Ben. Quietly watched the lad, from his place across the table. Knew as well, that like himself. He’d met that person, that special partner which would fill that hollow place, in a very different and wonderful way. Ben looked up, and Kate was there with his coco. He smiled up at her and felt that familiar warmth, flood his every atom and it being known so well. Understood, whole-heartedly... that feeling. Love for his mate, the woman that had shaped his world and made him whole! His last thought, as Kate again passed out the hot drinks was ‘there’s a whole lot of love, right now in my kitchen at Teal Haven. All centered on these, two kids. Well, love does make the world go round’ and smiled, in his heart and it worked its way to Ben's face. © 2014 Rory CJ Frankson |
1 Review Added on October 15, 2010 Last Updated on October 26, 2014 Author![]() Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, CanadaAboutIt's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..Writing