![]() The Morning AfterA Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson![]() the storm had cleared, and there was time for pancakes.![]() Yevette awoke, to strange noises coming from just outside the window. Her whole body ached and it took a few seconds. To remember, that she had some kind of horrible hallucination last night. Not that she remembered it, exactly. Only the terror, and a room with no windows… and, the demon. Trying to take her to a place, she knew she couldn’t go. Then when she snapped out of it and, Troy was there. The look on his face, brought tears to her eyes. What must he think of her, just what horrible things... had she done? She remembered that they were on the verge of making love and thought, that she was ready for that. Had wanted it to happen. Well, apparently not. Yevette wondered if she would ever again, be able to make love to a man, and. Not freak out, like some demented thing? She felt the feelings been had, were about to swallow her whole. Destroy, her! Then the noises outside brought back her attentions and she wondered what all the whacking out there, was all about. Where was Troy, and why wasn’t he there when she woke up? Was he doing something out there, like beating up trees to release frustrations from last night? She got up and went to look out the window, to find out. That in a way, she was right... What she saw, took a little to understand just what it was she was witnessing. It was Troy, beating up a tree? He was stripped bare to the waist and only wearing his jeans and hiking boots. The muscles, of his upper body stood out rock hard. To look at him, you wouldn’t have thought he was that well muscled. Well he was, and they popped out everywhere spectacularly, as Troy Farrell was spinning a stick through amazing maneuvers. Yevette could recognize Martial Arts when she saw it; she’d seen enough of those kinds of movies, but to watch this man. Go through, what he was doing. Well, she was thoroughly amazed, by just how he was attacking those poor trees with such brutal grace. Watching him sort of gave her even more a sense of security, and this. Was even a different side of a man, which she had basically just met. He was fun, funny and sometimes soft... caring. Dashingly handsome, adventurous and even reckless, like his stunting with Pony. What she was watching out the window. Was to see, this dexterous man could break you... in a heartbeat! She got dressed and went down into the kitchen and started the fire going in the wood-stove, while she tried going through her daily remembering exercises, and couldn’t. What she couldn’t get out of her mind, was Troy and what he was doing out there. How determined he looked, and the dangerous edge of violence. He was presenting... These thoughts, went right along with her breakfast preparations. The day before she’d found powdered eggs and she whipped up a batch of buckwheat pancakes and about that time. The stove was up to temperature, and set coffee to cooking. This ordinary type of activity, helped her to feel somewhat better, but in the back of her mind. Was a nervousness of coming face to face, with Troy again, when he was done, out there. Wondered how he’d react to what happened and, what he’d tell her of what she’d done... It was all so foggy, uncertain. Still thinking this over as she flipped pancakes and stack the ones already done in the warming oven. Yevette considered the fact, that she’d gotten pretty close to memories of her, at least flying to Belize. That they’d polished off three bottles of wine, probably didn’t help. Yevette did get to feeling like amour where wine was concerned, and enjoyed making love with her man. Under the influence. Claude, being the only man she’d ever known that way... That’s what really bothered her about Belize. Had other men done things to her there? A startling picture began to form, and the thought. Was instantly blocked out and good thing. As she heard the door open and Troy, come through it. Yevette just faced the stove, doing what she was doing. Making pancakes and, feeling very wary of this coming encounter. Having no real idea, of just how it might go. How Troy, would treat her. “Hey there,” he said and she turned, he had his shirt back on and had a towel wiping sweat, from his still red face. “I saw the smoke coming out the kitchen chimney, and figured. You were up.” He walked right up to her and put his arms around her and kissed her lightly, on the lips. Troy then pulled back a little, and she stroked his cheek with a hand. Which felt like it had been in a furnace, in fact. His whole body was throwing off a real heat. As he looked hard into Yevette’s eyes, with unfeigned compassion. “I want you to know Yevette that what ever happened last night, yes it was weird and, really spooky.” She wanted to say something, to try and explain. But he wouldn’t let her. “No listen. It was all of that, but I think necessary. Whatever that is, its coming out and we will face it Babe. I do, need to know more... but only when you feel ready, ok?” Yevette nodded, and Troy went on. “I would think that you saw me, working out,” again she nodded, “well just know, that if whoever it was. That hurt you, shows up… I will utterly destroy them”! He pulled her tight into himself and Yevette felt him choke back a sob saying, “they will be so fucked, baby… I promise!” She felt tears form in her eyes and knew, right at that moment. That she loved Troy, with all of her broken heart, and praying... it’d mend. She pulled away from him and wiped away tears, with the tea towel that was on her shoulder, “I believe you Troy. I promise, that when I’m ready. I will tell you. For a year and a half, I’ve tried to remember. My mind, just won’t let me baby, and until then. Lets sit down and have breakfast. Maybe pretend, it is an ordinary day between lovers, all right!” There, it was said and knew that she meant it. She needed in her heart... to be Troy’s lover. Needed him to love her regardless and... couldn’t finish, the thought. Went back to the stove and threw out four burnt pancakes. To set out the rest on the table and pour them coffee and sniffle back her tears, to choke out. “We have scrambled eggs Troy, but they are powdered. They will go good with pancakes, just pour syrup on them!” Yevette knew she’d seen a bottle of syrup a cupboard somewhere, and went and found it. As soon as she seen the label, her mouth dropped open and she squealed surprise in recognition. Troy, immediately jumped up and in a blink. Was at her side worried and asking her, what was wrong. “I don’t believe this Troy, look at the label,” and gave him the bottle, “that is my families Maple Syrup Troy, from my home… in St Le Vallier. Tears were streaming down her face, as she said what was to her. The unbelievable... “The O’Grady’s buy our syrup Troy. Our syrup!” Yevette felt that is was some sort of sign and, after getting a warm comforting hug from Troy. They sat down and enjoyed their breakfast, with a different atmosphere apparent. Unbelievably their pancakes and powdered scrambled eggs, featuring Richade family Maple Syrup... from, Quebec. Even Troy had said, “What are the chances of that, happening Yevette. Could be... that it’s telling you something. Maybe it would be good for you, to phone home, eh,” and then helped himself to more pancakes. She thought so too, and it had been a month or more. Since she'd called her Papa and Yevette thought. ‘Just wait till he hears about this coincidence,’ her father was truly proud of their maple forest and, the traditional making of syrup. Though now, was almost heart broken that the sap was drying up and the forest. Being killed, by acid rain. Knowing that nothing could be done for it, but accept the world we now live in and its problems. Troy looked to her, and she could tell from his eyes. He was going to say something that was bothering him, and she held her breath. Thinking, it was going to be something painful. But it was as though he couldn’t get it out, “what is it Troy”, she asked, “whatever it is, just say it,” and prepared herself. For whatever it was, bad or not. It wasn’t anything that she would have thought of at all, “Well, I guess I have to take you back to the Hotel to work, hey. This storm kind of wrecked our day to meet with The O’Grady’s, ah well,” he looked truly crest fallen. “What shift, do you work today?” Yevette forgot, she hadn’t told Troy. About taking time off and she breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh Mon Dou, in all the excitement Troy. I forgot to tell you, that I am on holidays,” his face changed miraculously. To smile with his eyes saying, go on I want to know more, “yes, I took a week off. So now, we have time to eat our pancakes… yes,” Yevette took a huge bite of her breakfast and smiled through chipmunk cheeks and syrup running off the end of her chin. He laughed and shook his head, “yes, I guess we do,” and Troy copied her, with an even bigger mouthful, to say through it, “Mmm mmph mmm,” gulp, “good syrup,” and, another huge bite. As now, the race to the end of the pancake stack, had begun... When both they’re plates, were polished off. Troy pushed his plate away. “So Yevette we can just continue up the lake then, to Teal Haven Lodge?” “Yes, that sounds like a plan. I have six more days, and I’m hoping… that I can spend them, with you Troy?” she felt herself blush some. To be so bold, but it was how she felt. “I know that last night, was creepy for you. I know, it was for me. I will try to not repeat this, as I say. I will try, but if you want me for six days. I’m yours ba--by!” Troy’s hands came across the table and took hers, “Of course I want to be with you, Yevette. There isn’t anything in the world, I want more. Than to spend as much time with you, as I can.” She could tell by the look in his eyes, that he was sincere. “What I said about last night, I meant it. We’ll face this together. So lets get this place cleaned up and get on to meeting, with the O’Grady’s. They must be really worried by now.” “I would think so,” replied Yevette “Thank you Troy, this means more to me than you could know.” Troy got up and came around the table and pulled her up from her seat. “Oh, I think I do Yevette,” he wrapped his arms around her, “I think I do,” and kissed her passionately, with feeling. They’re embracing lasted for some time, each of them feeling the all-encompassing, power of the moment. The energy around them electric, and each. Feeling the others heart, pounding against them. Neither wanting to break away and have the moment end. It was Yevette, that pulled away first. “As you say,” she looked up mistily into his eyes, “Together Troy, lets pull this place into order and move on, to the next part of our adventure.” She kissed him quickly then turned and started clearing the breakfast dishes away. Yevette scoured the kitchen till it gleamed. Troy thought he’d never seen anyone work so hard as her and such determination was evident, by the end result. Troy as well, did his level best and cleaned out the fireplace and reloaded the firewood box and in short order. They had the cabin looking as clean, as when they’d arrived. It was actually hard to turn and walk away, from that snug small log cabin. Yevette though, had a feeling in her heart... That they would someday be back, to this beautiful spot. When they arrived at the beach, they went through much the same and put the campsite, back to order. Then, uncovered the boat and un-staked it from the beach. By the time, they had every thing squared away. It was just before 11:00 o’clock. Troy had Yevette climb into the boat and he shoved it off, into the lake. He then climbed aboard himself, and explained. That this way, the anchor would be easier to be freed. He paddled the boat away from the shore to the backside of where the anchor was grounded and then did just that. Pulled it aboard, and stowed it back in its locker. Climbed determinedly forward, and slid into the drivers seat. This time he didn’t wait long for the cruisers engine to warm up, and just let it idle out in forward gear into the lake awhile. The weather wasn’t so glorious that morning and still overcast and maybe, threatening rain. So he felt there wasn’t time to lose. They both hoped that it’d hold out till they got to Teal Haven, in this kind of open boat. Rain, would certainly be unpleasant. The lake wasn’t as smooth as the day before either. Troy said, frustrated, “no hydrofoil today, Yevette. The end run trip will take us a little longer”! Finally he started to lean on the throttle and with the increasing V/8 throb, the boat began to rapidly knife through the water. Once again, they were under way. Well Yevette felt that although their adventures, were unforeseen. It held elements of a lot of different experiences, good, great and… really bad. The boat ride, over this beautiful lake was still a unique experience and, with Troy... at the helm. She felt, utterly safe. Mostly, this is what she was thinking about. Troy Daniel Farrell. How was it, that after such a short time. To know, that she loved him... so deeply. It was almost horribly painful! It was a fact and she knew, there was no denying this thing. Her heart could burst, just to look at him. Yes, she had truly loved Claude... but it wasn’t like this hurt on she had now, for Mr. Troy Farrell. There was a root in this, like a Maple tree. That spread so far into her soul… that it could never be chopped out. Like they were spirits in collision, and a convergence. Was eminent. She looked over just to be looking at him and he looked far away in thought. And knew he was. Because he was worrying away at his bottom lip and did this... when having these really deep thoughts, so evident to her. Again, Yevette felt her heart beat faster and undergo, extremely anxious feelings about how strongly. She so irrationally, held deep feelings for this man. Fearing the idea, that maybe because of her. He would come to some horrible harm and she couldn’t live with her self. If that ever really, came to pass. Though, judging by the workout she’d witnessed this morning. She knew that this man could look after himself. But should he have to look out for the both of them. Should he put himself, in harms way… for her? Yevette agonized over these thoughts and couldn’t help, but keep looking in his direction, and fear the worst. For them both. Yevette knew, in her bones... That something very bad... was coming. Their way. © 2014 Rory CJ Frankson |
1 Review Added on October 14, 2010 Last Updated on October 26, 2014 Author![]() Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, CanadaAboutIt's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..Writing