![]() Ungodly TerrorA Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson![]() as unreasonable love blossoms, into Martial Arts![]() I noted Yevettes more than real anxiety, all through the last part of her storytelling and it made me really think that this Claude character was an a*****e, and truly a loser. I mean, who could cheat on a person like Yevette. Why didn’t the fool, marry her. Well I stopped myself right there, and was certainly glad he hadn’t, and felt that the b*****d better hope that he wouldn’t run into me in his short and now, drugged out reality. Troy-man was not unfamiliar with that under-world, and when push came to shove. I was, as Master Chong put it, an extremely deadly individual as his training had made me. Although in the restaurant, he gave me the evil eye. For allowing to have myself become so sadly out of training, and well. What Master Chong would consider, fat. I maybe had a small inner tube round the middle, but I knew in a good week. I could be back on it and right into fighting trim. I thought about Yevette’s story and watched her, there on the couch. Knowing by the look on her face. There was more to that story, than she’d been telling me of. Even with the glow, from the wine. I’d noticed the change in her story, from family... to a*****e, Claude. From happy and sometimes sad, when she perchance had mentioned her Mother, and that. Not often. To funny and beautiful family remembrances. Some very good travel stories, of the exotic places went with dickhead... then. Out right, fear! I was by far not a stupid man, and trained... to observe and to contemplate, and even meditate. On what was current, and stay there. I knew I was meant to be by Yevette’s side and some very strange spirit stuff, in the last while. Saying so. Yesterday, was probably the strangest day... I’d ever lived through. Yet when the voice had said, protect this woman. That was current, this was now! I made an inner dedication, to do just that. “That was really quite something Yevette," I tried not to use words like beautiful and wonderful, and the like. As in the past three hours, the stories had been too varied. Yevette seemed snap out of her inner thoughts and look my way. The deep-set pain there, was almost too heavy to look directly into. I reached to her and stroked her hair, made soft from today’s rainwater being a natural conditioner and it felt like silk. For a short time I only studied her face and feel the sensations of her nearness, seep through me. Then tried to lighten the atmosphere some, to tell her. “Really Yevette I loved hearing your stories and of course... staring at you. Like a lost puppy,” to give her my best cheer you up smile. She broke through with a returning smile, “oh it’s a lost puppy, is it now, Mon Cheri Troy. You are, wonderfully like a puppy, I could smother you with kisses,” and she leaned into me, and tried. Obviously the time of telling and talk, was at some end. We fell into one and other as adults, knowing that close caress was wanted, and in deed… needed. Her kisses were deep with feeling and somehow, a sense of urgent kind of gratitude. The sensation of her pressed to my person, was electric and lost myself to her. When It broke, the first thing I thought was. This needs to slow down, and that Yevette didn’t need to be involved, into any deep passions. So it was like ‘whew’ and remembering, my morning up to my neck. In a cold mountain lake. Seemed to do it. Yevette was looking up into my eyes, all dreamy and lost. “Yevette”, and she only sighed, as if to say, ‘yes.’ “Hey girl… I checked it out earlier and this is a hide-a-bed couch, and you Babe. Take the room up stairs and I’ll sleep here. How’s that sound to you?" “Not on your life Troy,” my eyes went wide, “no my man, that doesn’t sound right. To me at all!” She stretched like a large cat and I felt the three bottles of wine, dig in deeper. Into my fuzzy logic. “Please Troy, I need you to wrap your arms around me and you make me feel safe, so-so safe Ba--by,” Yevette paused and looked deep into my eyes, and stroked two fingers along my cheek. To say with a certain shy blush, “you know these things, that I have been through tonight Troy. Have left me feeling so raw, bare…exposed. Can you understand that. Can’t we just cuddle together and, sleep warm and safe. In each others arms”, her eyes pleaded, questioning mine. Yevette just looked so much just like a small-lost girl, so innocent… open and like she’d said, exposed. I looked deep into the pools of emerald and, only trust... was seen there. This wasn’t sexual, it was an emotional need, a current need to feel protected. That, I could deal with. “Alright Girl let’s go up there and have a look,” then, asked her frankly. “Have you snooped you way, through up there. Yevette?” “Nope.” She said simply and stood up taking my hand to pull me up with her, “let us go snooping, together Troy. Shall we?” Her other hand swooped up in graceful invitation in the direction of the stairwell and, start pulling me along with her. I followed along her somewhat unsteady sway to the back of the cabin, and we continued on up the stairs. I swallowed my apprehension up till the first landing. Yevette was having some difficulty, and obvious to me. The wine, now that her stories were done. Was affecting her, more than she realized. I held her waist and, guided her up the next set and into the dim loft. I thought to settle her into bed then go put out lights and bank the fire. Yevette had seen the dim out line of the large old iron bed and, was taking cloths off on the way to it. As it was last night, she only stripped down to her bra and panties and crawled into bed. I tucked her in and kiss her on the cheek, to tell her my plan and she with a resigned sigh. Said with a yawn. “ Hurry back to me, Troy!” So that’s just what I did, and off I went downstairs. To make sure that everything would be good and safe for the night, and inwardly. Feeling irrationally, like it was an excuse of some kind. I extinguished the two lamps above the mantle and stir what coals there were around and add two more blocks of wood, into the fireplace. Made sure the fire screen was close enough, then sat in front of that fire for a while. Almost reluctant to go back upstairs. I thought that if I stayed down here long enough, Yevette just might drop off to sleep. But that wasn’t the case and she called out just then, wondering if I were done. I called back up the stairs that I would be right there, and went and took the lamp off the kitchen table. With my heart hammering away in my chest, gathered some needed courage and... went for the stairs. The loft under light was quite long and one end open, and had things stored there. Yevette was covered up her chest with a quilt comfortably, sitting up in the old iron bed at the other end. In this soft light, she looked so gorgeous it hurt. Smiling beautifully, she stated the obvious. “Oh. You brought the lamp, I see?” As I crossed the room replied slyly, “the better to see you with my dear” and laughed away, some tension. “You see, I’m the big bad wolf. Come to eat you all up!” The next thing she said, made me know. I was in trouble. With those green Panther eyes glowing in the lamplight, she breathed. “You promise?” I put the lamp on a bedside table and, for some reason. Felt really shy about taking my cloths off. Maybe earlier thinking about having a middle bulge, or approaching middle age. Had something to do with it. I fought that down and thought ‘well, I’ll just keep on my tee shirt.’ Yevette laughed and said, “don’t be shy Troy, come on in here, I won’t bite. Besides it’s all warm and cozy in here. But lonely, with out you,” and patted the bed, beside her. Ok, so I took off my clothes and as planned, kept on my undershirt. That kind of raised an eyebrow with Yevette, as I pulled back the covers and climbed in shivering. And, not from the cold. I slid in next to her warmth and Yevette, lay her head upon my chest an sigh, “I want to thank you Troy,” she said softly as she put a warm bare leg over mine and with subtle shifting, mold her body to mine. To make her heady presence, fog my senses as her seductive scent. Washed over me and, had to remember. She’d just said something to me. I was really fighting hard, those three bottles of wine and figured it out. “Thank me?” I asked and stroked the silkiness of her hair, which had spread itself disturbingly across my chest. Wondering, just what she’d say and what it was to thank me for. Yevette sighed again, “for everything, for this. To be in this place with you and being able to tell you of my life,” she paused a moment and then kissed my chest lightly and I shivered as she ran tingling fingers across it, and continue. “I feel alive, for a change and I have you, to thank for that.” Her hand kept lightly moving down and slipped under my tee shirt and strokes my stomach, and then. Her beautiful face was before me and we kissed, deep and passionately. Well there’s only so much a man can take, even a very disciplined one. The smell of her closeness. The feel of her pliant lips moving on mine. Our more than warm bodies, entwined and god help me... the fires, were lite. I don’t know, just what happened. One second, we were passionately embraced and I had lost myself to it. It being the last thing, that I’d intended to happen. But was really happening, anyway. And, was truly experiencing a wonderful feeling... to be with Yevette this way as lovers, and then. At some point.... She just started, screaming! I was instantly sobered, and it was clear. That there was some frightening change taking place. The amorous movements, had went right out the window. It was all I could do, to fight Yevette off. Her nails trying to rake into my eyes and thrashing her legs and feet. To try and seriously injure, well. Me. She was screaming crazily, “you won’t take me, you won’t take me, I won’t go!” Her eyes, were blazing mad... and it was like, she didn’t see me. Didn’t know, that I was Troy Farrell. Or that we were even in this cabin, for that matter. Finally, I couldn’t do anything else, and I just pushed her through the covers with my feet, over the edge... and off the bed. Yevette landed with a thump, and just kept going. Crab legging it backward, across the open wood floor till she hit the wall. The whole time, screaming. “Stay away, you won’t have me. I’ll kill you, I’ll cut out your heart, I’ll drink your blood, cut off your manhood,” like that, and that were about the same time. She had ran up against that wall. I was out of the offending bed in a flash and came around it. With my hands out in front of me, in a non-threatening manner. Trying for passive gestures and to rationally understand... just what it was. Taking place here, before my eyes. I moved forward slowly, as she had stopped screaming, her eyes were rolling around wildly in her head. The fear in them, so strong. That you could see all round her pupils. As the saying went, ‘the whites of their eyes,’ well. It was spooky as hell. All the while I was getting closer, and making small soothing sounds; Yevette only whimper pathetically. The smell of fear stained sweat, filled the room and rolling freely down her forehead, over her cheeks and dripping off her chin. Never, in my life had I seen terror, like that... never. “It’s ok Yevette it’s ok, it me. It’s me Troy baby, you’re here with me. We're here at the cabin,” I soothed and I was almost right in front of her. To kneel there and hold out my hand. She immediately shied and turned her head, as far as it would go and looked as though. She were trying to force her cheek, right through the wall. “No, no please don’t take me there, please, please,” she moaned and I assured her that I wouldn’t... 'take her there'. Where ever that was, and again reminded her. I was Troy and that we were at the cabin on the lake. At that she turned her head, to look at me and rapidly blink. “Wh-wh-where, Oh god,” she cried, and I could see. That she was back and that Yevette was still filled with terror. She leaped suddenly into my arms, and cried, “oh Troy, oh Troy... I’m so sorry,” and clung to my neck hard. Weeping, like her heart was a broken thing, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” she kept sobbing. I felt, as though my heart would break. As I picked her up in my arms and she felt light as a feather, a small broken bird. I took her back to the bed, and she didn’t fight it. I knew that truly, she was back. I lay her down awkwardly, as she wouldn’t let go of my neck and I got us back into bed and under the covers. As best I could. Considering, the whole time Yevette sobbed soaking the front of my tee shirt. I kept up the soothing sounds, stroking her hair. Telling her everything was all right. That she had nothing to be sorry for... In time, she stopped asking to be forgiven and only choked through her sobbing. Till she fell into an exhausted sleep. Forget, sleeping for me. I just lay there holding her and wondering just what had happened to this, lovely creature. To generate such mind numbing terror. Then I was getting angry, I could feel the heat in me rise. Who ever had done this to Yevette would pay; I wouldn’t stop. Till I found out, just what did happen. Although, I was reluctant to really know. The thought of someone hurting Yevette like this, made me feel literally ill, and as the thought occurred. I really had to fight down the urge to bring up three bottles of red wine. I was sweating like mad and still the thought of finding this or these monsters, and then... They’d be fucked, and I mean… truly fucked. Some of the things that Master Chong had told to me, came back and I mulled over what I could remember of just what he’d told me. To be a Warrior, that I would face an enemy. That was swift and deadly. That I must be hard like the bamboo staff. A lot of my training with my Master, was with weapons. The staff, num-chucks, different types of knives and a sword even. The Martial Art, I learned from Ti’chi Chong was ancient and was a warriors training. Probably the only man alive, that would have trained a white man. The Fire Dragon technique. Being it was the deadliest of Chinese fighting technique and meant, for only one thing... The Dragons Breath. Killing enemies, as fast... as was humanly possible. Well. Who ever had done this to Yevette. Was now, my enemy! Some Martial Arts training I had, before I’d met my Master. Just why he’d chosen me I don’t know, but he knew I had training and it went from there. I was in Jasper skiing and had broken my leg. It wasn’t a bad break, but ya right. Tell that to the leg that is on fire, and giving you, living hell. So there I was in the hospital and in my room swearing, calling for a nurse. To come and give me drugs. There was an old Chinese man, walking by in the hall. He stopped at my door and was staring at me. I asked him what he was friggin staring at, and he said, me. “I’m staring at you. A sissy!” I thought that weird, and he came into the room and asked, if I were in a lot of pain and I’d said moaning, “hell ya!” He walked right over to me… reached around the back of my neck, and pinched something. I yelled, “ow, what the hell,” and rubbed my neck wondering. Just what this old guy, was all about and then discovered. That my leg was only numb and the pain, was mostly gone. He just laughed and said, that the pain would come back. But the trick was just how to deal, with pain. “How’s that” I asked.” He looked at me seriously and said, “with courage” and, that if I’d like to know more. Told me, where his restaurant was. That’s how it started. I did go to that restaurant and Mr. Chong was like a really good physical therapist. He knew a ton about Chinese medicine, and well. He seemed to know a lot about just about everything. I moved to Jasper for two years and he paid me to be a dishwasher. A dishwasher of all things, he only said. “We all need to learn humility”. Well then, he said, “and I need.... a dishwasher!” It was worth it, to learn from him the fighting arts in the Dojo behind the restaurant and to have his nephew Chan, as a sparring partner. Who at first, beat the crap out of me on a regular basis, but as I learned... that turned, and I humbly. Beat the crap out of him. Which was ok, as far as he was concerned as he and I. Both loved the Martial Arts. It went with being, the best that you could be. Fire Dragon, is the best. Being the best at it, something else... entirely! I was thinking these things, and just holding Yevette. Who was squirming and moaning in her sleep with probably bad dream, the nightmares she'd said she often had. I just kept holding her and soothing her, and it really did seem to help. Just before dawn, she calmed right down and went into a deep restful sleep. With the thoughts about finding who ever had done this to Yevette, being out of shape and remembering, my Martial Arts training. I knew I wasn’t going to get any sleep and felt the need right then. To begin getting back to true fighting form. Since working for Roger and making piles of money, I had more or less stopped working out. Although not entirely, and the need in me did arise upon occasion, and I’d get into half trim once more. About halfway down the room, was an open closet with nothing in it, and there was a length of wooden doweling there. For hanging clothing on. I carefully climbed out of bed and went and had me a look. I took it down and stood the length of it beside me. It was a little short, but as a workout staff. It’d do in a pinch. I went and quietly dressed in the half-light of dawn and off I went staff in hand, down the stairs and out into the damp morning. At some point in the evening, it had stopped raining. Everything was still dripping wet and the morning, was gray and still somewhat over cast. After running down to the beach and back, twice. The first time, to check on the boat and seen it had rode out the storm just fine and, after the second run. Stripped off my tee shirt and started right in to some stretching exercises, and this. Is where the staff... is truly, a tool. You work against it and through it, around it and roll it over muscles. That are lazy and feeling unused. With breaks to breath properly and real meditation… on what is to come. I squeezed against the staffs solid form, till wrists ached, making clear to the body. What is to be expected of it. The pain it will feel and that it can take it... when you will it, to be so. Envision the Kata's, that will be preformed and, when you feel it. Do them! I emptied myself and truly had envisioned, the way to the Dragons Breath. Forcing the movements, which would bring, with it. It’s Fire. The coils of its Strength, and the cunning of its Attack. The staff, began to whirl through the air and I ran it through figure eights. Spun it around my back changing hands, into different attack and defensive positions, and all tied... To concentric movements... of the Eight Fold, Dragon Kata's. I felt my muscles straining and, ignored them. To demand from them, what was necessary. I struck like the Cobra. Danced through, the Crane. Spun defensive maneuvers, like the Monkey and, moved my way up. To Tigers Force. Then the Dragon, began to arrive... and now. Troy Daniel Farrell, finally felt. Alive. The fire, danced its way through me as the Fifth Way of Attack, marked its approach and a few innocent tree trunks... Took a solid beating. © 2014 Rory CJ FranksonAuthor's Note
Featured Review
1 Review Added on October 14, 2010 Last Updated on October 26, 2014 Tags: ungodly terror, romance, vengeful anger, martial arts Author![]() Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, CanadaAboutIt's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..Writing