![]() Life in the TellingA Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson![]() of younger days and a simpler way of life![]() For Yevette it was like a dam broke and her story of childhood on the mountain in Quebec flowed, out like water. She heartily told Troy, about their family when she was little and how the family. Had owned their own logging operation, and in the standards of the mountain folk. They were fairly well off. That was, until her mother had gotten sick and they found out... it was cancer. Their Father spent most all of their hard earned money on getting her Mother… the best care, that he could find her and when she had then gotten really sick. Had gone to a cancer ward in Quebec City, and had died there. Never to come back to her beloved mountain or place her pretty wild flowers on the table, ever again. It was then Yevette had to take her place and life got hard for her and her Father was never really the same, after that. He had been such a joyful man and then, it was like he just lost half of himself, and life. Was only for working. The logging company started to suffer, and then her Father had his falling accident and couldn’t face working in the bush anymore. He got to working for the people and the ski lodge full time, and forever… By then they had done the dishes together, found another bottle of wine and were sat on the couch in front of the fire. Most of the time with Troy, holding her hand and asking the odd question, to keep the flow going. She could tell that he wasn’t just listening to be kind, his eyes told her that he too, felt all this was important for Yevette. Some of the stories jumped back and forth, and some. Were about her rowdy brothers, some about her mother and father, or the colorful people. That lived up there on the mountain, along side them. She told him about her first boyfriend Daniel, how they would go together into the maple forest, where the trees were tapped and when the sap was flowing. Collect buckets, to bring down to her families syrup shed. Then her and Daniel would share kisses up there in the maple forest, under the trees. It was all just pretty much puppy love and they never got physically connected. And Yevette laughed because Daniel, was so scared. Knowing her brothers would kill him, if they were ever found out. Yevette said, that they would have too. Just beat him senseless, poor Daniel. They watched over her like a hawk and, her Father. Made sure, that she went to confession as much as possible. Yevette also went to the local catholic school, and taught by nuns. Which were as harsh, as anything. At first she said that she hated it, then after a moments thought said, that no. It was all pretty good for her. Mostly she took all that pretty serious and for the most part. It did keep her a virgin. There was one nun there in particular, that wasn’t a harsh old prune. Sister Francis was younger, and after her mother died, sort of took Yevette under her wing, Yevette really loved her and for a time even thought because of her. She might become a nun. She laughed, and said with a convincing gleam in her eye, 'fat chance of that, Troy'! Her family, was very traditional and on the mountain. Very well respected, her Father was like almost their leader and people, were always coming to him for advice. French are funny that way, whom ever has the largest properties were the leaders and well also. Because their family owned the maple forest and, the yearly making of the maple syrup. Was a thing the whole community, such as it was… became involved in. As people had a special part of the process that had been passed down to them through the line of decent. This, being the most important to all of them. The line of decent. All the families, fiercely proud of their heritage. “Le Quebeques, is a very real deal for us French Canadians”... said Yevette. She told Troy of the marvel when her Family went to in Quebec City one year, for that Winter Carnival. Telling him all about the events, going to a real hockey game that just wasn’t listened to on the radio. Because TV reception up on the mountain, was poor to non existent. So a real hockey game, with all the sights and sounds of the huge arena. Was amazing, to her a poor hillbilly. Her eyes really lite up when the telling of the Ice Palace, came around. How out of the blue, this huge snowman grabs her, and Yevette. At first, was quite frightened, but he turned out to be very nice snowman and told that he had a special surprise for her. Well he took her right to the front of a huge crowd and announces, over a microphone. That he had found this years Ice Princess and, was non other than Yevette Rose-Marie Richade. Her mother and Father, had literally glowed with pride, and for the rest of the day. She was taken around in a horse drawn sleigh with a crown and gown… to wave at all her subjects and get into everything free. Her and her whole family. And… where they got tickets for that professional NHL hockey game. Yevette got to keep her crown and her brothers, wouldn’t shut up about it for just about forever. For years, it was princess this, princess that. Really, they did treat Yevette that way. She was they’re princess and god help, any boy… who got in the way, of that! In some parts of the story Yevette had to take a break, and cry a little. This story was one of those times and her and Troy. Went out on the front porch and he held her as she cried on his shoulder and he silently watched the rain, fall through the dark. Till she were done. When she was, he held her some more and just gently rocked her and stroked her hair. Until finally they went back in. Yevette, for wanting more wine. For some little while, they talked over just small things and sipped their wine and had a good laugh. When Troy told his side of their encounter on the path and Yevette charging him, had scared him witless. How well, the kissing part was really pretty good. The talk she’d given him after was kind of spooky, like eating his heart out… was normal? The way he’d told it to Yevette had made her laugh. Then look at him serious like, “you didn’t believe me… Troy? I meant every word I said, ba--by! When I get into those kinds of moods. Its best, to leave me alone”. Well with that, he said he had got the point and, would be sure. To watch for the warning signs in the future. Yevette was now beginning to feel like there was a future and felt, that it would be a very good thing. With Troy in it. That is, if he could get past her moods... Eventually, the topic of Yevette’s life growing up in Quebec, came back around. As it was in the telling, that she was gaining a kind of needed release and felt Troy, knew that. And besides, she could see... that he was enjoying the telling. It was in its own way, very endearing and that he loved the expressions that Yevette would go through. In the telling of her home world. The fire had to be fed again and he interrupted her shortly, to do his duty. Then came back and made himself comfortable, for another round. Yevette was a very animated storyteller and like all French people. Were very expressive with their hands. As was the case of the one she were telling about the yearly family practice of ice fishing on the lake. Which did freeze over solid every year. How she would freeze her a*s off there in the ice shack, and love every minute of it. Their Father would bring a flask of brandy, for all of them to sip and a lot of the time. They would go home, with their string of fat trout and half drunk. During the long winter night’s, neighbors would come over with their instruments and they would sing and dance traditional folk songs, or sometimes. Bundle up in warm cloths and take their horse and sleigh. Climb under thick itchy wool blankets and head off cross-country, in deep snow. Over to neighbors, for the same type entertainments and offered hospitality. Winter for them, was not an idle time. It began in the fall and everything was for the coming winter, preserves where made ready for storage, the cutting down of dry-standing trees harvested for firewood. Chopping and stacking cords and cords of needed firewood, a separate stack cut and measured especially, for the wood-stove and Maple Syrup shed . When winter struck, there was the shoveling of pathways around the house, to the barn and the tractor and plow for the long twisted drive to the road. Was Yevette’s, favorite. They had an old gray Ford tractor, for a multitude of work around their property. That was not exactly a farm, although they had a horse, a cow and a slew of chickens, a hay field, a barn and the maple syrup shed... it was never referred to, as a farm. So at any rate, Yevette went on. The plow for behind the tractor... was fabricated by her Father and was a triangle frame on two wheels. You rode a back platform, like a chariot. Where there were two large metal-rimmed spoke hand wheels, that pointed at the tractor. These were to adjust height and plain, of the grader blade. So if you didn’t have them adjusted, just right. The plow would take off, in either direction and you had to fight those wheels like mad... to get it back behind the tractor. It was hard work, but Yevette used to fight with her brothers, for the chance to do this work, you see. They thought it was good fun, as well. Mostly, they tried conning Yevette into driving the tractor. Cause that job was the hardest, in that. It froze your a*s solid. Being that the old tractor only had a metal pan seat. They would put a horse blanket on it, but you spent half of your time trying to keep it there. So when they would give her a turn at it, it was their turn to laugh. At her having fun frustrations, with curving out high snow banks. Lining their drive. Then most of the family filled in time working at the ski hill, for as long as Yevette could remember. She spent half her life there with Yoberte and Lisha Tromblae, the old couple that owned and operated the resort. With out her Father, the place would not have run. With her brother’s help and sometimes, people hired to work on the bigger part of the project. They built the ski lift to the top of Tromblae Ridge; her Father welded all the towers himself! Troy, could see just how proud Yevette was, of her father… she glowed. Yevette said that she’d always helped in the lodges’ kitchen. At first, with her Mother and then after she died, on her own and as she got older. She took on waitressing, in the front till the year she left her mountain home. For the family, all the work that they did there at the resort. The monies went into a jar and was family money and, if you needed some. You took it. Well, within reason of course. It operated on an honor system, and a system.... that was never abused. Ever! When her Father got around to lighting up the ski mountain, it was the only ski resort for some miles. To have this novelty and business there, picked up accordingly. It made for more work for Father, and he was making more money. Life to some degree got a lot better, though. Still a lot of just work. One thing that the night skiing supplied, was on weeknights. When there wasn’t as much business; they got to do all of the skiing, they could handle. Yevette told Troy that she was a very good skier and, he admitted. That he wasn’t half bad either. So now they had something else in common. They both liked that. Well skiing got Yevette into another story, and this... about what they would do in the summer. Besides all the work that had to be done, in every season, as she’d got along into teen years. Her brothers, were doing very well in their logging trade. The times were changing and even reaching up to the mountain, satellite TV, VCR’s, better stereo equipment. Her brothers were always buying the latest best stereos and cranking up their rock music. When father wasn’t about, to complain about it. So, when Yevette was fifteen. She came home from the last day of school and there was a brand new ski boat on a trailer sitting in the yard, and was she excited. Wondering why exactly, it sat there... When her Brothers, dragged themselves in from working, they told her. It was theirs, they’d bought it and the next day. They were all going out to learn… how. To water-ski! Yevette said that, that night she could hardy sleep a wink, at just the thought of it. She had seen other people, up from the city at the lake doing it and had always wanted to try. Nobody they knew, had a boat big enough to try it with. They of course, had an aluminum boat with a 5hp out board, but that was for fishing. Father wouldn’t let them fart around with it, what so ever… it was for, fishing! Well now, they had one. They would be the envy of every person on the mountain and, they were. There was always, a never-ending line up of friends... waiting their turn. Now that they had all learned how, behind her brother’s boat. So at daybreak, they loaded up the brand spanking new boat and off to the lake, they did go. Well the lake wasn’t exactly ever warm, and it didn’t matter. Every year, they were in it swimming or parting beside it... When there was no work to be done, of course. I was now really getting the picture... that this family was one hard working crew, and it reflected in Yevette’s eyes, when telling of it. It was never in a complaining manner, it was the way it was and just likely the way, it should be. I thought about how my life growing up, was so opposite of these stories Yevette told of hers. Thinking it would be kind of hard to talk about my family, and basically. Them being drug dealers and smugglers, of a kind... The parts of my not knowing my mother and father and, only ever having some dim memory of them. Of growing up with Lillian and Ted... who weren’t even related. I shook those thoughts off and focused back on the excitement. Yevette was going through, learning how to water-ski. The part she was on, I thought was particularly funny. Yevette felt that she was really on a roll and they were on their third bottle of wine, it would have to be their last. Because this one was the last bottle. There was a fifth of whiskey in the cupboard, but that was out of the question for Yevette. She seldom drank hard liquor and when she did. Well, look out. She was a holy terror and just as likely to be getting into fistfights. As she had upon occasion and actually beat the crap out of one guy in tree planting camp. Trying mistakenly to maul her. Thinking she was drunk and ready for about anything. Well, he was wrong and… got all black and blue. For the trying. As she eyed the bottle of wine and noted, it was still half full. She thought it odd that she could be thinking these things and still be telling Troy the story about water-skiing. So she just shut off the thoughts, and went back. To concentrating, on her story. She was at the part about them all deciding that they would just go right to slalom skiing, well seeings how. That was the only ski they had, that they discovered the salesman had added in with the deal. She guessed that the way my brothers were talking, he didn’t know they’d never done it before. So they being a very determined and, quite bullheaded. Just kept right on being dragged, through half the lake. Not to mention, swallowing the rest of it. The first day they did manage somewhat to spend a few wobbly moments behind a very powerful boat, and that was all of them. They had even instructed Yevette how to operate it and, it turning out. That she was the best at it. Just seemed to be a natural thing for her to drive, well just about anything. By the end of that summer. They were all very accomplished water-skiers and doing all kinds of tricks and crazy young people feats. Making their summer months, from then on. That much more exciting. Yevette explained, just how it came to be. That she became a confirmed hot rodder. Her father, was to say the least mechanical, and really liked old cars. They had a 51 Pontiac Strato-Chief and her dads pride and joy... a 38 Packard Business coupe. As well as the ever-current, Chevy Impala’s. So when her brothers started getting tired a driving and sharing the old Ford pick-up, by then they were working hard. So the cars, followed. Martin, her oldest brother was the first. With a 69 fastback Mustang 428 Cobra-Jet. Which oddly enough at the time, if her other brothers Roberte and Roche the twins had dates. Martin, would let them take it. Then R&R, that they called the twins, they chipped together and bought another 69, a Roadrunner 383 4speed Mopar. But was in pretty sad shape and Father, and all the brothers. Went into the garage almost every night, till it came out an official hot rod. R&R, both liked Mopars, so when it came around. Everyone chipped in for Roche, as he’d found a 71 340 Dodge Dart Sport Coupe. Again, a rare 4speed car. All of their cars were done to the 9s and very quick, and they did race them. Much to Fathers chagrin, often sitting up late nights knowing. They’d gone to do their racing down the very dangerous, local winding mountain highways. Yevette had already been bombing all over the mountain, in the old Ford pick-up. That’s not to say, that the brothers hadn’t done some tinkering there, they had. It was loud and sporting dual blue bottle mufflers, and the biggest 4barrel carb they could bolt on there. So Yevette, was driving that almost before she could see over the steering wheel. There was a time around then in the summer, that they did quite a lot of partying at the lake. With all her brothers rowdy hot rodder friends, and a few. That didn’t make it and died, in drunk driving accidents and just driving crazy. They like a lot of young people, got into soft drugs. Mostly weed and some hash. At beach parties her brothers watched Yevette like hawks, and got into more than a few fights. With guys drunk, and hitting on her. They let her drink beer with them and of course, smoke dope with her. But never let her get too drunk. If they took her home smashed... They knew Papa, would half kill them! That... was a given. All the locals, knew not to scrap with the Rachade’s. Not that they went looking for it, but if it found them. Well it wasn’t good for the ones, which instigated it. Their father was in the army and not only that. Was a golden gloves boxer and taught all his sons, the known factors of how to kick the s**t out of the enemy. So in every-way, as a teenager. Yevette was pretty much respected and left alone. Sometimes she had crushes on some of those boys, and wished. It hadn’t been so. In those years, she had gotten to drive a lot of fast cars. Her brothers included, and a lot of boys. Wanting to impress Yevette. So mostly the first thing they did, was let her drive their cars. Some many, wishing they hadn’t. When she burnt off half of the tread on the hard worked for rubber, or hanging on to dash boards. In a death grip, through her cornering. It got so as Yevette could out drive most of those local hot dogs. Who thought they could drive and challenged, by being beaten by a girl. With her brothers wheels, she'd give anyone a go, and usually... win! Finally at a point in her story telling, Yevette informed Troy. That she had stayed a virgin, until she was 17 and had met Claude, her then boyfriend. Then partner, for pretty much nine years. This being the topic, that would probably be the hardest to talk to Troy about. But, at the same time. She felt the need to and that he deserved to know, about that part of her life. Well, about most parts... Some things Yevette felt, she might never be able to tell him. Let alone, admit to her self. She started out slow and explained, that Claude had worked at the ski hill. When they were building the racks for the lighting and getting ready, for night skiing. Her father had hired him and was impressed, with Claude’s natural abilities and when the job was finished. Claude had asked to stay on. The Tromblae’s at the time, did need someone year round, so they hired him. Yevette naturally had seen him around and he talked to her from time to time, in the cafeteria. She’d thought him to be rather cute, but Yevette. Was then only fifteen and well, that was that... When she was seventeen, a day came when the family the were all in the cafeteria together having a lunch break, and quite often Claude sat with them. Yevette knew, that her father respected Claude quite a lot and naturally, because Claude. Was a hard worker and pretty much good, at anything he set his talented hands to. So it was a shock to Yevette when he turned to her Father and mentioned, that there was to be dance going on in town that night. Papa replied that he knew, and that his boys. Would likely to be going. Well Claude, as bold as brass says. “Well sir. I would like to have your permission. To take Yevette to that there dance. With me tonight”! Yevette’s first thought, was almost an angry one. Like what right, does this guy have, asking her father and not asking her first. She had in mind to just tell Claude, to just jump himself right into the lake. Then quickly re-thought the scenario. If he had asked her first, well she would have said yes, and if she would have mentioned it to Papa. Being that Claude was twenty years old. He more than likely, would have said… no! As it was, the tension at the table could have been cut with a knife. That day, her brothers were there helping with what ever Father was doing, and they too. Were staring daggers at poor Claude, and intermittently looking to Papa. To see, what he would do? Finally Papa put down his knife and fork, Yevette thought he was going to take Claude out then and there. For even thinking of his little Yevette, and just beat hell out of him! Well, that wasn’t what happened, he looked at Claude very seriously, and said, “Claude you know that I like you as a man, and that you are a man. How be it, a young man”, he put an elbow to the table and stuck his large square jaw right into Claude’s direction, and Claude. Well he went all pale, for her Papa to tell him. “You have my permission to take Yevette to that dance. That is if she will have that of you. As I’m thinking, that you have not asked her your self. Is this correct, in my estimating. The way things are, at that”? Her Papa asked being very astute, at these sorts of things. Claude turned red in the face to look at Yevette to shrug his shoulders guiltily and admit, ‘yes, this were true’. Father turned to Yevette “well my daughter. Would you go to this dance, with Claude”? To which of course, she said she would. Not so much, because she liked Claude. She had never really even thought of him that way. But because, it would allow her to go to the dance. Well, he turned back to a still pasty Claude, “there you have the right of it, Claude. Yevette will go with you to this dance, but I will tell you a thing. Just so that you know. If you do one thing, to upset my daughter or, do anything inappropriate… I will rip off your head and, s**t down your throat”! Yevette stared hard at Papa, and knew. That he was not joking, with this young man. “So my friend, is this plain enough French... for you”! Claude, only nod understanding. “Well that now is all fine and good, besides. The Richade brothers, will all be there as well. Watching you”! Her brothers, had all nod their agreement whole heartedly to that statement. “So, young man. Have fun with your dancing, and I expect Yevette home. At a decent time… do you agree”? Again Claude could only nod, sheepishly. “Bon. Then I expect her home… no later, than 2:00 am”. Even Yevette had dropped an open mouth to that last statement. Papa had never let her out any later than midnight… ever! Yet Papa was looking over at Claude, and he actually winked and smiled at him! Papa must've really liked and respect this young man, Yevette’d figured rightly. As she was telling Troy, these stories. It was almost as though she were re-living them and really she had never revealed so much to one person, at one time this way. There were things that she had told him, that she was sure she had never even shared, with Claude. Troy almost never interrupted her either and was always, smiling and laughing along with her at her sometimes-funny antidotes. She never once, had the feeling. That he wanted her to stop, this needed reminiscing. With wine almost gone, and as they poured out the last glasses. Yevette figured, that when they’d finished the wine. That would be the end of her story telling. Knowing, that if the storm passed by morning. They would likely be off, as early as possible. Her life with Claude, would be the end of it. At any rate... and Yevette went back, to where it began. Her only known, love life... Well that dance with its awkward beginning, was the beginning of her life with Claude and that night. He was a perfect gentleman and Yevette thought, a perfect dancer to boot. Was funny and really quite a lot of fun to be with. His enthusiasm for music Yevette found, to be contagious. The only draw back, to Claude. Was his car. A rusted out old Toyota, and he seemed to be the kind of person. Who care neither one way or another, when it came to transportation. It was just that. A means to get from here to there. It actually turned out to be, kind of a sore spot between them. As he just never really got it and couldn’t understand, why Yevette. Would go all goo goo, over such a thing... as hot rods. It turned out, in time. There was many things, he couldn't understand about her! Claude in many ways, was a very self centered individual and the world revolved around his wants. Well her seventeenth Winter turned to her eighteenth summer and still, they seen a lot of each other and Yevette... was entirely smitten. Her then world and all her thoughts, revolved around the wonder. That was Jean-Claude Ponte. She by then had the idea... that her beautifully talented Claude. Still held the vision of Papa ripping off his head and shitting down his throat, kind of deal. Although, it was obvious to her. That Claude Ponte, worshiped the very ground her Papa walked on. As later it came out, his Father had left their family when Claude was only nine, and Papa. Was in many ways, his adopted Father figure and he would do nothing. Which Papa Richade, might not approve of. Most especially, when it might come to the possibility of engaging in sex... with his daughter, and well. At that point in time, after six months. It was just a little more than frustrating! Claude was at that young an age, already a traveler... and to Yevette. It was though, he had traveled the whole world. Well at least he’d been across Canada, and been to California. He’d even seen The Grateful Dead in concert, three times and the Eagles, among others. Claude, loved music with a passion and, played guitar like an Angel. His one draw back, was he couldn’t sing, if his life depended on it and a constant frustration, for him. As he kept trying and very unsuccessfully, which in a way. Spoiled his music and really, it would have gone better for him. To just stay instrumental, or team up with some person. Who could sing. He never did, and his musical dreams never went anywhere, and after awhile. His beautiful Gretch acoustic, just stayed leaning dusty in a corner and Claude. Became really quite bitter about it. He would never be the rock star, he’d dreamed of... So it came to be, that one hot summer night they had gone to the beach with the guitar and they sat beneath a full moon, as Claude serenaded her on a blanket. Without, thank god... singing! Although he had written some beautiful lyrics, about Yevette. That he would tell to her, like poetry. This night was like that, and he was reciting to her his latest ode. To his Yevette, of course. She thought it was wonderful and kissed him passionately for it, as was the norm. It turned to pretty heavy necking. Well Yevette had had enough, she more or less ripped their cloths off and seduced him, and that night. Yevette was no longer a virgin, and now... So deeply in love… that it was painful, the very idea of her lover. Not being by her side. Well, after that. Claude couldn’t get enough of this making love to his Yevette and they snuck off, and did quite a lot of it. To the point, that Yevette now knew. She was thoroughly in love with him and, he with her and felt for sure. That Claude, would ask her to marry him. Well she figured that he better. Before Yevette, got herself knocked up. Cause, they were going at it like mad bunnies, whenever they could. Which is to say… like a lot, as far as she was concerned, and... who cared. Claude was her Angel, and to have a child by this man. Would just be a dream, come true. So ya he should marry her, Yevette was ready! One night, they were in his room naked and he said,” Yevette I have to ask you something and… you must really think on this because. It is for me, like asking you, for the moon and stars”? Here it is, she thought and her heart soared, into the heavens. Wait till she told Papa, his baby was to be married. So she waited on bated breath, and he asked,” Yevette… will you come to California with me”? What the friggin hell... not get married, and leave her sacred mountain? Well she did think about it, and a month later. They more or less up and ran away together. Off, to Claude’s dream... to show her The Baja, ‘just wait till you see the desert baby, you won’t believe it’... for quite awhile, she didn’t! Trekking over endless sand dunes under the baking sun, till she was the color of Atlantic Lobster. Sleeping under tarps, shaking out hiking boots for fear of scorpions, watching out for poisonous snakes. Eating rice, till she was sick of it! Then, they ran into a colony of freaks out in the desert, and stayed stoned for a month. On Peyote Buttons. A deeply religious experience… the group, had told them. More like a group grope, she figured. Her constantly fighting off roving fingers of a******s, she wouldn’t spit on. Finally, came one of those stoned desert nights. When it came to fisty cuffs, and Yevette. Flattened one those freak pervert b******s, and told Claude. ‘It was back to some kind of civilization, or they were finished’ and, she meant it. They were now out of money, and it didn’t matter to her… she would hitchhike all the way back to Quebec, and home. If she had to! The whole experience had gotten all too strange, for Yevette Richade. So Claude, deathly afraid of losing his Yevette. Made his choice and off they went, bumming rides to L.A.. Which was after almost a week, of walking out of a burning hell... called The friggin Baja! Finally they were somewhere Yevette, could have a real honest to god bath. Now that had been what she’d have called... heaven, and a religious experience. That was only the first of many bad spots, of their years together. In many ways, it was a volatile relationship. Sometimes Claude, could be just like a little kid, and throw tantrums until he got things his way. There were many times that Yevette was serious, and bags packed on her way home. Yet Claude, always managed to sweet talk her back to his dreams and schemes. L.A. turned out to be pretty cool, with all the live concerts. They lived and worked hard, to pay for. Being with out green cards, neither of them had trouble getting mostly minimum wage jobs under the table. Even made enough money, to buy a fairly new Volkswagen Westphalia Van. That was traveled right into the ground, for seven years. Before it finally disintegrated, in of all places. Mexico. They had worked and traveled their way through California, Arizona and then all through Mexico. Were they had to buy a Volkswagen Bug and live periodically after, in a tent. Which was ok, it was part of their exploring... It was by then, finding beaches. Which Yevette was addicted to. Through all of it, she hoped that she was wearing out Claude’s travel bug and, in the end... He’d given it to her. They just kept moving further south, their relationship becoming more and more strained. Till finally, Yevette demanded to come back to Canada. Where in Canada, Claude wanted to know. At that point, Yevette didn’t give a s**t. As long as it were Canada. So after long and heated debate, decided on Vancouver. So fine. They sold off most everything they could, and hoped a plane. Back to their own country. Yevette, could have kissed the blessed ground. When they got off the plane, that glorious spring day. She was home, sort of... Claude had already been busy in various Internet cafes and they already had work with a tree planting company, in the interior of British Colombia. Out of a place called Nelson. At first, it was only another hell on earth. The mosquitoes could not be described, and the tree planting. Was a very demanding job. Then one day their camp cook, just got pissed off and walked away. The crew didn’t care... her nasty food, tasted like s**t. Well Yevette stood forward and saved the company owners universe. The whole crew, fell in love with what she could create, out of nothing out there in the toolies. And then, with...Yevette. Who in the owner Jeff Clark's estimation, could do no wrong and her contracted salary, went up accordingly the following planting season. Claude was gaining ground as well, and it seemed. He knew a thing or two about surveying. He went out by helicopter or four wheel drive pretty much everyday, and did line surveys of plots. That the crews, would be moving on to. Which pretty much suited Yevette, as they were not getting along and fighting constantly. Well at one point while partying, with the crew. She had gotten into tequila and punched the s**t out of one of the workers. It was kind of harried and when the boss showed up. The guy was fired and he’d worked for the company, for five years. Go figure? He shouldn’t have tried to rape… Yevette. So for three years they lived in Nelson and worked for that tree planting company, traveling south for winters and Claude... getting weirder and weirder. Out of the blue one day, Claude tells her. That they have a gig in... Costa Rica looking after a hacienda, for a friend. Yevette asked what friend, and he told her that she didn’t know him. That was a first, as Yevette had always known Claude’s friends. Because usually, they were her friends. They fought about that some, but they had quite a lot of monies saved and the planting season over with. Winter coming, and Costa Rica... was said to have some of the best beaches in the world. Tamarando Beach being one of them, and only a half hour away from the house to be looked after. So hey, off to Costa Rica… it was! When they arrived, The Hacienda was even more than advertised. It was nothing short of spectacular. The place was a palace, complete with local servants and Yevette spent every moment she could. On the beautiful Tamarando beach. Claude was gone most of the time, and not telling her just where it was he was getting off to. There had been plenty of arguing over all of that. After a month there, she met a really nice Costa Rican woman Maria Dorado at the beach. They met almost everyday for a week, to lie in the sun together and talk about her native Costa Rica for a few hours. She learned that girls there were Tica’s as one day, Maria had called her this and Yevette by then, could speak pretty good Spanish. She’d never heard, that one before. It was a native saying, and that Maria. Considered her just a young girl. Not that by then she felt like one, and really... Just a girl, tired of her man... Claude. They usually went to a hotel that was close, for a non-alcoholic orange drink. After a long day of laying in the sun tanning it was really refreshing, to have a couple before going home. Well Yevette was finding out that Costa Rican people, can if you let them. Become quite busy bodies and get into your business and stay there, or on the other hand. Very polite and discreet, depending on the type of person they thought you were. So the last day that she had visited with Maria who was of the later variety and, they had gone to the hotel for their orange drinks. The following private conversation, had... rocked her world! In Maria's revelations, concerning. Her man Claude. Maria, had been acting odd all that day. Like she had something she wanted to share with Yevette, but didn’t know how. When they had gotten to the Hotel, it was like she had made up her mind, about whatever it was. “Listen Tica, I think that you are a good girl… yes”? Yevette answered honestly and told Maria for the most part, she thought she was. Maria, leaned in closer to her, “you know that place, where you are staying”? Yevette only nodded and the woman continued. “I thought a lot about this. And please believe… if it was known here. That I had said these things to you. It would in fact, be very dangerous for me Tica, to do so... do you understand this”? Questions, questions and Yevette actually told her. That she didn’t... and Maria mysteriously, went on. “Well I’m going to tell you and listen very carefully. You, I know are from Canada, yes”, she didn’t wait for an answer, and it was only a personal affirmation. Spanish people seem to converse that way, Maria frowned and went on to tell her.” These people, who own this Hacienda. Well they are very bad people, Tica. They have murdered people, right here in our town. No one will say anything, because one: they could disappear and, two: they cannot go to the police. Because they, are in these peoples pocket”. Well that was a mouthful and Yevette was totally shocked by this revelation to be told... she was in a house, full of murderers? Maria wasn’t finished with her share of startling revelations and said candidly, “I know just who your man is, and I have seen him. The woman that he is seeing, is a witch and believe you me. This is true. Trenna Gomez is a very dangerous person, and has very bad connections. To Bolivia, and the Cocaine Cartels. Maria was growing quite animated and spit out acidly, “not to mention, she is a wanton w***e. Who sucks the very life from the men, that she chooses… and, your man. Claude. Is one, of her choices and involved with these people, distributing Cocaine to Canada”! Maria give her time, to absorb. What she had just said to her friend, and knew it would not be an easy thing, to comprehend. She took several sips from her drink and lite a cigarette. Yevette knew just from her poise, that Maria... was speaking the truth, as she knew it to be. It certainly would explain, Claude’s odd behavior for the last year. The lies and deceptions she felt in her heart, he was feeding her. She knew that Maria, was from a very upstanding local family, and in fact; involved in this very hotel, and why they came here in the first place. She felt for certain, that her friend. Knew of these things, but was not involved in them. So after the fairly long interlude of her contemplating, what had been said, she asked Maria, if she knew more. Please tell her… and she did have more planned, to share with Yevette. “You have been followed, and the man following you. No, don’t turn around Tica. Please ! This would give me away, instantly”. Yevette knew real fear when she saw it. Just not in this kind of world and in this, she was a total innocent. “If you must know, he is sitting right by the door in a gray shirt. Try to get a good look at him, when you leave and, you will be leaving… shortly. Then you will recognize him, if you do exactly as I’m telling you and get away from here. You will see, if he has found you”! Yevette told her that she understood, and was listening very carefully trying to relate to all of this as Maria. Went on with exposing, her surprising revelations and filling her in on what she knew. “Ok now. There is a thing happening here, that is very big and I don’t know anything. Other than rumours. Only that it is different and maybe, not anything to do with drugs. I don’t know! But Tica… leave, and right away. I have a friend George and he knows, that I was to talk to you today. There are people in our town, which don’t like these people and working to try and be rid of them. Through the American DEA… George is a Narco, in Costa Rican Federal undercover, and you can trust him, explicitly”! This was getting almost too much to handle, and her whole body was shaking at the totally unbelievable cloak and dagger, things being told her. “So now Tica. I say good-bye to you and I pray ‘Via Con Dios’, you are a precious soul, and believe. When Maria, tells you this… all my life. I have had the sight and you, Tica… are beautiful. Both inside and out”. Maria checked her watch. “Now stand and give me a warm hug, and who knows we may see one another again in the future. Only god himself knows these things. So leave right immediately after me. George, is right behind that door. When he takes your arm, let him. Follow, where he will take you… it will be to safety Tica… I give you my word: as god, is my witness”! On one level, she was re-living this memory inside, at the same time. Only telling Troy about Claude... as a mystery involving drugs and that she found out from Maria, he was cheating on her. Meanwhile the inner movie played its self out and in real life… Yevette, was shaking with the memory of it. Yevette did what Maria had asked and stood right as she did, and hug her new friend good-bye. Possibly forever and there were probably a hundred more things, she would have liked to ask of her. The opportunity never arose and her friend Maria Dorado, walked away and didn’t look back. Yevette was to go in the opposite direction and past the man, who was supposedly following her. For a moment, she considered that Maria had just pulled some sick joke on her, it all seemed so preposterous. Until, she saw the look in the mans eyes that wore that gray shirt. He was evil... she could almost smell it on him. She strolled by and thought she did a fairly good act of not noticing him. He smiled at her on the way by, and she smiled back. As if he were only a mere admirer. As Yevette walked through the door, she felt a tug at her elbow and as Maria had said. She went with the slight pulling, in the direction called for. They rounded a large potted palm plant, and behind it. Was an open door that led to a short hall and through the noisy kitchens. In a heartbeat, they were in a waiting empty taxi with the motor already running. The man she knew was George spoke to her gruffly. “Get in the back and lay on the floor”, in heavily accented English and Yevette, did exactly what she was told. Shivering with fear. The car lurched away and did not speed off, Yevette maybe thought there would be smoking tires and some deal like a Hollywood car chase… Not on this mans detail, they only entered the main road as any other driver would. Within a couple of miles George told her it was safe to get of the floor an sit normally. There were two Airports in this area and both were international. He told Yevette They were going to the one, that was furthest from the hotel. When they arrived, he got out and opened the trunk . Her eyebrows went up, low and behold. Her suitcases were there. George took notice “We have an agent that works the Hacienda”, said by way of explanation, then to add, “this is where I leave you Tica. I would suggest, not going through Miami… go to LA X”. He sort of saluted her and like Maria said, “Via Con Dios Mochacha”, 'go with god little one', got in the car and drove away... Leaving Yevette standing on the curb with her luggage. Feeling, confused and lost. Once she got inside the airport and looking the flight schedules, found that there were a few that left within the hour. Now having time, to have this reality sink in. Yevette began to burn and thoughts of castrating Claude… began to seem, quite reasonable. She was going to take Georges advice, and go to LA X, after all. She did have friends in LA, that would be happy to see her and have her stay awhile. Then the board flash, for connections to Belize. Well at some point, that had been the plan anyway and Yevette already had an open-end ticket. She fished around in her bag until she found it. Went to the desk and, in 45 minutes. Yevette, was on her way to Belize... It not even occurring to her, that Claude. More than probably, had known this. © 2014 Rory CJ FranksonReviews
2 Reviews Added on October 12, 2010 Last Updated on October 26, 2014 Author![]() Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, CanadaAboutIt's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..Writing