Cruising Maligne Lake

Cruising Maligne Lake

A Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson

With the portent of dreams beconing


Yevette must have really had her trucking boots on and covering fast ground, with her thinking about getting to Troy. As she was already walking out of the forest and could see the marina entrance. As she came through the trees at the end of the path. Yevette had figured to meet Troy at the boat, but being a few minuets early. Saw him standing at the entrance, talking to the young guy that worked security there.

As she approach, she could hear a little of what they were talking about and were talking, about the kid witnessing Troy’s hot rodding through the parking lot last night. ‘Ya s**t man, I never saw any thing like that before… does that car go!' To which Troy responded, ‘yep Pony’s real quick, no doubt about that. Should at 650 Horse Power’. And ‘wow’, says the kid, ‘never seen so much smoke, and to drift that figure eight around the lampposts. F**k man, you can really drive’, and as Yevette closed in, heard. ‘Thanks kid, maybe I’ll take you for a ride’. The kids’ eyes go really wide, right at the moment Yevette is noticed by Troy. ‘You serious’, and Troy says ‘you bet’, as he turns to start walking over to Yevette smiling, says over a shoulder, ‘see ya’!

God, the man's cool,’ thought Yevette.

Yevette put down her shoulder pack when Troy got to her, she offered out her arms for a hug and surprised herself. When Troy took her into his arms, she stood on her tippy toes and kissed him, and not shortly on the lips. Which were soft and warm and kissing her, more than tentatively back. When Yevette backed away, she felt her self-color a little and shocked. That she had really done that, and not intending to. What so ever. Yevette only knew, that when she had see him there talking with the kid. Her heart had swelled at the sight of him, and couldn’t wait... to feel his arms around her. “Well good morning… Troy," and couldn’t help but smile at the look on his face to see, that her kissing him. Was just as much a treat for him, as it was in the glow she now felt.

Well a mighty fine way, to start one off… if you ask me there. Yevette”, Troy grinned like a big kid. “Are you ready to start off, on our grand lake adventure?"

Yevette pointed at a fairly large suitcase standing next to the kid... who was still studying them. “Are you kidnapping me and we’re staying there, awhile”?

Troy laughed and light up Yevette’s world, “No I have a few things in there, that I picked up for the O’Grady’s. Kind of presents and stuff really!"

Well Troy, I can tell you. That I really am ready and quite excited. To go out with you and that wonderful boat. As long as you don’t go burning donuts with it, and... do try to act the adult today. My man”! Yevette punched him on the shoulder, then reach down and retrieve her pack. “Let’s go, shall we". As they were off to pick up Troy’s suitcase Yevette wondered again at kissing him and colored, thinking that it’d be nice to do it again. Only this time, not so short in duration? ‘Jeez men.' God, she was watching his butt!

His butt did look really good in those jeans and he was looking fairly nautical, in the wearing of the rest of his gear. He kept looking back over his shoulder at her and was probably thinking, about that small kiss as well. So all that accomplished and Troy, had taken the time to say ‘see ya’ to the kid and again. Promise him to go for a ride in Pony. Yevette figured, that that was very magnanimous of Troy, and could tell. It was only a natural part of his character, and that he would. Take this young man, for a ride he’d never forget!

They started up the dock now side-by-side for Troy to ask, with an earnest tone “did you have good sleep last night, Yevette”? She was going to say yes fine, but that wouldn’t be the truth. An Yevette. Wanted to not put on any phony masks, not for Troy. She needed, to be real.

Actually Troy, I didn’t," she looked over her shoulder at him, as they walked the plank as it were, “I guess, I was having nightmares... again," Yevette shrugged.

Again," Troy’s face kind of taking on a concerned look. “You have them, a lot?"

I wouldn’t say, a lot," Yevette didn’t want to be having this conversation, not just then. “I’m sorry Troy, but could we change the subject!" They were coming up on slip 42a and the boat gently sloshing around in the water, and bumping against its bumpers.

Yes Yevette certainly," he said and put the suitcase and into the back passenger compartment and held out a hand for Yevette to give him her pack. Which of course she did, and he put it in beside his case. “I’m sorry Yevette I didn’t mean to bring up something, to upset you!" He turned to stand directly in front of her and gave her a hug.

Again Yevette surprised her self and gave into her urge and gave Troy, a very long soulful kiss. To feel her eyes tearing and couldn’t help but feel. That Troy... was safety. Troy was warm, delicious and damn… a fine kisser! When she finally pulled away with a long sigh, to say wagging a finger at him “Now, let that be a lesson to you. If you keep bring up topics that are horribly unreasonable… well. You will just get more, of the same!" That said, gave him another small kiss. “now, lets get this boat going," and smiled into his blushing startled astonishment.

Troy just stood there, for a few more seconds staring into Yevette’s eyes, seeming wholly perplexed. “You mean, if I talk about horrible things. You’ll kiss me… like that”?

Well that depends, on how horrible," she wriggled out of his embrace. “Come on Troy, we’re burning the day light here. Let’s go, I want a boat ride and hey. Only good… and I mean like, really good thoughts. For the rest of the day, ok!"

Deal”, he said shaking his head and smiled agreeably to start in, “Ok, I’ll fire her up, and you undo the lines off the davits and shove us off, from the starboard side. Are you ready?"

Aye-aye Captain, ready willing and standing by." To salute and Yevette laughed at the nautical kind of lingo. When the boat rolled over, it was a deep steady V/8 throb. Troy let the engine warm up at idle for a couple minutes, and checked gauges and whatnot. When everything seemed to up to running temperatures, and no problems showing themselves. Gave the thumbs up an yell, “ok Yevette, untie this tub… and kick her off. Let’s do it, Girl!"

Yevette show him she was no stranger to boats and had her lines all undone, in a jiffy and then. Pushed the sleek craft, away from the raft and nimbly step to the deck that separated the driving compartment, from the passenger area. Which in fact, under the double hatch housed the powerful V/8 engine to feel its pulsing throb beneath her. Crawled past Troy and into her side of the cockpit, which actually. Had more room, then there originally appeared to be and got herself settled in and Troy. Already backing away from the raft, into a slow turn looking over his shoulder. That would take them into a delivery channel and out passed the breakwater. Into her actually first trip out onto Maligne Lake in any kind of watercraft, or in fact. Any kind of boat, in some years. Could feel the excitement of it all, beginning to build in her chest in anticipation of its event. With the feel of deja'vu experience looming. Teasing, pushing against surface consciousness closing.

Forced those connections to the background, wishing for only some modicum of normalcy. 'Oh God please,' she prayed, 'allow this to be, as it could be. A man, an outing and a beautiful day!' To feel a quiver of foreboding, shiver through her lower extremities.

Knowing, it wouldn't be... nothing for Yevette Richade, ever was... normal. Ran the continual inner chant, endlessly.

Yevette watched Troy manage the boat, and all his deliberations. Were serious and with care. He gave off an aura of familiarity with boats, and a confidence. Which went with knowledge. “Done this before and quite a lot, haven’t you Troy," she stated loudly to be heard above the boats, throaty deep rumble. Trying hard to ignore those dark premonitory forecasts, killing her. Daily.

Oh ya… you know it." Troy turned to look at her, as they were now passed the breakwater and heading for open lake. Troy left the boat at a ‘blub blub’ idle. So they might talk a mite, before full throttle made that almost impossible. I own a ship Yevette, and maintain a Skipper Captains Oceanic license. She’s called the MV Bowie!" He had one arm casually cocked on the deck behind, as if it were all only everyday stuff, and Yevette. Was, dumbfounded… a ship? “No really she’s 136 ft from bow to stern, and 28ft at the beam and has four decks. It’s where I live Yevette, my Home. I’ve had him now for seven years. Worked on him for four years before that!" Troy operate the boat with calm patience, waiting to have some kind of a response to his revelations.

A ship," and Troy nodded affirmation, “where is it docked," Yevette asked.

In Vancouver, for now”, he smiled at her easily. “I’m thinking to maybe dock in the city of Victoria. When I get this current business over and done with. So yes Yevette, one could say I’ve done this sort of thing, a lot. I also have The Niwot, an 18ft deep V inboard V8 runabout, a ski boat and a Kodiak, which rides with and on… The Bowie's deck." All said, with a measure of pride.

So Troy, you are rich, then?" Yevette was almost unreasonably afraid, of the answer.

Well, you could say that. But, it’s all-relative Yevette. Yes, in the last few years I have done very well. Though it always hasn’t been that way. I have stuff; I have some monies, which I can fart around with. So if I total up the stuff and add it to money and stock. Some people would call it rich. Me? Sometimes, I say. It’s all a pain in the a*s!" Troy looked back forward onto the lake, but kept the boat at an idle. Yevette thought, he didn’t look happy and this was turning into a rather convoluted ordeal they’re meeting. Her present attitude an vibe, maybe wasn't helping any.

Yet now Yevette was starting to get a feel, for the motion of the boat, the sights and sounds of its watery travelings, and she looked about at the beautiful scenery for a moment. Thinking some about what Troy had just revealed, and thought. That it will be a very interesting kind of story. When it all comes out, if it actually did. Then thought, ‘time to change gears’, and turned to ask him. “How long will it take us Troy, to reach the Lodge," his facial expression. Hadn’t changed much. Still looking like, inner disturbing thoughts.

Huh”, he said, confirming it. “Oh, well when I open her up something a little under an hour, I would say. We have to cover some forty miles of lake and today. We’ll make good time, look," he nodded, “the waters almost as smooth as glass. Mostly always is, at this time of the morning," he said with some authority and again to smile.

Yevette could see that getting him to talk on present situations helped, so yelled, “well Troy open this Baby up and let’s see what we have, shall we?" That got a big grin.

You got it", with his demeanor radiating excitement and a determined control of the sliding throttle handle. Troy steadily started to add fuel to the fire of the boats big V/8. The growing rumble started to permeate the whole boat with sound and vibration. As the long speedsters nose started coming up out of the water and at about three quarter throttle, Troy turned to Yevette and yelled. “These kinds of boats, don’t plain Yevette. They kind of knife their way, through the water,” he explained enthusiastically and after a short revelatory, pause said. “But watch this." He took the throttle up steadily and then pushed a button on the dash and there was a whining noise. Which pushed the nose down some. Then the whole boat, seemed to lift right out of the water. Troy then pushed the throttle all the way to the nut and the boat. Now was seeming to fly above the water and the throb and vibrations of sheer power. Were nothing short of spectacular.

It’s a Hydrofoil, Yevette!" Really having to yell over and above the thunder of the boat “Cool, huh!" There, the little kid grin appeared. What ever a hydrofoil was, it made for a really sooth ride right over that water. She watched it rush on by awhile, thinking she wasn’t entirely stupid and did have some idea, of what a hydrofoil might be. And, it was cool. The thunder. The feel and sound as the water rush past under the hull. Anyway, the long and short of it was technical stuff didn’t matter to her. The ride exhilaration did, its wild wind blowing through her hair. Blowing away her concerns, Yvette letting out a hand over the side, an feel the familiar chill splashed droplets spray. From the prow knifing through crystal clear waters. Now that they were on their way and this, was a boat ride to be experienced. Two days ago. Yevette really had no idea she would be out on the lake doing this, with the same man. She'd seen go past her on her point! The dream came, like an an experienced reality repeated, remembered... experienced.

Déjà vu

And right then they round a point. Troy’s arm pointed out to the right, as she knew it would. Yevette looked out into the indicated direction and, with a sharp thrill. Recognized it was her point and just as they’d come around. A huge Stag, raised his majestic head away from the lake and its morning drink of water. Yevette thought he would turn and run from the racket. The boat echoed across the lake, but he didn’t… his majestic head and rack of antler, just turned with the boat and watched them motor on by and then bow down to drink his fill and, was gone. As the point rounded yet another turn, it struck Yevette then her déjà vu a portent and had dreamed about doing just this. On the lake, in this boat. With… this man Troy. It went through her soul just then. Like an electric shock, it was the vision of the Stag; an almost mystic kind of recognition, or telling...

Logo symmetry, of dimensional transfer

Cutting like a partition, through her. A curtain lifted, on some other truth... to see, to see?

Troy, is The Stag. The flavoured meaning of which elude her, in its pseudo immensity...

Troy suddenly yelled, “God Yevette, that was awesome… wasn’t he. Beautiful?"

Her enlightening revelatory type thought pop, broken and somehow. Evaporating, into mist! Like the Stag leaps, and disappears into, the primal mists of time. It fled from her, though dense forests musk an moss. Zig zag its way, bounding between ancient trees and the dream. Was gone.

Yevette, only nod thinking, ‘yes Troy... he was, like you somehow’, and, with a secondary glance. Like a momentary, flash. Looked to her just then to be like some larger than life Knight of Legend and The Stag... Troy's coat of arms? That one aspect lingered and float through, unbidden.

Yevette knew instinctively, that his character was like that somehow and she could see. This man had something, which few men had. Yevette could right then feel it; Troy Daniel Farrell had a destiny. Some god given type purpose to fulfill in his lifetime. The man was deep and his thoughts at times, torture his soul. Till the right path found and... right now. It was as if she could read him, like a book. Like nothing, could be held back from her. Right then... Troy looked toward her, with a truly odd look on his face and visibly. Shivered through, a something.

You have to stop thatyou know!" Troy grinned sheepishly, through the wind in his hair.

What” said Yevette “stop, like what," a finger hooking out her hair, trying to fill her mouth from the wind. Whipping around the windshield, like the thoughts in her mind.

Like, a Pantherwho’s about to eat me," he laughed throwing his head back with real humorous intent, and then. Returning to his serious navigation's of that all out cruiser.

It was the weirdest feeling, seeing that Stag… and then, right afterward. Yevette had been staring almost right through me. I was just keeping track of the boats direction, checking gauges and the like, making sure oil and temperatures were in the right zones. Then, something of a premonition. Just shivers its way through me, and I look over and Yevette is studying me. God, there she was glowing again, and her eyes. Her emerald green eyes, sparking some kind of real mystery. Something really old, lived there. In those eyes!

Had to say, she was freaking me out some. Hell, everything about Yevette freaked me out... a lot. Her kissing me earlier at the marina was a shock and I was trying to take all this, really slow. The first kiss was one thing, like real nice. Sweet. The second Yevette kissing me, was with actual passion and like being attached… to a real live wire. Man I thought I might pass right out, not that I’m complaining mind. I mean who would, the woman is really gorgeous. At least to me anyway... and like the woman, I’d always pictured to spend the rest of my life with. A bit early, to be thinking these thoughts, but damn it all. I was. God, help me!

When I was with her, it was like I’d known her all of my life. Not like just had met her, like yesterday. What was up with that, I wanted her to know everything about me, and hold nothing back and that look. That Yevette had going on, was like that.

Like she could read my mind ! It was outright spooky.

Yet it now looked as if Yevette were enjoying the boat ride and in a half hour or so.

I was going to stop at a beach, I’d seen on the way down. The last time I was at the lodge and Ben, had graciously given me the use of this boat. From that ride, I knew that after a while at full tilt the noise and vibrations of this speedster. Could really get to you. So I figured, it would be a good idea to have packed some grub and some small things. To munch on at that beach, which was roughly about halfway. From our destination.

I looked over at Yevette and she turned as I did, and smiled. We didn’t say anything, didn’t have to. It was all covered, in that smile. It wasn’t rather easy to hold conversation, when this boat ran at full throttle. So Yevette just turned and went back to watching the lakes beautiful mountain scenery go by. The boat itself, didn’t require that much attention either. So I just watched her for a while. Easy enough thing to do, I might add…

Then got to thinking about the night before at the restaurant, with Mr. Chong. Yevette, had gone to the restroom and Mr. Chong. To have given me a certain look, and a look . That I was familiar with, like he was about to pass to me. Some wisdom. Which, this honorable Old Guy has a lot of. So I bent to him my full attention, and I can’t say I understood a lot of what he imparted to me. But I caught the gist of it I think, and some of it. He'd put, in a very strange way...

We hadn't a lot of time before Yevette came back from the ladies room, and he’d asked. “This woman Troy-son, which you are with. Have you known her long?" I’d admitted, that I’d only really met her that day. His eyebrows went up at that, and his he'd gotten an astonished look. Like it was a surprise to him and went on in a serious vein, leaning into the table. “I must tell you Mr. Troy, that this child. Do you know, that she is surrounded by very powerful ‘Chi’ forces and that her life. Is really very complex and, quite possibly… perilous. To the balance of things. Mr. Troy!"

He gently rubbed the sides of his teacup before continuing. “There is something, very dark I feel and, it is hiding within her. And My Son, something has forced it… to be there!" His fist pounded on the table in emphasis, and the not so frail Old Guy. Had studied me hard to be sure. I was taking him seriously, and for some time. To then with some passion come out with, “this is true, Mr. Troy. Do not take, what I am telling you lightly, please. I see that you must be straight, and hard. Like the bamboo staff. There is in some way, for you to be engaged in combat. Just how, or why… I do not know. But if you continue, on her path with her. It will come. It is coming, already on the way! It is Tong, and very, very bad Mr. Troy I see a daemon, and it searches for her.

Seeking its way, into your here... and now!"

At this, he looked again. More than troubled into his tea, swirled it once and then flipped it over onto his saucer. He’d studied the result there of, and shook his head. From side to side slowly, “Ah Mr. Troy." The way he’d said that, had sent shivers up and down my spine. “Pay attention to this. It is very important. I tell you now be vigilant, watchful. For your life, may well depend upon it. There are things, which you are already involved in, and I felt them. The last time you visited me. These forces at this time, wish you no harm. But in a heartbeat, can turn on you like a snake. Also, that I know Mr. Troy. That you are an honest man, and in certain ways. You must not lose that, which you are! These strengths, which you have. Will sustain you, when needed the most. But only if you follow. The right hand path... if this power. That’s coming. Tricks you, into its path... you will lose your soul forever, and. This My Son, would sadden me... greatly”. At that, he reached over to pat me on the shoulder, and offer a thin smile. “You know that I like you Mr. Troy. Be Cautious and act, as the Dragon would. When need be!"

By that time. Yevette, was on her way back to the table. When I tried to pay Mr. Chong for our delicious dinner, he himself had prepared. He’d refused. He then spent some little time, talking with Yevette about a thing, like mine… looking, very serious. The odd part was, no matter what. I couldn’t hear just what it was Mr. Chong was telling her.

When he was finished, it was like Yevette was real sleepy and her eyelids fluttering with her fighting, to not go to sleep. Right there at the table. I announced that we had to go, and Mr. Chong walked with us, to the door. When we got there, he gently said his goodbyes and then stated with real conviction. “The Dragon will help you, Troy my boy. The fire inside you, will come when... called. The ancestors, have blessed you in this meeting; you will do what is needed, and when it is right. You will act, with the strength of the bamboo. Strike hard, Mr. Troy. The enemy, is strong swift and… deadly. This woman, will need you My Second Son”… and with his small eyes glowing deadly serious said, “ To be... the Warrior, I prepared you for!"

I looked to Yevette to see what she thought of all that and, Yevette. Was standing there... asleep. I shook her arm and she didn’t wake up, but when I walked her to the car she followed. I put her in her seat and still, she didn’t wake up. It was then I knew, that Mr. Chong had put some kind of Herb in her tea. To give her rest and probably. Dreams! This, something Troy. Knew all about.

Yevette slept all the way back to the Hotel, and when we got there, I didn’t know where she lived. I shook her to ask and she looked up and pointed across the parking lot. I drove to where she’d pointed and asked again and Yevette, slurred out 119 first floor. The numbers of the suites were lite up, and we just happened to be right in front of hers. She’d heard the doors go up and fished keys out of her purse, to hand them to me. Still thinking over Mr. Chong's talk. It now being the end of a meeting. That had more than, strange twists in it. It was something. Other.

I walked her to the door and she leaned against the wall, gently snoring? God snoring. I couldn’t believe it! But it was really soft, and sort of sexy. In a weird way. I entered and found a light switch and when the lights come on. I could see, it was compact and very tidily kept apartment. There was a place for everything, and everything had its place. I walked her into the only door, which could be a bedroom. Turned on the light and Yevette, was just pealing off her cloths on the way by. I was trying to ignore this, but of course did note. That Yevette had a very nice body. I thought if she gets right naked, I’d just leave... but she only got down to her bra and panties. To pull back the covers and climb in and wriggle around, to make comfortable her nest.

Goodnight Troy," she’d said and held out her arms, “come... kiss me good night. ‘K’?" So I did and bent over that sweet smell, of Lilies in Springtime. Kissed her on the cheek, tucked the covers up around her shoulders and smoothed fingers. Through her hair and say softly, “goodnight Yevette. My beautiful... Waitress”, she sighed a sweet smile, through her edges of slumber and...

"I left! To not get a whole lot of sleep and plenty of time for meditation. My day'd arrived As my Sensei, had always adamantly said... it would.

When, I'd least expect it...

© 2014 Rory CJ Frankson

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More and more interesting and gripping, ...and so wonderfully mysterious! Can't wait to read on.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 11, 2010
Last Updated on October 24, 2014


Rory CJ Frankson
Rory CJ Frankson

Vernon, British Colombia, Canada

It's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..
