![]() A well deserved HolidayA Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson![]() And creeping horror from Belise![]() Yevette smiled, at the fond memory and there was now only an hour before she was to meet Troy, on the dock at the marina and skip out on work. For their boat ride up the lake to Teal Haven Lodge. She could have phoned and told Martin her manager, but that wasn’t Yevette’s style... but then. Neither was lying to him. In the more than a year, that Yevette had worked in the restaurant. She felt she had worked her a*s off, had pulled extra shifts, worked over time and… besides which, if push came to shove. Had her ace in the hole… Geralde. Yes, pretty much everyone knew, that much at least, Yevette was well favored by his Lordship, and that this waif of a girl had never as much as used this personal relationship, in any way shape or form. To get any kind of special type treatment, then she already had. Well this morning she might. If Martin… decided, to be a dick-head. In fact, Yevette was feeling rather reckless. She was going down there, and for the making real of her announcement. That Yevette Rose-Marie Cartier Richade was going to take a week off! And, why not… she had it coming to her, and it was pre-season. Although the Hotel was always busy. Yet now, was probably their slowest time of the year and a lot of the staff taken holidays in the spring. Yet this announcement could pose real problems, as far as Martin was concerned. As he always took it too much for granted, that she would out of the kindness of her heart. Be filling in those personnel slots, for him. Well… not this time! Most all of what Yevette was now thinking up, was on the fly. In the past she’d quite many a job, just like this. To bugger off to wherever with Claude, but just to think of her long-term ex-boyfriend. Gave Yevette a pain in her chest and leave her, with an empty hollow feeling. So she consciously changed the direction of her scheming and almost immediately. Those things, were relegated to her past. Her painful thoughts needs be done for this day, it was now onward to new and better things. For Yevette Richade. Yes in deedy and May all the blessed saints’ of heaven... help her out! Troy Daniel Farrell, was certainly one of those new things and it was a hard deal for her. To even choose one something, in their yesterday which was any more special than another. It had all been a sort of pinnacle kind of meeting and almost magical. In its pure kind of unfolding. If some-what... disconcerting, in some ways. Yet, maybe what she’d enjoyed the most, was their mostly adult evening in that strange Chinese restaurant and even being joined by the Old Chinese Man. Was in its own way, pretty cool. Obviously, Troy invested quite a lot of respect in most of everything, he’d had to say. Anyway, Yevette wasn’t really even listening to what they were discussing, she was studying Troy the man and the manner in which he conducted himself. At that point… had thought, maybe he did glow? The rest of their conversations for the evening were mainly being about Troy. His work, and according to him. The wonderful the people, they were going to meet with today. His observations about people and their attributes, were totally amazing. When he was talking about the many qualities of the O’ Grady’s, it was as though Yevette could see them right before her and talked honestly. About some of the feelings he had about this business deal with them, good and bad. The one thing that Yevette noticed, was that he’d talked very little about his past. After his giving her his leather and all and talking about his bike, and whatnot. She had maybe thought, that he might get into all that, but that didn’t turn out be the case and he didn’t at all. He pretty much kept his meanderings, as things that were current to his world… so she felt, that if things continued. That in time, that would possibly come. Was that his style? Yevette was feeling like. She really couldn’t read that one. After the evening at the restaurant and the days somewhat strange activities, Yevette had been by then utterly drained and as soon as Pony, hit his highway stride… Yevette was fast asleep and stayed that way. Until she vaguely remembered Troy, waking her up in the back parking lot at The Hotel. That part of the evening was sort of unclear and as well as, just how she was getting into her apartment and falling into bed? She wrote that off and thought about Troy’s more than cool car, Pony. Now there was a topic. What a neat ride, there were almost too many tricked out things Troy had done to that Rod. As Yevette had gathered the last of the junk she would need for the day, and head out the door. She was thinking about how to get Troy, to let her drive that wicked ride and imagining the feel of all that power beneath her control. It may even be as good as the experience she’d had with a Replica 429 Shelby Cobra and as the door swung and shut locked behind her, she thought… well maybe? That Shelby’d be a hard one to beat, in the histories of Yevette’s Hot Rodding's collected memories of fast cars. As she walked toward her meeting with Martin, she breathed in the fresh morning air and felt it was going to turn out to be another gorgeous day. Yevette smiled at her early morning’s sunshine. The birds already singing and hopping about hunting the breakfast, on the deep green lawns. That surrounded the parking lot of their staff quarters, with their beautifully sculpted flowerbeds. The smells of all the spring flowers seem to be full of promise and as she walked the short three-minute walk, to the back of the kitchens. The excitement that Yevette was feeling, felt as though to throb right through her and the day. Took on a wondrous golden glow, all round the edges of things. Other Hotels staff, on their way to work the same shift as Yevette normally worked waved and smiled their hellos and no one. Seeming to be in any great hurry to be leaving the sunshine behind… and begin, another day in their routine toil. Not her, she wouldn’t be there long, or so she hoped. After going in through the back entrance, she followed a routine route. That was known so well to her, as to be taken almost unconsciously. With the clatter of the kitchens, revving up to meet its service, dodging the mayhem of staff. Darting through the deeds needing to be set into order, the smells and sounds… of work. Yevette in her own way really loved working here, for her it was never something that she dreaded. Well, not yet at any rate. Maybe after this talk she was on her way to having, with Martin? But she had left early allowing him the time, to hear what she had to say and make some decision about her… no, not request. Demand! For time off. She was in luck, Martin was in his small office and she knocked on the sill of the open doorway, and announced. “Morning Martin!" “Hey Yevette"! He looked up from his computer screen, and smiled. "What brings you in so early. You’re not due to start, for another hour”. His facial expression, shifting into one of concern, “is everything, all right?" This overall type of real concerns like this, was something she’d never really seen in Martin. This wasn’t his looking to her a*s kind of Manager? This was true human concern, she felt coming from her boss and with her feeling somewhat baffled. He continued to say in that type vein, “after yesterday Yevette and the way that you’d left. I was really very concerned, are there problems from home?" Yevette thought a moment,” Well no, it’s not anything like that really. Although it was to me somewhat, of a real and urgent concern”, she replied and quickly tried to plot out. Just what of this, she could relay to a man. Not a friend. ‘Well’, she thought, ‘got to say something’, as Martin had gotten up from behind his desk and sitting on its side edge, waiting patiently. With a very intense study of her presence on his face. So she began, "I had got that phone call yesterday, from Belize. You know, the one that you’d come and gotten me for. That had come in from the front desk?" Again Martin’s face changed expression and he interrupted her before she could carry on, and he looked really puzzled. “What call Yevette, from Belize you say… and I came and got you?" Now Martin looked thoroughly perplexed and he shifted uncomfortably, on his desktop. Yevette studied him, not believing he couldn’t remember. “Yes, you know right after lunch. You came and told me… I had a long distance phone call, from Belize”! “There was no call that came here to the restaurant yesterday, Yevette… and certainly. Not one from Belize. I’m sure I’d remember something like that!" Martin considered this a second, then added thoughtfully. “You could check with the front desk Yevette. I’m sure, if there were a long distance call from Belize. They would have a record of it?" At that point, he came over to Yevette to touch her shoulder worriedly and ask uncharacteristically kind, “Is everything alright Yevette. You look white as a ghost, and you’re trembling”, looked down right into her eyes searching, looking really concerned. Yevette drew a complete blank, there was a total memory of her meeting with Martin about that call. Going to the front desk and on a side phone, listening to the very weird crackling message. That came to her, from the other end. The phone call being from, Madame Chandelle Le Fontaine and her. Giving some cryptic message of caution and of new bones, and… a ghost. Walking the graveyard of the dammed? Yevette’s, real sense of confusion. When she had tried to ask questions of Chandelle. About her strange cryptic message. But it seemed, to be only a one-way kind of connection. Yevette now feeling a little panicked. As Martin was still waiting and exhibiting those oddly concerned, compassionate looks. How could she explain, all of that to him? Martin’d broken the awkward stand off, as Yevette. Could think of nothing to say about her odd revelation, being had. He came out with a statement, that didn’t help any. “I’m glad that you did come in, early today Yevette. I was going to take you aside and talk to you, about yesterday anyway”! His over all troubled look, unchanged. “Oh?", was all Yevette could manage in response. “Yes, I don’t know about a call from Belize Yevette but right after lunch. You’d caught my attention, walking into the back of the kitchen, and I don’t know. What it was I felt. I just knew, that you looked…well odd?" He paused for a moment and looked as though he was thinking, about how to proceed. Then nodded to him self, to continue. “I was in the middle of doing something and had thought maybe, you’d gone back there to get some supplies. I remember thinking that you had been gone some time and decided to go have a look." Again, Martin took a pause and seemed to gather courage to go on. “Martin… I don’t remember, any of that?" He held up a quick hand. “Let me finish, Yevette”, she nodded and Martin, went on with his disclosure. “I checked all the places, that you might be. Like the coolers, dry storage and the like. You were in none of those places, and I was beginning to wonder. If you’d gotten past me in some way and as I was going to head back out to the front… I heard a noise. Coming from the janitorial closet. I hardly thought that you’d be in there, but opened the door anyway and, there you were. Standing in the middle of the room. The light wasn’t even on. I asked why you were standing in there in the dark and you didn’t answer me. I turned on the light and of course, you started at the change. Held out a hand, and were blinking." “What are you saying Martin, none of that happened? I was”, Yevette didn’t get a chance to go any further, and Martin. Was shaking his head and impatient to go on. “You had quite scared me, Yevette. It was like somehow… you were not there. A couple times I tried to ask you questions. But you wouldn’t answer; you were shaking like a leaf all over, and all really pale. Like you’d seen a ghost, and mumbling. I only really caught one phrase about bones, something. Walking in the damned… or something like it?" Martin actually shivered, and went on, “Then, you seemed to snap out of it, and seen me, and caught both of my arms and I mean, in some grip Yevette. To say something to effect of, ‘Oh God, Oh God I’ve got to go. I’ve got go’! I asked you where you had to go Yevette but you let me go and just ran off… like your house, was on fire?" Yevette’s hands were shaking, uncontrollably. How was it that she had a whole different vision of the day before and had those events. Which were so clear in her mind? “I’m sorry Martin, this is a bit of a revelation for me to try and take in. I don’t recall anything of the way, you have put it to me. Or how things apparently really took place!" Martin went back to leaning against his desk and Yevette could feel that now it was said he felt better, although. Still puzzled by it all. “I do believe you though, and think that probably, it did happen just that way. I can’t really go into it with you, Martin. Belize and, what happened to me there… was pretty traumatic, and it’s taking me a good deal of time. To actually get over it!" And... not, be thinking of it. This, very minute. He looked extremely interested and, that he would like to know more. But Yevette knew, that just wasn’t possible, “Again Martin… I’m sorry for what took place yesterday, and that there is not more. That I could tell you that would explain it. There isn’t… and in many ways, I don’t understand it all myself!" Yevette hoped that that would do and she could move on, to asking Martin for time off. The small office was beginning to close in on her. So really, if this didn’t happen soon. It might be a repeat, of the day before. To run from this meeting screaming. “So really Martin, I am having difficulties and I need to ask a favor and… aside, from what you’ve told me. It’s the reason, I came in early today." “All right, Yevette. Whatever you need, shoot!" He crossed his arms and nodded for her to tell him, just what it was she had come for. His body language said, that he wasn’t going to put any resistance to her request, and Yevette. Felt a new respect for Martin Cross today. She had seen another part of the man, which she didn’t think existed. A caring one... ‘but let’s see, how he swallows this one’, she thought. Now the hard part and Yevette. Felt sheepish to begin, but that was just the way it need be done. So, just jumped in with both feet. “I need to take some time off, Martin! I was thinking in the way of a week”, Martins eyebrows went up and his eyes went wide. ‘Oh s**t’, thought Yevette it didn’t look good. So she forced herself to go on. “Really Martin since I’ve started here, I’ve worked my a*s off and”… Martin, interrupted her. “Whoa, whoa Yevette you don’t have to defend. What and how, you have worked here. Not with me. In fact, I was surprised when you mentioned time off. Because that’s just what I had in mind, was to take you aside and suggest”, it was Yevette’s turn to act all surprised, by the turn in negotiations. “Not only that. I wanted to tell you, just how much that you are appreciated here. Aside from suggesting that you take some time off. I’ve already discussed this, with the Kitchen Manager. Yevette when you get back from what appears to be… a needed rest. We would like you to consider, the position of Assistant Manager, under me! Wendy is leaving, and has a new job in Calgary and everyone agrees Yevette. That this job, should go to you.” Yevette was having a hard time believing just what it was she was hearing. Martin smiled at her, and moved on. “The other staff were all asked individually, and bar none. All agreed, that they thought that you deserved it!" “Well," Yevette said, coloring some. “This, is totally unexpected Martin. And, I have to say. That I am flattered, and moved. That everyone has recommended me for this position. I know that my job description, will be quite different. I would imagine that I would be given some time, and leeway. To learn just what those details, may be”, she looked to Martin, and he nodded that. That would be the case. ‘Well, as you’ve stated, when I come back, I could consider taking this offered position, and Martin. When I come back, after due consideration. I will let you know just what that decision, may be!" Yevette stood and offered Martin her hand, he shook it warmly with a nod and smile, “is there anything else… we really need to discuss. Mr Cross?" “No Yevette that about covers it. So really, enjoy your break and get some R&R!" Again, Martin gave her an uncommon smile. Which for the first time didn’t make her feel uncomfortable. Yevette knew, that which was put forward today was professional and had no strings attached. Martin finished with, “now get out of here, I’ve got work to do!" As Yevette was making her way back out into the sunshine. She went back over in her mind. Just how all of that back there, had transpired. She didn’t quite know how, she should feel about it. Martin telling her about being in the dark of the janitor closet… was really unsettling. That the whole other scene that she’d thought, happened. Didn’t? Well, what could be said about that. Some of it, like asking Madame Chandelle questions and not, getting any response? Well that could be explained, if there never was a phone call to begin with. She didn’t even bother going to the front desk, to ask about the call. Because in her heart. She knew, there wasn’t one. What had truly taken her by surprise, was Martin’s offer of a new position and that he was going to offer her time off, anyway. Again, that Martin was showing some new side of himself; maybe he wasn’t the pervert. She’d taken him to be. The kitchen complex and noises were running out, and being left behind. For a while, and the feeling of release. Was really quite incredible to feel. I’m free’, she thought on leaving the area. Where normally there’d be a whole shift to work it’s way through. The meeting with Martin, hadn’t even taken as long as she thought it might, so the walk to the marina. Could be taken at a leisurely pace, and just enjoy.... for herself. Another beautiful spring day. With the world of creation shining on her and to experience its wonders, all to herself this small measure of nature. In solitude. The hotel grounds were always a pleasure for Yevette the care of the gardens taken, was reflected in a more park like setting then just an ordinary commercial type enterprise. Of course, with the history of the Hotel Fairview and its grand beginnings had to be manifest and, it was. The surrounding natural forest, was very much integrated into the cultivated grounds and gardens, and as Yevette strolled through the paths. Marveled at the natural beauty of it all. The warm sun on her face. Felt delicious, the smell of the flowers and fresh mountain air, and primeval forest. The singing the birds, the pleased expressions on all the faces that she passed. Many had waved or nodded, or actually said good morning. Said, that they too knew that this was a special place in the grandeur of The Rockies, and a more than wonderful day. For being there. She left the grounds and started on the path that would bring her to the marina and Yevette’s thoughts now, began moving toward her meeting again with Troy. Even to have just the mere thought of him, she felt her heart start a bubbling with an expectant kind of joy and could see him smiling in her minds eye. What was it about this man, which she felt was so strangely familiar? Like she should have known him all her life, or giggled to herself. Maybe she had, in some past life? Well that had almost given her a shock, ‘whoa Yevette’, she thought, ‘lets not go there. That’s just a little too weird, to contemplate’! Some part of her said, ‘why, those things just may be real’ and Yevette… wasn’t, listening. © 2014 Rory CJ Frankson |
1 Review Added on October 10, 2010 Last Updated on October 24, 2014 Author![]() Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, CanadaAboutIt's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..Writing