Gourmet Delights

Gourmet Delights

A Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson

Grumblies claim the best and not so best of dinner



      Yevettes exersize, began to unfold again its sequence.

      There came a long series of real historic type lessons to be informed by Sir Geralde Ballanger, that most of the rooms on the sixth floor. Were all apartment like suites reserved, for only the richest most important of the Hotels Clients and the most elaborate of them. Well. It belonged, to this man... Marquis Geralde S. de Ballanger. It was his royalties, crowning corner suite!

Yevette on her way to finding all this out. Before her chance at a course of dinner and this lovable older Gentleman, would reveal these very personal things to her. And it was a virtual cornucopia of due facts about his family’s long lustrous and gallant historical event, with its unfolding prestige and influence in the history of France. While going in between minuscule short walks, in visual studies of artifacts. Paintings and furniture pieces, no details were given of the why in it and Yevette supposed. It were for him a way to toddle and talk, about his families long Histories and the general important details. To the significances there of and, all in all. She found that Geralde’s family stuff, really was interesting for her in a very relevant way. Eventually.

Finally the topic turned, as they made their way along the long hall with its Two Bends. And, it was extravagant to the extreme with Geralde pointing out, the where and why of it all. It was again, the same Persian Carpeting as the staircases covering the Maple hard wood floors, polished to a mirror finish. The gallant paintings, classic copies mind and mostly of the impressionist period. Hung, by some professional elite galleries and with track lighting, that was decidedly modern. The furnishings in the hallway were all mostly antiques, purchased she was told by professional buyers and most of these being old French provincial pieces, and Yevette. Needn’t have speculated who had been responsible for that, in deed as they moved ever so slowly along the hall. Geralde pointed to pieces he himself purchased and had them shipped over from Europe, to take their place. In this most hallowed of Hall, with Two Bends.

That statement kept coming up and Yevette asked. “Just what is this hallway thing, and just what does it mean… this. Hallway, with Two Bends”? Well now, Yevette was in for a rather exceedingly long, Architectural Engineering lesson. The North wing of the Hotel, was built over hard ground to construct over. Without a major amount of costly excavation and dynamite blasting, through solid granite. So, an ingenious alternative was developed and they followed the natural S curve in the landscape and saved half the work and a lot of money. The result, was a six story gentle curving S shape with the addition of the three towered turrets like battlements. It turned out as well, to offer guests different vistas of the mountainous surround, and all the suites... in this architectural style. Laid out, in their subtly different shaped floor plans.

They integrated these design elements into the long Hall, with Two Bends on the sixth floor. Geralde showed Yevette one of four small meeting areas, made for guests on this floor. To visit each other for beverages, play cards or just a spot to get away and read a book, or possibly. Just sit in a comfortable chair and look out at the vistas out of floor to ceiling windows. That covered the outside walls of these four alcoves. Yevette was shown a detail of a thing noted, from out in the garden outside; she had noticed this strange window arrangement. While talking that morning, with Geralde. And now noted, that the north wings S curve, was not that recognizable from the grounds of the near exterior. It being covered in climbing Ivy and guessed. That you wouldn’t, unless you knew about it or being pointed out to you, as indeed it was. In minute detail.

Well at that point, finally Yevette could take no more. This wonderful tour was all fine and good, but… she interrupted Geralde Ballanger’s current dialog. To plead, in exceedingly formal courtly Parisian French, “please kind sir, for the foppery I’m about to convince you of. Yet, if you could find it in your heart to forgive, this horrid display of indecent manners”, Yevette needn’t fain the ravaging hunger displayed, in her countenance continued, “if you don’t feed me, kind Sir, I will faint away, and die. Right here in your precious hallway with Two Bends…of real and hopeless. Hunger, and, like in the movies. Put a delicate hand, to a worried forehead. As though to faint dramatically away, moan pathetically and peek out from under a hand at a stunned benefactor. Trying hard not to laugh, at the horribly guilty look frozen, upon her hosts face. Well, her formally elegant speech, and a bit of released laughter. Speed things right along, and Yevette… having to console, poor Geralde. As he fervently made copious apologies to his precious ward about old age, and losing himself to the things that captivated his attentions. His rambling on about history and family, being his favorite topics and quite forgetting about everything else.

Him, generally pleading hopelessness. Which of course, Yevette graciously accepted.

They now, moved with some speed toward the end of the long Hall with Two Bends, and Geralde. Had finally seemed to have made sufficient verbal recompense and was again smiling, and trying not to talk too much about the things they passed. When he looked as though to slow and talk about more on those things passed. He’d kindly allowed Yevette, to pull him persistently but gently along by a reluctant elbow... to their eventual desired destination.

Till finally, they arrived at Marquis de Ballanger’s domain and entered through one of its two huge ornately decorated hardwood paneled doors. This suite, was in the corner most part of the hotel closest to the lake, and the last suite at the end of that hall. Which was in one of the three six story circular tower turrets, with its battlement like crown right above this apartment and indeed. There was a circular stair that led to that roof top view, and pointed out as they passed it… Yevette having to talk Geralde, out of taking her up there right then. To do just that!

As she would have guessed, Geralde’s suite was full to over flowing with French provincial antiques, art and historical artifacts... of all kinds. Every possible space, was filled to overflowing with stacked books and bookcases. There were several comfortable reading locations, placed about. With large wing-back chairs and accompanied, by side tables and Art Deco lamps. Her marveling at the eclectic composition of it all, with the mixed period Artwork and hundreds of porcelain vases of all sizes, tiny brass soldier figurines in battle formations, and quite a number of interesting antique clocks. It would be have been hard to gauge the worth of all these treasures; just the quality of the Persian throw carpets alone covering the hard wood floors, would be worth a Kings Ransom.

In one corner of what couldn’t be any thing other, than Geralde’s working office space and, one of the largest desks. She’d ever seen. This beautiful desk, being piled high with loose papers and open books lying open on their spines and a large magnifying glass, with some artifacts. Maybe, currently being studied with. Yevette picked it up and gave it a try, it was amazing the amount of detail that was then immediately apparent on the ornate dagger. She'd chosen off the desk, to view under the glass. Admiring the rune like lettering along its razor sharp blade.

To the one side of the desk, was a large free standing black board. In its antique wooden frame and filled with chalked notes, in perfect lines. All in French, and Yevette spent some time reading this historical genealogical study of French Royalty. With real and sincere interest.

Geralde, had left her to wonder snooping around his suite looking at his treasures. As he’d excused him self to go off into the kitchen, and begin on their Dinner. Yevette had almost thought, that he would have just ordered down to the kitchens for their meal and, on saying this. He’d just laughed, to say. “Ah no, this, would not do. You see, I am a fairly accomplished French Chef. All in my own right”, he’d assured her and with aplomb. To add, “of this my little Sparrow, you shall soon see. And, I assure you. That it will dazzle your poor starved, taste buds”! To tweak her cheek impishly, laugh happily and off he went. To work on his Gastronomic French Masterpiece. Leaving Yevette… to her treasured compulsive snooping, for interests sake.

The food when it arrived, was excellent and totally lived up to Geralde’s boasts. Geralde had made a fresh garden salad with light vinaigrette; the main course was Veal Cordon Bleu in a delicious brown sauce, small French roast potatoes surrounded by snow peas and baby carrots in a kind of white wine sauce, with el Dante cauliflower and broccoli. In the dinning area was a huge circular Maple table, right at the very front of the suite with its wrap around almost floor to ceiling windows. The view of the gardens grounds and of course the lake and surrounding mountains, from this sixth floor viewpoint were with out doubt, spectacular. All the dinner already lay out on that table, when he’d come to pull Yevette away from the wonder that was written upon that black board, to say. “Yes, yes Yevette I know that this is all very quite interesting, to be sure… but my dear. I was under the impression. That you, were ravishingly hungry”?

Yevette, now that her concentration was broken away from histories. Smelled the heavenly aromas, that came wafting in from the adjoining dinning room and... immediately, quit her reading material and just followed her nose. Into what was that huge circular table, immaculately set and before her spread out enough fine cuisine. To feed, an army...

A thoroughly wondrous sight, for one hungry French girl!

Her eyes hugely round and poor tortured tummy, growling. Yevette hurried to a spot that she figured could be hers, as they were both settings were identical, and. Set to…the feed. One did not get in the way, of this ravished woman. Where food was involved, and the gratifying demand for nourishment, being at hand... lost herself. To the feed frenzy.

It wasn’t till half the way through her meal, that Yevette. Started to really taste what was actually, very superior gastronomy. And not fit for the horrible sort of gluttony, which she was exhibiting and subjecting, her noble dinner partner. To a display there-of! She looked up to smile at her host, her face flaming embarrassment and brown sauce... dripping off the end of her chin. Suddenly, Yevette felt like a pig feeding at the trough. Maybe, she should just ‘oink’ and get it over with. She was horribly... embarrassed! To wipe at her chin with a linen napkin.

Apparently, the Marquis was quite taken with the spectacle of Yevette in full bore pursuit, of filling the angry hole. Which was that growling tummy of hers. Geralde, after a short pause to chuckle, made the observation, “well... it would appear as though my little sparrow. Is in deed, enjoying her meal”, Yevette about to make apologies and Geralde, held up a hand, “say nothing, my sweet”. To let out a belly laugh and took a moment to compose himself, before he could continue. “I’ve not seen anyone, enjoy my fair with quite so much delicious enthusiasm. As you dear Yevette. Exhibit here at my table”! He reached for and buttered a bun, “a rare treat and, do please continue. Yet, there is a very fine white wine. You may want to sample”? To wave his hand at a bottle set in between them, “and do have a fresh bun…very tasty”!

Yevette’d felt, she must say something. “I’m sorry Geralde”, she apologized for her perceived, bad manners and, tried to explain. “I was extremely famished you see”, but he chuckled again and waved it off. His joyous nature and polite manner, had made her feel at least human. “Well ok then, I think I will have some of your wine”, filled her wine glass, “and by the way, fine Sir”, gave Geralde a toast, “the cuisine is par excellence and, I may now slow down my gluttony and, enjoy the rest of your hard work”, and indeed buttered a bun for herself. The rest of the meal had then went very well, with small very polite conversation and a few more glasses of wine... Not to mention, at a far more leisurely well-mannered pace that suit the standards, of this articulate Manor's elegance.

When the main course was done, Geralde. Went back into the kitchen and came back with a large silver tray and Yevette. Was fair intrigued, by the contents that the tray held and it was obvious to her. The Marquis Chef, had saved this display for last, as he settled the tray on the table in a prepared spot and set to order its mysterious preparations.

Ah now Yevette my dear”, he started. “This is a very exact and delicate procedure” All the while he was working toward his goal, “and the result of which. Is one of the finest deserts. One, could in their lifetime savor”! He opened an ornate wooden carved case, and extracted. A very old looking bottle, and a small silver measuring ladle with a fairly long handle. “This my lovely, is French Napoleon Cognac. Very old and very rare… indeed”! Geralde, poured a measured portion, into the odd little silver ladle with great care, and surprised. She caught its rich aromatics, waft into the room.

With eyes sparkling, he beckoned to Yevette. With an almost hushed, reverence. “Now do come over my dear and witness… this, marvel”! She got up from her seat now thoroughly, intrigued. Went almost on tiptoes to his side, to see just where this was going. “Well then”, Geralde poured the small ladle of cognac, over the desert and with a long barbecue lighter set. Pulled the trigger and, whoosh…“Viola “! Went Geralde, both hands coming up into the air in emphasis and, the blue purple flame. Shortly, went out.

Now, you must take this gently back to your seat and, devour this wondrous Peach Cobbler flambé, in short order… Eh”!

Yevette as instructed. Carefully took the treat back to her placement, and with the first sample bite. Discovered, pure heaven! Yevette in her lifetime had had her fair share of gourmet deserts and the like, but this. This, well… there were no such words to describe, the effect it held on her pallet, but to say. Captive!

Geralde had done the same for his desert and then slowly savored the result there-of. As well, intently watched Yevette and smiling at the faces of delight, she exhibited. As well as, her unrehearsed vocalism's, “Mmm”, and, “Oh god, this is delicious”, and well… more of similar type, sound effects. And, all too soon. It was done.

Come”, said Geralde standing and daintily wipe his mouth on a napkin. To toss it nonchalantly, to the table and cover his placement. “We’ll retire into the Study won’t we, and have a snifter of very good brandy”! Already halfway round the table and proffering a gentlemanly crooked elbow, to Yevette and of course. She rose from her place to accept and Geralde, said to her teasingly. “I trust, my Sparrow that you have sufficiently safunctified the beastie, of that nasty belly of yours. Eh”, this with a sort of snort and giggle. At his bastardizing, the real purity of language. A cardinal sin, for this Gentleman who was obviously... a Scholar. A man of letters!

So on went the rest of their evening, talking about the histories. Yevette had earlier read off the blackboard, and about strictly French histories. Finding Geralde’s studies and researching fascinating, to say the least. He was a regular font of information and didn’t mind at all. When Yevette asked what she thought, were maybe silly questions. They talked so long into the night that Geralde wouldn’t hear of her, leaving to go and retrieve her things. Although she already was in possession of the key to her suite. Yevette had no idea, of just how to get there.

So limited, was her first day at the Hotel Fairview...

A first day and, had met its most important personage, given a personal tour of this wonderful Old Hotel, by the same. The same, who’d gone through an afternoon of trouble, to have her set up there, a wonderful dinner… a mind-expanding evening. Not to mention, a guest bedroom to die for. After only one night... of sleeping, in bushes.

Oh Yes… Yevette’s, luck.


© 2014 Rory CJ Frankson

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Your style being so descriptive that I felt as being there with them or even feeling somewhat like Yevette. My mouth was watering during their dinner in this quasi royal surroundings... I could practically smell the delicious French Napoleon Cognac... and the Marquis cooking himself - holala!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Your style being so descriptive that I felt as being there with them or even feeling somewhat like Yevette. My mouth was watering during their dinner in this quasi royal surroundings... I could practically smell the delicious French Napoleon Cognac... and the Marquis cooking himself - holala!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on October 10, 2010
Last Updated on October 24, 2014


Rory CJ Frankson
Rory CJ Frankson

Vernon, British Colombia, Canada

It's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..
