![]() The Grand Old FairviewA Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson![]() Historical connotations Abound![]() Yevette and her new rather distinguished benefactor made their way, through the beautiful Old Hotel Fairview, in its wonder white marble pillared old style waiting lounges. With classical red leather furniture, on polished marble floors. They swept across arm in arm, pleasantly conversing in their oh so formal French. Yevette couldn’t help but note, the received looks from mostly the silly wandering staff. Out to get a look at the princess, of something or other? The tale, having spread to impossibly set off dementia. It was not only staffing, but guests as well. That would stare at their passing, craning their heads as they passed. Like some magical spell had assuredly been granted. What, did golden magic dust fall behind them, like a trail for look-i-loons attentions to follow. A well-dressed old man and a not so well dressed young woman, as they stroll royally through such old historical opulence... Like Yevette thought, as though in some staged dramatic movie. To arrive at the true exhibition, naturally alight in its magical construct. The Twin staircases of the Hotel Fairview were an internationally recognized wonder, as an Architectural Master Piece of brilliant engineering. Its two twin sides were cantilevered and hung suspended, as if in mid-air. All open silver metal and gilded Gold Plate scroll panels. Glowing gloss black handrails and their Hard Maple stairs, center covered in red black and gold thread Persian strip carpet in their gentle glowing curvature, to the second floor. Six stories above, sculpted metal and glass in an almost delicate lace work dome. Which permitted natural sunlight, to highlight the whole effect… casting smoky like sunbeams. Through six ornate balconied stories and creating interplays of black and white shadow. Like an old silent movie, they were again somehow in... its ambient character. Characters, their rolls to play. There were six huge cut crystal chandeliers, hanging magnificently majestic and sparkling that set a counterpoint. To the entire effect and bring to focus, the background corona-chromatic colors into a luxuriant contrast. Yevette looking up through it and taking in the wonder of it all, was dumb struck. Wishing, she'd had the talent of a classical painter artist and attempt to capture. That rare elegant essence... on canvass. It truly was an awesome sight, the crowning Center Piece of The Grand Old Fairview and, from what Geralde was explaining to her. Was envisioned, in a very different era. During the extravagant excesses of filthy rich Railway Barons, it was these rich rascals which had conceived and built The Fairview. These capital Giants of Industry, believing because their railway had finally been completed. That now the world and in particular, cosmopolitan Continental Europe. Would flock to the area on mass, to capture the natural wonder of the Rocky Mountains and for some time. “They did, and still do. Many international visitors to the National Park, come to specifically stay at The Fairview, for it’s historical heritage”! Geralde, had announced to Yevette so proudly. His bearing so rigidly formal, like the grand old Hotel. That he ran. Then, he’d taken Yevette regally up one the beautiful staircases. To the second floor and in a manner so well groomed, was Geralde’s personage. His ongoing oratory so captivating, it was as though being a part again of that period of history. They stood at an ornate rail and took in the grandeur, that was the Lobby spread out below and for some part of an hour or more. Were immersed, in more of those historical type conversations of such consequence. Afterward, they took the original crankity old antique center open elevator to its top most six-story floor. Their trip again courtesy of Sir Ballanger up through those six stories, all of which. Open to the view, of the spectacular centerpiece. Was unique, to say the least. At the time, Yevette had no way of knowing, that the old elevator being from the age of Antiquities. Was basically a museum piece relic, and was no longer open to public use. That being the case, the elevator itself in operation had drawn quite a crowd and actually. Through all six stories of its rise, there where people waving, and well. What... one, had to wave back. To these ogling masses. It was no wonder, the rumor mill was fueling more speculation by the hour. The elevator made its way to its top most landing and stop, right under the dome with its solarium and additional Tea Garden. The imminence of the dome, another spectacle. To experience its near proximity changed the lace work appearance from bellow and was replaced by a more engineered metal and mechanical application of its construct. With its arcing girders, exposed rivets and network of supporting metal pillars that rose up out of the gardens. Covered in climbing ivy. Yevette again, was struck by the balance of contrasts that the senses were subjected to. With the elaborate botanical gardens, purely breath taking with its sights and smells... of the beautiful variety of exotic plants. From all over the world. This riot of organized display of nature’s colors, integrated into an almost industrial metal and glass Art deco. Above and behind it all, a ceiling of endless blue sky and clouds. This above all touched Yevette, in a way she couldn’t explain and for some moments as they had walked out of the elevator. She just took it all in. Enthralled... Approximately half the dome, covered the south end of the Hotel Lobby. The north half, the botanical gardens and against the north wall of glass raised above the gardens. Was the tea garden. They strolled the garden paths and Geralde again held an extensive knowledge of botany, and pointed out various exotic varieties of plants and flowers and where they were from. Yevette felt she could wonder in that beautiful garden forever. All the meandering paths, seem to lead to the north and the Tea Garden. To the left was a staircase entry and on the right. A ramp that Geralde explained, was added to make the Tea Garden wheel chair accessible. Yevette was informed, that everyday at precisely three o’clock. There was held a very Victorian teatime. With all the English Standard fair to go with and many times after that day. Yevette and Geralde had attended as such, as he had his own table for just that occasion. There were a still few employees there working, as they made they’re way to where the dome. Met the north wall of glass arc. With panoramic vistas of the lake, hotel grounds and the grandeur. Of the rugged mountains. It was a very calming type of feeling that. To be immersed, in what was a virtual tropical sort of paradise. Up there under the dome and that spectacular view. There was even piped in recordings of bird song played in the background of the gardens non-stop and was one of Yevette’s, favorite features. It made this place feel... as if it were a world of its own. Little did Yevette know, in the beginning months of her job. That staff members were bared from attending, that prestigious Tea Garden affair. Yet often, she’d gone and attended to be served, at Geralde’s personal table even when he couldn’t attend. And forth with, Renée having found out. Had haughtily informed Yevette of said particulars, and Hotel rules… written, in stone statutes. Yevette quite attending Tea Time for a while on her own, and somehow. Geralde had found out that Mr. Front Desk nephew, had done as such. Well Renée nicknamed, by Uncle, Remée. Was called onto the carpet and one could say, Remée was reamed out, and Geralde. Chose a quite unique way of stating an equitable solution, to said affair. He informed Remée, that he had no right to bring this statute down on Yevette in that, ‘she, is my employee’. “Yevette is my research assistant and in the future. You will deal with her accordingly, and… with respect”! That was that, but it didn’t help much in the way of backbiting and pettiness in the sometime, soap opera. Which was life, lived in a Hotel. Yet... that was the beginning of Yevette’s now other acquired job. Historical research assistant, three days a week. With Geralde, not one to make things up and, not follow through on them. Yevette actually found that she liked the work and it was interesting, and well. She were good at it!
Yevette was having tea at her small table and thought, that all of the last batch of memories. Were all on account of thinking about the Botanical Garden and English Tea Time. Well she had gotten somewhat sidetracked there, hadn’t she? And, ‘hmm’ there being quite a lot more time. Before heading off to meet with pervert Manager Martin and the whole point, of the meditation exercise of these memories. Was that they were linear in context. So she sat for a bit with her tea, trying to remember where she was before getting off on a tangent, and it did come to her. The first day, a job, a room to stay, a hotel tour, history lessons and on the sixth floor on our way to Dinner in Geralde’s suite… ‘Yep’, Yevette thought ‘that worked’. And again, gave herself over to those, year old memories? She did a short calculation and, it was more like a year and a half ago… © 2014 Rory CJ Frankson |
1 Review Added on October 10, 2010 Last Updated on October 24, 2014 Author![]() Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, CanadaAboutIt's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..Writing