![]() Stage ThreeA Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson![]() Dancing in the Moonlight![]() “Well ok. What now, Troy Daniel Farrell. You, take me back to the Hotel”? I looked at her like she was from outer space. “Are you kidding. I’m taking you to Jasper, for Chinese food”! Doubtful green eyes, studied me out of their unsure setting. “You are now, are you”? Terrible, tease. “Yep, you know it, I know it”! Take no prisoners. “And, if I say… No”? Tease, tease, and more tease. “I, carry you”… ho-ho macho flex of massive, manly muscles. “Well, it’s a very long way to Jasper, for that”, emerald eyes slyly cynical. What a tease, my god I was in deep and knew that from here… There was no return and this, was. Crazy Love! There, was no doubt about it. Troy Daniel Farrell… was: Twitterpaited. We got past the guard shack and I stopped again, it was dusk now and the street-lights at the marina came on. As well as all the ones on the trails here about, for walking. “My car”, I started to explain, “is in the parking lot, by the bandstand. There’s a sort cut through”, was about to point, “and”… “I know”, said, pretty Yevette my waitress. “Race you”, and took off like a bullet. God, this chick. Really knew how to wear a guy out and completely. Well ok… pulled up my socks and took off after her, shoulder bag an all. It wasn’t all that far, but it was twisty. I was going flat out and Yevette plain left me in the dust. By the time, I got to the parking lot. The stitch in my side was back, a heart attack on its way, and… Yevette. Already in the parking lot, hands on her hips and studying my 300’s curb appeal. She turned to me ,with a wolf whistle. “Now this is you, Mr. Troy… nice ride man”! “Ya, you like”, the best I could wheeze out and Pony. Did look cool, under lights. “I like”, she replied, and walked over to study me. “We need to get you into shape mister. You look like you could pass right out buddy boy. Look right green round the gills, my man”! Then tisk tisked and almost looked. Truly disgusted. Me thinking ‘not that old’, my defense mechanisms on or at, high noon. I said, “Gimmi a break Yevette I need a minute is all. I’m not getting any younger Girl”, wheezing my way to feeling human again said, “Christ, knew you were part Panther”. “Got that right Baby, Meoooow”, to stretch and giggle, “hidden, in a p***y cat! But really Troy, that paintwork must have cost you a pretty penny and believe you me. I know my wheels, never doubt that”! I didn’t. “Can I drive”? Said, seriously. Felt my eyebrows, rise to their limit. “No, not in a zillion years, p***y cat”, I was recovered and back in stride. But there was that deep pout again. Complete with pleading eyes that said, ‘but I’ll do anything, Baby’. Again I said, “No Yevette at least not tonight alright”. That, seemed placate her. “Besides, watch this”, I said all cool, and casual. I took the keys out of my pocket and pointed them at the waiting 300. Depressed a button, ‘beep’, it went and both doors swung out and up, to which Yevette went. ‘Whoa Knarley’. Me smiling at an appropriate response and the car, said: ‘Hey Buddy’, another button pushed, beside my leg. Her response to point at the car and say, ‘Hey, no way. Too cool’! I wasn’t finished, I’d already programmed the stereo for this final trial. I turned to Yevette and held her in my arms, looked soulfully… into their incredible, depths. The expression there was indiscernible, expectant and yet uncertain. Perplexed, like she might run at any moment, I asked, “Yevette would you do me the pleasure… of this dance”, and put down the shoulder bag, Her eyes, looking into mine and went wide and then almost relieved as Yevette’s smile filled the parking lot with yet more light. To nod her head and say, “It would be my pleasure Mr. Farrell”, and look about. Not sure of where to start, an uncertain proposal. I pushed another keyed control beside my leg, and a Sting song. Filled the whole parking lot and, beyond. “Every move you make, every breath you take. I’ll be watching you”, Yevette blushed hugely, but began to slow dance with me. “Can’t you seee, you belong to meee. My fool heart breaks, with every, breath. You take”! I was singing along softly in her ear and Yevette pulled back some to look back up into my eyes and questioningly breathe, “Um, are you trying to ah, screw me”? The surprised look I gave her, made her smile deeper mischievous. ‘No’, I’d thought to myself... to impress you'. And Yevette looking beyond sexy breathed. “Mmm, well Mr. Man. You are so pushing my buttons you realize”! Just as the song’d picked up-tempo reaching crescendo, Yevette spun out, with incredible grace. Dancing away from me out a short ways into dimmer light. Her dance moves, could not be described and fairly oozed eroticism. But not in any way sleazy. I could tell by the way Yevette maintained her intense eye contact. This was for me, for us. For the love of Sting’s song. “Every move you make”, for this very moment we were sharing, “I’ll be watching you”! Sting, sang on. The song was winding down and Yevette. Came back and joined with me, glowing to the end. Then melted into my arms and pressed herself into me to lay her head against my chest. I could almost feel a vibration, as if she might be purring into the parking lot and ringing natures, silent dark. Heat was there and I really didn’t want to push any too soon. “Yevette”, ‘mmm’, she purred. ”Can we go, before I eat you Baby, I’m really hungry. You do that to me, you do realize”. ‘Mmm, ok’, her response and pulled away, it seemed very reluctantly. Eyes all dreamy... ‘Can I drive’, trying, again. “Nope”, said I… © 2014 Rory CJ FranksonAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on October 4, 2010 Last Updated on October 24, 2014 Author![]() Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, CanadaAboutIt's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..Writing