Stage One

Stage One

A Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson

A horrible man deal...



          I drove like a madman, to get back by our pre-arranged time and meeting place. As it was, a******s 'ya tea ya tee duh'. Had set me back fifteen minutes. I rolled into the parking lot by the bandstand, fat tires squealing round corners and into a steering wheel cranked sliding stop. To mash it smoking, into the reverse. Backing to a stop, between the white lined parking stall... All a part of the plan. The quick get-away… back again, to the city lights of Jasper.

Beside me, on the other seat. A shoulder bag. Always kept in the trunk for this and that would be fun stuff, and the some small things I’d picked up. The scarf, the nice sales lady had put in a cardboard tube and wrapped it casually, as I’d asked with only a small red ribbon. Which she’d flayed the ends deftly, with sharp scissors. Two candy bars, well one for me and a granola bar for Yevette. Two bags of Sun Chips and a four pack of Peach Wine coolers, a pack of pre-wet handi wipes, chap-stick and well like that. There was more, but I don’t remember what. Maybe only half the junk would be used but hey, 'a mans gotts to be prepared, for maybe needed romance!

I gripped the shoulder bag to jump out and jog off, to find my pretty waitress… Yevette Rose-Marie Cartier Richade. The parking lot was lined with huge tall Fur trees and the eventually found path, man. Was impossibly twisted. So, by the time I’d gotten to the bandstand I was almost a half hour late, and the Lady. Wasn’t there...

Oh God’, my heart leaped into my throat and ran around the bandstand like an idiot ‘not here, not here... I’m too late’ and with my hands on my knees and outta breath, I saw a short path where I could see the beach and the lake, off through the thick forest. 'Bam', off like a shot and got the end of that path to that beach, come to a skidding stop. Already, looking to my right down the beach 'oh man' no Yevette! It looked so empty and desolate, with her not on it. Looked left, now really panicked ‘she’d already showed and left, hadn’t bothered to come! Or maybe... late herself and hadn’t arrived yet’? Maybe you’ve been, in similar kinds of predicaments. It’s plainly and painfully, horrible. Like real emotional human trauma as these kind of thoughts, race through ones mind... like a runaway train. So there I was with my shoulder pack, feeling all dejected and still out of breath. Eyes all tearing up. Through the shimmer, I had to squint and halfway down the beach. Some one, sitting there on the sand... leaning, against a log. ‘Could it be’, there was... hope?

Not then even knowing if it was indeed Yevette, took off running full tilt in that direction anyway. Picture it now, already exhausted, dressed in an Armani business suit and dress shoes, lugging a pack that tore at my shoulder and feeling like it weigh a million pounds... at a dead run. Through sand. Ok! Maybe, just a little over weight and somewhat, out of shape. I’d admit to... Still, I’d made it most the way there and could see it was in deed, Yevette. And, well looking somewhat forlorn at the beautiful surrounding scenery. I called her name and wave hardily. She looked my way and must have thought I looked ridicules, as I stagger the slope of that last sandy stretch. With the object of my trials in my sights and, she was acknowledging my arrival already standing up to wave… dispassionately back?

You’re here”, I state the obvious, gasping for air. Confused, by the feel of this reception, “I found you”, came out, like something lame. Panted out between heart attack pain and holding the burning stitch in my side, quivering jelly legs and puffing, like a human billows. Thinking at some level, ‘it should all be fine now... Yevette's standing right here, before me', and then, looking with different eyes... saw that her eyes. Were red rimmed and as well the tell tale signs, on the red tip of her cute runny button nose. Realization... arrived, the somehow improbable. Lady's been, crying?

             Yevette must have read my eyes, as she choked back a small sob and a tear rolled down a rosy cheek. I put my hand out and cupped her cheek, rubbed the delicate tear away with my thumb and, with as much compassion as I could muster. Breathed softly as possible, with what little air I could spare. Wheezed, “I’m only a half hour late... Babe”, stated. In what was, sheer panic.

          She leaned, that soft cheek into my hand and looked soulfully into my eyes and... with a small-balled fist, thumped me hard on the chest. And... with a double-hiccuped kind of sad sob, to cry irritated like, “i-its no-not, th-that…stupid”! Boo hoo hoo hoo, like that...

           Me? I rub a sore spot on my chest thinking, Yevette had been right… she, was all woman! It was to all pour out and, I guess. Like a man, follows along till the fool catches on to the mostly incomprehensible stuff that women, can really dish out! “No?” I cringed 'I got it all wrong'?

           Yevette, tried to smile, “no”, stated simply like I was. Simple, that is...

Still, staying within this sort of close intimacy she explained and her raw voice quivering, sounding almost frightened. “I got off early, cause I’d gotten a phone call and the news wasn’t good and, made me rather angry”! She turned her head looking forlornly, back out toward the lake and mountains. Like to speak to them, “came directly out to the beach, and walked awhile. Just thinking it out and began to feel, really upset”. Turned back to me and, held up a bare wrist? “As you see I didn’t wear my watch and seldom do, when I come here for walks. Well, time stretched on and I sat down here, where you found me and still thinking this crap over. S**t, really started to cry up a storm there for a while”! Another tear, slid down her cheek to almost drip off her chin and she roughly wipe it away, as if she were embarrassed by this disclosure of maybe, perceived weakness.

            Of a sudden a long line of angry sounding French poured out and Yevette, thumped my chest even harder. To pull away and say, with some heat, “oh, how could you understand”? She turned to start and walk off down the beach, mumbling some heart-breaking French. Her hair limp like, head hung down. To sob again, and hiccup her way through... “n-no, h-how c-could y-you”?

I couldn’t, I was the ding-dong horrible man-thing. Struck, with extreme confusion, total delusion and pontification... of rosy sore spots. My chest again hurt and of course... just followed right along, hoping. I might try to understand this totally incomprehensible development.

Yevette Yevette”! called after her in more panic, then I could humanly describe. Quickly caught up, to take hold of her elbow to gently stop her, and... she let me. “Listen Yevette”, I said softly, looking into her confused eyes. “Maybe, I don’t understand. As you say... how could I? But me. What a s****y afternoon, I had... suffering through some total a******s, legalized bullshit”!

            She turned to look at me, and I saw that she was actually listening. So I put together my befuddled feelings, to carry on. “The only thing getting me through that meeting, was remembering my morning actually meeting you... getting through the minuets, that would bring me here. To to this rendezvous, with you”, and watched her pupils dilate with that last phrase, and finally Yevette's facial features visibly softened. I felt as though I was maybe getting through to her, and my eyes went threateningly moist, as my next statement came out.

          “Then to find you here crying? It breaks my heart, Yevette. I’m trying, I ran to you so fast I thought my heart would pop right out of my chest”! I wasn’t beyond begging either. “So can you please Yevette, please… at least do me a smallest of things. For that”? Then, trying to lighten the moment as much as was possible. Put my palms together, like a prayer “Pretty please”, and pouted poignancy. To wait, on my pleas considered, so cutely shy.

           How be it, maddeningly… oh so slow!

           Finally, Yevette nod her acceptance, 'and what, would this little thing be', was a maybe, ventured.

           Ok, I'd deal with that. I pointed up the beach and dug down deep, pulled my best dramatic pose of ‘serious directional plausibility’, hoping it’d work. Knowing... it had been the direction, she had already chosen to head off in. Shrugged, an tried it anyway. This, had to go somewhere now.

            "Yevette, do you see that jutting point there”? Yevette followed my leading finger and with a gullible looking little French girl, 'unh huh' intimating she had, with a shade of... 'and now'?

            “Well… let me walk there slowly, with you”, spoken firmly into emerald eyes of question. Again I'd try pleading, begging, any and all of it. I felt like I really needed this to work, I needed help and began to allow the mystic path. Carry me, Troy Farrell. To play on-ward, to... serendipity and sudden poetic verse came to me from somewhere. My venturing, dove for deeper waters.

Please Yevette hear this, from my heart ok... please”, her eyes now real wide soaking this in... she nod surprising acquiescence and smile. An oh verily my heart did bloom... with exacting preponderance to elaborate and sweetly, it arrived. Saying soliloquies of lady pleasantries from me? It began. “Ok. I'll ask, that you consider this. With, every step. Let your bothersome news, fall away! Feel the sand sink down beneath your feet, worshiping... you’re every step. With every step, glory in the sun. That shines in your beautiful hair and that warms... without condition, your lovely body. With every step, think of the grandeur... of these surrounding mountains. Which, will lend you their strength! I won’t talk of your troubles, or even ask you what they are. Maybe, they are not for me to… understand! And, when I reach that point... with you. It will be as though the moment, like a cloud. Ever changing shape, is again new. Fresh and delightful... in this, your endless blue sky. Will sing of your praise, can you do this for me Yevette... can you”?

             I stared hard into those emerald green eyes, ah wonder. Silently pleading, ‘oh god please, please. Let this, be enough… I’m outta lines’. Whatever I was inspired by, was done. The words had been emptied, but my spirit felt filled to overflowing and was content... to just gently stroke her silky hair and gaze, into that extraordinary face. Where now, even more crystal tears were gently slipping from soulful green eyes. To glide gracefully down a face aglow with some soul startling mixture of emotion. An oddly smiling face of which, I was thoroughly in awe. An Angel! A look there written, from heaven man. The whole nine yards. I'd swear to God, on my Mothers Soul! If ever I'd known her. It was so. She touched my cheek with delicate fingers and the moment shift, with the shock of her soft caress. So lost was I, in that look. I almost didn't hear her begin to speak.

Oh, Mr. Admirer, that was beautiful. I’ll”... Yevette began... yet. Words, could not fit the humbling Occasionals of fading Serendipity. I stopped what she was about to say, by putting a finger gently to her lips. “Shh, Yevette and the name’s, Troy... Troy Daniel Farrell”!

The announcement of the champion being somehow stated and knowing, that we had now made it beyond a something. I moved my hand to put it to her shoulder with a gentle persuasion to move, and said to her softly. “Come, let’s go”, and we began our silent steps, with unneeded words. In the winning direction, of that jutting point.

I kept my word, and said not a thing, the whole way. Affording me the granted opportunity, to study this lovely sad creature. One I hadn’t even seen, with out being in her waitress persona, which was startlingly very different than this personification... of forelorn lovliness. Her wavy chestnut hair, even with its red type hair band, was afloat like drifting clouds bout her face. And indeed, as I’d said to her… in whatever, that was? Shone, with reddish henna highlighted streaks with the steadily moving late afternoon sunlight. Like perfection. Her stature, was a directly feminine sinuous strength and sensuous utility, and no applied make-up that I could see. Her skin was like pale cream, smooth like silk and totally unblemished. Natural pert full lips, stood away to pout natural curled, soft pink petals and her cheeks, ruddily rouged by the lakes chill spring wind. With her sun-shadowed eyes, squinted deep in some unfathomable classical thought consuming her, darkly... of which in promise, I would not ask nor intrude upon.

Yet still Yevette radiated a shinning kind of crushing nobility and her over all character, seeming stained by that sad unfathomable scar. It was as though my soul suffered with her… me, Troy Farrell, unworthy as I felt in the nakedness of inexperience. Asking the powers that be, to take it away with her every step. A lingering black cloud, so unnatural to the here and now. I felt somehow like there was a tear, in the mystic veil. And... it then whisper, a something in my ear… 'Protect, this woman' I swear I heard it as such. Protect, this somehow special noble woman.

Who wore that ordinary coarse wove gray tweed sport jacket. Large on her and with worn leather patches, at the elbows. Under it, an old bulky loose knit. Fisherman’s turtleneck sweater, almost doing a fairly good job of hiding Yevette’s womanly endowments. Though shades and shadow still suggested they were neither large, nor small. Only understated, present. Between that threadbare open tweed look... of collage sophistication: a student of life was its stated appeal, an over all look. On account of the way slender hands, were stuffed in the frayed pockets of her faded boot cut blue jeans. With deep red wool leg warmers, up to her knees. Bunched down to cover the tops of very heavy-duty, well worn leather hiking boots. Her stride was neither short, nor dainty... and thighs muscular shift, as a prancing colt. Through green pastures, rippling confident in its innate ability to race to a moment’s notion, and fly the wind… to its nature!

Jeez, just where was all this poetic verse coming from?

So ok, this girl could cover ground and with this wind blown, rugged healthy nature. Which shone through her and the cool spring air, only touching... the very tips of her persona. The sun to soon be setting to soak up her sadness, thaw her tribulations and all contained in that ground-eating stride… oh man, what was it. I perceived here.

A woman, like a jewel... of so many facets. Though diamond hard, precision cut to reflect an edge of some inner determination. Which obviously, moved Yevette to the a for prescribed goal. Haloed in golden light, by the revealing sun off the lake and the closer we came, the lighter she seemed to become to me. That vision of an Angel and again, that glow. Was fueling some pace to this event. And, I was hard pressed to keep up with the idea of this woman. A beautiful, but sad. Mystery…

I was stopped a moment by a thought arrived, ‘Yevette’s choice of gift’ had in my shoulder bag. The scarf, the same color red as her leg warmers... and hair band? A swift chill made its way through me, that had nothing to do with the Rocky Mountain weather’s chill change toward evening. Yevette stopped, to look back at my pausing. Smiling sweetly, a questioning look upon her face. But I waved her on as I stalled there to fathom this day’s events and consider, the burgeoning feel of pure spirit. This was what I perceived, here. We were but a heart beat away, from our destination. Or, maybe… destiny. God help me, I had never really felt like this around any woman. Or maybe, anything so vaguely overpowering. Ever.

It right then dawn on me, this... was my uncharted waters!

We’d arrived, at some navigated direction of irrevocable change ... and Yevette. Stood right at that jagged point by the waters edge. To tilt her face up to the deep blue sky, I could see her eyes, seeking out a cloud and to actually choose one, and sigh. To breath deep through her nose, and ever so slowly it pass over her pert lips poised... for her souls release!

Yes beautiful… the moment of crowning glory and the seeming sky sang, of her efficacy.

For Yevette washed her face with graceful hands, in the crystal clear waters. At the shores, of this purely majestic mountain lake. As I watched, the water droplets slid from her continence, as glimmering highlights of change. Like tiny broken diamond chains that bound, and fell. From her soul shattered… with the dawning brilliance, in a oh so simple smile. That spread to the surround, like the myriad of ripples moving out onto the lake. Disseminating her growing joy, being here in this place. Now.

Feeling, her arrival... the reverberation, of Yevette's golden glow!

Of a sudden, there were three Swallows. Swooping and dancing the air before us. Brilliant Butterflies, afloat through the air with the Cottonwood fluff. The air, sparkling of fragrant Spring freshness. In the deep evergreen forest surround, all about the tree line small bushes burst to burden. With bouquets of small flowers and the totality of the panorama. A ringing truth. Startling my spirit, like seeing the creation afresh.

With new, and uncluttered eyes...

Yevette still stood at waters edge, her upward gaze fixed upon the antics of the three small Swallows, as they tightened their turns. To angle their swooping dives, closer to her as if in slow motion. With a now blinding smile, a thousand times, brighter than the sun. Yevette's gleaming curls floating with the breeze, her right arm ever so slowly. Rose to the Swallows, as if in invitation... held out but one delicate finger aglow... with ingratiating promise. Her love.

I stood frozen, almost afraid to move. Astounded... by this thing taking place before my very eyes. One beautiful small bird, took her invitation and precisely lite upon that offered finger... Yevette’s finger! She moved the tiny creature, closer to her face cocked to one side and muttered small lovely nothings to this precious wonder. In a moment, frozen in my mind and forever... Yevette, drew the tiny creature to her lips and kissed it ever so lightly, upon its very beak and as she pulled back away from this small delicate bird. It sang... the most beautiful string, of almost pure fragile harmony. Like to announce, it’s undying love... for the majesty, that was Yevette!

She raised her finger aloft and the Swallow, again sprung to flight. To flit aerials and rejoin the two, that had flown about Yevette’s person as if a-waiting their turn. Never in my life... had I witnessed such a thing and Yevette, turned to walk toward me, looking as though this... were only an everyday occurrence? Some part of me, instantly forgot. It was never in that day mentioned, or spoken of. As if nature’s magic, had bound my lips and bid silence.

Sacredness held... forever!

Yevette came to me standing stunned. Watching her event and in the moment there’s silent space, a void… a something small and unrecognized. “Ah Troy, my shinning knight. Troy Daniel Farrell, thank you”, she said with a passionate gratitude and look back dreamily, at the lake. To speak again, breaking through to me in that whatever place. “Do you know, this is my favorite spot in this whole area. Where my beach walks always end. I stand here and look down both arms of the lake, and ache... of home”, her eyes clouded and left, for remembrances. Far from this time, this reflection of reality. Then to snap to and complete, her thought. “Some of this place, reminds me so much of the place... I haven’t been, for nine years”! That statement, just hung in the air before me.

She sighed out toward the vista, and still. I said nothing. I could see that her soul-spirit was lighter, more at ease. But melancholy and to some degree in the missing of a younger time. Although, things deep there. Still existed and something, had really deeply hurt Yevette and I knew somehow, being why. We were meant to find some point in all of this together, and fight back... With whatever that void of blackness was I could now plainly see there, buried deep within her.

Now, with the sunlight behind moving on toward the mountains edge and evening beckoning, Yevette breathed. “Come Troy”, with a fervent wave add, “come here and give me a giant hug. You know, all this creation. Loves you too”, smiling once again, at peace. Showing that something did alter us. Like willow, knotted... into some sacred wreath.

Yevette held out her arms to me expectant, with cute wriggling of fingers and I needed no further prompting. As much as was possible, gave her... what I thought to be a warm brotherly hug. Which she spoiled, by planting a huge smacking kiss on my cheek and hugged me back hard into her body and stayed there. The heady warmth of her seeping into me, the clean smell of her wind blown hair, and behind that. Lilies in the Spring, her personal fragrance wove its aroma. Into my soul, to the center of my very being. I had to ask her, now it was time. There was urgency in the rest of everything, and tolerances of time pending.

So I asked, “Yevette. Are you, hungry”, stated plain as pudding.

She pulled back some, to look up into my face, 'Wha...' outrageous proposition?

God I laughed, at the expression she had planted there before me. Mere inches away and again, asked, “are-you-hungry, Yevette Rose-Marie Cartier Richade... you look, hungry”?

Ah no”, but her face changed yet again, “you know, I’m f****n, starved. Why”?

Well, I brought us a gourmet dinner, in the shoulder bag over there”, pointed to the ground where it await us, to add, “let me go... and if you want. We’ll eat it”!

Ok, ok. I want”, and seemed reluctant to let me go, but did. Eyes wildly starved.

Back on plan, the curve had passed. I’d prayed the needed intervention... would really work, and it did. Better, than I could have hoped. I brought the bag back and unzip it on the way. On arrival, stuck a hand in fishing for the right packages. “Hey”, said to gain her full attention, it did and her eyes questioned, ‘like food, ok’, “ya-ya food, but first Yevette. I brought you a greeting present like to mark and announce our first outing”!

No, you didn’t”, she sighed big time and smiled hugely. “You didn’t, oh god, you did. Troy you really did, didn’t you”, her hands together in front her face. Held to her lips like a prayer almost bouncing on the balls of her feet, whispered. “God, that’s sweet”!

My hand came out holding the gift wrapped tube and handed it to her, with a Rose in its clear plastic tube. It was so worth it, to watch her first take out rose and hold it up to her nose. These hothouse type really didn’t have much of an aroma, so I had added a couple drops of attar of roses to lend it some help. “A beautiful rose” I breathed, “for a beautiful Rose-Marie”, Yevette’d blushed and coyly granted me, a shy bashful smile.

Its beautiful Troy, thank-you”, she beamed, “here, would you please”, passed me the rose. Which left her free to attack her wrapped present. I could see in her eyes, that Yevette hadn’t much of this kind of attention in her short life. Not that mine was much longer, but by ten years or so, that I’d had money. Money, to buy some kind of joy and at this thought, Yevette’d finally gotten into what was inside… she almost burst a seam. Jumping up and down, then to squeal childishly, “Troy-Troy, what... s**t man, are you psychic or something”? Eyes huge, and watering emotionally. Whipped it immediately around her neck and held one end up to her cheek, to slide them both together, “Oh god baby, it’s so soft, so-so soft”, eyes gone all dreamy, in genuine pleasure.

Its cashmere Yevette, I thought you’d like it”, I said enjoying her reaction and thought to myself. ‘Now we can get on with the rest of the just fun stuff’!

Yevette still enthralled with her new scarf, tilted her head with a dimpled smile and eyes flashing stated “and I suppose, you knew my favorite accessory colors. Were Red eh”?

No, not really. Remember, I’ve only ever seen you in your uniform”, my reply.

Well the scarf is beautiful and the rose lovely, thank you. Troy, you really have saved me my day. What you did to help me in my steps to this point. Well believe me, I’ll never forget what you said”. She looked down a brief moment, tears threatening again. Rolling the scarf thoughtfully through her fingers, and then looked back up into my eyes smiling to say, “now, save me again ok. Please, feed me” and laugh, “I am hungry”!

Ok, but promise me you’ll really love, this exotic food”, I teased, as I knelt down and reached into my bag of tricks, “and... first we have”. I wiped them out and held them up for her preview, and Yevette to go all wide-eyed. “Two candy bars. Well one Mars Bar for me, and for you. This here fancied Granola Bar”, at which she almost laughed her a*s off and accept. With a mock bow of thanks. “Next”, back into the bag and “two bags of Sun chips, very healthy”, handed her, her share to announce. “For the grand finally”, and again back to the bag, its side pocket filled with ice and the four pack. Held up high, with much fan fair and trumpets supplied verbally. “Ta da… ice cold, Peach wine coolers”!

Oh Troy, you shouldn’t have spent so much. On little princess me”, to giggle somewhat uncontrollably. Then on to out right laughter. It was truly musical. Then just as suddenly, came out with, “no really Troy, this is my kind of f****n gourmet munchies”! She moved to sit on a pebbled area out of the sand on the ground picking up and studying, the odd small pebble and contemplating her bag... of unopened sun chips. Looked up to say seriously. “So how about it pass me a cooler, an we’ll get on with our extravagant feast, Ba--by”!

Crude language, from Yevette... was a bit of a surprise. Yet, remind me that she held a real edge to a personality, I knew nothing about. Now the picnic and yet another event, in a sort of weird day. I tossed her a cold one and she cracked it, to down more than half of it in one go. With an “ahhh”, put the bottle down and attacked her munchies. With an almost childish gusto.

I hadn’t even started mine, just enjoyed watching this radical shift of emotion and Yevette being oh so… what. Genuinely happy, with the moment she now found herself in? ‘Too cool’, I thought, as I watched her in the action of doing only ordinary things. So very naturally vibrant.

Then other almost disturbing thoughts, began to surface. As I studied her and the red cashmere scarf matched, what she wore so perfectly elegant; yet Yevette’s crack said about spent on ‘little princess me’, and well. I’d never tell her, I’d spent $300.00 beans and change, on a designer label. It didn’t matter. I was pretty much tired of the pseudo bullshit, of the oh so perfect beautiful people. Been there done that... and having to have, all the right every f****n thing. If not, then what. You don’t rate? You don’t get the placement in life, which you’re after. Don’t get the right and proper stuff. Which makes you acceptably successful?

The statement, had pushed my buttons I guess. In a way, I was struggling to hold onto the spirit feelings, I’d more or less only just discovered and now. Things were back to an almost material kind of thing. It was, I was thinking about lifestyle and just how we arrive there. The people that move in and through our lives, in the process and just how shallow some of those relationships are. Leaving behind holes in our souls, like a theft having taken place, or shards. Of broken promises, left behind. With the lies we must tell ourselves... so that its holds a reflection, of being meaningful. Filling the hole with material junk. Hoping to attract a promise. That’s found, to be a nursery rhyme. A plausible reality? In the light of day disappears, like smoke an mirrors.

But this woman was real, exciting. In what I knew of her, nothing...

Yevette was naturally on the side of spontaneous; maybe more, than a little explosive. I didn’t know! Was I happy, with the life I had now? Guessing not? Maybe, I had some hard questions all of my own that I needed to take a good look at. Maybe this thing going through with a waitress, was a symptom of a something to try on... or, wanted to leave behind.


Eh, yous d’ere. A pen’nie, fer doe’s da’re tou’ghts, Mon Cherie”, giggle Yevette.

Huh. Guess I was out of it in left field somewhere”, I said to bright questioning eyes of mischief, and trying. To shift my awareness and to bring it more into the now of our picnic taking place and maybe. Puzzle out, what Yevette’d just said there exactly?

Yevette stood up and put her hands on her hips to say serious like, “Is it my turn, to try and turn you, around? Are you funky, like this morning, you”, like this morning, Yevette’s same expression of earnest concern... and yet, said. “You aven’t eat’en anee ah you’r won’der’ba cui’sine, eh. Is it dat horri’ble”, ‘ah’, she was laying on a thick French accent on purpose, ‘duh’! Yevette bent to reach over, and tickled me a little. To cheer me up. It escalated into another level, of what was already a day spent on some carnival ride.

Mua silvuplay... Mon Cherie”! To pull a wondrous pout, like I’d never seen before, “pour mua, Ba--by, come on”? Yevette made an exaggerated gesture, like a final kind of to be rid of me, dusting off of the hands. Then about her pouted lips and I stood stupidly, wondering at it all. Then it dawned on me in a flash; ok her pantomime, really was the madwoman. Wiping away Sun Chip crumbs... for some dastardly purpose?

Her hands flashed out in front of her, as she crouched and sway her hips with the shuffling of feet. Into a fighter’s stance and eyes on fire. With brutal purpose provoked, “yes hmm, well ok stupid. You leave me no choice”, and... this very different Yevette.

Attacked me!

In a blink was at it throwing me off my feet into the sand, like I was paper? Tickling me seemingly everywhere at once and is cackling, like a mad woman. Planting wet sloppy kisses over every inch of my face, but the lips, and me. Now making weak attempts to fend off, this unexpected onslaught and make some sense, of the nonsensical. Actually taking place on my person.

In a sudden quick break in the action, green eyes spark inches from mine questioningly. This wild cat demands, “now”, to laugh demoniacally, “give, come on. Give”, and I just laughed at her still somewhat startled and it starts, all over again. With more sloppy kisses, and hard tickling. Another break and Mad Yevette saying hard with unfeigned strength, “Mon duo. Come now, surrender or... I go till you pee-pee on your self, eh. Well ok”, on it went. With her yelling “Ba-by, now you haves your selves real prob’lems,” with real determined tickling dementia.

Written plainly playful there on that face aglow now, with mischief making. Through the whole surreal ordeal, I was really laughing hard enough to pee myself. “Ok-ok... I win”, I yelled, a thing my step-sister had once used on me. Then even more laughter and tried desperately again, “I win... STOP”!

And she did, for about 30 seconds. Then had caught on. Her green eyes widened with the recognition of being tricked, then changing. To go all devilish, “oh you, now you get it. It’s over for you Mister Troy”, going at it again like a demon panther, on steroids.

Me now screaming, “Stop-Stop” at the top of my lungs, hardly handling the brutal tickle job, “Ok-Ok”, but Yevette had lost the element of surprise and I flipped her over for the pin... I knew how to wrestle. Breathed heavily, inches from her face...“I win”!

Yevette instantly relaxed and I mean, completely. Like a boneless rag, said, “ok”.

I sprang off like she was on fire, held my hands out in front of me. Asked, “ok”?

Ok”, she’d said, deadpan. But, I sensed some kind of demon-fire… building threatening to be loosed once more.

Listen Yevette I’ll show you what you get, when I win”! Her look, just got meaner. If that were possible. “No really”, I said, and backed up slowly. Looked around not letting my guard down, for even a second. Till I found, what I was looking for ‘a bag of Sun Chips’! Yevette’s eyes, went all shifty and real spooky. She sprung to one knee like a sleek cat. Ready to pounce and devour, this sorry meal. Not being lucky enough to cross paths, with a deadly hunter. A she panther, a growler prowler... studying.

The bag of chips!

I laughed, menacingly. ‘How would this help, the fool prey’, I saw her thoughts plainly. So I showed her, in one slick motion pulled open the top of the bag and… stuck my face right in it. “Mmm, na--yum-n-yum-yum Hungry, n-ya-yum-n-yum-n-yum”, man, this was funny! And so, went at it again for more… “N-yum, good ya, n-yum-n-yum-nyum”! Munching crazily like there was no tomorrow, Sun Chips flying everywhere. Until I couldn’t take it any more hearing Yevette laughing and laughing almost painfully.

St-stop-it, st-stop-it, Ta-Troy I’m-m goinggggg tooo peeee ma-myself”, she squirmed. And, on into another fit of laughter, “N-No-ra-really, y-you wa-wa-win”!

And, I did stop momentarily, to witness. Funny Tears, run down like rain over a face impossibly contorted, and decided, ‘what the hell… don’t think I’m done yet’?

Made up thinking like a moron, as much as was possible and... went for it. I hadn’t had this much fun since I was ten. “Really, does. Stupid, really win”? Dropped the bag of chips, or what was left of them and let my arms hang, like Manila Gorilla. “Pass stupid ah cooler, special ‘K’. Some mad mouth munching, says. Really too much thirsty... need booze”!

Yevette was pointing at me the fool, laughing. “Gorilla right”, holding her sides and cracking up, “oh god Troy you gotta, stop. Please... I’ll get you a cooler”! And, she did. It was finally winding down for us two nut jobs, alone on a sandy beach. Being outta control. We both looked at each other, to take a quick look around and check out the scene of our advanced craziness. Adult… damage control taking its place, accordingly.

Still, there were periodic bouts of giggling and false pounces, at each other. As we finished our extravagant feast and wrapping up the scene, of our mad debauchery. Yevette had lost the scarf in the kafuffle and, was checking it out carefully. Me, I was dusting off a pretty much trashed, $2000.00 Armani Suit. At any rate, it would need to go to a dry cleaner I knew in Calgary, who was good for the repairs. Yevette now wearing her scarf again, was checking me out and closely watching my facial expressions. While I did this and came over to help dust me off.

Oh Troy, I’m sorry… did I ruin, your beautiful suit”, she asked looking sincerely worried. Picking away at dirt that no longer existed and smoothing away wrinkles. That really did.

I couldn’t stand the thought, of losing what’d been gained and with out any prompting. Barked out a spontaneous laugh and hug her tightly. “What, this rag, it’s an ‘Armani'. Yevette. Their tough, they can take it”, I put a hand to her shoulder and looked deep into her eyes, “besides you. What ever that was? It was great and wouldn’t have missed it for the world”. I closed, by telling her my last thoughts. On in the play-acting spree we’d just gone through so spontaneously. “I haven’t had so much fun since I was 10 years old, Yevette. Really… you Panther Girl, you”!

And you, Manila Gorilla”, her aura, sparkling with the pleasure of her guessing.

You, got that”? My eyes went wide, that she had got it really was a surprise.

N-ya, of course. You did that very well Troy. Should be in the movies, you”! With her scarf back and other than her hair all-akimbo. Yevette looked no worse for wear and tear, she said happily. “Yes, my darling Troy… that was good clean fun and”, Yevette smiled to punched my shoulder and finish with, “you really are a mad man, Ba--by”!

Well”, I replied, “you, haven’t seen anything yet”! I started picking stuff up and putting it all in the discarded shoulder bag with determination. The plan, goes on.

We’re leaving”? Yevette looked side ways at me. Like she was disappointed with my decision and I nodded, that being my intention. Her frown grew, into an earnest pout. “But I wanted to watch the sun go down, Troy” Yevette complain with certainty. God, this woman was a twister. A very real kind of emotional roller coaster. I could see that Yevette could easily just wrap me around a finger and like a slave, do whatever her slightest bidding might be. But, not today. I now had every thing packed, ready to rock; it was time to move along. To other things.

It is almost down Yevette and I wanted to show you something, before dark. Ok”?

Ok”, she said simply, “off we go then”, and turned holding out her hand for me to take. This I knew, was a good development. “Come, show a thing more important than perfect sundown’s on a sandy beach. You’re missing out, you know” and Yevette smiled sexily. I put my hand in hers grinning.

“That, I know. My pretty waitress... that I know”!

© 2014 Rory CJ Frankson

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An especially great part. I love Troy's reflections to the modern society and its expensive stuffs. Very thought provoking.
You made me laugh and smile many times when the characters reacted in a very different way than I, or every reader for that matter I believe, expected, and you amazed me with several of Troy's thoughts. Truly gifted you are.

A beautifully magical imagery you created in the "Bird-scene". Brilliant!

Looking definitely forward to their next endeavor.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


An especially great part. I love Troy's reflections to the modern society and its expensive stuffs. Very thought provoking.
You made me laugh and smile many times when the characters reacted in a very different way than I, or every reader for that matter I believe, expected, and you amazed me with several of Troy's thoughts. Truly gifted you are.

A beautifully magical imagery you created in the "Bird-scene". Brilliant!

Looking definitely forward to their next endeavor.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow. A lot of events in this chapter. I hate being late for anything. A very strong chapter. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on October 4, 2010
Last Updated on October 24, 2014


Rory CJ Frankson
Rory CJ Frankson

Vernon, British Colombia, Canada

It's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..
