![]() Working ObstructionA Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson![]() as dreams get in the way![]() So, daydreaming... that a certain pretty waitress didn’t have to work through this day. Or yet again me, for that matter. As it was, it did matter. I had my obligations and was out and away from the Hotel by 10:00am, driving away from the Yevette breakfast fantasy on the short trip to Jasper in my Hemi Chrysler 300 'Pony'. Yet couldn’t help thinking as I drove along, that ya it would have been great to have just canceled this maybe boring counter offer appointment and spend this whole glorious sunny day. With that certainly pretty waitress, like in some gushy runaway romance novel. Which was for real, running full tilt through my imagination and well still... just pretty much wishful daydreaming on my part and enjoyable as that was, to occupy my morning. Other things, it seemed were pressing in on me and forcing that fantasy, out of the way. Deals and the following monies, a reality that were in the making of a developed life I was unsure of and... not really knowing why, that was. Only that real change, was somehow coming for me. Needed change, navigational direction in new and uncharted waters. Beckoned, once more. The due luncheon appointment with the owners of Teal Haven Lodge, was at that critical stage of serious negotiation. Me, knowing I had it in pre-negotiation terms, a pretty plausible deal knocked into shape and yet, the old couple had already turned down several very viable offers on principle. Them feeling, that they were just the wrong interests for them for a business which they loved and had poured their heart and soul into, for more than half their lives and I knew it to be... a very fruitful life. So, no guarantees as of yet and was off now driving in for the next stage of this operational stress. Really, I didn’t know if Roger and Co. were exactly the right interest either. As it would be for us purely for an investment holding portfolio and the operation of it, farmed out to a contracted management scenario. It was I knew, mostly my personality pushing the deal along. Knew, the old fellows wife really liked me and, well. I really liked Kate O’Grady and her significant other Ben, a lot. In a deal like this one, well that could be a problem and... maybe. What was bothering me, it was a big part in making this deal swing. Not to be just acting a part and had to ask myself... was I? Being the closer, living up to my reputation and only playing, the game. I thought that the last day up at the Lodge, walking the property with her husband Ben had cinched the deal, really. He’d built the place practically by hand himself and was obviously an amazing individual, to have built this isolated log lodge ‘in the middle of somewheres’, he’d called it. Was a monumental feat all in and of its own venture, a gamble. In the middle of true wilderness. Ben was a large rugged man, of true blunder and well fit for his age. Had to be... for the mountaineering, he really did do. He still acted as guide for some of his older clientèle, who now were mostly buddies Rather than just mere clients and it was these interwoven personal touches. Which made the real business of their lives, one of success in a life lived as a couple. Fulfilling their dreams. Together! Few held the magic, I felt in these people and in some way I was truly envious. Like they held something I was truly missing, in my acquired world so far. In surveying the lodge itself, I’d done some log building work when I was younger and as we walked around the Lodge in the initial surveys inspection. I was amazed, at some of the simple yet intricate details of his craft and told him so. Speculating, on how he might have achieved such profound effects. His bushy eyebrows had gone up in what was due recognition, that I really understood the craft and not, “talking, out of their asses”, as he’d put it rather bluntly. “Like some of them buggers up here, lookin over the place”, he’d gone on scratching his silver hair, “a******s, more than mostly. Just seeing dollar signs, hey. No heart, no heart at all! But can see that your different, son. Remind me of myself, inna way”! That had kind of struck me, like. Was he really serious? At any rate, was an appreciated kind of compliment 'from, a Fatherly type of Man’? A confused spot for me, as it was a relationship... I never really had in life experienced. You had to respect a couple of so many talents, Kate the chief cook and bottle washer. Who reveled in folk craft, even spun their two Malamutes fur... into, what would one call it. Wool I gather... what else? She had a spinning wheel set up right in front of the huge locally collected rock wall fireplace, wicker baskets on both sides. Just filled to overflowing, with this and that ‘bric and brac’ Kate called it. Most of the stain glass-work, Kate’d done, and most all of the oil paintings about were hers, and. Not all that well done, I might add. Well, in my opinion at any rate. In our walk about talking on their prize collected marvels in the lodge’s interior. At one point Kate had responded, when I had commented on the extensive artwork. To the effect that over the years, that in this type of isolation. “Well”, she’d shrugged as if that pretty much said it, “there are times… that one must do something with their hands, or you’ll go just right stir crazy”! Kate laughed crazy like and held up both hands wriggling mad fingers, with the grin to match. I noted, that with all of the wonderful photos placed about. Some had quite a lot of smiling children in them, and I’d pointed at the pictures. To ask naively. “Some of these, yours Kate”? Kate looking sad and had replied. “No, some are nieces and nephews. Some’s family friends and Lodge Peoples. No, Troy lad. Ben and I couldna have children”, and that…was that! Kate’s friendly tour kind of wilted from that point, and about when Ben’d come calling. To take me on our outside walk-about, he’d been watching this inter play from the back hall and I’d asked him if Kate were all right. Worried, that I might have offended her? To which he’d replied. “Oh aye, she’s fine and gets a might bit melancholy at times. We just leave her to be and she usually goes to cooking or baking, an such. Keepin her hands busy... ‘idle hands, makes the devils work’ she's fond of saying. Nice of you to ask though”, said, patting me thoughtfully on the back and we'd quit the Lodge and onto the next of the tours plan. With me feeling bad... that I’d brought up the subject of children, so thoughtlessly unknowing! The feeling didn’t last though, once out in the fresh cool spring air and that particular Rocky Mountain, fresh feel. With the sun glittering like diamonds in the refracted winds rippling off the lake; it was a marvelous day to be out of doors, in this mans company. We’d finished our inspection of the lodge and Ben was walking me down to the dock, that of course he’d built. But with help from some “lads in town”, he’d emphasized, “nice work they did too”, he’d said. Obvious, that praise was given where praise was due. By then, I was truly impressed with the man. Who’d built this, his realized dream... in a very articulate manner. The dock was a fairly complex affair, off what was a steep rocky knoll to the clear waters edge. There being three stages to this cleverly hinged dock, ending in a tee of floating rafts with a double boathouse to the left, pinioned to one set of them. On it’s other side to another raft was a docked float-plane, to which Ben explained. Belonged to a guest, a dental surgeon from the States. “Climbing up that there, small bluff, he is. Or more like, hiking… rather.” and Ben pointed up and behind us, “could be, watchin us, right now. Eh”! He laughed, and waved to his guests, in the general direction of the bluff. “Not much of a mountaineer, our dentist. Likes to think he is, all the latest most expensive gear an all”. Ben shrugged, and turned back to the dock, “a good guy though. For all of his bravado, and bragging. But, pftt”, a sound made like Kate’s shrug, as if that said it all. “Onward to the study of the dock and I’ll show you some of the other projects, I’m proud of”! And he’d built by hand, many things to be proud of. It left me comparing the things in life, that I’d attained so far and felt it were kind of relatively minuscule, in may ways. On the rest of the day went, to survey. The workings of The O’Grady’s, very fruitful lives. And this was a very serious survey in deed, the unlisted asking price for Teal Haven was extravagant I’d thought. Now, I was beginning to understand why, Ben and Kate O’Grady had lovingly created a special place, which in reality. Was a Haven, in a location that was worth much more than just mere money. The craftsmanship and real feeling, which had gone into this place was strictly speaking unbelievable... when taken in first hand. The amenities, directly in proportion to its Rocky Mountain setting. The lodge itself and its the amazing dock works with boats, and accommodating float-planes, huge maintenance workshop, private airstrip and, not to mention. The natural hot springs. Including all the activities which the O’Grady’s had provided, for what was an ultimate Rocky Mountain get-away for those that could afford it. Obviously a lot could and did... get their monies worth! Could Roger & Co be accountable, to what was such a worthy 'Allocation of Excellence'? It was a good exercise to remember that second day, at Teal Haven Lodge and my reminiscence of the excursion... cut short. By a blaring horn. I was somewhat startled, that I’d cut the line on a sharp corner and not really paying attention to what I knew it to be a dangerous windy section of narrow subsidiary highway along the lake. The driver in the other lane was likely angry and reminding me of just that 'idiot tourist... learn how to drive' well, I did feel thoroughly chastised. Actually, I was quite openly surprised to find how close I was now to Jasper. The drive and thoughts about business, had made the time fly right by and, what I did know at that point. I was convinced that this venture would be very viable for the group of investors Rodger had post haste accumulated. Myself included, and... we’d all certainly get a healthy return on it. But again, a weird premonition of The O’Grady’s’ Teal Haven Lodge... did we deserve it? There was something behind all this I couldn’t put a finger to and for some weeks, the feeling had persisted. Roger & Co, were somehow not all that they appeared to be. Were these business dealings covering... maybe something else, like criminal laundering schemes, kinda deal? So hey, maybe these undeserved Roger and investors would enjoy the odd vacation, at a totally awesome location and have the privilege. To now own a portion of something, that was truly special. It was now a matter of bringing it home, closing the deal and reporting back to Rodger and Co. in two weeks time at the Tower Inn in Calgary. That would tell the tale; maybe all these feelings really added up to nothing... more than likely, I was being unreasonably. Paranoid! For a short while, I let thoughts of work leave like the wind and the road gripped my attention and, well. Troy Farrell… he just loves to drive! I let a few Hemi ponies out, and attacked corners. God, I craved the deep throb of this car, the solid feel of its modified lowered suspension and thick anti-sway bars. Gas charged radial tuned coil over shocks, and the larger diameter brakes which lent stopping power to the Hemi’s many upgrades. With the 22 in. custom wheels and low profile tires and all, it handled like it was on rails. I had the stock seats removed to have Reccarro custom buckets installed; these gave more lateral and bi-lateral adjustable lumbar support, proper driving position being crucial. Then, to top it off. A pearl white paint job with 10 coats of pearled clear and then again... couldn’t help myself. Flip up and away Lambo gull-wing doors, after chopping an channeling the roof line just a hair under three inches of totally radical impression. Custom Ride! Was Pony's total statement. Well, what can I say I’m an extremely obsessive Hot Rodder! And, that the basic car was a great gift from Rodger, didn’t hurt any. With business things really going my way, and Roger the Artful Dodger… at the Helm. I could well afford, all the really custom upgrades done to this my Hot Rod Pony. My partner in crime & breaking the law. Speed limits... meaning, nothing at all! When in the evil throws of Peddle to the Metal... Motorhead action. In no time, I was at the out skirts of Jasper and checking the dash clock. It was only quarter after 11:00 and I still had a while to go before my meeting. So, after finding a needed parking space went and did a little window-shopping... thinking maybe I’d get a little spark of something for Yevette. Well and then thought, she might find that to be somewhat precocious. After all, I’d spent what? A whole fifteen minutes, with this woman. Ah what the hell, I had a whole morning of double thinking s**t and tired of it. ‘Be decisive Troy, grow back yr balls man and the lady will respond’, I thought it out... and the feeling, grew. Yevette, was different. Special, and of all the women I’d had... Why? Browsing through yet another upscale gift shop and a something of a blink, caught my eye. It was a deep rose red Cashmere Scarf, an extra long one, I picked it off the rack and ran my hand down its extremely long soft length. About put it back, to move along to other things and... got a current like shock for my troubles. Which then ran right through me, like a quick breathless thrill. No, this was the gift and it just felt right... minus the electrocution type deal. Ok, well just went right off to the till. To purchase Yevette’s choice. Strange? Ya, well what can I say. The Lady Glows! I checked my watch and was time to go, and well... Found that the biz stuff, turned out pretty much like I thought it would. A nice lunch really and some hot bullshit, from the appointed Lawyer /Realtor /Estate Negotiator / A*****e! At one point even Ben and Kate were embarrassed, to try cutting him off at the prize. But he just motored right through them, figuring he was really impressing me and, was just annoying really. With his entirely weary frazzle dazzle I just shut him off and his wha- wha- wha- whatever, for the next two hours. Said a heart felt good-bye to the O’Grady’s and, made my way outta there. Like, 'la tea, duh, see ya fool' deal stalled. Making no headway, what-so-ever. Oh well, I was off to a walking date with Yevette. Along the lake! … Oh Ya ... © 2014 Rory CJ FranksonFeatured Review
2 Reviews Added on October 4, 2010 Last Updated on October 24, 2014 Author![]() Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, CanadaAboutIt's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..Writing