![]() Chapter One... A Golden GlowA Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson![]() An attraction that can't be denied![]()
Chapter one A small portion, of the previously mentioned ambiance's... I‘d watched from a safe distance, as this waitress performed her ordinary job. Moving so purposefully, day-by-day in the Fairview Hotel’s family restaurant. With a disciplined poise... maintained, as a trained dancer might. With sore feet, methodical control and a graceful balance. While shuffling orders, in and out of those endless swinging. Kitchen doors. I noted that she had a kind of habit, of biting her lip and lifting an eyebrow. When traffic, was especially hectic with other fellow servers, coming and going through that narrow juncture; it was an observed unconscious mannerism, of an extended concentration... of that artful dance. Through everyday doors... 'nice'! What, like pure poetry? It was as though I couldn’t stop myself, from watching this woman. Damn… she just seemed to somehow. Glow! I felt her aware, that I came there everyday for breakfast. To always sit in a different section from hers, and she’d smile. Acknowledge me, as I’d arrive to select a different table. Choosing a different viewpoint, to ponder this ambient appeal. I felt in this attraction, I was so mystified by. With each day, the feeling grew stronger and its strange fixation. More solidly real, and me. Struggling, within myself… wondering. Why? There came the day about a week after staying at the hotel, and going through the actions of the business to be dealt with. That I felt time shift gears and gathered up the courage, to face this. And sit myself, in her section. Well, in that mornings breakfast and the gathered courage of my decision, finally, arrived at. I was in for something of a day of surprises. First of all, I didn’t know her name, or that she was even French. For that matter. I could see she wore a name tag, but had never been close enough to read it. Not have even heard her speak, until that day. I ambled over with some very real trepidation, to a chosen vacant table and even before I‘d sat down to completely slide my chair up to that table. I became aware, of the most heavenly fragrance... like lilies, in springtime. Touch some nerve, trigger. Some forgotten memory. I shivered to look up and there she was, this plainly wondrous creature. The focus of my entire week, of intensive study. Her gracious form. Haloed, in morning’s light from the large row of scenic windows and the majestic mountains vistas behind. Framing, her most eloquent waitress perfect poise... menu held at the ready, this glowing vision, spoke to me. “Good morning sir, you would like a menu. Yes”, she’d stated cheerily perky as fact, her angelic presence lighting up my world and all I could think of was brother, 'this is totally irrational'! Utterly and truly bewitched, I nodded returning her smile and immediately taken with her musical voice, and cute French accent. ‘Yevette’, as her name tag read, put the required menu down in front of me, to c**k her head cutely to one side and with deep green eyes shinning mischievous. Leaned in closer to me and said in a low almost hushed voice, “and... how is my admirer, this fine day. Hmm”? This Yevette, looking right in my eyes. Her whole body, poised like a question mark and an enquiring tease. Playing against a natural dimpled smile, and again. I noted those beautiful green eyes... literally. Sparkling impishly. As she patiently waited, through my obvious mystification. “Pardon”? I was a literally dumbstruck and would imagine, blushing stupidly! “Oh, you have been watching me! Have you, not”? Not waiting for any reply, continued. “Would you like coffee first, before ordering”, and just went ahead, and poured me a cup. And, go on with being morning perky. “Today’s special is The Western Omelet, it comes with Hash Browns and your choice of white, brown or Texas Toast, and. Includes coffee”! Pointing at my cup with her pen. She looked again, right into my eyes. To smile like the sun. “Or, I could come back. If you’d rather choose, a different selection from our menu. Or do you already know what you would have”? Yevette smiled again and waited, for some reply. Exhibiting, her innate professional courtesy. God, those eyes of hers. Were so captivating. Her present aura took my breath away, and I held those eyes tentatively. Taking a sip of my coffee, to sort out my out of control heartbeat. “Ah actually” put the cup down, with a seemingly loud clatter. To finally reply. “Ok. I’ll have three eggs over easy, the sausages, crispy. The pan fries, also crispy. No toast, and a side order of your French Toast. With mmm, ya. Blueberry syrup”, with a moments, polite pause add, grinning. “Please”! My composure, was now somewhat under some kind of manageable control. As Yevette broke our eye contact, looking down to write out my order on her waiting pad. Then to say rather provocatively, “Ah, a man who knows, just what he wants, eh”! Looking again, right into my eyes. I felt that she was definitely flirting with me and, in a very direct objective manner. As her poise and comments, making plain her intent. For me, Troy-man... To notice. I, came back brazenly with, “as a matter a fact, I do. Know what I like, that is”! And, was pleasantly surprised. That my waitress, actually blushed just a little, and cutely I might add. Well it all seemed to be going rather dandy, I was thinking. ‘Cool’... and watched, intently on baited breath. Intrigued. To see what her response, might be. In this dramatic little game, being played. Yevette, recovered gracefully and visibly became more in character, with her job. “Well, alrighty then”, her pen, punched a period on the pad, ‘order taken’. “I hope your meal won’t take, too long. As you can see. We are fairly busy this morning, and your order could take some time. To go through”, and was already scanning her section. Working... her, to-do list. I got all loose, casual. “Not a problem, I’ll get some work done while I wait”, moving things around on the table. I opened the leather bound note pad, I’d brought with me. Took out my black and gold pen, double clicking its top for emphasis. To smile at Yevette... pleased, with myself. Yevette’d just stood there. It was almost an awkward moment. With neither of us saying anything, and her. Just blankly studying me. It appeared as though, she wanted to say something. But the moment, just broke, like she’d maybe come out of some sort of trance. To actually giggle, and finish it off with. “Yes well, I’ll be round to refill your coffee for you. Ok, off and away”, and there came that deep rosy blush again. Blossoming like new life, noted as she set off with an almost skip in her step. Bound for the kitchen. Leaving me to wonder. What she’d been thinking there... To form, such a perfect giggle moment? For some time, I tried concentrating on the notes I’d made from the day before, but wasn’t having much luck. Her giggle moment, wasn’t the only thing which had left me to wonder at, and found myself writing up a list, on my note pad. How old is she, where is she from. Wonder what her last name is. How do I get further... than just, being a customer? Do I really want to? Yes. I really want to! I’d written in large letters, complete with strong underlining emphasis. “Hmm, yes. Me too”, there again. Came the aroma... Lilies in springtime? ”What the--” I almost jumped out my skin. Yevette my waitress, was right beside me! Looking over my shoulder, and reading my notes off the pad. Apparently. To inform me, further. “I’m sorry, I have to tell you I’m a horrible snoop”, she laughed weirdly and ask, “am I, your work then”, and went right ahead, and refilled my coffee cup... which I dumbly noted, gawking into the cup. Had in deed, been empty? Time flies in the face of total preponderance, and. Taking quick stock, of the immediate situation. Blurted. “Guess, I’m busted huh”! God, I felt stupid and made juvenile efforts. To hide what I’d written on the pad with what felt like clodhopper hands, and finally. Just closed it. Period. “I should say so. Busted! As you say”, with wicked eyebrow arched, Yevette’d answered... Coolly? One hand on a cocked hip, in the other. A recriminating coffee pot gently sway indecision. Her general expression. Hard to read. But I was desperately trying. ‘What, what to say... Oh God, think man’, nothing came to me. Too late, in and of it all. An enigma. Who just turned and sashay away from me and, in the all... in all. Was it an aura, of contempt. She’d radiated, just then? Was she, really put off… or what? Mortified. I nervously fumble fingered, near ever object on the table within reach. I watched for some clue, as Yevette did her rounds. Filling customer’s cups, laughing with some at unheard comments and simply, doing her job. Not once, did she turn back and look in my direction, drinking fresh coffee, trying to understand... Troy-man. A blubbering fool? It made no sense, at all. ‘God, what’s happening to me'? Came, the thought of the day. Just dandy, turns dashed. Dreams, burn to ashes. Breakfast romance... Sadly, crashes! With so many conflicting emotions, going on inside. I went back over, just what had transpired between us since I’d arrived. Some of it was clear... and most. Wasn’t. When she’d said, ‘yes, me too’ in response to reading the note. Did it mean, that she would like to maybe meet outside of her work. Or, was it like... ‘oh sure, are you serious’? Did this all really matter; I was close to having some panic attack. What the hell was wrong with me? This wasn’t like me, Troy Farrell. Not at all, I almost never got rattled like this... In fact, don’t think I ever had! This French girl Yevette’d thrown so many curves at me this morning. As to be totally out of sorts and... all of this, was consuming every atom, of my somewhat stretched attention span. When again came the aroma, Lilies in spring. Brought along with my breakfast? I was suddenly filled with the most horrible dread and I almost couldn’t look at her. To possibly witness. Some total icy disdain. Or, maybe even... contempt... Was not written upon that lovely face, which spoke musical words I had to sort out the real meanings of. “Ah, your work must be very stressful. Yes”? Her considerate voice, pierced through my cloud of inner turmoil. “So, it arrives finally, and here you are”, motioning professionally. To my breakfast. As to the point, of the last statement. God, here it comes. The pointed sarcasm. The recrimination and some rude reference, to the idiocy. She’d read, from my god damn pad. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid… courage stupid’! I looked up, sheepishly. To observe, her disdain. Her facial expression looked truly concerned and Yevette ask, “are you ok, you don’t look very well, at all”? Indicated again my meal; she had balanced in both hands and one arm. “Do you think, you can still eat your breakfast. Mr. Admirer”, gentle smile? Answering awkwardly, I stuttered “ah, yes please”, like the fool being led, to the slaughter! Yevette, nod her head down toward the tabletop. “Right then, move some stuff around will you, and I can place it there... for you”. Being of course, that both her hands were full. I did then comply. Shuffling the damning note pad out of the way and, moved this and that back into some semblance of order. Yevette laid my meal out in front of me and, it smelled... really good. All of this last hour or so, had seemed to have really work up my appetite. No heavy revelation there. I, was hungry! Then sounding like, god finally. Yevette sighed tiredly... as if to wrap things up? “There you are, enjoy your breakfast. Sir”, and turned away, from my table and. Just another, customer. Well, that was that I figured and there you go. My sweet waitress, Yevette... But she stopped herself, in mid-motion from walking away. An odd look crossed her face and to really surprise me with, “hey, are you sure you’re ok”? But a customer, one row over was waving her arms around calling, 'waitress, waitress', catching Yevette’s attention and she waved back, acknowledging her. “Yes Mame. I’ll be right with you”, sounding earnestly flustered. Turned, back to me. “I’m sorry it is really very busy, I must go. But I’ll be back”! Yevette got a look on her face, like ‘stupid thing to say’! Beautiful green eyes, looking toward a something to the right of the ceiling. Then down and back to me, with a kind of ‘ah duh’ look. “Of course, I’ll be back. I’m your waitress”, and, walked away. Leaving me again, slightly mystified... In the all in all, of an interplay. The like of which, never experienced that friggin hungry. With my pretty waitress steadily moving off and me and my fork and I. Had stuck in an extremely crispy sausage, which naturally. Was halfway to my mouth, that’s salivating in rabid man hungry anticipation. Also noted, the manner in which pretty Yevette’s retreating posterior. Was a very enticing, fluid side-to-side movement. Shifting and yes, wonderfully. Beneath that standard rayon uniform, and also noted. Another waitress going by and, in the comparing of the two. Yevette’s uniform, was hemmed shorter and showing more lovely leg. Taken in, at the waist? My head snapped to, to see if the other waitress was out of range. Sure enough, tent like standard and rather bland. Munch-munch-munch. Not the same affect at all…no. Not-at-all! Another juicy sausage, beckoned me back to the plate. Well the one thing that I know about myself, for sure. Is that I’m a very observant fellow and until the last crumb, was gone from that delightful breakfast. I noted, nothing at all. And Yevette, well of course she did come back. Saying a Bus Boy, would be coming to clear away my very ordinary remains and clutter. Yevette, a pretty waitress in a tailored uniform. Poured me one last cup of hot coffee. Again, well that was that, and there she went. One miss guided, passing fancy! Well... maybe, for all of about three minutes... That’s about as long as it took, as I looked up from studying the mysteries. Which floated around on the surface of the inside, of my coffee cup I’d sat contemplating. What to maybe to do with the rest of my morning. Maybe, have just one more refill, and just maybe. Observe the lovely waitress Yevette. A wee bit longer. No, that no longer seemed to be the dream. It had been... for the past week. I now, had serious doubts that I had my head screwed on straight, at all. Hold on... I realized at that moment, that some disruptive movement had come from the other side of my dinning table. Causing interruption of having said, dejected deep preponderances. And, oh my! It was my pretty lost Yevette. written off all of about three minutes prior... to that very moment. Holding a cup of hot coffee in her hand and, sitting herself down. At my table? And, even more truly perplexing. Was her smiling... that smile. That was like the light of the world, and what. With her wonder persona rather seeming to emanate, a savior Mystic Madonna type quality and truly… Glowing? Good God. A weird morning, in a life. Not so use, to such near neurotic pursuits. And, I was destined to find out. About to get a whole lot stranger, in this day’s outcome... How be it, in a very good way for my dream and would challenge... my every perception. Yevette got her self-settled, to take a quick sip of her coffee and lean across the table saying conspiratorially quiet. “Listen, I only have fifteen minutes, I’m on my coffee break and usually. I take it in the back”, paused for a short breather and, more coffee before continuing, “I asked my Manager if I could take it out here, with a customer. Normally we’re not allowed to do such a thing, you see. Well, I can understand that, Hotel policy. But the Manager he likes me, if you know what I mean. The pervert. He’s married you know, three kids. Anyway, he says. ‘Go ahead’, and, well... Ta Da. Here I am”! Leaned back, into her chair. Seem to be quite comfortable with her self and at ease, confident. ‘Courage man’ I thought, praying that this vision would not just up and disappear. She didn’t and I marveled, at the bigger than life presence she somehow presented, to go on, “so as promised, I Come back to find out what’s up”, sipping coffee. Now Yevette presented an earnest look of honest concern and, her turn to blush. Suddenly looking uncomfortable ask. “Are you, ok?” Then fidget with a napkin nervously, waiting for some type of reply to her surprising interruption. I was about to mumble, some intelligible response. Being earnestly bewildered, but that wasn’t what came spilling out of my mouth. What did, was what? Some inner truth from the heart! “Yevette, do you know that you glow”! Instantly, I felt my face go crimson and watch her beautiful green eyes, go real wide. ‘God, what a stupid thing. To start with’ I thought, but marched on before she could say anything to stop. The roll I was on? “Well its true Yevette... you do! As to being an admirer, I am. About watching you, guilty as charged. I’ve been checking you out Yevette and, until today. Hadn’t even the courage. To even sit in your section. Today, I gave it a whirl... why, because you glow and does that sound… well. Crazy”? “Yes! But, do go on”, rolled a graceful hand, motioning me to continue. With heart stopping gorgous emerald green eyes, smiling mirth. I didn’t know, if she was teasing or really thought, I was nuts. So, just dug myself in a lot deeper. “First of all, reading my notes over my shoulder and just what, was in those notes. Well, I felt mortified. Doodling, like some lovesick teenager and then. Getting caught at it? Not meaning to have anyone see, what I was doing. Didn’t even know I was doing it, myself? Or what your comments might have meant, after you read them”! Shrugged my shoulders and looked back down, into a half full coffee cup dejectedly... Wondering, how anyone would go for a stream of extreme weirdness… like that! “Hey, look at me”, I did, and she looked quite serious. “As to glowing, well ok. That’s that and, thank you. It was really a quite beautiful thing, to have said to a woman”! Yevette quirked her head to one side, and smiled to emphasize her point and looking every inch the woman... continued, “as to your, notes”, and with a apprehensive sidewards glance and back said, “ok… I’m 27, I’ll be 28 in a month and a half. I’m from St Le Vallier Quebec. A small tourist town, in the Laurentian Mountains. Which, I left as soon as I could... at age eighteen. My full name, is Yevette Rose-Marie Cartier Richade... Shall I, go on”? What could I say, I could hardly breath and only nod my head, intrigued. So, she did. “Yes. I would enjoy knowing you more. Than just being some customer, who’s been checking me out. As to that I am use to, you see. Me, being... a woman eh”! She momentarily paused, looking sideways at another something, on the ceiling. Coffee held in both hands and elbows at the table, like lost in thought. Looking back she took another draft from her coffee and then went on prettily. “I must admit, to have been watching you watch me as well. I noticed you, the first time you came in and... I can’t say that you glowed. But you see, you are not exceedingly so handsome a man... but. I do enjoy looking at you”! Then came music, Yevette laughed wonderfully. At her quirky statement. I felt myself blush at her compliment, and impressed with her natural open honesty. Then found myself… literally! And then... found, I was laughing right along with her wondrous magic, and my heart. Dance delight. Our bout of laughter, done. Yevette went on, with obviously more to add, “I can also see... that you have something, of a rare quality. You are naturally, what. A gentleman? Not like most of the pigs. Which, are checking out… my a*s”, and immediately, to feel guilty. Having naturally as a man. Done, just that. “I could tell... you were not having the thoughts of the ordinary type pervert”! (hopefully true) “so you see. When I read your notes, I was flattered. I thought it was cute and upon reading, that last part. I said, ‘me too’! Meaning. That I would also like it as well, if you were to ask maybe to know me better, beyond work”. Her eyes went far away and, rather sad looking. When she look up from some brief thought, saying quietly. “I keep a very limited social life here... and would really enjoy, spending some time, with you”! Her facial expressions, changed so quickly. To then smile teasingly an state. “Depending on how long that is, of course”, Yevette, laughed to add, “leaving tomorrow”? Wonder green eyes searched mine, with a soulful depth. The look entirely impossible to misread, and me. Not really believing, this was actually taking place. This woman was a real marvel, and still. I had no idea, just why this was. But I had read in those soulful eyes, some rare cautious excitement and hopeful promise. And, at the same time. Something other, and I unconsciously... buried that observation. Like I had mistakenly intruded, into a place as yet uncharted. Then broke my train of thought and responded, to her question. Offhandedly. “No, but you’re likely to leave in the next five minuets”, and tapped, my watch. Yevette checking her watch, to chuckle agreement... and I. Jumped back into it, knowing there wasn’t much more time. “I’ll be here for the next week or so, until my current business. Is concluded”! I could hear her thinking, ‘ah, not a tourist’. “So ya, this isn’t a holiday for me and really, had no idea… I was going to be going all gaga for a waitress, while being here”! I smiled at her, hoping she’d take that the right way and it appeared as though she had. So pushed onward, “ya well, but that really seems the case. Yevette! While I really don’t think, that you are necessarily beautiful. I’ve really enjoyed watching you, watch me, and now. To have had this opportunity, to meet you Yevette. I think you’re wonderful”, thinking. ‘touché. We both are not beautiful people’! She laughed and seemed pleased, with this banter being developed. “Well, thank you, and I hope. That having our talk here... has helped you, to feel better”, she queried, and me. To nod somewhat enthusiastically. As it was all of that and more, than expected. Yevette shifted restlessly in her seat and I knew, that her break was done and needing to get back to the rush. Before lunch took over. “So Mr. Admirer”, she stated the obvious, “It’s back to work, I must go! But, if you like, drop back. I get off work at 3:00”, and nervously waited, with what could only be said to be a hopeful look crossing her face. With a shade of a please hurry... with your answer Mr. Admirer, I really have to be getting back to work’! My heart, was racing like crazy. This being ‘too good to be true’, I thought, and estimated quickly, knowing my afternoon appointment. Would run longer than that. “Um, that’s great, but I have this afternoon appointment. If you, could manage it... 4:30 would be better, for me”? I held my breath. Hoping, this wasn’t over complicating things. ‘How was this going to work, would Yevette just back out, and cancel'? A very real concern I thought, at that juncture... No longer smiling, her eyes looking sidewards, her eyebrows all scrunched up and her lovely wide mouth held. In what could only be called, a thoughtful pucker. ‘Good god, she’s cute’, I was thinkin, as she visibly brightened, through some light bulb moment. And there, Yevette the pretty waitress went again with the golden glow, and me. Wondering, about this very seemingly real perception. Was it some kind of New Age Psychic Aura thing? Well if it was some kind spirit deal. It was like something, I’d never experienced before! Troy-man didn't do that gig, or hadn't. “Ok”, she broke my crazy train of thought and clued me in, on what she was thinking. “You know the bandstand, down by the lake”, nodding, that I did. “This might be better and I could get changed first. Yes, anyway. Meet me there, and we’ll go for a walk along the lake. I’d like that. I do that a lot... only, mostly by myself ” Finally got up from her chair and stood waiting, for some acknowledgment. To her willing adjustment, and current plan. “It’s a date, girl” I beamed back. “ I’ll be there, 4:30 at the bandstand. With bells on”! “Well that’s wonderful, gotta go”, Yevette gave a small bye-bye wave. Then literally flounced off. Softly humming, some little tune. Her inner happiness, obvious as was… … Yevette’s golden glow … © 2014 Rory CJ FranksonAuthor's Note
Featured Review
4 Reviews Added on October 4, 2010 Last Updated on October 11, 2014 Tags: star struck love, hot rodding, mystery Author![]() Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, CanadaAboutIt's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..Writing