![]() CongradulationsA Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson![]() we have a winner![]()
******************************************************************************** Congratulations, you have your very own personal Medicine Wheel. If you are a very Artistic person, you might want to dress your wheel up some. Me, after I get everything in placements. I would now go over the whole thing, in a fine point felt architectural pen. Man, then watch things 'pop to appeal'. Some would stop there, and I can understand that. I have spent up to seventy two hours on Artwork renditions of various types based on this pattern and leaving out words. Turn them into a Mandela, and. If you are an artist. You certainly have my permission, to knock your self out artistically. Anyway, you could colour your Morning Star, any colours you choose. Me, I generally stick to Native Traditional values and use the six colours represented, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Black and White. Although if you use a colour backdrop paper, Black and white will pop more...
Of course,
finish the book first. I would ask you to try an experiment,
especially. If you have tripped out an made it into artwork. As this
pattern is Logo Symmetric, and it will automatically. Draw a persons
eye, to its attraction. Try it, invite a friend over for coffee and
an afternoon chat. Set things up before they arrive. To look like,
you have been working on your star. Maybe you have been, open the
book to lay pages down and spine up. Reference, like. Have your pens
an what have you, laying about around your Morning Star. You know,
casual like. Have your coffee cup, or tea if you prefer. Ready... They will come in invited to your kitchen table, tell them you'll go get them a cup. 'Have a seat'! I bet you the price of your book, they will either ask you. 'Hey, what are you doing there'? Or like, 'what is that'? Or, when your bring them a cup of whatever. They will already have it at hand, and studying it. Of course, they might be one of those that it does nothing for and is of no consequence to them! They will want to know what it is and, you. Will be in for an interesting afternoon conversation with your friend. If they would like a copy, hold up the book and be my friend. Say nope, you have to make your own. It is a stipulation of the Author. Lend them the book, or better for our Foundation. That you can join on line, by the way. Tell them where you bought it, or hey. Your a person, that a friend has lent you thier copy. After, a really interesting afternoon talk. Well... it is a full circle deal, anyway.
I'll put in
a short plug for what we are doing and then, move into Bard story
telling mode. You see, I have stated that I'm doing this as an
exersize and on a suggestion, from my Brother Dan. I'm not writing
this as a means to collect income, for me as a writer. In fact, I'm
taking time out of my Fantasy novel. To do this. My novel is as an
Author, who of course. Would love to be published and make a good
living writing again, novels. Who as a writer, wouldn't. I have time
in between the set up, for writing our Web Script next month as my
Sister Janet, starts designing our Foundations website. Dan of course
is busy 24/7 with his successful Costa Rican practise, Bishop of his
church and striving to have a healthy family life. With his wife, an
five children. All of our biz, is being done thousand miles apart and
all by Cyber Office... an let me tell you. Plenty ah files, disappear
into Cyber Stickies...
Skype, is a life saver! Could you imagine the phone bills? Maybe,
by the time your reading this. It will be ancient history. No prob,
like I said nothing is static, and now your reading about history. An
how it all happened. So, the Foundations Website will be operational,
by time this is published. The Web Address, will be on the back cover
of this book. Ok, now there is a secret code, on that site. Go there
and maybe, that's how you found this book. Right on! Anyway, where
this books page is, you will find. The Golden Path: Enter
your code.
Righty then, I bet a lot have people, have already wondered about
that. The code, is the part I wrote about the number19... A hint. It
is a sequence and you have to get the exact sequence from your
finding, in order to open. That
If your on the inter-net, go there right now. After ya figure out the
code. Enter it, and you will see what your Morning Star. Should look
like. You will find out how well you follow directions, and maybe how
poorly. I give them. Lets hope that isn't the case, there will be a
complaint registration there. Opp's. Sorry! All the proceeds from the book your reading, are going into the Foundation. You can read about on that page. As the Aims and Purposes of the Foundation, are for the research of Health Sciences and Investigation of Intuitive Medicine. This is where your hard earned dollars, are going to support this for now. 'Cyber Institute'. You can join the main page and chat and post, it's free and you become a Foundation member. There will be plenty of Health Science articles posted, and some. Maybe even published there. Networks, where you can connect with Holistic Health Practitioners. From all over the world. Information on thier clinics, costs and transportation information, on how to arrive thier. This is our model anyway and with assistance from parties concerned, about such things... we will arrive there.
The Cyber
Institute, depending on the level of your interest. Will offer
personal courses on an array of Holistic Practise. The goal being.
These persons, are interested to the degree... of. Getting one!
To start a practise of thier own where they live, and be well trained. In thier field of interest. Well, thatof course. Won't be free. So you do need the in-depth interest, to invest in your future as... 'A Healer'.Our end goal, is to have the very talented to come to Costa Rica and learn from Daniel W, Frankson. His methodology, and practise. The model, he has developed: 'Psycosmology'. If it is as simple, as you have enjoyed this book. All right! That's good enough for me. If by the end of it. If you are interested, to delve deeper. Even better... for our Planet. Needs healers. People that care about the Cosmology, of our world. Right... end of plug. Story time! ******************************************************************************** I ROCK... © 2014 Rory CJ FranksonAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on May 26, 2010 Last Updated on September 7, 2014 Author![]() Rory CJ FranksonVernon, British Colombia, CanadaAboutIt's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..Writing