

A Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson

Potentials End























You now have a very ancient symbol... an eight pointed. 'Navigational Star.' Although the offset tines are missing that represent like S by SE and SE by E and so on. As we go, there will be many more symbolic representations. As we, add onto your world. Now, we will interject from numerology the symbol that represents eight, which is two index squares. That is a square, atop a square off set at 90 degrees. What does that give you? That's right, eight points! The first square, we will scribe the foundation template of reality... Alignment, Center, Balance, and Harmony. Start at S to W to N to E to end again at S and again. Another completion. Now the counter corners, of Awareness, Realization, Understanding and Acceptance. To start, SE to NE to NW to SW back to SE. Contact.


Well now, you are well past the embryo stage, and into your first trimester. So lets triangulate, your position shall we... Does your star, look as if to take shape? Nice...

Well, your ultra sound looks promising. We can see, your little heart beating and you seem to have all of your fingers an toes. Yet, there is a long way to go through your next two trimesters. Cool hey! I do hope your enjoying the exersize and by all means, it isn't as though you need to complete this all in one day. Unless of course, you are exceedingly interested and can't wait... to be born, today. We can do that!

The second trimester, gets quite a bit more difficult. Well they say, nothing good comes easy. If you do have a compass drawing circles comes easier, I've done so many of these, I do them free hand. It isn't as though, we need perfection. You could be born with at least a few faults, couldn't you? Look at your south tine, it should be divided by four sections. Follow your center line till it intersects the second tine between the two small triangles & at each of these intersecting points, all the way around... draw, the inside circle. (small diagram) There will be a lot of these intersecting directions. As each of the eight tines, will have overlapping circles. In this trimester, you should end up with 10 circles. Nine circles, in a circle. Alright, like nine months of pregnancy? Each of these circles represent, an attribute. A genetic marker, a symbolic reference and... you know what. I'm not going to even name them out for you. As I've already intimated some, and through the rest of this... well whatever it is. I will, refer to more. Stuff and such, in the Substance of Creation. The multiplying fractal aspects, of this rendition.

Besides, the placement doesn't hold any significance. As it is neither linear nor cyclical and isn't a static pattern, everything in the creation 'moves'! As it is, this is early in the pregnant phase. You, are on the way to being a sentient being. Relax and enjoy the Art work. (in this section of having the reader make thier star, there will be small assisting diagrams) As you look to these circles, think of your attributes. The talents you have and the qualities... of your character. Individuality, again no two people, are the same. Each of these circles, may be entirely different then those say. That I named in some order, for myself. Some aspect in this exersize, is that you get to know yourself better. To have a fuller realized relationship with the circle that is you, and your relationship to the world beyond your self. Lets now, head for the inner world!

Those less defined, as the subconscious. Those areas where you act or engage in certain things and you don't know why. Maybe have fears, or phobias. No worries, as with investigation we can probe through them. They are yours, and you do own them! Some, you must keep and really. You have no choice in the matter and are an essential part of self, like that biggy... 'The Id, or sense of self.' The Ego that maybe need taming and be humbled, and put into place every once in a while. That elusive place that contains, our soul. Our memory, and body memory. There are more, I could think of and maybe you could now think of a number that may be contained, in this inner realm. Maybe... have a note pad there with you, and jot them things down as they occur to you, throughout this exersize?

There is also excess baggage, that only takes up space and you could live without. Like maybe those fears and phobias, if you can reach them and some times you might need help, to deal with them. Good idea! That contracted space, could always be used for other things, like joy and collecting memories of sunnier moments, you can now experience and expand the realities of your existence. Breath, feel your heart beat. Nice!

This too, this elusive space where you dream. To sort through, all your moments added onto. Your dreams, can lead you to those areas you want to change, if you learn how to ask. One I was shared and given to me, in Dream Work. It's the I'm being chased dream, and it is like running through sand and fog in slow motion and, no matter how hard I run. I can't get away. Well, this is a problem that you are having. It is your own subconscious, letting you know you can't get away from this one... it's important! Sometimes, it is even a person. That your having problems with, that is chasing you. If you can, recognize this in your dream. Stop and realize, 'oh ya, I'm dreaming and I can control this. After all, it is my dream'! Stop and confront the thing, that is chasing you. Ask it... “why, are you chasing me”? Nine times out of ten, it will plainly just tell you what its about. If you can, tell yourself, “wake up”! If you do, think about what your dream was telling you. These are only me sharing with you, I'm not a recognized trained therapist. There are many sources, that you can find out about Dream Work. Areas of professionalism, where you can receive assistance...

Part of knowing yourself, is exploration. All of self, and your dreams... include them. Their real.

In a way this next detail, is sort of easier as you have already done it. Although it is finer detail. Like dealing with your inner realities. Inside the the ninth circle, in the middle of your star. Repeat what you did in the first circle. When you are done, you should again. Have another eight pointed star, and eight overlapping circles and the ninth again. Connecting them, in the middle. Now you have 18 inner circles and the outside, beginning circle. Makes 19 circles. In numerology 19, is the perfect number as 2-3-5-7-11-13 and 19 are only divisible. By, the primal number 1. You!

19 is containment and, dynamic tension...

Water, has a skin on its surface. If it didn't have this skin, you couldn't float on it and you would boat an all... just sink. This skin, holds the greater body of water in containment. It is a dynamic tension. Like you need a certain amount of tension, to make things work. As on your sewing machine, if the proper tension is not aligned... your stitching won't work and you end up. With a mess. Life, is like that too. Wind gusting, is turbulence. It pushes against the surface tension, of the water. Causing it to roll, with a wave force. The harder, the gust... the bigger The Wave. Till white caps form, as the surface tension is broken and oxygenated water, rolls down the surface skin. Don't cry. Man, are you having a bad day! Yet, have you ever gone swimming in waves? You dive bellow the surface a foot or so, and. All, is calm... You can do this, and save your miserable day! It is a matter of your... Alignment.

Take a little time, to just soak in your star so far. Do you find the symmetry of this design pleasing to the eye. Have the things being discussed so far, hold, some meaning for you? The idea of adding on... do you see how things begin to exhibit, a Balance. A Harmony, that you can actually feel. Hey, you might get up and play some of your favourite music softly and hear the harmonies, that are held in music. To note, the feelings are similar. Or not. Depending on your Alignment, to such things...

Well again, everybody. Is different!

In the center circle, if you wanted... you could repeat the pattern in even smaller detail. I've done that and it does, look cool. The point being, this Star is a repletion and a representation of the Physical Reality. Now matter how far you go, into the Micro or Macro. The pattern, is a Fractal Image and it just keeps repeating itself. It represents the Substance of Creation. Travelling inward, light just becomes more condensed and detail so small it can not be comprehended. Till it is only pure light. This, I think...

Is God, at Center!

The farther out you go? Well, look up into the night sky at the canopy of stars. A beautiful thing to look upon, hey! If we were big enough what would we see that it made up, well its uncomprehending the magnitude of what is up there. I think that too, is God! All things in the creation, I believe. Have the name of God, written into it. Like you! You are like those stars in the sky, there are universes within you and beautiful to look upon. Look in the mirror, see that light shinning in you. Say, to your reflection. A thing, my Brother taught me. “I'm in the universe and the universe is in me. I and the universe are One”! Say this three times, walk out the door and enjoy your day. Knowing, you are. Beautiful! Well, if your a guy. Knowing, that your too cool. An man... 'I am' . Handsome! Does that, work for you?

In my center, I shade in four of the eight portions remaining. I reminds me of all of it, the Balance of Light and Dark. The duality, of our physical creation... Positive and Negative. Dynamic opposites, and again. I think you could add a number, to your list. This cross, is probably the most ancient symbol on Earth and you will find its representation, in all Cultures... it is. Logo symmetric. This inner most place, is where your spirit resides. Where all of creation, is relative. To you! You are related. To all of it! The Native People quite often will say at the end of prayers, or a talking circle, or a given speech...All my Relations”! To create a relationship, a bond. Within the Circle, represented in...

The all, in everything.


To come a full circle, in Acceptance. Peace...

This, is what it represents. This place at center, this power of attraction. The thing, that people love about you the most. Where the best attributes are held. Love, Honour, Respect. Now add on to your list, there. See those things within yourself! The star, is passing it's third trimester. You will be shortly born into the world. All the things are in place, for... Arrival! The second to last detail, of your Star...

Is to add on to the outside of your Circle. The extension, into the outer World.

This will be extended, by drawing outward from these two base index squares, in your diagram. Select one and align on it with your ruler, now as you go outward. Pay attention, to the opposite base square. As when that line extends, it will meet with the line you are drawing and form a point. When you have done this all round those two base squares. You will have yet another star.

This is 'the Morning Star' and a very sacred symbol in Native Culture. You may have seen it in thier art, on blankets and yet another way of expressing... 'all my relations'! A symbolic reference, to a teaching, an ideal. The morning star, is the last visible star in the night sky. It has a quality, to out shine all the other stars, in the night sky as dawn approaches. I wonder if this was the star the three Zoroastrian wise men followed, to find the baby Jesus? Nice thought being had, as your born screaming... Into the world.



© 2014 Rory CJ Frankson

Author's Note

Rory CJ Frankson
note: the published book, will have added diagrams to assist in the creating the star.
The Miracle... You.

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Added on May 26, 2010
Last Updated on September 7, 2014


Rory CJ Frankson
Rory CJ Frankson

Vernon, British Colombia, Canada

It's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..
