Ro's Red Road

Ro's Red Road

A Chapter by Rory CJ Frankson

Excerpts from: Ro's Red Road... not in a continuous order, more just cameos of experience within 30 years of learning Native Traditional beliefs and practices.


Ro's Red Road... Part 1 Following my fingers over the boards.

Hello Brothers & Sisters, and welcome to my Morning Star Circle.

I had been meditating lately, upon reflection as a concept, as I sometimes use a Creative Visualization from a Healing Circle I attended. Now, maybe some twenty years ago or more. The speaker started with The Four Directions and concentrated on 'Water of the West' in the Medicine wheel as a focus for that afternoons Circle Group discovery. Oddly enough, Martha Many Grey Horses, began with science? To describe 'surface tension' and the idea that some diseases can be looked at as unfocused tension. Dis-ease. To carry on into the 'Air of the East' direction in the medicine wheel. To ask if we had seen white cap waves grow on a lake, or on the ocean. Being the interaction of wind (qualities of air) gusting down upon the surface of the water. There is a thin skin that rides upon the surface of water, called surface tension. Without which, things like ducks... could not float on the surface of the body of water.

It was an engagement to bring about a conscious awareness of the connectedness, and interaction with all things within the Greater Circle. Through the course of the afternoon, that understanding began to surface. Well, when the wind gusts over the water. It pushes down on that surface tension and causes the water displacement to rise and roll in the direction of the wind. If it is a strong wind, it pushes down harder and generates larger waves. When the waves reach a point where the surface tension can no longer contain the tension of that covering surface. It breaks that skin, and the body of water below rides along the exposed surface skin and become oxygenated, and what we see are rows of white caps...

To go on to ask, if any of us have had fun swimming in the waves. Playing within the forces of Nature. Quite a few had and she had us share how that felt. Anyone that had done this, knows that it can be quite overpowering, and in many instances. We need exersize caution, when dealing with the forces of Nature. Shortly, Martha would reach her point. You know that no matter how turbulent the surface is, if you dive 3-4 feet below the surface... all is calm. If we use that idea, and the wind, is the turbulence of what is going on in our now. It is pushing down on our surface tension. There is a required amount of tension between all things. As exact as there is that surface tension, that cover all the lakes and oceans on our planet. Again, in terms of dynamic tension. A sewing machine, needs adjustable tension to sew in a straight line... and so on. I'm sure if we thought on it, we could come up more than a few examples.

It wasn't so far a stretch that Martha, a Blackfoot Princess and daughter of a Hereditary Chief, use sciences to arrive at Traditional understandings. As she was then a Professor at the Lethbridge community collage in Alberta, with the 4 Corners Development Project; for Aboriginal Education. Anyway, Martha will come to surface more in the coming planned parts of these writings. It can be said that Martha Many Grey Horses, is an awesome teacher in so many ways in her Red Road contributions.

When we relate these concepts to mental, emotional and spiritual health. We are learning more about the dynamics of what the 'Medicine Wheel' may represent, in a holistic learning process. Martha then took us on a visual walk in a beautiful garden with pathways to wander through and enjoy the diversity of creation. This had a calming effect on the whole group. To explain, when we are in that state we can be focused and happy. If we maintain that over time, it fosters and generates health... through a lack of tension. With an overt amount of tension, we can't deal with... our immunities suffer, and we can attract to us... Dis-ease, and our over all health can suffer things like heart attacks... stress related ailments.

If we remember that just below that surface, is ultimately calm. We can tap into that resource. Take a walk, enjoy the garden and the all the Nature, that resides there. As she guide us along those paths, she talked about the Four Directions and teachings of the Medicine Wheel. Finally, we came to a place at centre, and there was a well. She again had us close our eyes and approach that well, Kevin Lock, a champion Eagle Hoop Fancy Dancer came quietly into the room, Kevin also plays wonderful Native Flute. He began to play as Martha talked about us looking into that well, and if there is a fierce wind blowing against its surface. What we'd see would be all confusing, and broken up. Now that we were in this beautiful garden and with the sounds of Kevin's flute, generating a wonderful calm. The surface is without a ripple, and looking down... what would you see. Yes, that's right.. you. Your own reflection.

“Now open your eyes!”, she said, and with the flute playing continuing, “this is your well, your well being... a state of being well.” Teachings of The Medicine Wheel. How all things are held in dynamic tension. Kevin found the right wood in his ceremony to create his Flute, to use air like the wind, to create the notes that filled the room, for us to be soothed by. That was the afternoon, and Kevin gave a short talk about how he made his flute. Martha sent us out in groups of people, that didn't know each other well. To go for a walk before dinner, and talk over what we thought the afternoon was about.

Our group of five, walked a little way up the mountain behind the hall and sat in amongst the wild daisies and millions of little tiny flowers, hiding in amongst the wild grass on that hillside. There was a general buzz we all felt, in the building of a positive tension. We talked about healing, some talked of dealing with current issues, good & bad. It was a wonderful way, to work an informative healing circle.

I suppose I began my walk in 1979, though I believe I was always walking my path, toward that place in myself that badly required healing. Here to say a thing from the bible; “those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear... will”, and I leave it there, as a reference in what I'm arriving at. In what is a spiritual experience and for the most part, for my own gratification. “Will,” is a good focus to leave that on. To ask, if I tell you some aspects of this story, 'will' you believe it? Not that it matters, as I'm not here to convince you of anything. Only to share of my Red Road experience, and it's rather mystical overlays... that in the main. Maybe not even all that well understood, myself.

On this path, I have seen and heard things, that can't be easily explained. To have spent time with my Elder, who was a Shaman. Who had done things in his lifetime with his teachings, that many could not explain. There is a saying I'm fond of, and it goes like this; Acceptance, is the end of the Wheel...

From a given point of 1979, I left the world of addictions behind. In nine not so easy years, I went from dope dealer, to working with The Morning Star Medicine Wheel. Going to gatherings with Brothers & Sisters like Martha Many Grey Horses. Teachers, that had the loving patients to teach about The Red Road, and share the ways, they were walking that path. I had many teachers along the way. I found them, and they found me. Always, was I wonder struck, and learning more about the intricacies of life. Some times, just plain stuck, depressed, overwhelmed, and yes... even suicidal. For my teachers to come when the need arise and share their love and compassion. To remind me, “who said it'd be easy?”

Always there was a tension that I felt varying degrees of, as in 1979. I'd had a waking vision with my Ancestor Great Grandfather, James Dilts. I was confused and trying to not drink and do drugs. To go to the river and visit my beaver friends. It was spring time in the Rockies, and the river, was running high and swift. I had a joint of high grade marijuana, and stupidly thought I'd enjoy it that sunny spring day. As soon as I took a few puffs, I knew it was the wrong thing to be doing, and I began to shake with inner anxiety. You see, at the time I had been for several months going to court on a drug trafficking charge, and had yet to be convicted. That was the part freaking me out... I'd never been charged with anything before, and at 22. I was about to have to own the tension of a real Criminal Record. I wasn't a rebellious little kid any more... no, I was an adult and facing those responsibilities.... In my introductory post 'The Enemy Within'. This was my meaning and creating a refection of that life, to share it.

From 1980 to 1989... was truly an odyssey for me in the learning curve, experiences and the expansion of learning, I went through... to earn The Morning Star Medicine Wheel. To be given a path to follow from the dream world of the Spiritual Reality. To seek out, 'The Gathering of Eagles.”

To see how connected things can be, in 1972 I had started a novel I named “Rejuvenation Faction', in a time I was working for Hertig Publishers in Edmonton. Getting that job from Bartee, who was one of our roadies from the band gig in Calgary. Between that time meeting Brenda (my first true love) who I lived with, and eventually. Had a really high paying job working at the Tar Sands project in Ft McMurray. Well, a little back ground. It wasn't as though my whole life was about selling drugs. That novel story line, came from watching clouds one day, and thinking about the last Ice Age. Knowing, or having a feeling, like we were living with a clock we couldn't see. There were Cycles that could come again like that. I got to studying what a rejuvenatory concept contained. Faction of course, is a group of people with common ideals, and rejuvenation, is continuing endless cycles, in the process of renewal.

So when all that took place in 1979, it wasn't as though I was an idiot and totally unaware. Although I felt that way at times. I'd lost Brenda, my world was falling apart, because of drugs and alcoholism. I'd been arrested in a criminal drug conspiracy, that would eventually threaten my life. Man, I was due for a renewal. I felt like I'd failed my family, and hadn't been home for years. I knew I was raised to be better than that, and was misusing my gifts. I was on my way to probably serving jail time (which I did and got a lot less than I thought I was in for) In hindsight, I can see the Spirit moved my world with and for me. (remember, the eyes to see and ears to hear deal) The search I recognized, I realized had began many years before. I just had no way to see how the dots were connected... to my Ancestors Dreams.

The winds of change...

Headings and titles, have their way of shifting gears. The then reality being a fast lane on the highway to hell. Now. Back to being in Fernie British Colombia Canada. Right there, in the place I maybe love the best... the Rocky Mountains. Smoking drugs, beside a fast moving river. Ashamed that I was going to be a real criminal. Not knowing how to go face doing jail time. I stood there on a large boulder with the river racing by hypnotically. Seeming to have a fatal pull, thinking maybe just let myself go and let the river carry me away. Maybe the third time, I'd considered suicide. As a real and valid way out.

I heard a voice in my head say three times, and crystal clear, “looking through your Great Grandfathers eyes!” That made me stop staring at the rushing thunder of the river, burning in my ears, through my brain. It was like a “huh” moment. “What the hell was that?” It came again, and repeated the same thing three times. It was like my vision of the valley between the mountains there, fogged... then, clear?

Fernie, where I was in that suspended moment of puzzlement. Across the bend in the river was a fairly large iron and steel bridge, that held the highway that lead out of town. When my vision cleared, it just wasn't there. I turned and looked behind me to the town of Fernie, and it wasn't there? The voice said that phrase one more time, and I gathered. This is what my Great Grandfather, would have seen. As the Dilts ranch, was some miles south of there and Fernie. Was the main place to re-supply and buy the hardware needed, to run the ranch operations. It was then, that I concentrated on a voice talking to me.

It is not like I remember verbatim, everything in that one way conversation. It went like “Never forget who you are, we all lived and died to get you here... you are our hope!” (a living example of the 7th Generation Principle) in our day, there were almost no people, that didn't believe in God.” To show me a story in my mind, “everywhere your (great) Uncle Dick went,” I could see him riding the range with the cattle, “he had a small book of Palms, that he carried in his shirt pocket, and his favourite Palms was 'though I walk through the Valley of Death... I will fear no evil,” and I could see him with one leg slung up over the saddle horn reading, and his lips silently repeating that Palms. He said, “you see that bluff over there,” and I looked up and said I did, “what do you see?” I studied it a moment and there was intermittent bouts of sun, and cloud. The sun came out and clearly there in the bluffs shadows. Looked like a man on a horse with his leg slung up over the horn of his saddle. “You see, that's the Ghost Rider... it is your Uncle Dick.” It was well known, that Dick was an outstanding horseman, a medicine man and yep, a horse whisperer. Uncle Dick died in Fernie in the hospital there of scarlet fever, and cedar poisoning. After saving his family and half the population of Grassy Plain. (where the family ranch was, south of Cranbrook BC) His immunities were low from an untended cedar sliver, he'd gotten building a sawmill in central BC. Where he got the telegram about Scarlet Fever sweeping through the Kootney, and his 9 children were all sick. (one of his daughters died) The fever, took him.

Some of these stories I learnt about through our families research into our history of pioneering in the 1800's of British Colombia. It was that scenery, I was seeing through all that. “This is how I seen this country Rory. There was very few people and this Valley so pristine and beautiful belonged to The Original People. I came to Canada to be a part of The New World. I came west believing that we would have the chance, to change our world! It is your turn, there is a New World coming and again never forget who you are, or where you came from. You must find your Road home, my son.” That was that and it was finished. The bridge was back, I felt alone again and my G Grandfather. No longer with me.

That 'find my road' was kind of an echo in my ears, and that I had a purpose now to live for. I believed too, that there was a New World Promise and my Mother raised me with her belief. Which for the most part, I ignored the times in life I went to church and Sunday School, like all my cousins. In these times of telling, I have now my belief in God. In what ever measure you name that Sacred Spirit. I believe in that still small voice within you... the voice of your conscience. An nope, your not con-ning science!

I stood beside that river for quite sometime, wondering if that had been real? I went over what was said to me, and yes. I did believe that I had been visited by my Great Grandfather. For him to give me a message, and a direction worth living for. Soon the sun change the face of the bluff and the Ghost Rider faded, to only facets of the natural face of the mountain. I went for a walk the long way back to town and as I came up away from the river bank. A friend came out of the bush with his B 210 shotgun, and two limp Grouse. His wife and him were Christians, though not hard core but they believed in God and often visit me and my Brother Marshal, to engage in open minded spiritual philosophies mainly.

Anyway, I was still really excited about what I'd experienced. I wasn't about to tell Bruce at that time all of it. But I told him about the rider in the shadows of the bluff. He intervene and say, “oh, you mean The Ghost Rider... everyone here, knows about that. At a certain time of day, there he his on his horse.” I was flabbergasted, I hadn't named the figure... but my G Grandfather had showed me, why he was there. Maybe horses, were Uncle Dick's last thoughts before he died? It was a confirmation for me, that beyond reason. What I'd gone through, was real. I had the eyes to see and the ears to hear... that the world of Spirit, lives right along side us. Later, I will maybe write about dreaming the dream. As a Hopi Elder told me once. When became an Elder, I would receive my fourth name and be 'A Dream Seeker for the People'... as my Mother was Red Hair Owl Woman, and 'A Dream Keeper for the People'.

That is a part of this story... but not now. I'm limiting these excerpts to five pages. It is not to be a storytelling of my history, or parts of a novel. ( I've tried to write before and always gave up, as it serve no purpose) It is not about a historical past, though it will contain some. It is about a living record, how for me. The Red Road, is about our condition and conditioning. How we receive and engage the reality of things.

What the present, has to do with the future. You see, it's all been told by the past... such a far reaching shadow it casts.

You are, a Living Wheel. That generates exchangeable energy. Creating your part, in manifesting a Generation. To relate what the teachings of the Medicine Wheel contain, and imply. I had to of course, start from the beginning. Sure, I read tons of books over time. Searching for rational explanations and qualifications to systems of belief. Yet already, I've wrote to some on-line that ask me to qualify where I received these teachings. Was it Black Elk Speaks, what Native Nation did they come from, where can I find so on and so forth. Well I tell them, I leaned from an Oral Tradition. I was passed and given teachings by teachers and Elders. We are not working through a European model of proof and testimony, by a state run authorization. As to what to believe in, and what is authentically real.

Maybe the closest European that wrote about it and actually got what it was about. Was John G. Neihardt, the American poet and writer, who relates the story and spirituality of Black Elk. It is great as well, that there is more and more recorded histories, stories and teachings to do your research with. Greg Stout knows this as well, go back thirty years and look to what was current in the Native Nations and the state of the People. Laws were finally changing, small pockets of Elders came forward out of secreted societies. That kept their culture hidden, and underground. Most of the population of the world had never heard of The Warriors of The Rainbow prophecies, or the majority of Native Prophecies...

The Elders didn't share them, because for the most part. Why share something that hadn't come to pass yet. These Elders carried their Traditions, but they lived in their now in their families on reserves and reservations. All of these things you are familiar with, on how close it came for the Native People to lose their culture altogether. I love the fact that the many now are finding themselves in the practise of Red Road Culture. It is certainly a great part of my overall cosmology in Intuitive Perception. My truth.

J Krishnamurti wrote in his book 'The Way Ahead', which was a record of conversations he held with his Philosophy class. That we must dig right into the meaning of things, cut them apart and study what makes them up... internalize them, and above all. Make them your own! Don't just accept what the generality holds them to represent, and mean. I will tell you, that living with an Elder... is just like that. They won't accept pat answers you may think apply, to any understanding. We start at the beginning. The circle, and build on a reality that you may use from there. In the discovery, of yourself...

There are so many inter-relationships that stem from the foundation teachings of The Red Road. It comes from Nurture by Nature, as I've stated before. The nature of a circle, how it is related to The Four Corners... the Circle and Cross. The beginnings of The Medicine Wheel of the Great Circle of the Creator. There is a life time of learning relationships there. There is no one Medicine Wheel that represents all Native Nations, but they all have their traditional versions. Passed on down to them, through oral tradition. From heart to heart... as there, can energy be exchanged if love and compassion is engaged. To Nurturing Nature, support someone... to grow, in the knowing their Creator.

My Elder said pretty much early on, “we are, what we present ourselves to be”, that no matter what or how far fetched, a persons reality is. We must respect it, as it is their own understanding. How many people apply a teaching like that? An earnest respect and regard, for that which is created. Even if it is your own truth. Maybe, especially so! These are integrations in the meaning of that Circle, that is living the life as it is your own. I often wonder, where is the way ahead. When, will we arrive at the spiritual foundations it will take... to have that will. The courage to know the difference and find, or discover. Unconditional Love. A willingness, that is to represent that which is from the depths of that well. Your source from the experience gained from your past, our past... and change. Toward our collective future. Where the New World resides. Within us. Awaiting to be realized. That Rainbow Promise, made manifest... Miigwetch, and I pray that all may arrive. Where they need to be. In a Gathering of Eagles. Peace & Love... Ro.

© 2014 Rory CJ Frankson

Author's Note

Rory CJ Frankson
I welcome your comments on these travels toward enlightenment... a journey with self discovery.

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Added on June 27, 2013
Last Updated on September 7, 2014
Tags: spiritualiy, connectedness, medicine wheel, nature, nurture, ancestors


Rory CJ Frankson
Rory CJ Frankson

Vernon, British Colombia, Canada

It's all about the music really. I'm a Writer / Musician. Write On / Right On! Peace... Romon in Review Out Post & Creative Standard Productions. Romonx Associated Artists Rory CJ Frankson .. more..
