Getting Your Heart Broken At A Coffee Shop

Getting Your Heart Broken At A Coffee Shop

A Poem by Rommel Martin

My friend wrote a song with the same title, and thought I'd write a poem depicting the picture I got in my head.


Save me the time by just giving a quick deny 

Walked a few streets, should have left it all 

underneath the sheets. The private has too

many questions, the crowds keeps me quiet.


Sitting when I felt like I could use a stand.

Shuffling my hands, as if there was a cold breeze 

I ordered when I couldn’t even keep my amore in order


Finally something of warmth arrives in my hands

it tastes like your lips, so black and bitter.

Don’t mind the burn, it matches your worth


Not bothering anyone for some sugar 

my insides have been poured and stirred

There’s no need for more mess, enough has occurred


Each drop going down my throat, still there is a spill

coming from my eyes staining the floor

Not thinking how I will leave alone


Here’s a tip, speaking after I paid

patience is consumed by those

who exhale waiting for their situation to cool

© 2013 Rommel Martin

Author's Note

Rommel Martin
Any critics would be awesome :p

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Added on March 11, 2013
Last Updated on March 11, 2013
Tags: coffee, coffee shop, concept, heartbreaking, love, reality, sad, broken


Rommel Martin
Rommel Martin

Miami, FL

I'm Rommel 21 and from Miami Fl, my words are slowly learning to stand still. I come from a very music inspired place, always including lyrics as an inspiration. I've slowly been coming to terms with .. more..
