Whether it's unstable

Whether it's unstable

A Poem by Rommel Martin

I feel the winter come

where the temperature was once intense

It made one see shadows

and sweat sympathy with kindness


The air now filled with frost,

I can’t breathe in the freeze

The temperature decreasing,

as if ghosts were spending their night around me


It keeps circling and there is no turning,

frost keeps forming.

I tremble with all of the speak

Is there no heat

in learning that something isn’t concrete?

© 2013 Rommel Martin

Author's Note

Rommel Martin
Any feed back at all would be great!

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Added on February 28, 2013
Last Updated on February 28, 2013
Tags: winter, summer, life, consistency, poem, poetry


Rommel Martin
Rommel Martin

Miami, FL

I'm Rommel 21 and from Miami Fl, my words are slowly learning to stand still. I come from a very music inspired place, always including lyrics as an inspiration. I've slowly been coming to terms with .. more..
