

A Poem by Rommel Martin

My first attempt at a villanelle


The kingdom is asleep, risen will be my elite.

Winning battles must come easily as is breathing 

The search so vast, equality vacant soon we will meet


The sun rises shinning on my cheek, I will not be beat

Looking at my hands and this force of power I will be feeling

The Kingdom is asleep, risen will be my elite


I prepare my eyes with all my allies by my side all as one and complete 

As we all engage and start out our conquest, the pounding in our chest is increasing

The search so vast, equality vacant soon we will meet


This hostility is for harmony not just in me, I must fight no matter if death I meet

Tendency to speak and primal instincts showing, my humanity is slowly decreasing 

The kingdom is asleep, risen will be my elite


Engulfed in flames of integrity no one will withstand our heat

Tyrants lead with no morals, the end of their monarchy will lead to our unchaining

The search so vast, equality vacant soon we will meet


Cowards in gold while our chains lie around our ankles and feet

The time has come to see the color these monsters will be bleeding

The kingdom is asleep, risen will be my elite

The search so vast, equality vacant soon we will meet

© 2013 Rommel Martin

Author's Note

Rommel Martin
My first attempt but always open to anything anyone has to say.

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Added on February 19, 2013
Last Updated on February 19, 2013
Tags: villanelle, poem, poetry, battle, war, rise, writing, writings


Rommel Martin
Rommel Martin

Miami, FL

I'm Rommel 21 and from Miami Fl, my words are slowly learning to stand still. I come from a very music inspired place, always including lyrics as an inspiration. I've slowly been coming to terms with .. more..
