Tonight, alive!

Tonight, alive!

A Poem by Rommel Martin

Calm moist lips drink from the glass,

patterns start to arrive

The breeze passes, senses divide

Contradiction of those few comments,

surrounded by those unknown

and now have grown fondness.

The clock moving in minutes seeming like years

Stories performed, like a play

and almost tripping but the liquid states no fears. 

Giggles rippling the liquor in our glasses,

so loud like speeches of mumbles given to the masses

Signing away our acquaintanceship,

not with pens but with dances

They will rise but we will settle,

another night to add to our

list of rendezvous tales.

© 2013 Rommel Martin

Author's Note

Rommel Martin
Always open to any criticism!

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Signing away our acquaintanceship,
not with pens but with dances
They will rise but we will settle,
another night
My faves in this poem... Thank you for sharing...

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on February 18, 2013
Last Updated on February 18, 2013
Tags: poetry, poem, writing, party, people, writings


Rommel Martin
Rommel Martin

Miami, FL

I'm Rommel 21 and from Miami Fl, my words are slowly learning to stand still. I come from a very music inspired place, always including lyrics as an inspiration. I've slowly been coming to terms with .. more..
