![]() Chapter 5A Chapter by Rocki-sanThe train ride to
Headquarters not only was long and tedious, but hot and stuffy. One would think
that without the sun beating down on us the autumn season would be cool, but
the clouds only created more of a greenhouse affect. We had our own car, General
Bennett seemed to frown upon us sitting anywhere else. “CCOR soldiers sit in
their own car and blah, blah, blah” or something like that. I’d always loved
trains, as a kid I’d always wanted to be an engineer and would watch the trains
as they stopped in the station but after all these long trips I was soon
growing to hate them. Pity. “I’m so bored,” Logan
sighed and turned to watch Keno fill out some reports. “Go get something to eat
then,” Keno said without looking up. “Just a few fireworks?” Logan
asked. “I’ll go to the top of the train and aim it in the least harmful
direction.” “You wouldn’t know what
least harmful meant if it came up and bit you on the nose.” Keno said. “Nothing
flammable and potentially dangerous.” “Fine, I’ll go get something
to eat!” Logan grumbled and stood up, leaving the car. I sighed and sat back in
the hard seat. “Are we there yet?” I
whined. “No,” Keno sighed as he
signed a document. It was the tenth time I’d asked. I sighed again. “How much longer?” I asked.
“Not much,” he said. In
Keno-speak that could be hours. I grumbled and sank deeper into the seat.
Suddenly there was a loud thump on top of our car. It was loud enough that it
broke Keno’s rock-hard concentration. He looked up and opened the window to
peer outside. “Something hit the train.” “I’ll go check it out!” I
jumped up immediately; my butt couldn’t take much more of the numbing effect. “Be careful,” Keno said and
sat back down to resume his work. “It might be a demon raid of some kind. Got
your transmitter?” I didn’t reply but showed
him the device. He nodded and I left the cart, closing the door behind me. I
stood listening, wondering where our train-hopper was hiding. The sounds of
footsteps were quiet. If I hadn’t been listening for them, I probably wouldn’t
have heard it. It was moving towards the back of the train, so, I followed. I made sure to hide all
traces of my status from the passengers in the rear cars. The last thing anyone
needed was a train-full of concerned passengers. If they saw me, they’d assume
something was wrong, that there was some kind of demon or monster on the train.
Panic would set in and that was something one could always do without. If there was a demon or
monster, I would handle it quickly and discretely. Maybe it was a good thing
Logan had left to get some food. He’d come through here guns, or any other
deadly weapon, ablaze. I stopped to listen again, ignoring the inquiring looks
I moved to the storage car. I closed the door behind me quietly. The car was dark and humid;
there were stacks upon stacks of crates and luggage that were tied down. It was
like a maze which I maneuvered with care, peering around corners cautiously but
there was nothing there. I sighed and looked up to
where the drop hatch was. So they were still on the top, alright then, so be
it. I was just about to climb up to the hatch when it opened suddenly. A bright
burst of light shone down into the car, as I was shielding my eyes something
dropped down and landed on me. I dropped to the ground and
a stack of boxes fell on top of the intruder and me. I kicked the stranger off
and retrieved my gun that had fallen. I turned quickly, kneeling since there
was lack of time to stand. The muzzle of my gun met the sharp point of an
arrow. Neither of our aims wavered, our eyes glaring past our weapons, his
cerulean to my violet. The light from the drop hatch was just enough for the
two of us to see each other. I didn’t know what he thought of me but I was
amazed at what I saw. He was a kid, if not my
exact age then close to it, possibly older only by a year. He was taller than I
was if only by an inch and his hair was a light shade of beige that didn’t seem
to fit with the caramel of his skin. Sa’harielan. I’d never really seen one
before, they weren’t very well liked in Caeld or Itaraea. They were the enemy
and they felt the same towards us. An immigrant was very, very rare. “I am not here to hurt
anyone,” he said in a thick accent. “Then why do you have the
crossbow?” I asked. I’d charged my gun but there wasn’t so much as a spark on
his weapon. “Onmoraki,” he replied.
“Why do you have a gun?” I handed him my transmitter
with a badge inside. He stared at it, reading it in the dim light before
lowering his weapon. There was an impressed look on his face as he put away the
crossbow, letting it hang off his shoulder. “Onmoraki,” I said and
looked up to see large black wings pass over the drop hatch. They were large,
bird-like monsters that were said to have been made out of corpses but that
wasn’t true, they only looked that way and smelled like a graveyard because
that’s where they got their meals. “And why are they following you?” “I shot one,” he said as he
closed the hatch. “Okay, and why’d you shoot
one?” He jumped down from the crates and moved over to the door. “Because it was fun,” he said
as if the answer were that obvious. “Wait,” I said as he
started opening the door. “You can’t just walk in there! People will take one
look at you and that crossbow and we’ll never calm them down!” “Any suggestions?” He said.
“Logan?” God, I sounded
like a five-year-old who’d just broken a vase. He and Keno both looked up at
me. “Can I borrow your winter jacket for a moment?” “Why?” Logan asked
suspiciously. Keno watched me, reading my every move. I hated it when he did
that, he might as well have been a mind reader from birth. “No reason,” I said. He
shrugged and threw it at me after retrieving it. “Thanks.” “Ozzie,” Keno said and I
turned to look at him. “What hit the train?” Damn, there was no way I
was getting out of there in one emotional piece. Keno’s interrogations were the
worse. The good cop was either non-existent or just a ploy that gave you false
hope. It only made the bad-cop that much worse. “We may or may not have a
problem,” I said and he sighed and got up to follow me. “A Sa’harielan,” Keno said
with surprise when we went into the storage car. The drop hatch was still
closed and the kid was sitting on a stack of crates, looking bored. “That’s new,” Logan said
with the same surprise. “That is your plan? Get more
CCOR?” The kid sighed and slid off the crates, trying to mask his accent as best he could, it wasn't working. “That is weak, man, weak.”
“What, you thought that he
wouldn’t arrest you?” Logan asked, pointing at me. “I thought that since I was
older than him he’d be more obliged.” The Sa’harielan shrugged as I narrowed
my eyes. “Do you have any papers?”
Keno asked with authority. “Does it look like I have
papers?” He wore a red and orange vest that was open over his bare chest except
for where it was tied by a red string and a long pair of loose beige pants that
allowed easy movement and bare feet. No pockets, no bag, nothing but the
clothes and weapons on his back. In his hair was a headband with the same
orange as his vest. On his arm there was a simple tattoo, possibly a symbol of
his tribe. “I had to drop everything
before jumping on the train.” “Name, tribe and business?”
Keno sighed with annoyance. “Kotori Kavanagh of the
Eythil tribe, at your service,” he bowed. “Business?” Keno pressed
after receiving no answer. “It is none of yours,”
Kotori retorted. Keno looked down at me, apparently this was my responsibility.
“I don't see why this cannot wait; I thought you were going to help me with the
Onmoraki.” Keno was about to ask but
his thought process was interrupted as talons ten inches long buried into the
top of the cart. There were screams from the next car. “Well, so much for keeping
the peace,” I muttered and looked up. Kotori pulled out his crossbow and aimed
up. There was a horrifying screech from the bird as the arrow hit. Kotori
laughed triumphantly. “We’ll secure them from
back here,” Keno said. “Ozzie, you and Kavanagh go to the front.” “Finally,” Kotori muttered
and started walking towards the front of the train, ignoring all the passengers
and the wave of panic once they saw a Sa’harielan with a weapon. Keno caught
my arm. “Keep an eye on him,” he warned
and I nodded. Keno, so untrusting of everything that moved. “Yeah, yeah,” I said and
ran after Kotori who was waiting by the other door. I stopped to pick up a
small doll that had fallen to the ground and handed it over to a small girl,
hiding in her mother’s arms. “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of the big, bad
birds and get you all home safely, okay?” She took the doll from me
and nodded before hiding again. I looked up at the impatient Kotori and then
followed him. I had people trying to stop me to question what was happening, I
hadn’t hidden my transmitter so the crowd was flocking for protection. The next car had no
passengers and we could see the foreboding wings of the Onmoraki outside the
windows. We weren’t even close to the front of the train. “You know, where I come
from, kid,” Kotori said as we ran. “When you work with someone and have to tell
them your name, they tell you theirs too.” “Oskar Noir,” I said and he
stopped suddenly. I stopped and looked back at him. His cerulean eyes had grown
dark as he looked at me. He was still armed and loaded with his crossbow, his
finger slightly tightening on the trigger. “What?” “You are Oskar Noir?” He
asked. “Yeah,” I said. “And those were your
brothers, Logan and Keno Noir?” He asked, his eyes narrowing a fraction. “Yeah, why?” I asked but
before I could get an answer the car was hit. The whole train moved to the
side, almost being knocked completely off the tracks. Whatever concerns Kotori
had had, they didn’t seem to bother him anymore by the grin on his face. “I’ll get on top and shoot
some of them down,” he said and began climbing through the window. “What?” I caught his arm
and he looked at me hand with almost a fearful disgust. “Don’t worry, I do it all
the time,” he said before reaching to top. I cursed under my breath, knowing I
was going to have to go after him, it was a lose-lose situation for me. If I
didn’t go, Keno would yell at me. If I did go, Keno would still yell at me for
losing him. Either way I couldn’t let
the monsters hurt any of the passengers on this train. I grabbed a few more
weapons that Logan kept in the rucksack, a small bow and a few arrows and
another gun. I took a deep breath before starting out the window. I was almost immediately
blown off, at this speed it was hard to stay on two feet but Kotori seemed to
be doing okay. I stood there catching my balance before standing slowly. “You are going to want to
get up wind of them,” Kotori shouted. “Otherwise your fire will be shot back at
you.” I turned just in time to
shoot an Onmoraki with my arrow and the wind really helped in terms of velocity
and power. There were only four Onmoraki, including the one I just shot down
and who knew how many Kotori, Keno and Logan had shot down. I took aim and shot
another one in the wing but apparently that wasn’t good enough, who knew? It walked towards me with
long talons aimed at me. I pulled out my short sword and slashed the bird’s
leg. It shrieked and retaliated, aiming at my throat. Fortunately I was able to
dodge so only my shoulder was gouged. I ignored the sting and warm feeling of
blood running down my arm and stabbed through the foul, rotted black feathers
and quickly ducked as it rolled off the top, screaming in pain. “Not too shabby,” Kotori
said as he felled another. Just one left and it was trying to skewer Kotori,
ignoring me completely. It’s sharp beak that looked
to have once been gold but was covered in so much blood and rotting flesh that
it was now black tripped the Sa’harielan. Kotori lost his balance and
flew past me; I caught him just before he fell off the edge of the train and
pulled him back up. He said nothing as he regained his balance and went back to
fighting with a smile on his face. Near-death experience, no biggie it’s all
fun and games, right? Right? Yeah, right. I didn’t even have time to
shoot as Kotori pulled out a katana and slashed at the Onmoraki. He ripped out
an arrow that had been embedded in the decaying wing and used the bloody arrow
point to stab the beast in its glassy, black eyes. There was a horrifying
screech from the bird and it was distracted long enough for Kotori to use his
katana to hack off its head. I jumped to the side as the
body rolled off the top of the train, leaving a streak of red-brown blood in
its wake. That was the last of them on our end. I looked down to the end of the
train just in time to see one last Onmoraki fall. I could only see the golden
hair on the other end and a finger pointing down. Yeah, I knew he wouldn’t go
for the train-walking thing. I went down the ladder and
through the door this time, maybe that would ease Keno’s mind. Kotori, however,
used the same window as if it were nothing. “For before,” Kotori said
and held out his hand. “Thanks.” “No problem,” I said and
shook the hand. Again, I caught the glimpse of a cautiously revolted look. “On the roof, really?” Keno
asked as he came through from the other cars. “I was careful,” I defended
without much effort; it wouldn’t have made a difference anyway. “Now, Mr. Kavanagh,” Keno
turned to Kotori. “Your business in Itaraea? It’s only a question and it’s my
job to ask it.” “A right of passage to
become one of the monks,” Kotori answered. “My elders sent me here and said I
would know my task when the time came. So I am sorry, but I cannot answer that
question.” “Probably sent to spy on us
and find an opening,” Logan muttered. “We don’t want another war, thank you!” “I’m sorry, are you
Itaraean or Caeldian?” Kotori asked. We were finally pulling into the station at
Headquarters. I could see a look of concern pass over Kotori’s face as he
glanced at the open window, judging his escape route. I looked up at Keno with
a pleading look, he sighed and turned away from the window. “Our supervising officer’s
men should be at the station to pick us up,” Keno said. “I expect you’ll be
gone by then?” “Of course I will be,”
Kotori grinned. “Does a mouse know the owl is coming until its talons sink into
the mouse’s skin?” And with that the strange
Sa’harielan began his escape as he climbed out the window to the top of the
train. We stared at the window long after Kotori Kavanagh disappeared. “What,” Logan started. “Was
that all about?” “That had better not come
back to haunt us,” Keno sighed and went to check on the passengers. But not
without turning and giving me a fair warning first. “No more train-walking.” “Gotcha!” I said with a
mock salute. “We shouldn’t have let him
go,” Logan muttered. “Why not?” I asked. “Ozzie, I know you try to
see the good in everyone, and really, it’s admirable,” Logan said. “But you don’t
know anything about Sa’harielans.” “Like what?” I asked and
sat across from him. “Well, for one,” he leaned
back in the seat. “They’re born fighters. They live for the fight, doesn’t
matter which one. They start fights and will stop at nothing to defeat their
opponents. Everything is disposable to them as long as they win, that means
people too. They enjoy war; they’ve started everyone we’ve had just for the
sake of fighting. Did you watch that kid fight? You’re lucky he didn’t throw
you at the Onmoraki to distract them! They can be cold blooded killers, Ozzie.”
“You shouldn’t generalize,
Logan,” I said. “Never know when you’re going to be wrong.” “Just hope we don’t see him
again,” Logan said. “And hope we don’t go to war with Sa’hariel because of him.”
“Right,” I said and looked
out the window to see a few enlisted men waiting for us outside. “Good afternoon, Mr. Noir,”
the first man saluted when he saw Keno, knowing he was in charge. “Did you have
a nice trip?” “Nice isn’t the word I
would’ve used,” Keno sighed. “Can you bring us straight to the General’s
office?” “Yes, sir,” they both saluted.
I sat in the back of the
military car, looking out the window at the train as the maintenance did damage
control. In the midst of the crowd I could see caramel skin and beige hair,
bright cerulean eyes watched me for the split second I was in view before they
disappeared into the crowd. Like Keno had said, I hope
that doesn’t come back to haunt us. © 2010 Rocki-sanAuthor's Note
Added on April 5, 2010 Last Updated on June 16, 2010 Tags: ANWA saga, sci-fi, supernatural and occult Author![]() Rocki-sanAboutHey, I'm Rocki! I live on a 14-mile long island where there isn't really anything to do so I write. I'm an Anthropology major and willing to read your stories or books if requested as long as you give.. more..Writing