Whose dreams these are I do not
nor why they haunt me so.
They come at night and cry to me
and stay when I say go.
Though I insist, they resist
then act quite shy and flee;
and I am left to ponder whence
they came. If I were free
of them -- and hence need no defense
against these dreams' pretense
of being mine … Another mind,
immense, must have the sense
to conjure up such dreams and find
this method that combined
all my wit with hers? Such that themes
of hers now stream behind
mine eyes and her desires now seem
to be my own … and beams
within, awry with her sweet scream:
my soul caught in her schemes.
Whose dreams these are I do not know, nor why
they haunt me so. They come at night and
to me and stay when I say go. Though I
insist, they resist loudly, then act quite shy
and flee; and I am left to ponder whence
they came. If I were free of them -- and hence
need no defense against these dreams' pretense
of being mine … Another mind, immense,
must have the sense to conjure up such dreams
and find this method that combined all my
wit with hers? Such that themes of hers
now stream
behind mine eyes and her desires now seem
to be my own … and beams within, awry
with her sweet scream: my soul caught in her schemes.