There are certain times in life when God
does certain things there are things we don’t understand and when those things
arise we have to listen to the spirit of God to determine what to do. About a month ago on Instagram I saw a post
from my barber she was discussing how she had just left her job at one barber
shop to explore other options. She
explained in her post that she was taking a leaf if faith cause on her old job
she didn’t get off till 8:30 or 9:00 and would still have to go home cook and
help her daughter with homework. And
when you work like that, there’s no time for anything else. She took a leap of faith and left one barber
shop and went to another one which was closer to her house. I went to see her last week, and before I
left she asked me to pray with her because she needed a financial break through
because she wasn’t seeing the financial break she needed to see. So, we prayed then she told me that she may
have to pick up another job because not enough money was coming to pay her
bills and take care of her daughter, so I told her if she decided to go, I ‘d
follow her to any barber shop she goes to.
But I also explained, it’s time for her to have her own business, so I’m
with her on her journey with a leap of faith.
I just want to be joyful and in spirit in whatever she does. I thank God for her, she’s the best female
barber I’ve ever seen, and I appreciate her work.
#Godisalwayswithyou #takeyourleapoffaith #faithmovesmoutains #chaseyourdreams #anythingworthhappeningisworthworkingfor