The Begining of The End

The Begining of The End

A Chapter by Robby

       “Stop it!” I begged Aaron, why is he doing this to me? I thought we were friends. I saw my mother running towards me, but only vaguely through the clouds of dirt Aaron was kicking in my eyes with such anger that I did not understand where it was coming from. I was grateful to see her; she will protect me in my time of need and dismay. Especially since the dirt was stinging like alcohol on an open wound. She knocks Aaron off his feet, disregarding that he is a child, and pulls out a napkin that is surprisingly clean since it came out her badly torn barf colored purse. She wipes the tears and dirt out of my face, a bit less gentle than I expected though.

      Once relaxed, I adjust my eyes and see Aarons mom, Sylvia, walking towards Aaron calmly, as if nothing happened, I never did like the snotty stuck up w***e. “Jewel, you’re totally over reacting, its just harmless child’s play.” Aaron’s mom says, speaking with the responsibility of a pregnant prom queen. My mother gets a look on her face, as if she wanted to make Sylvia’s ears bleed from hearing her mock her ignorance. But instead she smiled and held back her anger, “Harmless?” my mother said with a confused expression. “You think you future jail bird son making my angel cry in agony harmless?! I don’t know and as a matter of fact don’t want to know what expectations for harmful are in your sad excuse for a suburban house hold are but in mine, this is sky high, and if your kid ever hurts my child again I’ll show you how harmful things can get whether you want to know or not!” “Oh calm your self Jewels, you’re causing a scene. Your making me look good.” She says with a smirk that I wanted to smack off her face.

       My mother looks around and sees everyone at the park staring on at her and holding there children. She feels like the bad person and for a moment I was scared of my mother. She storms off dragging me by the arm so hard that I feel a crack in my elbow. I look back at Aaron still standing in the sandbox with a look of pity and remorse for what he did on his face. As we come close to the car she lets go of my arm and tells me to get in and to put on my seatbelt. I scurry inside with out a word escaping my lips. She slams in and quickly drives home. The radio turned on when she turned on the car which was on a radio talk show. Radio: Today’s subject is abusive parents, first caller what do you have to say? “Yea I was here at the city park with my child and this lady just freaked out and pushed a kid into the dirt, what a bi-. My mother punches the radio, sparks fly; she pulls it out the car ripping every wire and throws it out the window. I begin to cry with fear running through my veins.

       She parks the car in front of the house with a hard brake, I was grateful I was wearing the seatbelt. My mom stomps her way inside the home forgetting me inside the car. I make my way inside the house slowly hearing objects hit the floor. My mom was throwing all the books on our bookshelf to the ground till she found one and walked into the study room. My dad walks out the master bedroom looking restless and weary. He stretches and yawns and asks me what’s going on. I tell him what happened at the park. He glances over at the books on the ground and quickly runs to the door of the study room, jiggles the door knob and slams on the door yelling out, “Open the door sweetie, not this again! I thought we were done with this!” I was scared, what was he talking about? My dad eventually gave up on her opening the door. He came up to me and told me to not worry about it and that my mom is just short tempered. I didn’t believe him but it did calm me, but the silence as I played in my room haunted me. I became drowsy and soon enough fell asleep. I awoke to see my mother standing above me grasping me by the shoulders and dragged me into the study room, her hand over my mouth to muffle my screams.

         The names Aislyn, and this is where my nightmare started. Began as just an innocent play date with my friend Aaron at the park, to this…

        I thrash and kick my feet in panic. “Calm down, this wont hurt a bit.” My mother whispers in my ear. She lays me down on the floor, I feel sand running through my fingers. I look my mother in the eyes who is slowly walking around me. I get up and she corners me, “This is for your own good, I won’t let anyone hurt you again!” She grabs me by the hair and throws me back where the sand was. There was no light, darkness consumed me. She lights candles in a circle around me. I can now see that the sand was drawn on the floor as a star, and a circle of sand around it as well. She grabs the book she found earlier and continues to walk in circles around me again. She opens the book to exactly the page she wanted.

       The book looked very old, the pages were yellows and the cover was torn, hard to read the title. I was ready to run for it again, but before I could she began to chant, “reservo is parvulus , operor retineo vorago perussi suus animus , tribuo suus vires ex atlas!”  She read from the book. I couldn’t move, it was as if invisible rope yanked me back onto the wooden floor and held my arms and legs reaching outward. Pain was welcomed in right away. Blood was rushing into my heart but not exiting. I felt cold and breathless, thick tears escaped my eyes, even crying meant pain. My mother continued to chant over and over again. I finally had mobility, but I laid still. Only turning my head and saw a puddle of blood next to me and still gaining more, where was the blooding coming from? I wiped my tears and looked at my hand. It was dark red, Blood. That’s where it was coming from!  Im crying blood!

      I crawled away from the puddle of blood quickly, knocking over candles at the same time running them off. The room was dimmed. I turned to look at it. It was like normal blood, except, it was moving! Bubbling and forming a small body sort of shape. The pain was relieved but I still felt pressure in my eyes. The blood turned into a voodoo doll, how? I was so scared that I didn’t notice that my tear made a clinging noise when they hit the floor. I felt a prick on my finger, I looked down and saw that my tears turned into red needles when the hit the floor. My mother picked them up and put the voodoo doll in my hand. She grasped my other hand hard and put the needles for me to hold. She forced my hand to stick the needle in to doll that was some what squirming in my hand. I heard it yelp in pain when the needle pierced it. I was so scared I couldn’t even scream, only cry. She forced the other needles into its legs. And finally into its heart. It oozed out red liquid and onto my hand. It was motionless, I threw it to the wall and I screamed. My mother put her hand over my mouth and said, “Go to sleep, don’t tell your dad what happened. I love you.” I passed out.

© 2009 Robby

Author's Note

The chant means "Preserve this child, do not let the abyss consume her soul; give her the strength from atlas!"

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lOvE iT BaBy!ItS WoNdERfUllY wRiTTeN!I wOn't LeT u GiVe Up On ThIs StOrY!lOL KeeP wRiTiNg :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

great written, this is a amazing peace. it's really emotional to read and exiting.
good job :)
( I'm comming from sweden so I will spell some words wrong :P )


Posted 15 Years Ago

First off, Hi and Welcome to the Cafe.

This piece is a nice read, but it is difficult to read. May I suggest using Paragraphs? It will make it much easier for the reader, and it will get more people to read it. Hope you have fun here at the Cafe.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on June 12, 2009
Last Updated on June 12, 2009



bradenton, FL

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