![]() YuletideA Chapter by RobbieT![]() Ulrich attends the moot and a great political decision is made by the aging King Tolfdir.![]() 322 Sunsbirth 1 In a vain attempt to keep warm, Ulrich pulled his bearskin cloak closer. He was nearing the start of the stone bridge that led to the bluff fortress. As frostbitten winds rolled off the Sea of Ghosts, Ulrich tried to picture the multitude of things being served in the Great Hall. Conjured images of honey-roasted boar and barrels of mead did little to break the wind's icy grip. "At least the snow has let up." he thought. Every jarl and thane was expected to attend the Yule moot. It was a time for civil decisions to be made and nobles to form stronger bonds with one another. The friendships forged during times of celebration served as the mortar that held the kingdom together. Not to mention the fact that the recent political atmosphere was in need of some stability and friendship, especially because distinct factions had begun to form within the higher classes. Ancient stones and decrepit towers served as a reminder of the fortitude of the first men. Ulrich felt a hint of pride as he stared up at the wind-worn fortifications. How many of those stones were laid by his ancestors' hands. The bastions erected hundreds of years ago had withstood both the tests of time and war. Four guards wearing their crimson and mail uniforms pulled open the ornate oak doors that stood before the hoisted gate. Unicorns and dragons danced around the black, iron bolts forever locked in their beautiful battle. Ulrich and the rest of the motley band of nobles and attendants shuffled in through the low gate into a large stone courtyard. King Tolfdir and his retinue of guards, servants and numerous other members of court stood on the porch leading to the Hall of Kings. Their ornaments gave off a pale glow in the dim winter light. Even from the distance Ulrich could see that time was not being kind to old Tolfdir. His skin had taken on a sickly pallor and his voice was fainter than a whisper. But even more concerning than this was the chaos that would ensue after his death. Tolfdir's only child, Egbert, died at sea six years prior, leaving him with no clear heir. This naturally made the nobles uneasy, fearing the civil strife that would run rampant without a successor. Glancing around, Ulrich could see several other nobles wincing at the same sight and thought as he. Tolfdir didn't bother greeting his guests. The doors to his hall were simply thrown opened and everyone entered without complaint. "I hope this doesn't last long. I'm starving!" exclaimed Robert, Ulrich's younger brother. Ulrich retorted, "Starving for what? Is that Kara over there?" Robert's cheeks flushed as he searched for her around the hall. Ulrich, Robert and the other thanes from Mahst took their seats behind Knut and waited for the moot to begin. Ulrich examined the elevated platform where the throne stood. Three Skalds, wearing their distinctive black robes, were talking to one another a few feet behind the throne. They were all armed with swords in an obvious breach of tradition. No weapons were supposed to be worn during a moot as a sign of good faith and friendship. For whatever reason these skalds felt they were above tradition. This disgusted Ulrich and reminded him of his father's endless warnings. Personally, Ulrich hated the Order for the endless land disputes they caused in Mahsthold. Things had become so heated that Jarl Knut even raised an army that he marched around Nihtsted for five days in an attempt to threaten the skalds into submission. They of course laughed at this knowing that their mountain stronghold was impregnable even to its old masters. After some time a page of Tolfdir's stepped forward with a thick cane and called the moot to order. Tolfdir then hobbled out of his throne preparing to address the gathered nobility. In a voice barely audible over the cracking of the fire, Tolfdir said, "I am old. It is no secret that my ancestors will soon come and take me to Gasthaeg. It is also no secret that Lagu Sea-Strider claimed my only heir. That is why I have declared that a moot shall be held immediately after my death. The moot shall have full power to elect from among the jarls and thanes a new king to take my place. All other details and provisions regarding my death are in my will kept in the Temple of Maeg." With those final words Tolfdir sat down and motioned for the business to proceed. Knut and many other jarls seemed ecstatic at the news. Tolfdir's nephew Orn, seemed like the most obvious choice. He was young and commanded the respect of many people both noble and common. However, some ambitious jarls made sly glances around the room trying to read the faces of those they sought support from. Overall Ulrich thought this was a wise choice. It would prevent a civil war by forcing a majority of the nobles to choose a single leader. The rest of the moot was occupied by small, unimportant matters like land disputes and mercantile requests. Unsurprisingly, Tolfdir did not interject a single time. After the last matter was heard and a decision made, a gothi stepped forward to begin the feast with a first offering. He wore the white robes and tattoos suiting his rank and was attended by two men leading a tethered bull. They walked over to an empty, shallow pool where the gothi began his prayer: "All-Seeing-Father Mynd, Fate-Spinning-Mother Maeg, Wise-Brother Boda, Deep-Sister Lagu, Warm-Brother Than, Beguiling-Sister Feor Battle-Brother Dom, Wild-Sister Susa, Iron-Brother Gath, Blustering-Sister Ari and Gloom-Brother Vor guide us in this coming year. May our crops grow ever greener, our children ever stronger and our fortunes ever brighter. Accept this offering as a sign of faith and gratitude for all those things you have provided and all those things we have yet to receive." With his final words he drew a large dagger with a golden hilt from his robes and entered the pit with the bull. The dagger was pulled across the bulls throat with a single, swift motion. The great beast let out a low, guttural bellow before collapsing. Grabbing tethers, the two men tied the bull up by his hind legs and hoisted him above the pool. The blood would be allowed to drain before the animal would be taken back to the kitchen. The blood and life belonged to the gods, but the meat was a sacrament for the assembled. The final solemn act came when the gothi gathered up a small dish of blood and used a sprig of pine to splash it on the thresh of the hall. The ritual silence broke and the guests began to leave their chairs. "Ulrich, stay here a moment." said Knut. "What do you think of Tolfdir's decision?" "I think the old man is mad for not just naming Orn his heir and saving us all the trouble. They share blood after alland he commands more respect than most other nobles." "I agree. But don't you think this way Tolfdir is making sure that his successor has enough support to avoid war? You're right though, in assuming that Orn will be the next king. It'd be in our best interests to get closer to him, especially if we want his help handling our rat problem. But we can worry about that in the morning. Tonight is a night for song and feast. Go Ulrich, enjoy yourself." Knut then walked away leaving Ulrich on the raised seat platform. He tried to find Orn but couldn't. He then looked further up the hall and saw Tolfdir along with the skalds retreating to the hall's inner chambers. Instead of worrying himself with conspiracy and political intrigue, Ulrich took his uncle's advice and joined in the festivities. 322 Sunsbirth 2 The dawn came too soon for Ulrich's throbbing head. Reluctantly, he rolled himself off from the pile of furs he had used as a bed. He staggered over to one of the tables searching for some sign of Robert. Most of the other guests had left already, including his uncle. When Ulrich finally found his brother, he was even less willing to stir than he had been. "Get up we need to find Knut." Ulrich said as he prodded his brother with a bone. Robert just groaned and rolled over. "Fine then little brother, have it your way." Ulirch grabbed a half drained horn of ale and poured it on Robert's head. He jolted up as if he had just been attacked. "A*s!" Ulrich just laughed at Robert and responded, "I asked you nicely the first time. Now get up we have to figure out where uncle's run off to." The two found Knut speaking to an older man near Mynd's Tower, the great stone mass that overlooked the entire citadel. When Knut saw Ulrich and Robert, he handed the man a small note before dismissing him. "I trust you two enjoyed yourselves last night?" asked Knut cheerfully. "Yes, but when are we leaving? I uh have someone I need to see before we go." Ulrich tried to stifle a laugh. "You have an hour to go find Kara." It could no longer be contained. He burst out laughing as his brother sat dumbfounded by his uncle's knowledge. "Well you didn't exactly do a good job at hiding it. Anyways, we'll meet back at the stables." After recovering from his fit of laughter, Ulrich asked, "Who was that man uncle?" "A client of mine, he is going to handle some business for me in Dumar while I'm away." This answer didn't exactly satisfy Ulrich, but he judged that his uncle wouldn't say much more on the matter.
© 2013 RobbieT |
Added on September 19, 2013 Last Updated on September 19, 2013 Author![]() RobbieTBelleville, ILAboutI'm double majoring in Criminal Justice and Poli Sci with high political aspirations. But realistically I think I'll be an eternal student. I would like to get degrees in history, philology, Latin, Ol.. more..Writing