The Box:A Gay Love Story

The Box:A Gay Love Story

A Story by RobbieT

A mish mash story incorporating elements of my life and my fantasy. Unfortunately the reality of love isn't nearly as romantic.

He touched the little box in his pocket and smiled as he made his way down the winter marked New York streets. After eight long years he was finally going to propose to Dirk, the love of his life. It was a true miracle that two gay teens had found each other among the cornfields and churches of Thomasville, Kentucky. Every step Alex took pulled him further and further into the memories of the past eight years. By no means were all of them pleasant, but neither were they all painful. As he crunched another pile of snow, he went back to the night his mom found out he was gay.
. . .
It was a muggy June night, just before his thirteenth birthday. Alex was in his room reading a book. His parents had recently gotten divorced, but he wasn't too concerned. It was good that they wouldn't be fighting with each other anymore, he thought. Suddenly, his mom burst through his bedroom door. She was hysterical so Alex jumped up and went over to see what was wrong. Instead of embracing her son, she pushed him away. "Mom what's happened?" he asked. "You're a f****t!" she threw his phone down on the ground "You're a f****t, and you're going to Hell!" Alex was horrified. He just stood there slack jawed, starring at his mom. She in turn stood there shaking her head no as if it would fix his supposed sin. "Get out of my house!" Alex's mom slammed his door shut and went downstairs. 
Once she had left he picked up his phone hoping that she had only seen something that he could play down. A message sent to Dirk was pulled up. It read "i love you and cant wait to see you next sweet dreams" The message was old, but it still revealed more than he would have liked. He could hear his mom downstairs. "Hello I live on 850 Oak Court. Could you please send an officer here right away. Thank you."
Alex couldn't wrap his mind around why his mom was calling the police. In that moment he hated himself beyond words. He hated himself for leaving his phone downstairs. He hated himself for not erasing the messages. But most of all, he hated himself for being gay. Tears began to roll down his face as these self loathing emotions bubbled up inside him. He forced his body to move from its slumped position. If he was going to be thrown out he was at least going to take some of his things. By the time Alex finished his bag the officer was already at his door.
"Son, your mom says you've been hitting her and your brothers. She says she's scared. I can't arrest you, but I'm going to take you to your dad's to stay." Alex didn't even try to tell the officer how she way lying. Honestly, he felt that being anywhere else was the best thing. His mom saw his bag and said, "Officer I don't want him taking anything from the house. The divorce agreement says all of the boys' things have to stay here." The officer looked at him. "I'm sorry but if that's what the agreement says you'll have to leave your things here. I'm sure you'll get them back." Alex just dropped his bag and kept walking alongside the officer. As he left his mom's house for the last time he looked back and saw his two little brothers starring at him from the window. He wondered how his mom was going to explain this to them.
At his dad's house the police officer retold the same twisted story. By this point Alex was too numb to care. He just pushed his way through the door and went upstairs. Buried face deep in his pillows, he began to desperately cry out for some kind of comfort from God, but none came. "Alex I don't buy that s**t your mom told the police. I don't really care why, but I'm glad you'll be living with me now. I missed you boys so much." Alex just gave out a wimper and let that be the end of the conversation. 
Immediately after his dad went to bed, Alex sneaked downstairs and out the back door. He ran, empowered by the endurance grief can give, until he reached Dirk's house. Carefully, he climbed over the fence and into his backyard. He tossed rocks up at the window trying to wake him up. After about three throws the window opened. "Who's there?" Dirk blearily said. There wasn't a response, but Alex's sobs were clearly audible. Dirk said in a hushed voice, "Hold on. I'll be down in a minute."
A few moments passed before Dirk opened the glass door and stepped outside. He went right up to Alex and hugged him tightly. The comfort of that embrace melted away all of his anxieties. "Here let's sit down and you can tell me what's going on." Dirk pulled Alex over to a bench between two oak trees. Alex started telling the story but was purposefully vague about how his mom found out. He didn't want Dirk to feel somehow responsible. Once it was all over, Dirk sat there holding Alex in the comfortable silence that only two people bonded by the purest love could share. That night Alex and Dirk kissed for the first time.
. . .
The cold nipped at Alex's face as he adjusted his scarf. Emotions were churning in him like a stormy sea. Sadness, anger and hope all hit him in equal measure as his mind jumped to the next memory.
. . .

It was junior year and life seemed to be looking up. Alex had joined the track team, which had greatly improved his social life. He could pass as the perfect straight guy and took some pride in that. Alex acknowledged that having everyone think he was straight, at least while he was still living in Thomasville, was perfect. Dirk on the other hand wasn't as lucky. He was attracted to theater which made him a target for many school guys.
The worst by far was a football player named Jake. He relentlessly harassed Dirk. Out of apathy or fear, Dirk never said anything. Naturally, Alex wasn't as indifferent to the situation. He pleaded with Dirk to let him do something about it, but Dirk never allowed it. 
"It's easier to just avoid him than confront him."
"But things will never change if someone doesn't stand up to him. Even if you can't win it'd be better to show that you're willing to stand your ground."
Many conversations went like that, running in circles over how to handle people like Jake. Until one day, things took a turn. The sun was out and the weather was particularly beautiful that fall day. Alex stood in the parking lot of a huge hiking area waiting for Dirk. He inhaled the crisp fall air, breathing in its peace and hope. Dirk was supposed to meet him nearly an hour ago for an after school hike. Alex just figured he was caught up talking to Mr. Sanders, the school's play director. Finally, Alex was ready to leave; however, just before he got in his car, he received a text. "sorry im late ill be there soon"
Dirk pulled up a few parking spots away. Alex jumped out of his car grinning ear to ear. But when Dirk got out of his car Alex's grin quickly faded. He could see bruises on Dirk's arms and a nice sized scratch on his face. 
"What the hell happened?" 
"Nothing, I just fell." 
Alex knew he was lying but wasn't going to push him just yet. They started strolling down a trail in complete silence. The whole time Alex was rolling over idea after idea in his head. He knew who had hurt Dirk, but he wanted it confirmed.
The next day at school, Alex's fury hadn't subsided. He went to each class brooding over what he was going to do to Jake. He'd gone too far this time, and with or without Dirk's consent Alex was going to do something. The seventh bell rang and Alex quickly made his way out to the parking lot. He wasn't entirely sure which car was Jake's so he took a moment in the lot to ask one of his trackmates. Once he found the car he waited.
About ten minutes later Jake came strolling out to his car. "Hey man what's up?" he called out to Alex. His fists clenched up as he walked towards Jake. In that moment all the anger, hurt and sadness came through Alex in one swift motion. He could feel Jake's nose break as he fell back flat on the ground.
"Mind your own f*****g business Jake!"
The message was clearly understood because Jake never messed with anyone again. Interestingly enough, Alex remember how towards the end of junior year some rumors were flying around. Evidently, Jake had slept with a guy from the town over. This sweet irony was a sweet joke between Dirk and Alex. 
. . .
Senior year came all too soon, Alex thought. They both applied to the same colleges hoping to be accepted. After several months they both received acceptance letters from NYU.  This was perfect because it gave Dirk the opportunity to study performing arts and Alex law. Adjusting to city life was easy for them. After spending their life in such a small town, the noises and hustle of a big city was welcomed. Together they managed to save up enough money to buy an apartment near campus.
. . .
Alex finally made it to the stairs leading up to the apartment. He figured Dirk would already be inside getting dinner ready. The cold air made his fingers clumsy so it took him a minute to pull his keys out and unlock the door. The familiar sounds of Dirk clanking around in the kitchen greeted him.
"Great you're here! I finished dinner. It's in the dinning room. I'll be out in a minute." 
"Thanks I can finish cleaning up once we've finished if you want."
 "No, it's fine. I only have a few more dishes to go."
Alex gave Dirk a smile and then walked to the dinning room. He put his coat on the rack near the entrance and sat down. Then he pulled the box out and set it on the middle of the table. Dirk came in a few moments later. "So how was work?" he asked. "It was fine. What have you been doing all day?" Alex replied. Dirk was getting closer to his seat where he'd be able to see the box. "I went shopping and stopped by the bookstore. Did you know... What is that?" Dirk's face began to turn rosy pink. "Just something I picked up today." Alex began to smile as Dirk picked the box up and opened it. 
"Will you marry me?"

© 2013 RobbieT

My Review

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This was a very sweet story. I expected it to end horribly when he walked into the apartment.< Edit: but I was positively surprised.> Personally I would love to read a longer version of this story. I'm stuck with a few questions, such as how Alex's family now feels about the situation, especially since he talked to his mother again. I also wonder about how the relationship is with his brothers.

On a sidenote: There's a tiny grammatical error in the sentence where the mother bursts through the door; “him mom” should be “his mom”, I think.

I love how the story ends and the emotional journey you put the readers through. I get so angry everytime I hear about homophobia, because I don't get what it is that people are so afraid of.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks for the reviews and good catch with the grammar.

I really enjoyed writing this p.. read more
thanks for submitting this to my contest. I absolutely love this story! it is so realistic and adorable. I love how different the characters are from each other and how their love overcomes it all. Amazing story, amazing couple and an amazing display of love.

Posted 11 Years Ago


Posted 11 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on May 30, 2013
Last Updated on August 2, 2013



Belleville, IL

I'm double majoring in Criminal Justice and Poli Sci with high political aspirations. But realistically I think I'll be an eternal student. I would like to get degrees in history, philology, Latin, Ol.. more..

Yuletide Yuletide

A Chapter by RobbieT