![]() Under the BedA Story by Rob Walsh![]() This is the first draft of a story about a boy who is being tormented by the boogeyman![]()
It was a cool spring night in the middle of April. The air was full of the scent of fresh cut grass and you could smell the rain coming from a mile away. Tyler stood next to the open bay window in the living room as a cool breeze blew through his short brown hair. His eyes were fixed on the flickering light post that stood in front of his house. He knew it was a sign that HE would be coming.
Tylers’ father ran down the stairs that were behind the couch. He was wearing casual business attire and his hair was slicked back. When he reached the landing he looked at his son, puzzled. “What are you doing buddy?” he asked his son concerned. Tyler didn’t answer; he just stood there like a statue, unable to take his eyes off the light post. His father walked over to him, kneeling down to meet his son at eye level and placing his hand on Tylers’ shoulder. “Aiden says he comes out at night to get bad children. He said lights go out when he was near,” Tyler told his father as he pointed to the flickering lamppost outside. “Don’t listen to your brother,” he said, trying to reassure Tyler that there was no monster. “Come on ill check under you bed and in the closet.” Tylers’ father lifted him over his shoulder and seated him upon them. He began his decent up the narrow stairs before Tyler chirped in, “Don’t forget Luke.” His father walked back down the stairs and grabbed the stuffed frog that sat peacefully on the couch and handed it to Tyler. Tyler smiled lightly; he was joyed to have his security animal as he headed to the darkening abyss that was his bedroom. When they reached the room his father flipped the light switch on, revealing a room full of little green army figured and a massive collection of Legos that littered his desk. “Jeez, this place is a pig sty kiddo,” his father laughed. Tyler climb off his fathers’ shoulders and onto his bed, placing Luke on his pillow. “So lets see what we can find in here,” his father said as he headed for the closet. Tyler hid behind his pillow as the closet door was opened but as soon as his father turned the light on inside all he found was a collection of clothes and more toys. “I think that’s safe don’t you?” Next he walked over to the bed and bent over, lifting the bed skirt to take a peak underneath. His father lightly screamed and Tyler rushed to the side of the bed to see if he was alright. To his dismay he found his father lying with his hand under the bed and laughing. “Not funny dad,” Tyler yelled at him. “I’m sorry bud. It was a bad joke, but I promise you don’t have anything to worry about ok.” He stood up and sat on the bed next to Tyler and hugged him. “I’ll have a talk with your brother about these stories he keeps telling you.” “I love you Daddy.” “I love you to son,” he said as he kissed Tyler on the head. He stood up and walked towards the door and paused briefly. “Good night buddy.” He turned out the light. Instantly, almost as if it were a reflex, Tyler reached over to his turtle nightlight and flicked the switch on. Staying in the lit areas Tyler made his way to his window. He was too short to look out of it so he pulled over his desk chair so that he could see. Once he climbed up he saw the same light post that he had been staring at before only now the light had fizzed out. Tyler nearly fell backwards off the chair in fear but regained his balance. He ran for his bed and dove underneath his thick comforter. He wrapped himself up into a ball as he shivered. It’s not real. It’s not real, he told himself over and over. In case of times like this, where his fear would get the better of him, Tyler kept a small flashlight under his pillow. He grabbed both the flashlight and Luke, making a fort under his comforter, hoping it would keep him safe. The light reflected off the pale sheet lighting up his whole fort. A small scratching sound came from the window, startling Tyler. He slowly built up the nerve to peek over the lip of the blanket to see what was making the noise. When he shined the light at the window he saw an eyeless black face staring back at him. Tyler nearly jumped out of his skin, diving back under his comforter and screaming. In a matter of second Tylers’ father ran into the room, illuminating it. “Are you ok?” he asked, his breathe heavy. “I thought I saw someone outside,” Tyler replied, refusing to come out from his haven. His father ran to the window to check to see if anyone was out there but he already knew he wasn’t going to find anyone. He took a deep breath and turned to his son. “There’s no one out there bud. It was just a tree branch scratching against it. Your imagination is playing tricks on you.” “Are you sure?” he asked, slowly peeking his head out of the blanket. “Of course. Now go back to sleep.” He walked over to Tyler and tucked him in tightly, placing Luke next to him and the flashlight on the nightstand. In a blink of an eye his father had gone just as quickly as he had come. Tyler closed his eye, trying to count sheep and ignoring the sounds of the branch making its eerie scratching sound. He was nearly fast asleep before he heard the closet door ominously groan open. Tyler did his best to ignore it until he felt a large weight sit at the foot of the bed. Tyler closed his eyes tighter but the feeling climbed closer up to him. He was too scared to open his eyes but couldn’t help the temptation to see. When he opened his eyes he saw the very face that he had seen in the widow, only now it was so much closer and he could see into the empty pits where its eyes once sat. Its skin was blackened and charred like a burn victim. Tyler shivered as the creature came closer to him, crawling in a contorted form. It stuck its long tongue out towards Tylers’ face and little spiders escaped out the side of its mouth. Tyler tried to scream, but nothing would come out. He was so frozen with fear and the very thought of moving was unimaginable. The creature sniffed the air around Tylers’ head and smiled, bearing its rotting teeth. Saliva dripped down and melted through the pillow, causing it to seethe and reek of burnt plastic. Out of the corner of his eye Tyler saw the flashlight sitting on the nightstand. If only he could break free from his paralyzing fear. The creature caught on to what he was eying and its face filled with anger. It arched its head up, opening its jaw wide, readying itself to bite down on Tyler. This one moment gave Tyler the strength to break free and reach for the flashlight. He grasped it tightly, holding on to it for dear life. He pointed it at the creature and just as it realized what had just happened, Tyler turned it on, causing it to burst into ash. Tyler let out a sigh of relief as tears began to form in his eyes. He had defeated the monster that plagued his mind for so long but at that moment he had never felt more terrified. He jumped off the bed, in hopes to run to his father to tell him what happened, but before her could run he heard light scratching coming from under the bed and an slimey ash hand gripped his leg and ripped him under to its domain. © 2013 Rob WalshAuthor's Note
Added on July 8, 2013 Last Updated on July 8, 2013 |