Walking Home Alone

Walking Home Alone

A Poem by Rob Sowrey

You walk home alone one summer night across an eerie field of corn, unseasonal winds blow upon your face, that’s now feeling torn. Ahead you see a curtain resembling a wall of smoke, making you develop a lump in your now very dehydrated throat.


An angry and boisterous mist sends chills down your spine, and your heart beats so fast that it's in danger of a speeding fine. The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, as you search your mind for that imaginary friend.


Then out in the distance not too far away, there are animal noises from beyond as they screech and they play. They’re sending your mind into a confused and hurried state, as you grasp hold of your chest for your fearing your fate.


Around every corner you're not sure of what to expect, you’re treating the night with the utmost respect. No light can be seen before you or around, the stars are the only grace and the moon shinning on the ground.


Some footsteps behind you are gaining in frequency, as you nervously try to type in your phone for an unwanted emergency. But you drop your phone in your haste, then out of the night comes a man’s fearful face.


Screaming with all of your might into the blackness of night, the fearful face shows why you had such a fright. Bloodied, burned, and contorted unimaginably, it’s so hideously disfigured, and very unsightly.


You run as fast as you can from this horror behind you, but the thought in your mind that it is gaining breaks through. Your tears transcend the features of your face, as you now know you’re in a life or death race.


In the distance you see a welcomingly faint but present glow, followed by more as they put on a reassuring and colourful show. You pick up your pace from running to sprinting, those beacons of hope is the only wanted ending.


Those lights up ahead grow ever larger in your eyes, but they are too far out of reach before your shocking demise. The footsteps have now caught you and knocked you over, your end is nigh as there is no time to recover.


Once again you see the fearful face look directly at you, as the fear inside boils like your mama’s beef stew. Hands grab you tightly around your throat, as you franticly search the pockets of your small summer coat.


Out of your coat pocket you produce a pepper spray, as you hold it shakily in front of your attacker and pray. The attacker reels and shakes his head, as you push him aside and feel glad you’re not dead.


Scrambling to your feet you hear a man’s voice cry, he is telling you to get down as he lifts up his rifle high. Covering your ears you dive quickly to the floor, one shot is all it took and your attacker is no more.


By the light of the moon a man with a badge offers his hand, telling you it is over and you’re welcomed to stand. He leads you towards those lights you saw up ahead, as they glow yellow blue and red.


The next day you see an escaped murderer news report, and the efforts of the police that led to him being caught. He had escaped a burning prison where many had died, and the feeling of gratitude for your saviour fills you up inside.

© 2012 Rob Sowrey

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Added on July 9, 2012
Last Updated on July 9, 2012
Tags: Walking home alone


Rob Sowrey
Rob Sowrey

Bradford, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

I was born in Leeds, United Kingdom in 1974. My ambition is to be a published Author. more..

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