Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Kuroko Chigokoro

Love is Just a Word


I’m finally starting this story. I wasn’t sure what to do for my other ones so I just decided to work on this one.


This story is about Alex. He saw Kurai dead in a pool of his own blood.


Oh and BTW I decided to change the name of ‘Pain to Love’ to ‘Love Can Heal’. I figured it fit better.



Chapter 1


Alex’s POV


            Yet again I cut my wrist. This has got to be like the third time I had decided to cut today. I just hope it makes me feel like I’m actually alive, get me to feel hungry, something. But just usual, all I feel is emptiness.


            Kurai committed suicide two months ago. I loved him with all my heart and since love was foreign to him he reacted badly and pushed me away. I tried to save him from his depression but I couldn’t do it. I could tell I was actually helping him feel something but he couldn’t deal with it like he would be able to. Then f*****g Angel just had to go and f*****g rape him. That was the final straw for Kurai; he could no longer be saved no matter what you did or said.


            I stab my razor in my upper arm knowing I’m just like how I was before Angel saved me from my depression, in fact I’m actually worse now. Yes, there was a time when Angel was actually like an angel, but he became abusive so I ran. He came and found Kurai knowing I cared about him.


            After that, Kurai committed suicide in the hospital by ripping out the stitches on his wrist and scratching all over his body so hard he bled. He just let himself bleed to death. If only I had woken up earlier, he might just still be alive. By the time I woke up though he was already dead.


            I haven’t properly eaten in two months. I did weigh 140 lbs but I lost around 40 lbs, I was skin and bones. Mom tried getting me into therapy but I just beat up the therapist and got myself kicked out. They’re thinking about putting me into a suicide rehabilitation center even though I haven’t tried to kill myself yet. I think about it constantly. I mean why am I still alive? Kurai meant the world to me and he’s gone.


            I decide to get up and look out my bedroom window. Surprisingly I see a moving truck pull up at the neighbor’s house. We haven’t had a neighbor in six months. The family gets out of the truck, a mom, dad, and then a boy probably around my age. Both the mom and dad have black hair and have tall and lean bodies. The young boy has platinum blond hair and is lean like his parents but unlike them he’s short, I’m guessing around 5’4”. His hair goes slightly pass his shoulders and is in the super choppy type cut. He seems to have a babyish, girl-like face and is quite cute but I still feel nothing. I can’t even make myself smile at the sight of him. I look closer at him and notice he has some tattoos on his wrist. I wonder why. It looks like its some words but I can’t really tell from here.


            “Alex!” Mom yells from downstairs. I just quietly walk downstairs and in just barely a whisper I ask what. “Why don’t you go introduce yourself to the new family.” She says brightly but then groans when she sees my wrist. “Go clean up first though.” She’s really worried about me and it seems she think meeting some new people will help. Might as well go say hi then I guess.




There’s that chapter!


I hope you guys like it! I would like it if you guys tell me what you think and if I should continue where I’m going with this.


I would like at least 5 comments though before I post the next chapter!


Vote and Comment! :D

© 2012 Kuroko Chigokoro

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I like the writing style, crisp and clean. Makes this easy to read through

Posted 11 Years Ago

Kuroko Chigokoro

11 Years Ago

Thanks :)
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I like it~ Write mooree. :]

Posted 11 Years Ago

Kuroko Chigokoro

11 Years Ago

It's a good prelude. I would definitely love to see the next chapter.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Kuroko Chigokoro

11 Years Ago

Thanks :)

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3 Reviews
Added on December 7, 2012
Last Updated on December 7, 2012


Kuroko Chigokoro
Kuroko Chigokoro

Peoria, AZ

Hello! I'm 19 and currently attending a state university studying Graphic Design! Though I love to do Illustration type art. :) I love to draw and I also love to write. I love yaoi which is what inspi.. more..
